The Things To Say To A Loved One Before Time Runs Out

By Juliet Smith 11 months ago

"I love you"

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I love you may be the most powerful thing you can say to somebody and that's why if you feel it you should say it before time runs out. Let your loved ones know how you truly feel because you're 100% likely to regret it if you never get the chance. So if you feel it say it!

"Thank you"

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It's so easy to take for granted the things the people close to us do for us but we really shouldn't. Practise making time to thank those people for what they have done for you over the years. Think back to your childhood and thank them if it feels right.

Talk about the memories you've made

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When you're in the moment it's easy to take for granted the memories you are making with your loved ones. Take some time to reflect on the years spent together and all of the memories you have made. It's nice to do that reflection with someone close to you.

Divulge your secrets with them

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Sometimes secrets can eat away at us and keep us up at night. If you feel like you're hiding something away from the person close to you it's better to tell them before it's too late. The chances are the secret isn't actually as big as you've made it in your head.

"I'll miss you"

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You may assume that the people close to you know that they are a big part of your life. However, just letting them know that you would miss them in your life can fill that person with meaning. It's not selfish to speak about yourself to somebody even if they are going through a hard time.

Tell them about your regrets

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Have something you really wish you hadn't done or said years ago? It's the time to speak to the people close to you about that and get it off your chest. Your loved ones know you well so it can be really beneficial to speak about this to them and reflect.

"I'm proud of myself..."

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Reflecting on what you are proud of with someone else can give a good sense of recognition for what you have been through in your life. It also allows the people around you to know all of the amazing things you have done whilst they have been in your life.

"I care about you"

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The person you love may be going through a hard time with their health or current life situation. Make sure that they are aware of how much you care about them. Knowing that somebody cares about you can fill you up with strength you didn't know you were missing.

"I forgive you"

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People make mistakes, it's all part of being a person. Holding a grudge for a mistake somebody made years ago only beats you up inside and doesn't resolve anything. Make time to speak to your loved ones about their mistakes and offer forgiveness for them.

Ask them for their advice

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A problem shared is a problem halved. Speak to your loved ones about the things you aren't sure about to gain advice and another perspective. It's not beneficial to keep it all inside as this just makes the problem bigger. They might even have an idea you hadn't though of.

Tell them your deepest fears

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The thought of bungee jumping of a mountain give you the creeps? This is a natural fear but it's all built up inside your head. Speaking to somebody about your fears can help rationalize them and help you gain a realistic perspective. They might just feel the same as you too!

"I love the things you taught me..."

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When we are younger our parents can teach us so much about the world that we take into adult life without even knowing. It's always good to look back at what the people around us have taught us. Making someone aware you recognize what they have taught you can be beneficial for them.

"What do you need from me?"

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It's so easy to automatically assume what somebody close to you would need in any situation. However, it can be so beneficial for the both of you to find out exactly what they need. Find out exactly what would make their situation more comfortable to make the most effect.

"Please forgive me"

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You may have made mistakes in your life just like your loved ones have. This is so normal and part of navigating through life. Recognizing the faults you have made and asking for forgiveness is a very mature thing to do. It's better to accept your mistakes than defend them.

Discuss your passions with them

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The way somebody speaks about the things they love the most can be such a refreshing thing to see. Take the time to speak to your loved ones about what you are passionate about so they can see this side. Seeing somebody you love speak passionately about a topic can be refreshing.

What you love the most about them

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It's easy to say I love you and leave it at that. Going deeper into the reason you love that person can be so much more meaningful. It also helps you reflect on the amazing things that make you love the person the way you do. Make them aware of these reasons.

What you will miss without them

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When somebody has gone from life it's easy to notice the things you miss about them. It's important to recognize these reasons before they leave your life. Take time to reflect on what they bring to your life and make sure the ones you love are aware of it.

Tell them your dreams and aspirations

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Everyone has dream and they can be big or small. Saying your dreams out loud can make you ten times more likely to achieve them. Confide in the ones you love about your dreams. Some of your dreams might include the people you love in them or your dreams might be the same.

What you're grateful for

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The things you have in your life can be easily taken for granted. By writing the things you are grateful for or expressing them to someone you love this can help ground you. It can also make your loved ones know you appreciate what they do for you in your life.

Express how you feel, not just through words, but actions to

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Life is too short to keep anything unsaid. If you feel a certain way it's so important to just say or show. You may just feel a great sense of relief when you get off your chest how you feel about somebody. It doesn't always have to be positive feelings too.

Tell them the things that have hurt you

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People hurt in your life and it's not always done internationally. By speaking to somebody about how they have made you feel it allows you to see it directly from their perspective. The chances are they may not have realized the actions they did had that effect.

Ask them their plans for the end...

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As much as it's not a nice conversation it's always important to know what somebody's wishes are for the end of their life. This is a really personal wish and it should never be assumed what somebody would want. Take time to listen and ask questions about their wishes for the end of their life.

"I'm sorry"

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By saying I am sorry you are recognizing the effect you have had on that person in a negative way. It can be hard to say the words "I'm sorry" but it's so beneficial for that other person to move forward in forgiveness. Never leave it till it's too late to say the words.

The positives in life

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It can be easy to forget the positives in your life and the person you love when times are not great. By taking time to be positive about even the most simplistic of things can really boost your mood and others. Just look around you and take it all in.

Your biggest goal

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Everyone has goals but the best way to achieve them is by saying them out loud. Make your loved ones aware of the goals you have in life so that when you get to them you can look back at them. This will create more motivation to actually get to the end point in your goal.

Your biggest achievement

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It's so important to be proud of how far you have come in life and it's really nice to share this. Make sure your loved ones are aware of your biggest achievement in life. By speaking about these achievements you will learn how proud they are of you for getting to that milestone.

"I am proud of you..."

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You should never assume that somebody automatically knows that you are proud of them. Take time to let your loved ones know about the things they have done to make you proud. They might tell you back what they are proud of you for too and it will leave you both feeling great.

You believe in them

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Having somebody believe in you when you are trying to achieve something big is the biggest motivator you can get. By believing in your loved ones you will help them achieve the goals they may not have believed in themselves that they would ever get to.

I'm always there you

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When you know that you have somebody by your side it can make any situation less scary. Even if you think your loved one already knows it's nice to let them know, especially when they are going through something hard at that time. The feeling of security can be very strong.

How are you?

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Even the people with the brightest smile can be hiding how they really feel inside. It's so important that you take the time and never assume how somebody is feeling. Ask your loved ones how they are feeling multiple times to ensure they give you a real answer.

Questions to ask your parents before it's too late

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Even if you're someone who has a really close relationship with your mom or dad, it's very likely there are a bunch of questions you've never asked them in terms of being a person and not just a parent. You can start a meaningful conversation with your parents at any age, and you may be surprised by their answers! Give some of these a go.

Who was the first person you fell in love with?

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If your parents are still together, that doesn't mean they were always in love - though for some parents, of course, they are childhood sweethearts! Your parent might have a story about the very first person they loved but it didn't work out - maybe that person even ended up helping them to meet your other parent. When you only know your parents as being together, it's fascinating to hear of their other crushes!

How many times have you been in love?

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Did your parents only ever love each other from day one and stay in love their whole life? Did one parent love someone else, too, and have to make a choice? Maybe they've been in love a bunch of times in their life. Questions like this can be a great reminder that your parents were young and in love, once, with silly crushes and bad first dates!

Did you always want kids?

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Maybe you never asked this, because you just presumed they did seeing as you're here and all. But you might be surprised at the answer - maybe they never did, it was unplanned and they were terrified until they held you for that first time. It could strengthen your relationship to learn they were unsure at first, but did everything they could for you!

What's the best piece of advice your parents gave you?

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Our parents are always giving us advice from their 'been there, done that' days. Most parents think they know best (though it's not always the case) and have some words of wisdom to share. But it can be interesting to learn the advice your grandparents actually gave to your own parents - and whether they listened!

What did you love about your childhood?

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Questions about our parents' childhood don't often get asked - we might know the basics, like where they grew up and what it was like, but have you ever have a conversation about the things they really loved? Their favorite hangout spot, a core memory or a school they went to.

What did you hate about your childhood?

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Likewise, your parents might have really hated something about their childhood. They might have had a bad upbringing, or just had one bad thing that happened to them that they can't forget. It can be interesting to explore this question because you might then see how it shaped their raising of you, to make sure you didn't experience the same bad thing!

What was your relationship like with your own parents?

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As growing children and adults, we get an insight into our parents relationship with our grandparents (whether they're estranged, very close or whether they argue a lot). It can be good to understand what that relationship was like when your parents were your age, and how they grew up with them.

Is there anything you hate about being a parent?

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If you're looking for a truly deep and meaningful conversation with your parents, no holds barred, this can be a good (and difficult) question to ask. It might be something serious, or it might even be something you didn't know, like they always hated how they couldn't buy you the best of everything and it makes you realize how much they were struggling when you didn't know growing up!

Is there anything you've never told me that you'd like to now?

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This one can be good if your parents are getting very old. Maybe there's something they'd like to share about their life that they never told anyone. Maybe they kept something from you to protect you (like where your favorite stuffed toy actually went when they accidentally threw it out and never told you).

What's one of your favorite memories about me?

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It's always fun to hear some memories of what you were like as a kid when you can't remember yourself - maybe they remember you falling off a swing or a memorable vacation you took once. It can be great for you to hear, but it can also be a great experience for them being able to look back on those memories if they don't usually get asked that question.

What movie makes you cry?

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It's always great to hear which movie is your parents fave, and if you have a close relationship, you probably already know. But asking which movie always makes them cry can be a more personal question that can help you to bond - especially if you usually have a very stoic mom or dad and this gives you insight into their softer side!

Is there anything you regret doing?

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We all have regrets, but it's hard to remind yourself that your parents might be people with regrets, too - especially when you see them as pillars of support to depend on. Maybe they have a story of something they really regret doing that they've never been ready to talk about until now.

Is there anything you regret not doing?

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Maybe your mom or dad has had the same job their entire life, and they now reveal that they regret not going for a big job interview or accepting an offer to travel the world! It can be interesting to hear about the things they said no to, and how they're feeling about that now.

What are your spiritual beliefs?

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If your family isn't an openly religious one, then you might not know much about what your parents believe in, or don't believe in, beyond the obvious beliefs of certain religions. You might be surprised to learn they believe in reincarnation, ghosts or nothing at all!

What has been the best part of getting older?

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There's a lot of doom and gloom about getting older most of the time, but there doesn't have to be - and who better to ask than the people actually going through it? You might be surprised about what actually makes your parents happy as they've got older, so it can change your perspective on things.

What has been the worst part about getting older?

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They've been going through the journey of getting older, just like you have, but it's more of a 'stigma' to talk about things like old age, especially for women going through things like menopause. They might appreciate you asking about what they've found particularly difficult that not many people like to talk about!

What would you tell your younger self?

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One of those big questions in life is 'what would you say to your child self' - does it get better? Will it get worse? Will you get your dream job, or fall in love? We all have those moments to think about it, but it can be a good question to ask your parents as an insight into their childhood and where they are now.

What are all the jobs you've had?

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You might never have known that your dad had a paper round as a kid where he got chased by the neighbor's dog, or your mom was working a second job as a singer in clubs when you didn't even know she could sing - all this makes for fascinating stories you might never have known about your nearest and dearest!

What is your favorite song?

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This one can be an important question to ask for your parents as they get a lot older for many reasons, including being able to play it for them if they're no longer able to or are having trouble remembering certain things. It might spark joy in them when they hear it. It's always worth asking the piece of music that makes them the most happy!

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