Body Features That Can Only Be Shared With A Relative

By Rio Dennis 11 months ago

1. Earlobe attachment

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Believe it or not, your earlobe attachment has a lot to do with your parents' genetics. Your parents recessive and dominant genes, determine whether your earlobes develop to be attached or not. These genetics are also responsible for the shape, and overall size of your ears.

2. Eye colour

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Everyone's eye color is unique, and determined by genetics passed down from your parents. Your eye color is also decided from your parents' recessive, and dominant genes. In some rare cases, these genes collide, and cause two different coloured eyes (Heterochromia).

3. Freckles

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Freckles are also determined by genetics, and if one of your parents has them, you're more than likely to have them as well. Freckles are commonly found amongst people with a fairer skin tone, and/or ginger hair. Freckles are usually a genetic that is carried through generations.

4. Hairline shape

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One thing that may be surprising, is the fact that your hairline shape is determined by your genetics. So, if you're wondering what kind of hairline you have, it's best to check your parents' (and compare it with your own). It is common to have the more dominant hairline (whether that comes from your mother or father).

5. Hair texture

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As well as your hairline, your hair texture is passed down from your parents. This ranges from straight, wavy, thin, thick, curly and coiled. These genetics also determine aspects of your hair texture, such as: frizziness, and how easily you're able to dye your hair (hair porosity).

6. Going bald

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Staying on the topic of hair, or perhaps lack of, the probability of balding is also genetic. In particular, male pattern balding. This form of balding, will (predominately) affect the males in your family. So, if your dad is bald, you are more than likely, going to experience balding. This form of balding can also occur prematurely- it is commonly seen in men between the ages of 20 and 30.

7. Right handedness

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Your dexterity is all down to your parents as well. This includes, which of your hands will be dominant. For the vast majority of people, they are right-handed. There is a much smaller population (worldwide) that are left-handed, and an even smaller percentage, that are ambidextrous.

8. Tongue rolling

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The ability to roll/fold your tongue, is a strange talent, and one that is passed down by one or both of your parents. Although it is a strange physical attribute, it poses no short or long-term harm, and merely provides you with an interesting party trick.

9. Cleft chin

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A cleft chin (or 'bum' chin as it's more commonly known) is a genetic trait, that causes a deep line down the centre of your chin. This facial feature isn't very common, and is the result of a recessive gene, overcoming its more dominate counterpart.

10. Dimples

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Moving onto another facial feature: dimples. Dimples can range from subtle, to obvious, and are often located on one or either side of your cheeks. Dimples will more than likely occur, if both your parents have them, as it is (normally) a recessive gene.

11. Fraternal twins

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Fraternal twins is a phrase used to refer to siblings that look almost identical, despite being born at completely different times. This is a relatively common occurrence, and the likelihood increases if your parents are fraternal twins with their sibling(s).

12. Hitch-hiker's thumb

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Hitch-hiker's Thumb refers to the curvature, and hyper-flexibility, of one or both of your thumbs. This particular genetic trait, garners its name from the action of sticking out your thumb, to hitch-hike a ride from the roadside (when travelling solo, or in a group).

13. Red-green colorblindness

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If you're color-blind (specifically red-green colorblind), you would have inherited it from one, or both of your parents. It may be that your parent(s) suffer from color-blindness, or the genetic they carry, has skipped their generation and passed directly to you.

14. Skin tone

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Unsurprisingly, your skin tone is the result of both your parents' genetics. Skin tone is a wide and varying spectrum, and is different for everyone. Your skin tone is so unique, that it will change during the seasons of the year e.g. you may find that you tan quite easily during the warmer months (especially if you have olive-toned skin).

15. Blood group

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If you ever find yourself in the position to receive, or provide blood for a transfusion, information about your blood group will be crucial. Your blood group is determined from your parents. You may have one, or a mixture of their blood types, which can prove vital for any sort of medical procedure.

16. Height

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Your height also has something to do with your parents' genetics. Whether you're 6"0, 5"0 or anywhere in between, your parents' height can give you useful insight into your own height. If both your parents are tall, you'll more than likely be tall. If one is short, and one is tall, you'll more than likely be an average height.

17. Nose shape/size

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Another facial feature that is determined by genetics, is your nose. Its shape and size are determined by genetic information from one, or both of your parents. For some people, they will have a smaller, slender nose, and for others, they may have a larger, wider (more prominent) nose.

18. Alzheimer's

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Mental health conditions, and illnesses can be hereditary. This includes: Dementia and Alzheimer's. These type of conditions can often be carried for generations, without making any sort of appearance. This means that the gene may be recessive in some people e.g. your parents, and more dominant in others e.g. you and your children.

19. Facial bone structure

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Moving back onto your facial genetics, your (facial) bone structure has a lot to do with your parents. These set of genetics, determine your overall face shape, jawline, cheekbone placement and side profile. Your bone structure, is an overall unique mix of both your parents' dominant genes.

20. Albinism

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Albinism is a rare genetic condition that affects a person's skin tone, hair and eyes. This condition can occur, when the genetic makeup is carried by either your parents' recessive, or dominant genes. This means that you can still be born with the condition, even if neither of your parents have it.

21. Heightened sense of taste/smell

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Now, you often hear about blind people having heightened senses, such as their touch and hearing. Although heightened senses can be caused by such disabilities, it can also be hereditary. This usually comes in the form of a heightened sense of taste, and/or smell.

22. 'Outie' belly button

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Everyone's belly button is unique, and is what remains of our umbilical cords after birth. The healing of your belly button can be determined by your genetics, in the sense, that you may have an 'outie' belly button. An 'outie' belly button, refers to the protrusion of healed skin, once your umbilical cord is removed.

23. Ability to focus

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Your ability to focus is also determined by genetics. Although this ability is rooted in your genetics, it can be hindered or improved by external factors. These factors can range from stress and anxiety, to Autism, ADHD and overstimulation. Although these factors may hinder focus, there are easy ways to manage them e.g. listening to music/podcasts, working at different times of the day and turning off your phone.

24. Ability to lose weight

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Your ability to lose weight is also (partly) determined by your genetics. Again, this can be affected by external factors e.g. eating disorders, access to nutritious food and access to fitness schemes/gyms and equipment. This ability is usually carried within your mother's genetics, however certain conditions, can be passed down from both parents.

25. Ability to gain weight

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Similarly to the last feature, your ability to gain weight, is also (partly) dictated by your genetics. It can also be affected by external factors. However, this ability can be hindered or improved by a variety of methods. One of the key methods, is via measured and controlled diet and exercise.

26. Hitting puberty early

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Puberty is a natural process that everyone goes through. Everyone develops at different rates, some consistent, some staggered, some slow and some fast. If you hit puberty early, this is due to your genetics. If one, or both of your parents were quick to flourish, you will more than likely hit puberty early.

27. Laugh lines

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Laugh lines, or 'laughter lines' as the they're more commonly called, are the fine lines and/or wrinkles that appear around the curvature of your mouth. These become more visible when you laugh and/or smile (hence their name). Their placement, shape and depth are derived from genetics passed down to you.

28. Mood

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Surprisingly, your mood can also be dictated by genetics. This is usually in reference to extreme emotions.responses. These emotions can appear in many forms, including: a short temper, hypersensitivity, extreme elation/sadness and a (potential) jealous streak.

29. Gender of future children

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If you make the decision to have children, you may also decide to have a gender reveal. However, it may come as a surprise, that the sex of your future children will be determined by your genetic makeup. This means, that if your mother gave birth to just girls, that will more than likely, be the gender of your child (and vice versa).

30. Memory

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Another aspect of you that is derived from genetic makeup, is your memory. This refers to both your short, and long-term memory, as well as your ability (or inability) to remember specific pieces of information. As with anything mental, this ability can be hindered or improved. It is vital to keep your brain active with 'brain training' activities, such as: general knowledge quizzes, sudoku and word-searches.

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