Revealed: The Ugliest Zodiac Signs

By Anna Collins 11 months ago

1. Virgo

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Virgos have unfortunately been named the ugliest star sign...sorry Virgos. And, they're not necessarily ranked as the ugliest on the outside, but for their combination of appearance and personality. They have an intense bone structure which can make them look a little bit mean. Their critical nature means that they're more than willing to tear apart someone else's character and appearance whilst thinking that they are perfect!

2. Leo

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So Leo's have to be second on the list because not only have they been ranked as the second ugliest in terms of their outer appearance (they can try too hard and end up looking way over the top), but they've also got some major flaws. A Leo's dramatic nature and plight to be the center of attention can be overpowering.

3. Aquarius

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Aquarius don't focus too much on appearance...and you can sometimes tell. An Aquarius can sometimes look a little bit disheveled and unkempt. And, with their emotional detachment and aloof ways, it means that Aquarius ranks high on the list of ugliest zodiac signs.

4. Capricorn

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Capricorns are known to have rectangular faces which isn't a conventional sign of beauty, but then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder. They can also look quite harsh and intense and not exactly approachable. Capricorns also tend to be very pessimistic and over cautious which can be a little bit dull...

5. Cancer

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Cancers are known for their round faces and cute cheeks, but sometimes their clinginess and over-emotional personality shines flaws through and overrides the positives. Some people avoid Cancers because they can be overwhelmed by their possessiveness.

6. Aries

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An Aries can look intimidating and even aggressive which is not the kind of appearance you are drawn to for warmth. Their self-centredness and impatient nature are another thing that can make you want to steer well clear of Aries. Although we're sure this isn't always the case!

7. Scorpio

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Scorpios have very rounded features and super thick and messy hair. They can look scary as they are drawn to dark/mysterious aesthetics which can make Scorpios look slightly intimidating. They can also be intense and super moody which contributes to the whole appearance effect.

8. Sagittarius

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As Sagittarius, they by no means have ugly appearances however, they could be described as very unremarkable. They can also neglect to maintain themselves and can have an outlandish view of fashion. A Sagittarius can be really blunt which can end up hurting people's feelings.

9. Libra

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Libra's tend to have pointed faces and smallish eyes. They may focus too much on appearance as they have the potential to be superficial which can sometimes mean that they view aesthetics as the most important thing. They don't want to be seen as having any imperfections due to their insecurities.

10. Pisces

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Pisces can often blend into the background. they have a lack of confidence when it comes to their own appearance. They also fail to properly pay attention to their internal health which can affect their outer appearance too and they do not always adopt a good self-care or grooming regime which is often evident!

11. Taurus

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Taurus can sometimes be very materialistic and they like to show this off with their outer appearance. Sometimes any natural beauty is masked by superficiality. You can tell that a Tauris spends a LONG time on their morning get-ready routine...

12. Gemini

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Geminis are known for the different sides of their personality and this is something reflected in their appearance. It is constantly changing so it's very hard to keep up with how a Gemini will look. One day they could look natural and the day after their appearance could be different and restyled.

13. Moon Scorpio

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Scorpio moon has the most intense gaze, it can be mesmerizing but also a little bit scary. Their appearance fits their mysterious personality. Scorpios can be emotionally manipulated which is one of the ugliest traits. They can also seek revenge on those who have hurt them, rather than forgiving them.

14. Cancer Moon 

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Cancer Moon signs have been also put amongst the ugliest zodiac signs for their unusual beauty, but more for their personality trait of over-dependence on others and the fact that they can be super clingy. They are highly sensitive and you have to watch what you say around a Cancer Moon...

15. Aries Moon 

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You can see the fiery nature of an Aries Moon in their personality...which can be off-putting for some people as they can find them immediately intimidating. Aries Moons can sometimes have strong and intense emotions, however, they are very brief making people questing their authenticity.

16. Sagittarius Moon 

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Sagittarius moon signs are super spontaneous. You will never know how they look as they are very prone to impromptu changes in clothes, hairstyles, and looks. It's good to be careful with a Sagittarius moon as they struggle to commit and they do not express their emotions.

17. Gemini Moon 

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A Gemini Moon may be very snooty in appearance and it can lead to people wanting to stay away. They also have a superficiality which means that when you engage with them, interactions may be very shallow and you have to be careful when you put your trust in a Gemini Moon.

18. Taurus Moon

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Taurus moons are loyal to a fault. In fact, even if you wanted to detach yourself from a  taurus you may find it difficult. They can have a possessive and jealous nature and they may see other people as inconvenient in your relationship. This ugly side can be reflected in their appearance.

19. Capricorn Moon

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A Taurus Moon can be super stubborn and you may even see this in their facial features. They can be very resistant to change and extremely stuck in their ways. A Taurus Moon tends to have the same appearance and never changes anything about itself.

20. Pisces Moon

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Pisces Moon rank around midway in terms of appearance. They can be very over sensitive and they sometimes are not willing to face the realities so that they can avoid dealing with any unpleasant emotions. A Pisces Moon is very easily swayed by other people's opinions.

21. Libra Moon

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Libra moons put a HUGE emphasis on their physical appearance and they sometimes mask their natural beauty to fit in. They are huge people pleasers and place a lot of importance on how people see them, in both appearance and personality. It can mean that it is hard to develop a bond with the real them.

22. Virgo Moon

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Virgo moons can sometimes suffer from dull skin and tired eyes as their perfectionist personality means that Virgo moons are constantly running on their last energy. They are also very scrutinous and this can be really annoying for anybody spending time with them.

23. Leo Moon

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If a Leo Moon isn't the center of attention or the focus of everybody's gaze then you; 'll see in their facial expression that they are not happy. They can, in fact, be very moody when they do not feel as though everyone is looking at them, and especially if somebody else is getting all of the attention.

24. Aquarius Moon

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As an Aquarius moon, they have a very unconventional and often eccentric appearance which they love, despite not being too many other people's tastes. Aquarius moons often have strange haircuts and styles and a quirky and unusual sense of fashion sense.

25. Uranus

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Those Uranus signs have been considered as one of the ugliest planetary signs for their appearance and personality. Uranus signs sometimes treat other people as though they are inferior, they think very highly of themselves but perhaps to the extent of others.

26. Mercury

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Mercury signs are thought to have very pointed facial features and narrow lips which some people think contribute to the feeling of their aloof personality. Mercury signs can also be quite selfish, they often think that everything is revolving around them!

27. Venus

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Venus signs are quite brash, they come across as quite harsh and bold in both personality and appearance. Their self-assured nature sometimes crosses the border of confidence and edges into the territory of arrogance which people can find unpleasant to be around.

28. Mars

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Those of a Mars sign are not considered to be ugly by any means. They have a 'girl next door' kind of look. But, they tend to flit in and out of different aspects of life, be it hobbies or friends. They do not have a sense of loyalty, rather they'll be attracted to what's more fun.

29. Jupiter

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A Jupiter sign is sometimes considered ugly due to its personality flaw of greed. If a Venus sign sees something they want then they do not let anything stand in the way. This can be to the extent of people around them, even their own friends! They are always in pursuit of more.

30. Saturn

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Saturns are super hot-headed. In fact, it's wise not to cross a Saturn or get on the bad side of them because they can have a VERY fiery temper. Their fiery and passionate personality sometimes shines through their appearance, however, this may not be in a good way.

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