What Are The Biggest Beige Flags In A Relationship

By Paula Tudoran 11 months ago

1. All their photos are selfies

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According to Caitlin MacPhail, the TikToker who coined the term, this would simply mean that the person has no interests or extracurricular activities. She claims this could be a red flag, but it mostly turns out to be a really boring day-to-day life.

2. Really general hobbies

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Drinking coffee, going out to eat, napping, and petting dogs are not hobbies. They're more like the "basic starter pack" of daily routines. Don't get me wrong, I love a good cup of joe and snuggling with furry friends, but if that's the extent of someone's exciting pastimes, they might need to spice up their life latte and add a pinch of adventurousness to their hobby repertoire.

3. They make references to mainstream sitcom

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Just presume that's as deep as they are going to go when it comes to romance if someone is seeking the Pam to their Jim, Monica to their Chandler, and so on. In the same way, it's safe to presume their taste in TV shows is out of date if they quote classic sitcoms or say something like, "In my free time, I'm probably... watching The Office."

4. They listed "sarcasm" as their fluent language

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First, if we're talking about a language, "sarcasm" should have its own dictionary. And no, you can't exactly be "fluent" in sarcasm, but mastering it is an art form in itself. As for those who label themselves as "sarcastic," they may have a knack for wit, but let's be honest, it takes more than just a few sarcastic remarks to be the life of the party.

5. They are looking for someone to "share adventures with"

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What exactly does this mean? Are we discussing going on excursions, hikes, and ghost tours, or are we talking about checking out a unique coffee shop in a nearby town? Although everyone has a distinct interpretation of this, it is such a general statement that it is typically not worthwhile to go more into.

6. They call themselves a "plant parent"

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According to MacPhail, "keeping a single monstera alive is nothing to write home about and doesn't really make you relationship material." Per MacPhail, this doesn't set you apart from the multitudes of individuals who own plants, and remember to water them — unless you run a plant shop or work in such a place.

7. They are a "foodie"

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We all enjoy eating, so unless you're a professional chef or food critic, this won't cause people to stop you and ask about it. However, if you are more precise and identify your particular dish or preferred food group, there may be more interested parties to associate with.

8. They include their opinion on the Oxford comma

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This is comparable to stating in your dating profile how you feel about pineapple on pizza. It's a pointless endeavor that reveals more about a person's dedication to random debates than their actual character. So, unless your soulmate's compatibility hinges on their use of commas, it's best to focus on more meaningful aspects of someone's personality rather than getting caught up in arguments.

9. Lack of ambition

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A man lacking motivation or direction in life might be a beige flag. Most women want partners who share their ambitions, goals, and sense of direction. These characteristics enable her to see a future with you. You don't have to whip out a vision board and explain your step-by-step strategy, but you should be prepared to know what to say if this question is raised.

10. The "I'm competitive in everything" individual

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While a healthy dose of competition can be exciting, proclaiming to be fiercely competitive in every aspect of life might raise an eyebrow or two. It's like saying, "Hey, I'm all about winning, but when it comes to creating an original dating profile, I'll pass." Perhaps it's time for them to channel that competitive spirit into crafting a unique and intriguing self-description instead of relying on clichés.

11. "Believe it or not, I don't drink coffee"

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Now, while they might believe they've dropped a bombshell on us, it's not as shocking as they think. I mean, there are plenty of non-coffee drinkers out there, and life goes on just fine for them. It's not like we're living in a caffeine-obsessed society where coffee consumption defines our very existence... oh, wait! Maybe we do...

12. Or are all about coffee

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Look, we get it; coffee is the fuel that gets many of us through the day, but let's not confuse our affinity for a good brew with having an actual personality. Simply sipping on lattes or posting artsy pictures of coffee cups doesn't make you a fascinating individual. Now, go forth and discover the world's wonders beyond the espresso machine.

13. Debating if pineapple belongs on pizza or if coriander tastes soapy

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The great debates of our time: pineapple on pizza, the soapy coriander conundrum, and the eternal question of whether ketchup should stay in the fridge. Now, while these discussions can spark lively conversations (and the occasional heated argument), let's face it; they're not exactly groundbreaking topics that define the pinnacle of intellectual discourse.

14. Using pictures of a dog and/or baby as a substitute for a personality

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Sure, we all love adorable furballs and cute little humans, but let's be real here. Slapping a dog or baby photo on your dating profile doesn't automatically make you more compelling or irresistible. I mean, come on, everyone knows a dog or a baby; it's not a magical secret that will instantly make people swoon.

15. "I need someone to keep up with me"

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Hold on a second; did we stumble upon a real-life Duracell bunny in the dating world? Because this phrase sounds like a never-ending source of energy that could power a small city. Now, while being active, competitive, and full of life is great, let's not go overboard with superhuman energy levels.

16. Any reference to Harry Potter

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The magical world of Hogwarts has captured the hearts of many, but let's not turn our dating profiles into Hogwarts yearbooks, shall we? Sorry, Simon, but announcing your Gryffindor house affiliation doesn't exactly make girls weak in the knees. Whether you're a Gryffindor, a Hufflepuff, or a Slytherin, it's just not a make-or-break factor in the dating game.

17. Listing "procrastinating" as an unusual skill

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Now, I'm not entirely convinced that procrastination qualifies as a skill at all; it's more like a universal affliction that affects the best of us. So, labeling it as an exceptional ability is a bit of a stretch, my friend. I mean, we all have those moments of "I'll do it later," but let's not mistake it for a talent worthy of applause. Because, let's face it, procrastination is just a fancy word for avoiding responsibilities and binge-watching Netflix.

18. That "Most spontaneous thing I’ve done is buy a flight" individual

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Well, well, well, someone here knows how to keep budget airlines in business! Buying a flight on a whim and claiming it as the epitome of spontaneity might make EasyJet do a little happy dance. While it's great to embrace adventure, true spontaneity involves more than just clicking a few buttons and hopping on a plane. Until then, happy travels, and may your flights always be on time!

19. "The first round is on me"

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Sure, it's nice to show some manners and treat your date, but buying a drink doesn't exactly reveal the depths of your character or make you the ultimate catch. So, let's raise the stakes and offer more than just libations. Because at the end of the day, getting to know the person behind the drink offer is far more captivating than a one-time act of hospitality.

20. The gym enthusiasts and their photo collection of sweaty workouts

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Do we really need an explanation for this one? I think not. While it's fantastic to prioritize fitness and maintain a healthy lifestyle (and even a must IMO), plastering your dating profile with gym pics doesn't automatically make you a catch. After all, a connection based solely on protein shakes and treadmill sprints might not be as fulfilling as we hope.

21. The "just ask" guy

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Nothing quite sparks inspiration like a blank canvas, right? Who wouldn't be thrilled to engage in a captivating conversation with someone who offers such profound insights? It's as if they're saying, "I have so many interesting things to share, but I'd rather leave it all to your imagination." Well, my friend, if you want to catch someone's attention and ignite their curiosity, a little more effort might be required.

22. And then "the best way to ask me out is just ask"

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How come I hadn’t thought of that one?! Who would have thought that the key to initiating a date would be to, well, ask? It's truly a mind-blowing revelation that has eluded us for centuries. Thank you, Captain Obvious, for enlightening us with your profound wisdom. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go grab a pen and paper to jot down this life-altering advice!

23. A photo with their head in the toilet

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Ah, that once-in-a-while toilet photo! Nothing quite screams "dating material," like showcasing your inability to handle your alcohol or making questionable choices. It's safe to say that a toilet photo, for instance, reveals very little about one's character, values, or overall desirability as a potential partner.

24. Only photos with them in clubs

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It's great to let loose and have fun, but relying solely on party snapshots might give the impression that you're more interested in wild nights than meaningful connections. So, how about mixing it up a bit? Show us glimpses of your life beyond the neon lights and pounding beats!

25. Anything to do with how much they love to sleep

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Let's be real; sleep is a basic human need that we all indulge in, so announcing your affinity for slumber doesn't exactly make you a unique or intriguing individual. We know the joys of a cozy bed and a solid night's rest -- loving sleep is about as common as finding a snooze button on an alarm clock.

26. The "My biggest mistake is downloading this app" type

This is a classic one. If that's truly your sentiment, then why, oh why, are you still here? If you feel that strongly about it, there's a simple solution: Just delete the app and be on your merry way. We're all here to connect and explore, so let's focus on the positive aspects and the potential for meaningful connections.

27. Those describing their physical appearance on a dating app... while their photo is right above

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Now, call me puzzled, but it makes me wonder: Are these people okay? I mean, we can clearly see on the dating app what they look like from the pictures provided. Is it a desperate attempt to boost their ego or a lack of confidence in their visual representation? It's a bit perplexing, to say the least.

28. Or the "I'm not good at describing myself" individual

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Well, let's give credit where credit is due: At least they know their shortcomings in the self-description department. But hey, if you can't even articulate a few words about yourself, it might raise some concerns. After all, dating profiles are all about presenting ourselves in the best light possible.

29. The guy with only group photos

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The group photo fiesta: When their profile is a collection of group photos, it becomes a challenging game of "Where's Waldo?" to figure out who you're actually swiping right on. Save us the detective work and give us a clear shot, please! We're not looking for a guessing game here.

30. "Don’t use this, contact me on Snapchat or Instagram instead"

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This is like going to a restaurant and telling the waiter to bring the food to a different table. Talk about mixed signals, right? If they're not interested in engaging with others on the platform they're on, one might wonder why they bothered to create a profile in the first place.

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