AI Reveals What These Famous Paintings Would Look Like If They Were Done Now

By Anna Collins 10 months ago

1. Mona Lisa

Image source: Brightside
The Mona Lisa is one of the best-known paintings in the entire world. The painting was created by Leonardo da Vinci during the Renaissance period. Mona Lisa is believed to be a woman named Lisa Gheradini who came from Florence. This is what AI thinks Mona Lisa would look like if she was painted today.

2. Nefertiti

Image source: Brightside
Nefertiti was a queen from ancient Egypt. She was the wife of Pharoah Akhenaten and they lived during the 14th century BC. Her legacy remains largely unknown as historians are not sure where she came from, or even how she died. Her modern-day image looks striking and impressive.

3. Queen Mary I of England

Image source: Brightside
Queen Mary I of England is probably better known as Mary Tudor or Bloody Mary. She was King Henry VIIs eldest daughter and she reigned as Queen of England from 1553 to 1558 when she died. She tried to restore Catholicism as the prominent religion of England.

4. Girl with a Pearl Earring

Image source: Brightside
The 'Girl with a Pearl Earring' is one of the most famous paintings to date. It was painted by the Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer in the 17th century. The artwork has become renowned for its use of light and expression. Vermeer gave no context, which has led to a lot of theories about the painting.

5. Queen Elizabeth I

Image source: Brightside
Queen Elizabeth I, also known as the Virgin Queen, ruled from 1558 until she died in 1603. She was the daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Her father was desperate for a male heir which was one of many of her initial challenges. During her reign, there were many conquests and invasions.

6. Leonardo Da Vinci

Image source: Brightside
Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the greatest polymaths to date. His art and inventions are still revered today. His works remain some of the most loved and the best known, particularly Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and The Vitruvian Man. He also contributes to the fields of engineering and inventing.

7. Aphrodite

Image source: Brightside
Aphrodite, the Goddess of beauty, love, and fertility in Greek mythology. Aphrodite is known as one of the twelve Olympian Gods and mythology captures her seductive beauty. It was said that she was born out of the sea and she has been worshipped throughout Greek history. This is what AI thinks she'd look like!

8. Catherine the Great

Image source: Brightside
Catherine II was better known as Catherine the Great. She was the Russian Empress from the years 1762-1796. She married Peter III who was the future Emperor of Russia. He came to the throne in 1762 and Catherine the Great actually usurped her husband and took the crown from him.

9. Sir Isaac Newton

Image source: Brightside
Sit Isaac Newton is one of the most influential scientists in history, his work has led to some of the most important findings. He discovered what became named Newton's Laws which explained how motion worked. His discoveries changed the way we viewed science and his theories have been used ever since.

10. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Image source: Brightside
Here is Wolfgang Mozart's modern-day portrait created by AI. Mozart only lived to the age of 35, yet his music and compositions were some of the greatest the world has known. He was born in Austria, in 1756 and his music still inspires people to this very day.

11. Empress Elisabeth of Austria

Image source: Brightside
Empress Elisabeth of Austria aka Empress Sisi was born in 1837. When she married Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria she became the Empress of Austria and the Queen of Hungary.  She became renowned for her beauty, but her personal life was marred by tragedy including the loss of her son.

12. Jane Austen

Image source: Brightside
Jane Austen was an English writer who was born in 1775 and lived until 1817. She is considered one of the literary greats and her novels of romantic fiction often commented on the British class system and the social aspects of history. Her novels 'Sense and Sensibility' and 'Pride and Prejudice are considered does of the greatest novels ever.

13. Aristotle

Image source: Brightside
Aristotle is a historical figure who became world-renowned as a Greek philosopher, a polymath, and a scientist. He was born in 384 BCE and died in 322. He was Plato's student and then he became a teacher to Alexander the Great. His teachings and works on philosophy amongst many others were revered.

14. Marco Polo

Image source: Brightside
Marco Polo was a famous Italian merchant (born in Venice, in 1254) as well as an explorer and writer. He became known for his expeditions to Asia in the 13th century. He was employed by Kublai Khan as an advisor and he became impressed with Marco Polo's voyages.

15. Michelangelo

Image source: Brightside
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (born in 1475) was a world-famous Italian artist, he was a sculptor, painter, architect, and poet during the High Renaissance. His works, including the statue of David, are still looked at and appreciated to this day with people coming from all over the world to witness his art.

16. Fayum Mummy Portrait

Image source: wicked
The Fayum Mummy portrait comes from a collection of Egyptian artwork. They were painted as a portrait of the deceased. The portraits were discovered in the late 19th century and they had been painted onto wooden slabs. This is what AI predicts this boy would look like now.

17. Anne of Cleves

Image source: wicked
This is the AI version of what Anne of Cleves, the fourth wife of King Henry VIII would look like if she was painted today. The reason for their marriage was to form a political relationship between him and Anne's sister, the Duke of Cleves. He had seen her portrait and been impressed and wanted to marry her but when he saw her in real life he was disappointed.

18. Napoleon Bonaparte

Image source: wicked
Napoleon is another figure whose name has become one of the most well-known names in history. He was a leader and his role in the French Revolution is what brought him to prominence. He created a legal system that set the tone for legal systems around the world, helping to protect rights.

19. Apollo

Image source: wicked
Apollo was a historical figure, a Greek and a Roman God. In Greek mythology, Apollo was the son of Zeus. His sister, according to the Greek mythology, was Artemis. He has become renowned for his beauty as is shown in this AI image, and he has become associated with light and healing.

20. Pharaoh Hatshepsut

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Pharaoh Hatshepsut was a beautiful Egyptian Pharoah and only the second confirmed female Pharoah. She was the sixth of the Eighteenth Dynasty and it is believed that she would have dressed identically as a king would have, even probably wearing a bear.

21. Vincent Van Gogh

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Vincent Van Gogh is one of the most famous, historic painters in the world. He was a Dutch post-impressionist painter. He produced some of the most famous paintings ever and he is known for painting landscapes and portraits. 'Starry Night' and 'Sunflowers' are some of his most famous. He struggled throughout his life with depression.

22. Madama De Pompadour

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Madame de Pompadour (who was actually called Jeanne Antoinette Poisson) was a mistress of King Louis XV. She was born in 1721 in France. At 19 she married Charles'Guillaume Le Normant s'Etiolles who became the Marquis de Pompadour. She then caught the attention of King Louis XV and became his official mistress.

23. Julius Caesar

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Julius Caesar was born in 100 BC, and he was the leader of the Roman Empire. His increasing authority led to a dictatorship for many years. But, despite his controversial tactics, he is known for stabilizing the Roman Empire. He ended up being assassinated by a group who were led by Brutus and Cassius who wanted the end of Ceasar's lead.

24. Marcus Aurelius

Image source: wicked
Marcus Aurelius' was a famous historical figure and Emperor of Rome. He reigned from 161 to 180 AD. He wanted to improve the lives and conditions of his people and he viewed his position as an opportunity to serve people. When he died he was succeeded by his son called Commodus.

25. Saint Joseph

Image source: wicked
Saint Joseph was the father of Jesus and he was known as the patron saint of workers. This depiction of Saint Joseph was created by AI, however, historians believe that Sant Joseph's skin would naturally be darker than was has been shown in the computer image.

26. Henry VIII

Image source: wicked
Henry VIII has become a notorious figure in history for having 6 wives, two of whom he beheaded, one died in childbirth and only one survived. The other two wives were divorced. He broke away from the Catholic Church specifically so that he could get divorced, he then made the first Church of England.

27. Lucifer

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Lucifer, as in the bible, is more commonly referred to as The Devil. He was once an angel from heaven but he became greedy and tried to become as powerful as God. As a punishment, he was sent to hell. Throughout history, he has always been portrayed as beautiful.

28. Sandro Botticelli

Image source: wicked
Sandro Botticelli became one of the most famous paintings not only in Italy but all over. His works often depicted scenes from the Bible and he took inspiration from mythology. Some of his most renowned works are 'Primavera' and 'The Birth of Venus'.

29. George Washington

Image source: wicked
George Washington was, of course, the first-ever President of the United States. This AI version of Washington today made him look distinguished and slightly haughty. In reality, Washington should have the scars of the smallpox on his face which he had from when he was a child.

30. Joan of Arc

Image source: wicked
Joan of an Arc was a French woman born in the 1400s who believed she could hear the voice of God in her head. She thought God had told her to help the Prince of Valois to defeat English Invaders and so she disguised herself as a man, and lead the army to victory. But, later on, she was burned alive for being a witch, she was only 19 years old.

31. Rembrandt

Image source: Reddit
This painting of Rembrandt was completed in the 1600s, whereas this AI painting shows us how he would appear today. Rembrandt was a famous Dutch artist who was renowned for his paintings of portraits. He was born in 1606 and passed away in 1669. He is widely considers as one of the most influential artists in history and his ability to capture light and darks.

32. Anne Boleyn

Image source: Reddit
Anne Boleyn was the second wife of Henry VIII and the mother to Queen Elizabeth I. She first caught the attention of the king while he was with his first wife Catherin of Aragon. He divorced his wife to marry Anne Boleyn hoping she could provide a male heir. But, when she didn't she was executed by the king in 1536, when she was just 35-years-old.

33. Edward VI

Image source: Reddit
Edward VI was the King of England and Ireland and he reigned from 1547 until he died in 1553. He was the son of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour. He was the heir his father had been waited for and took over after he died. Although, he only reigned for a short amount of time his time was known for the impact on politics and religion. He had continuous bouts of bad health and died from suspected tuberculosis.

34. Henry VII

Image source: Reddit
Henry VIII was also known as Henry Tudor. He was the king of England and the Lord of Ireland from 1485 until he died in 1509. He is remembered for being the founder of the Tudor dynasty which marked an important point in English history. There was also the end of the infamous War of the Roses (an ongoing conflict between Lancaster and York) during his reign.

35. Shakespeare

Image source: Reddit
Shakespeare is of course one of the world's greatest known writers, even to this day. Much of the English language is even credited to his influence. He was born in England in 1564. His work is still revered today and some of his greatest known tragedies are Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet. His work still has massive influence. And, according to AI this is what he would have looked like today!

36. Marie Antoinette

Image source: Reddit
Marie Antoinette was the last French queen ever before the French revolution took place. She was the epitome of a Queen whose lifestyle greatly contrasted the people. She was extravagant and lived a hugely lavish lifestyle which contributed to her downfall because she was perceived to have no sympathy for the hardship of the people during a time of social and financial struggle.

37. Ludwig Van Beethoven

Image source: Reddit
Ludwig van Beethoven was a famous German composer, and one of the most celebrated in classical music. His name is known to this day, all over the globe. He gained most of his recognition as a pianist, however he was also an established violinist. His story is even more amazing considering that he suffered with hearing loss in his 20s which quickly lead to deafness, yet it never stopped his music.

38. Bach

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Bach is another name that has gone down in music history and remains revered today. He was a German composer and one of, undoubtedly, the greatest composers ever. He was born in 1685 and spent a life focused on music. Some of his most influential works are the Brandenburg Concertos, Mass in Minor B and The Well Tempered Clavier. Even those who don't recognize by name will recognise his work by sound.

39. Vincent van Gogh

Image source: Reddit
A mention of the iconic 'Starry Night', 'Sunflowers', 'The Potato Eaters' and 'Irises' will be recognized by the majority of people around the world, art-lover or not. Vincent Van Gough is one of the most famous artists in history. Aside from his amazing artistry he was plagued by intense bouts of depression which even led to him severing off his own ear.

40. Leonardo Da Vinci

Image source: Reddit
Leonardo da Vinci is best described as a polymath, an expert in many fields. He was an artist, scientist and an inventor during the Italian Renaissance period.  He made ground-breaking discoveries in science and inventions and of course created some of the most famous artworks ever; Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Vitruvian Man. Despite usually being the artist, here is his portrait and how he would look if he were around today.

41. Marcus Aurelius

Image source: Reddit
Marcus Aurelius is depicted by a sculpture and never before have we been able to see what he really may have looked like, until now. Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor known for doing good, and contributing to philosophy and a variety of other subjects. His reign markers may military campaigns, conflict and even war. He ruled from 161AD to 180AD when he died during battle.

42. Alexander the Great

Image source: Reddit
Alexander II of Macedon, or Alexander the Great as he is ore commonly known, was one of the most successful military leaders of all time and he was a Macedonian king. During his reign he set out to expand the Macedonian Empire and set out of many military missions which eventually led to his being deemed 'the Great'. He is known for spreading Greek culture throughout the world during his conquests.

43. Statue of Liberty

Image source: Reddit
Many of us know the iconic Statue of Liberty by image, yet don't know much about its history. It was of course an gift from France as an image of freedom and democracy for the United Sates, documenting the friendship between the to nations. It marked the signing of the US Declaration if Independence. And, if the statue of liberty was to be represented today tis is what she'd look like!

44. Botticelli's Venus

Image source: Reddit
The Birth of Venus, or just Venus as it is sometimes called is a famous painting by Italian Renaissance artist, Botticelli. This painting was a commission piece for a wealthy and powerful family. Botticelli wanted to represent divine femininity and the use of AI can give us a prospect of how she would appear today. This artwork remains one of the most adored pieces around today.

45. Niccolò Machiavelli

Image source: Reddit
Niccolò Machiavelli was yet another Italian renaissance polymath, He was interested in philosophy and contributed greatly to history, art and writing. He wrote the famous novel The Prince which discusses politics and power and the controversial idea that a leader should be loved and feared, but if they had to be just one, to be feared is the most important.

46. Ancient man from Roman Egypt

Image source: Reddit
The Ancient Man from Roman Egypt is a very famous painting, one of the mummy portraits which were paintings onto boards of wood. They were naturalistic in style and composition and they are still very highly thought of within the art world. The depiction of the Ancient Man from Roman Egypt in AI shows what he may look like now if he were alive today.

47. Michelangelo's David

Image source: Reddit
Michelangelo's David is one of the most famous sculptures ever. It is widely considers a masterpiece not only of Michelangelo, but of the Renaissance period. He symbolizes strength and beauty and so it is very interesting to see what the subject of the famous sculpture could look like today. Michelangelo worked on this for 3 years, and he started when he was only 26 years old!

48. Caligula

Image source: Reddit
Similarly Caligula is a famous sculpture, however he was based on Julius Caesar so while we have more of an idea about what he looked like, this AI image gives us a clearer depiction. He was a Roman emperor who ruled from 37 AD to 41 AD when he was assassinated. His rule was tyrannical, which led to many people conspiring against his oppressive rule.

49. Benjamin Franklin

Image source: Reddit
Benjamin Franklin is accredited with being of of the founding fathers of the United States. He was born in 1706 and he was an expert in many field, another talented polymath. He was one of the key figures in the American revolution and he played a key role in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence and so he is considered as a crucial figure in the history of the United Sates.

50. Napoleon

Image source: Reddit
Napoleon Bonaparte  was a French political leader and a military leader. He is one of the most prominent figures in history. His career began during the French revolution where he scaled the ranks and staged one of the most infamous coups of the revolution which led to him becoming the Emperor of the French, Napoleon I. During this time he brought about huge reforms, changing the French legal system forever,

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