20 Invisible Diseases To Be Aware Of

By Anna Collins 11 months ago

1. Fibromyalgia

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Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that is totally invisible as it's a neurological disorder. The symptoms of it include pain which can occur all over the body, chronic fatigue as well as disturbed sleep. Fibromyalgia can massively affect day-to-day living.

2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition in which the person may feel exhausted all of the time, no matter how much sleep they get. It can be hugely debilitating and it is still not exactly known why some people develop the syndrome but it is thought to be a variety of factors such as viral infections.

3. Lyme disease

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Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks and when you have Lyme disease you may experience strong flu-like symptoms as well as pain, problems with brain function, and also exhaustion. Lyme disease can be chronic, meaning that the symptoms can go away and then flare up again.

4. Multiple Sclerosis

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Multiple Sclerosis is more commonly referred to as MS. It is a disease that affects the nervous system and it can lead to weakness of the muscles as well as neurological problems and feelings of fatigue. Multiple Sclerosis can progressively worsen as time goes on.

5. Lupus

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Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease (meaning that the body attacks its own healthy cells which damages them and leaves them inflamed). Lupus can affect the kidneys, skin, heart, brain, and much more. It has to be closely managed by healthcare professionals.

6. Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Rheumatoid Arthritis is also a chronic autoimmune disease. It is characterized by the swelling of the joints. Although there can be some visible symptoms such as skin rashes, much of the disease works internally and is invisible. It can severely damage joints, even rendering some immobile.

7. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)

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EDS is a combination of a group of genetic disorders. The disease affects connective tissues which are there to protect our skin, joints, blood vessels, etc. This means EDS can cause problems with all of these things, including mobility, and internal organ health.

8. Crohn's disease

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Crohn's is another autoimmune disease that affects the digestive system. It is a chronic IBS - Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Crohn's can lead to a loss of appetite, stomach pain, and even joint pain as well as symptoms such as fevers and fatigue. The condition has to be carefully managed.

9. Ulcerative Colitis

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Ulcerative colitis is another form of inflammatory bowel disease that causes both inflammation of the colon and rectum, and ulcers which can make it extremely painful. It can also cause terrible stomach pain as well as diarrhea and it can make you feel super fatigued.

10. Endometriosis

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Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissues that line the uterus actually grow outside of it, rather than inside where it should grow. And so, it can cause severe pelvic pain and it can affect the menstrual cycle as well as in some cases cause infertility.

11. Interstitial Cystitis

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Interstitial Cystitis or Bladder Pain Syndrome as is sometimes commonly known is a chronic bladder condition. The symptoms involve pelvic pain and a strong urge to suddenly wee which may happen super frequently. It can really get in the way of day-to-day life.

12. Chronic Migraines

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Migraines are a severe kind of headache that not only consist of extreme head pain but they can also entail nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, and sensitivity to stimuli. Chronic migraines are something that happens frequently and when a migraine starts it is very debilitating.

13. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

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Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome involves chronic pain and it usually occurs in one limb. But, the pain may happen way after the injury happened. It is a very complex syndrome and the pain can outweigh the initial injury or trauma! It's a very hard syndrome to diagnose.

14. Parkinson's disease

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Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that can progressively get worse. The disease is usually characterized by shaking or tremors as well as a loss of mobility. Aging can make people more likely to get the disease however there remains a lot to be learned about it yet!

15. Dementia

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Dementia is a term used for extreme cognitive decline and it often involves memory loss and it can also cause or develop into an inability to communicate or walk, or do basic daily tasks. Dementia is a progressive condition and o the symptoms over time get worse.

16. Hypothyroidism

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Hypothyroidism is caused by the thyroid gland not producing sufficient thyroid hormones for the body. Thyroid glands are vital for the metabolism as well as other bodily needs and functions. So, when someone has hypothyroidism they may feel fatigued, and weak, they may be susceptible to illness and they could feel depressed.

17. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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PTSD is a mental health condition that people can supper with after going through a traumatic event or being witness to it. It can cause flashbacks, extreme and intense emotions of fear or guilt, and intrusive thoughts. There are things such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy that can help manage it.

18. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

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Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome or POTS is a condition where the person has an abnormally fast heart rate which can interfere with the nervous system. It can cause chronic fatigue, difficulty focusing, headaches, and overheating amongst many other symptoms!

19. Sjogren's Syndrome

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Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease where the body attacks the salivary and tear glands. It can lead to extremely dry eyes and a dry mouth as well as stiffness and swelling around the joints which can cause pain. It can also affect the organs and cause extreme fatigue.

20. Anaemia

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Anaemia is caused by decreased numbers of red blood cells or low levels of hemoglobin in the blood. It's a very common condition but due to it being invisible, many people are undiagnosed. It can cause fatigue, weakness, pale skin and it can cause you to feel constantly cold.

21. Diabetes

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There are two kinds of diabetes. Type 1 is an autoimmune disease and type two happens when the body doesn't produce enough insulin, or it becomes resistant to insulin. Insulin helps to regulate our blood sugar levels and it can be very dangerous unless it is properly managed.

22. Menopause

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Menopause is a natural phase of a woman's life when the menstrual cycle ends. The levels of hormones such as estrogen decrease and it can cause many symptoms. Hot flashes, depressed mood, joint pain, and lack of concentration are just a few of the many symptoms it can cause!

23. Kidney Disease

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Kidney disease or renal disease is a condition where the kidneys do not function properly. We need kidneys to filter the waste from our blood. Kidney disease is dangerous and symptoms include high blood pressure, tiredness, and shortness of breath as well as swelling in the legs.

24. Meniere's disease

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Meniere's disease is a chronic disease that affects the inner part of the ear. It can lead to vertigo and hearing loss and can cause a sensation that your ears are full of pressure. Meniere's can vary in severity and while there is no cure, there are things that can help it.

25. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a respiratory disease where the airflow is obstructed and it can cause the sufferer to experience breathing difficulties. It can initially be misdiagnosed as the symptoms of chest tightness and shortness of breath can be mistaken.

26. Alzheimer's

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Alzheimer's is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects the brain, causing cognitive decline that gets worse and worse. It causes memory loss, lack of recognition, difficulty communicating, and changes in behavior. It is often only diagnosed after the disease has progressed to a more obvious state.

27. Huntington's disease

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Huntington's disease is a disease passed down genetically and it is neurodegenerative and affects the nerves in the brain. It is caused by a genetic mutation. It can affect the brain, as well as behavior and mood, and even movement. It often develops between the years of 30-40 and it progressively worsens.

28. Epilepsy

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Epilepsy is a neurological condition in which the sufferer experiences regular seizures. These seizures occur because of abnormal electrical activity in the brain which temporarily disrupts normal brain functions. People with epilepsy have to keep up with regular medication and management.

29. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig as it's sometimes called is a progressive neurological disease, and it's completely invisible. It's extremely dangerous as it affects the nerve cells which control our muscles. It affects the motor neurons and it can lead to full paralysis!

30. Tumours

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Tumors are growths, and whether they are dangerous or not can depend. A dangerous tumor is called a malignant tumor when it turns cancerous and can spread to other parts of the body. They can develop in any area of the body and they can rarely be seen visibly.

31. Hypertension

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Hypertension is high blood pressure. This is where there is too much pressure on the arteries when the heart pumps the blood. It is an invisible condition as it may not be noticeable for some time, until the problem grows more serious or until it causes a major illness such as a heart attack or stroke.

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