Day In The Life Of A Yale College Student

By Joy Boyd 11 months ago

1. What's it like going to Yale?

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Maybe you're considering going to Yale, or you've already been accepted and you don't know what to expect. Students talk about what it's like from the first day on campus. There's plenty to keep you busy, from studying to the ability to choose courses, and a lot of chances for social activities as well!

2. There's something for everyone

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Of course, every student has a different experience based on their majors, if they play sports, and other extracurricular activities. But most students spend time bonding with their fellow classmates, working on assignments, attending club meetings and attending sporting events. Whether you're an athlete or a musician, or a social butterfly, there's something for you here!

3. Wake up and get the day going

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Because you have the opportunity to pick your courses, you do have a bit of control over what time your classes start. Many students like to take a slightly later morning class so they can wake up in the morning and hit the gym, do laundry, or anything else that needs to get done. Sometimes you only have two classes in a day, so there's lots of free time to get everything done.

4. Choose your class schedule wisely

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Try to stack your classes so that you have more time before and after, rather than random classes in the middle of a free block. Students love to take an 11:30am English class followed immediately by necessary science classes. So pay attention when it's time to pick classes and figure out a schedule that works for your lifestyle!

5. Residential living is one of the best parts

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Students say one of the best things about Yale is the residential system. Basically every college (major) has a separate enclosed community, which allows you to bond with fellow residents. Everything is available here from a gym to laundry, game rooms, hangout areas and a snack hall.

6. You make friends faster

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Because everyone's divided into their individual colleges, you don't have to deal with the entire student population. There are approximately 100 first years in each college at a time. This allows you to really bond as you see each other in classes, share meals together, etc. It creates a tight-knit community you just won't find anywhere else.

7. The best way to spend the morning

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When you choose the classes to have some time in the morning, students say the best thing to do is your morning routine. Make sure you get some solid breakfast and then spend some time studying before classes so that you have the afternoon and evening more free. You can either make breakfast in your living quarters or head over to the dining hall.

8. Apparently the oatmeal is really good?

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Several students reported that their breakfast of choice every day is oatmeal and coffee. There are various toppings you can add to your oatmeal, such as fruit or Nutella. It's quick and easy, especially if you're cutting it close to make it to your first class of the day!

9. Attend your classes

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Some of the classes are remote now in the post-Covid world, which means you have the opportunity to watch them on your time table, and rewind if you need to. That being said, all students say it's super important to stay on top of your classes and the accompanying homework. If you get behind, it's very hard to catch up!

10. Take good notes

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Whether remote or in person, be sure to take good notes in your classes. We know it's so easy to get caught up in a text convo on your laptop during a lecture, but do your best to pay attention and take notes. This will come in handy when studying for finals and take off a lot of the pressure!

11. Hit up the library

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Students say that the library is one of the best places to focus up and power through your work. Of course, you can do this in your room if you're more of a homebody, but there's a community element to studying in the library, and the ability to bounce questions or problems off of other students if needed.

12. A lot of lectures last about two hours

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Classes come in all different shapes and sizes, but a lot of the ones at Yale are a little smaller, because they're specialized for your college. You can expect lectures to last about two hours, and you'll cover a lot of topics ranging from lectures and notes to practical workshops. Depending on your major, you'll have the chance for hands on practice too.

13. Before finals, you get a reading period

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One of the cool things about Yale is they give you a reading week. So once your classes wrap up for the semester, you have a week that can be used to go over notes and do any studying you need to before finals. Students really value this time to not have to worry about attending classes and make sure things are in order.

14. What to do after class

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When your classes wrap up in the afternoon, you'll probably need to do a few chores and get started on homework. If you started your laundry in the morning, maybe you fold your laundry after class and start on a rough draft of the English paper you have due. Students say a huge key is time management.

15. If you're an athlete

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If you're an athlete, then you're probably getting a much earlier start to your day. Swimmers say they typically wake up around 5 or 5:30am to get their day going. Swim practice starts at 6am before heading to classes at 9am. You'll probably have time to squeeze in a quick breakfast at the dining hall after practice.

16. Grab lunch with friends

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One of the coolest parts of Yale is that there are 14 dining halls on campus! That means when it's time to lunch with your friends, be sure to coordinate so you end up at the same one. It also gives you tons of options depending on what everyone else has going on and what you're n the mood for!

17. The options are endless

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After class, you can head to a nearby coffee shop if you want to get some reading done. There are also Office Hours if you need to check in with your professors about anything or just want to feel like you're on top of it and getting ahead. A lot of students enjoy hanging on Cross Campus as well.

18. Athletes often have a second practice

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If you're playing sports, it's highly likely that you'll have an afternoon practice too. Maybe you head to the gym or eat a snack before you head back out into the pool, field, or court. You have to be willing to put in the work, both academically and physically if you want to keep up!

19. Make plans with friends

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Because you frequently see people in the same college as you, a lot of students say it's important to be intentional in spending time with your other friends. Schedule your evening meals with people you aren't going to run into at class or see in your residents' area.

20. You get to experience a lot of different things academically

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Students say one of the nice parts about Yale is that there's the opportunity to branch out. For example, in English class you might be asked to do an interview profile essay. This means you get to pick a subject, have dinner or coffee with them and learn more about what they bring to the table. It opens up your worldview.

21. Let's talk about the dining halls

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Students say that the dining hall food is actually really good. There are a lot of options to choose from, as we mentioned. And the quality of the food is pretty great considering how many mouths there are to feed. It's a great option if you're not sure where to go off campus or you just can't be bothered going out too far.

22. There are fun social activities

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If you're looking for something fun to do, there are often social activities on campus. For example, you can grab some ice cream at the dining hall and then head to a film screening or other event. If you want to have a night in, you can always hang with your suite-mates, who most likely will become your best friends on campus!

23. More homework and such

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Back in your suit, you'll probably want to get some more work done. Maybe you're working on your group's final project. One group of students had the chance to build a weather app that would sync with Google Maps for their computer science class. Sounds pretty cool!

24. Go for an evening stroll

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Yale is one of the most beautiful campuses in the country. In fact, it's so lovely that students actually work in campus walks into their daily routine, because it's so peaceful and scenic. It's a great way to get in steps and you can even multi-task using the time to catch up with friends or call your family!

25. Find your people

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Whether you get a part-time job at the on campus coffee shop or you join a club that you're excited about, one of the biggest things to do is figure out where you fit. Definitely be open and try things you normally wouldn't. That's what college is for! Even though it's an adjustment, you will find your place!

26. There are definitely late nights

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Students report that after school work, group projects, and socializing, the average bed time is around 12:30am, and the average wake up time is 5:30am. So yes, it can definitely get a little hectic, but it doesn't have to be! Plan your days properly and manage your time, and you'll be just fine!

27. Spill the tea with your suite mates

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Probably one of the things that you'll end up looking forward to the most is time at the end of the day to chat it up with your suite mates. Students say there's a deep bond with the people you share a suite with. In fact, you'll probably prioritize time at the end of the day to spill the tea, vent, and laugh with your friends.

28. Let's keep it real

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You'll probably wind down your day like virtually everyone else on the planet. Laying in your bed in your suite scrolling through TikTok for way too long. This is also a good time to call your mom! Don't forget to call your parents! Enjoy your wind down time and get ready to do it all again tomorrow!

29. It's really worth it!

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Being a student or a student-athlete at Yale is a HUGE commitment. However, it's possible that being involved in clubs or sports is actually really freeing. There is time and space to try out and experience a lot of things. Yale as a whole encourages students to be well-rounded. Students love their time here!

30. Every semester looks different

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While sometimes you may have early morning classes, other semesters you may only have afternoon classes. This means that you have more time to take long walks around campus, enjoy coffee with friends or attend fun parties and meet new people. College days are some of the best of your life, so don't take them for granted!

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