Signs He’s A Misogynist

By Anna Collins 11 months ago

1. They view women as 'saints' or 'sinners'

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This is called the saint and sinners complex, men who are misogynists have this idea that women are either 'saint-like' or they classify them as a 'sinner'. These two polar classifications come from their own view of what they believe a woman should do and how they should act.

2. They objectify women

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Misogyny is the worst, yet it's sadly still super common in society. A misogynist will objectify women because they see them as a body or a 'sex symbol'. It completely disregards a woman's personality, her thoughts, and feelings. It shows how little respect they have for women, as they literally see them as an object and not a human beings.

3. They're controlling

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When a man is a misogynist he will probably attempt to control women, particularly his partner. He'll try and control who you see or what you wear or even where you go. They think that they have the right to control a woman's life and mind and hate when women decide their own path.

4. Everything is your fault

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If you are romantically involved or involved in any way with a misogynist you'll probably find that they blame everything that happens to them, or many things that happen to the world, on women. Everything for them boils down to the fault of a woman. They hate women, and so everything bad in their eyes is a woman's fault.

5. They put down women's opinions or ideas

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A misogynistic man has no respect for a woman's intelligence and he will believe what she says and thinks because he has such a hatred of women that he does not think that they are credible. They will disregard their idea, put them down and a misogynist may even ridicule the ideas of women.

6. He mansplains

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Sadly, as women, many of us have experienced the frustratingly ignorant 'mansplaining'. This is when a man tries to explain very simplistic things to us as if we do not already know. Again, because misogynists do not believe women can be intelligent. A misogynist would even try and tell an expert about their area of knowledge if she was a woman.

7. They devalue women's achievements

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If you have had to hear foul comments where men devalue women's achievements (which are unfortunately frequent) such as 'women shouldn't play football' or women 'can't drive', or they're 'not as good as men', then you know a misogynist. This devaluing of women's achievements isn't something to shrug off, it's ingrained misogyny.

8. They believe that women are responsible for the housework

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Misogynists would have been more appropriately born back in a time when women were routinely oppressed. They would have actually supported this, and they'd love to turn the clock back to ensure that women cannot step out of the stereotypical traditional gender roles that have been enforced upon them.

9. They often refer to women as 'crazy'

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Why do misogynists think it's okay to call women crazy? It's a term that's often thrown around in regards to men calling women 'crazy' in order to excuse their own behaviour and blame it on the woman. If you hear a guy calling his ex 'crazy' (we've all heard it a million times) then it's a red flag.

10. The victim blame

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Victim blaming is a huge problem in society because it places the blame on the victim rather than on the perpetrator. Essentially, if a man harasses or harms a woman in some kind of way, misogynists will then blame the woman. For example, a common misogynistic man's comment is to blame how a man acts on whether a woman dresses 'modestly', ugh.

11. They make sexist comments

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Women should not have to hear sexist comments, period. Yet, women face this every single day. Sexism is such a corrosive and ingrained part of society that sexist comments are still said offhand as though it is somehow acceptable. But's not okay, and it shows that he's a misogynist and it shouldn't ever be brushed off as a 'joke'.

12. They comment on the behaviour of women

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Misogynists think that they have the right to dictate how a woman acts...sorry, what? They think that they can comment on a woman's behavior, either to judge because they do not agree with it, praise it because they find it 'acceptable', or to try and get them to change how they act.

13. They use derogatory labels for women

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There are SO many labels and insults that are thrown around which are applied solely to women. And when men label women with derogatory terms, they are a misogynist because they hate when women step outside of their very narrow view of who a woman should be.

14. They promote very traditional gender roles

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Traditional gender roles historically consist of women looking after children and doing domestic duties in the home, and men going out to work and being the 'money makers'. Now thankfully we left this view back in the 1900s, at least MOST of us did. But there are still those misogynists out there who do not believe that women should not be free from these roles.

15. They deny that women face inequality and sexism

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Sadly women all over the world still face problems with inequality and sexism. Some women are still fighting for basic rights, and in some places, some people don't feel safe going out at night. Sexism and inequality come in many varieties. But a misogynist will deny it completely and claim that women have complete equality and do not face sexism.

16. They are hostile toward women

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Misogynists especially, hate women and so they treat them with hostility. They do not view women with kindness or respect, and they view women as inferior. This behaviour will be apparent in how they interact and talk about women. If a man is hostile towards women, in general, he's a misogynist.

17. They have double standards

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Double standards are something that women have been trying to fight and have been having to deal with for a very long time...and still are. A common example is when a male boasts or gets praised for having many romantic partners, yet a woman will find herself shamed by society.

18. They gaslight women

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When someone is being gaslit it means that their version of reality is being questioned so that that person starts to doubt themselves. It's a controlling and manipulative technique and is often used by misogynists to try and exert power over a woman and manipulate their way of thinking.

19. They make inappropriate sexual comments toward women

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As we said before, a misogynist views women as sexual objects and so they may make completely inappropriate comments or sexual comments to or about a woman that are totally disrespectful and clearly show that they do not value women as people. Not only is this behaviour creepy for women it's also sexist.

20. They interrupt women when they talk

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There is nothing more frustrating than trying to speak and put forward your ideas and being continually cut off. Sometimes we interrupt people by accident, but a misogynist will interrupt women as they speak because they are trying to undermine and belittle what she has to say, as though it is completely unimportant.

21. They are patronizing to women

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If you've ever been patronized you'll know that it's an experience which boils your blood and makes you feel super disrespected. When a man is a misogynist they look down on women as inferior and incapable and so they patronize women because they do not see them as equals.

22. They have a complete lack of respect for women

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The ultimate trait of a misogynist is the fact that they have absolutely zero respect for women. Deep down, they hate women and they actively disrespect them through how they view women, speak to women, and behave towards them. If a man has no respect for women, then they are misogynistic.

23. They don't believe that women should be allowed to make their own lifestyle choices

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A misogynist believes that a woman's life and their choices should be decided for men. They also believe that they can judge women who do not conform to their idea of how a woman should behave, and their view is EXTREMELY traditional and backward thinking.

24. They stereotype women

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Misogynists are horrible, and they stereotype women as though women cannot be multifaceted and complex people. Some of the basic stereotypes and labels given to women by misogynists are categorizing women as 'sex symbols' and 'good housewives'...*sigh*.

25. They dismiss women's ideas

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Women in every sector of life are contributing positively to the world. Men and women now both have opportunities to make positive impacts in areas of their choice. Yet misogynists make it more difficult for women because they dismiss women's ideas and try to take their power away.

26. They harass women

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Misogynists are a major problem. Not only is their thinking and idea of a woman hugely problematic but they also sometimes they actually harass women. Being harassed makes you fearful and distrusting, and misogynistic men actually enjoy making women feel powerless and vulnerable.

27. They treat women as competition rather than equals

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The reality is that women are strong and independent and they can be anything they want - which is what a misogynist hates! Men do not see women as equals, they see them as competition and so they have an aggressive and hostile nature towards women who in their minds are a kind of enemy.

28. They use derogatory language towards women who challenge traditional or stereotypical gender roles!

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Sadly this is something that still happens. When we see amazing women breaking down gender barriers and getting rid of stereotypes that we've been burdened with for many years... misogynists HATE it. They hate the fact that women can do and be what they want and so they insult and use derogatory language toward them.

29. They view a woman's nature as deceitful or manipulative

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Misogynists see women as being naturally deceitful or manipulative. Their hatred of women twists their view into convincing themselves that women are bad. They fuel their sense of hatred and then convince themselves that a woman is out to get them.

30. They like to have power over women

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What a misogynist truly wants is power over women. They try and want to make women feel inferior as they want to be superior. In general, they see men as dominant and misogynists only respect men who are in power. When a woman is in charge, they sometimes try and bully her or make sexual comments to try and degrade her.

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