20 Foods That Can NEVER Be Stored In A Freezer

By Carole 1 year ago

1. Thawed Meat

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If frozen meat is defrosted in your refrigerator, preferably overnight, then there should not be any issue. froHowever, left out on the kitchen work surface and partially or fully uncovered, the meat becomes a breeding ground at room temperature and when cooked,  could give you food poisoning.

2. Re-Frozen Fish

Image source: Reddit
As with meat, it's fine to eat defrosted fish when cooked, if it has thawed out in a cool place but not to be risked if left out where harmful bacteria can get to it. Also, it's a definite no no if you thawed it once, change your mind and re-froze it. You are asking for trouble and a poorly stomach.

3. Rice

Image source: Reddit 
Eating leftover rice, as most people know, can be dangerous in itself because it can contain spores. Freezing cooked rice and then defrosting it can be a risky business, for the same reason. Thoroughly reheating right through should eradicate the spores but they have been known to survive.

4. Coffee

Image source: Reddit
It's really not a good idea to store coffee beans or ground coffee in the freezer: Taking it in and out every day will freeze and then thaw the coffee, which can cause condensation and pretty much ruin it. Also it will absorb any strong freezer smells and completely ruin the taste.

5. Cheese

Image source: Reddit
Soft cheeses such as cream cheese and goats cheese will separate if they are frozen and then thawed. It will also change the texture of the dairy product in a weird way! Harder cheeses may freeze better but the advice is to keep cheese in the fridge and not the freezer.

6. Beer

Image source: The Denver Post
If you freeze beer or lager, this will accelerate the aging of it, meaning you are much more likely to open up a flat, hazy beverage - not recommended. You also run the risk of allowing the cans to explode if they freeze solid and expand, with no where for the contents to go.

7. Cucumber

Image source: Reddit
Watery vegetables like cucumbers freeze well, when sliced as they have such a high water content. The problem arises when the "cuke" goes through the thawing process. Gone are the crispy, fresh slices when defrosted. Instead, you are left with a limp and soggy mess!

8. Cooked Pasta

Image source: Reddit
There's nothing worse than over-cooking pasta and serving the "stuck together gloop" to your family.  Well, there is actually one thing worse and that's freezing leftover pasta.  When you've defrosted it, the tagliatelle will resemble a squishy puddle - not very appetising or edible.

9. Yogurt

Image source: Reddit
Yogurt, much like other cream based or dairy products, has a habit of separating and becoming lumpy when frozen. Congealed, lumpy yogurt isn't really what you want when you are preparing your morning granola! The answer is to not over-purchase and keep just one or two cartons in your refrigerator.

10. Fried Food

Image source: Reddit
Fried food, as we know, isn't great for our health but, in moderation, should be ok. What isn't ok is fried food that has been frozen and then defrosted. It turns into a soggy mess and the once crispy, crunchy bits will have collected moisture, leaving a texture not to be desired.

11. Milk

Image source: Reddit
Many people tend to freeze milk so they never run out of it unexpectedly or so they've got it when returning from vacation. It freezes in the plastic bottle easily but can leave you disappointed when it's defrosted. It can separate and contain lumps, even after shaking well.

12. Whole Eggs

Image source: Reddit
Take heed - DON'T freeze whole eggs. The gooey insides of raw eggs will expand when frozen and this will cause a cracked and leaky mess in your freezer. On a more serious note, the potential for bacteria growth becomes high. Even freezing cooked eggs isn't advisable.

13. Avocado

Image source: Salon.com
Don't even think about storing this creamy, healthy fruit (or vegetable?) in the freezer unless you choose to be disappointed! This jam-packed vitamin delight will lose it's original silky texture and will only be worth using if it is incorporated into a green smoothie.

14. Fresh Herbs

Image source: Reddit
Fresh herbs - the answer is staring right back at you. Use them from fresh and if you do have leftovers, turn them into compound butter or pesto. The problem with freezing bunches of herbs is that they will go soggy when defrosted and the healthy green colour will have gone brown.

15. Marshmallows

Image source: Reddit
If by any remote chance the marshmallows you put out for the family don't disappear within minutes, you may consider freezing them (we are talking the minority here!) It's actually harder to freeze marshmallows than you expect, due to the gelatin present in them. Once you are able to, they get as hard as a cricket ball!

16. Potatoes

Image source: Reddit
Freezing whole potatoes is a no go area and should be banned in every State! Besides taking up lots of room in your freezer, this simple, much loved staple food will become gritty and grainy. Even storing in your refrigerator will turn out a second rate potato.  Instead, room temperature is best.

17. Ketchup

Image source: Reddit
Tomato ketchup goes with practically everything including some unusual combinations! There has always been a light hearted argument about whether ketchup belongs in the cupboard or the refrigerator. We don't mind which you choose but don't freeze it. It will separate into half tomato, half water and will lose its flavor.

18. Gravy

Image source: Reddit
Gravy can make or break a British roast dinner and lashings of the tasty liquid is enough to make your mouth water. Yes, it is a shame to discard any that hasn't been used. Maybe store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator to use within 3 days. If  you have thickened your gravy with flour or cornstarch, it is going to separate.

19. Mayo

Image source: Reddit
There is no reason to ever freeze mayo. It should be refrigerated full stop! Ignore our advice and you will pay the consequences. The eggs, oil and vinegar will all separate, leaving you with what can only be described as a chunky disaster. Be the bigger person and store sympathetically.

20. Crumb Topping

Image source: Reddit
Freezing pre-made casseroles and pies is a very organised way to make sure you are always ready to serve up an evening meal. One big, essential tip is to leave the crumb topping off before putting your dish in the freezer. It's far better to add the addictive crumbles once it's been defrosted to avoid the water texture.

21. Meringue

Image source: Alina
Listen out - there is absolutely no fool proof way you can ensure that the meringue you so lovingly whipped up and created doesn't absorb any moisture during the freezing process. Ignore us and the hard, crumbly, sugary meringue with the soft chewy center will be a damp dessert.

22. Almond Milk

Image source: Bestest Ever
Nothing bad will happen, in terms of nutrition, but freezing almond milk will undoubtedly affect its texture. When you are pouring the whitener into your morning coffee, after you've defrosted your almond milk, you could be faced with chunks instead of free flowing liquid.

23. Wine

Image source: VinePair
It's quite the norm to freeze wine when the intention is to defrost it when required for cooking purposes but for sipping and enjoying in a glass, while you are relaxing, then the wine, no matter how good the quality, will honestly taste just weird. We don't suggest you try and prove us wrong.

24. Sprinkles

Image source: Reddit
It probably sound strange when you talk about freezing sprinkles. I mean, why would you? They are usually in their own airtight packaging and once used, should be placed back on your baking shelf. If you do freeze them, they will become brittle and the colors will bleed.

25. Spices

Image source: Reddit
It could be that time when you decide to clean out your spice drawer but don't relocate the seasonings to your freezer. The flavor often changes in items such as pepper, garlic and cloves when frozen so it's best to store them in a cool, dry cabinet. This is definitely best for their longevity.

26. Salad Greens

Image source: Reddit
Don't over-buy salad greens.  They are one of the most popular salad foods to end up in the trash can when they go past their sell by date.  Play it safe and store them in the crisper drawer in your refrigerator.  If you freeze them, you will yield watery, wilted and limp leaves.

27. Celery

Image source: Reddit
Celery is so damn good for us.  It's full of nutrients and vitamins, with a whole host of good health benefits and best of all, uses up more calories to chew and digest than there is in the actual celery stick itself! This is because of the very high water content and, as this is the case, does not freeze at all well unless you want an alternative ice cube!

28. Cans Of Soda

Image source: YouTube
Have you ever popped a room temperature soda in the freezer because you wanted to chill it down in a hurry? Then you discover it has exploded! Soda does not take kindly to freezing because the cans expand so much that the frozen liquid cracks whatever container it’s in.

29. Raw Veggies And Fruits

Image source: Reddit
Any vegetable or fruit containing a high water concentration, such as cucumber and salad greens, will not survive the freezer because the water inside forms ice crystals. This means that when it comes to thawing them, you will be left with a mushy mess.

30. Garlic

Image source: Reddit
Some cooks totally stand by the opinion that it's fine to freeze extra garlic before the cloves start sprouting. However, others warn  that garlic tends to taste strong and bitter once it’s been frozen. If you decide to experiment, be prepared for the risk you are taking.

31. Watermelon Slices

image source: reddit.com
The issue with freezing watermelon isn't so much that it's not safe, it's that it will completely lose its shape, texture and, well, all the good reasons you eat watermelon in the first place! The water in the fruit will expand when it's put in the freezer, and that's not what you want.

32. Raw Celery

image source: reddit.com
Raw celery is also something with a high water content that doesn't do very well in the freezer. It not only looses its shape by becoming limp, it changes in every way - for the worst! It will develop an oxidized smell, flavor and color. To give it a better chance, instead of freezing raw celery, blanch it first.

33. Raw Endive

image source: reddit.com
This leafy vegetable is very much like celery in terms of what will happen when you put in the freezer! It will very quickly go limp and lose its shape, and it will also change in color and flavor to something you definitely won't want to consume! Best not to freeze it!

34. Lettuce

image source: reddit.com
We all know that lettuce can quickly go soggy and limp even when you don't put it in the freezer and try your best to keep it fresh! So it has even less of a chance if you freeze it. This is because of its high water content, which means when you thaw it out to eat it, it's just going to be a mushy mess!

35. Spinach

image source: reddit.com
The best way to freeze spinach if you really want to/need to is to blanch it first, then freeze it for eating later. This works for spinach when it wouldn't work for leafy lettuce! There's still a risk with freezing spinach though, which isn't down to health but more to poor flavor!

36. Kale

image source: reddit.com
Kale is very much like spinach in terms of what will happen if you freeze it, but you can also give blanching a go with kale, too. If you don't blanch it properly before freezing it, though, you can risk it having a less-than-delicious flavor when you thaw it out to eat!

37. Raw Cabbage

image source: reddit.com
Cabbage is yet another high-water-content vegetable. All this vegetables full of water are fantastic when you're eating them fresh from the fridge - not so great when you want to freeze them! Cabbage will just get a very weird texture after it's frozen and then thawed out.

38. Raw Zucchini

image source: reddit.com
It's not recommended to ever freeze zucchini at all, if you can help it. But if you absolutely need to, for whatever reason, the best you can hope for is to blanch it first. If it means wasting it otherwise, then it's worth a go! You need to slice it before blanching it, and then make sure to blot the moisture from it before freezing it.

39. Radishes

image source: reddit.com
Radishes are great and healthy to eat, which is why a lot of people - especially if they grow their own - can be tempted to get a huge bulk of them in one go. Unfortunately this means they don't keep fresh for very long, which is where the freezer might be tempting - but radishes will get very soggy when you thaw them out!

40. Gelatin

image source: reddit.com
We can understand why you'd want to stock up and store delicious Jell-O so you always have some, but it really shouldn't be put in the freezer! The water expansion that happens in the cells when frozen breaks the structure, which means when you take it out it'll just be back to liquid and it won't be able to form solid again!

41. Ricotta

image source: reddit.com
Ricotta can actually be frozen safely, but it's such a delicious soft cheese that it would be a waste - because freezing it and then thawing it out would give it an awful change in texture that would ruin it. So you're best off always keeping your cheese in the fridge!

42. Sour Cream

image source: reddit.com
Freezing sour cream and then thawing it out will be the worst thing you can do for those delicious tacos or Mexican food night. After it's thawed, the sour cream will seperate and it won't blend back together after that, no matter what you do. So it won't be the sour cream you dreamed of!

43. Raw Tomatoes

image source: reddit.com
You don't want to be putting your juicy fresh tomatoes in the freezer because of their high water content. If you really do need to freeze your tomatoes, though, there's a way around it. You can chop them and cook them first, then place them in freezer bags to be eaten later.

44. Mayonnaise

image source: reddit.com
Mayonnaise lasts a while in the fridge, and it's easy to grab when it's nice and chilled, so you never even need to think about putting it in the freezer anyway! But if for some reason you were curious, you'll end up with a very curdled concoction because of it being oil in water.

45. Icing

image source: reddit.com
If you want to freeze your cake, go for an ice cream cake! If you're hoping to freeze fresh frosting/icing, then definitely don't. If you have frosting made with egg whites, this is a no-go because it will separate. Any other frosting will become grainy or lose its sheen completely.

46. Paprika

image source: reddit.com
Paprika belongs in your cupboard or spice rack, but if you're thinking about freezing some food item with paprika sprinkled on the top, it still won't work! Paprika - like any other spice you try to freeze - will have its taste changed for the worst if you try to freeze it.

47. Cream Filling

image source: reddit.com
If you're treating yourself to a cream-filled pastry - because why wouldn't you - you definitely need to grab one at a time when you're ready to eat them fresh, because this is something that won't take well to the freezer! The cream will separate and you won't be able to save it after that!

48. Custard Filling

image source: reddit.com
If you've now been put off by cream-filled pastries and are thinking custard-filled or custard tarts are the logical next choice, think again! Unfortunately this won't work either, for the same reasons - the custard will separate when frozen and thawed, and it won't be salvageable!

49. Raw Apples

image source: reddit.com
You can use apples in cooking if you're baking a pie or something else, which can then readily be frozen without too many issues of texture or taste. But if you're hoping to pop raw apples in the freezer to extend their life, it won't won't very well! They'll likely go brown and lose their flavor.

50. Milk-Based Sauces

image source: reddit.com
We already spoke about why you should definitely never freeze milk, and the same applies to any sauces or other drinks that contain milk (like milkshake even). If you have some cooking sauces you've made with milk content, you won't want to freeze them - it'll likely separate and curdle!

51. Oranges

image source: reddit.com
Oranges are not advisable because the water content causes cell rupture when they are frozen, causing a mushy texture when defrosted. This compromises the fruit's taste, structure, and lowers its nutritional value. Opting for the refrigerator would be much better!

52. Grapes

image source: reddit.com
Similarly to oranges, storing grapes in the freezer wouldn't be ideal due to it's high water content. Freezing causes the water to expand, leading to cell damage and a mushy, unpleasant texture upon thawing. No one likes a soggy grape, so maybe keep them away from the freezer!

53. Strawberries

image source: reddit.com
So it's pretty much the same for all water based fruits... DO NOT FREEZE! If you want to freeze them for the use of smoothies then they could pass as ok, but don't expect to defrost them and be greeted with. per4fect strawberry... you have been warned!

54. Bananas

image source: reddit.com
Freezing bananas for smoothies or baking is perfectly good; defrosting to eat however, can cause them to be mushy. What we don't recommend freezing is the skin of a banana! The peel may darken and become slimy upon thawing, affecting its texture and appearance.

55. Pasta Salad

image source: reddit.com
We've kind of already established that pasta and salad items can't be frozen, so it makes sense that pasta salad is a big no no! Kiss goodbye to lovely al dente pasta, as once it has defrosted you will be left with a mushy mess - same goes for the salad too!

56. Bèchamel

image source: reddit.com
For those who don't know what bèchamel is, it's a flour based, white sauce and is most commonly used in lasagne. The emulsion of milk, butter, and flour in Béchamel can undergo changes during freezing, potentially leading to a separated or grainy consistency. It's often recommended to prepare Béchamel fresh for the best results.

57. Cooked Noodles

image source: reddit.com
When noodles freeze, the water content within them forms ice crystals, causing structural changes. Upon thawing, the noodles may become mushy and lose their original firmness and texture. For the best results, it's generally advisable to cook noodles fresh when needed, rather than freezing them. If you do decide to freeze cooked noodles, consider reheating them with care to minimize texture changes.

58. Pickles

image source: reddit.com
Storing pickles in the freezer is not recommended due to the high water content in cucumbers, the main ingredient in pickles. Freezing can cause the water within the cucumbers to form ice crystals, leading to a change in texture and potentially resulting in a mushy or limp pickle upon thawing.

59. Olives

image source: reddit.com
I mean olives are so moreish that there's no need to want to freeze them in the first place! The freezing process may affect the taste and quality of the olives, making them less appealing. For optimal preservation, olives are generally stored in brine, oil, or a combination of both in the refrigerator, which helps maintain their desired texture and flavor.

60. Cooked Oatmeal

image source: reddit.com
We have already established that freezing milk can give it a lumpy, watery texture. If your oatmeal is cooked with milk, then defrosting your oatmeal may leave it with an unpleasant texture. It's recommended that you make oatmeal fresh, and save room in the freezer for other bits!

61. Candy

image source: reddit.com
Some types of candy may experience changes in texture, taste, or appearance when frozen. For example, candies with high sugar content might become grainy or lose their original texture when frozen. Chocolate based candies could develop a whitish appearance due to fat or sugar migration. Gummy candies might become harder.

62. Nut Butter

image source: reddit.com
While you can technically store nut butter in the freezer, it's not generally recommended due to changes in texture. Nut butters have a high oil content, and freezing can cause the oils to separate and solidify. As a result, the nut butter may become hard, difficult to spread, and less enjoyable in terms of texture.

63. Pesto

image source: reddit.com
Freezing may alter the texture of pesto due to the solidification of oil (pesto has a super high oil content). To minimize this, adding extra oil or mixing the pesto well after thawing can help. Basil, a common ingredient in pesto, may brown during freezing, so blanching before making pesto can preserve its vibrant green color.

64. Crispy Coatings

image source: reddit.com 
Storing items with crispy coatings in the freezer is generally not recommended because freezing can lead to changes in texture. The moisture within the food can cause the crispy coating to become soggy and lose its crunch when frozen and subsequently thawed. For best results, it's advisable to enjoy crispy-coated items fresh or employ other storage methods that maintain their desired texture.

65. Soft-Serve Ice Cream

image source: reddit.com 
The freezer temperature is lower than the serving temperature of soft serve, and this can lead to changes in texture. Soft serve is created with a specific composition and air content that gives it a smooth and creamy texture. Freezing it in a regular home freezer can result in ice crystals forming, making it harder and less appealing.

66. Canned Fruit

image source: reddit.com 
Canning involves heat-processing the fruits to kill bacteria and enzymes, and this process may affect the fruit's structure. When canned fruits are frozen, the water content inside the fruit cells can expand, leading to cell rupture and a mushy texture upon thawing. Additionally, the syrup or juice in which canned fruits are often stored might not freeze evenly, resulting in changes to the overall consistency of the fruit.

67. Mousse

image source: reddit.com 
Mousse has a delicate, light, and airy texture that is achieved through the incorporation of air bubbles during the preparation process. Freezing can lead to the formation of ice crystals, causing the mousse to become dense, lose its velvety texture, and possibly separate upon thawing. The ingredients in mousse, such as egg whites, may also be affected by freezing, resulting in changes to the overall structure and taste.

68. Salad Dressing

image source: reddit.com 
Salad dressings often contain a mixture of oil, vinegar, herbs, and other ingredients. Freezing can cause the oil to solidify and separate from the other components, leading to an undesirable texture and appearance. When thawed, the dressing may become clumpy or grainy instead of maintaining its original smooth and well-mixed consistency.

69. Risotto

image source: reddit.com 
Storing risotto in the freezer is possible, but it may not be ideal due to potential changes in texture. Risotto typically has a creamy and somewhat sticky consistency, achieved through the slow addition of broth and constant stirring during the cooking process. Freezing and thawing can lead to the breakdown of the starches in the rice, causing the risotto to become mushy or grainy.

70. Quinoa

image source: reddit.com 
Storing quinoa in the freezer is generally possible, but it may not be necessary for short-term storage due to its natural resistance to spoilage. Quinoa has a low moisture content and contains natural compounds that act as preservatives, reducing the risk of bacterial growth. However, freezing quinoa may alter its texture slightly. When frozen, the water content within quinoa can form ice crystals, potentially leading to a change in texture upon thawing.

71. Food Freezer Hacks: Label EVERYTHING!

image source: reddit.com
Have you ever found a mystery dish in the freezer? Well, labelling is the answer here. Like your own self made menu. It also ensures less food waste and can ensure more a more streamline food preparation. It also helps avoiding confusion on what you actually have. If you also date correctly it means you can organise properly what you want to eat and when to use it by.

72. Use A Vacuum Sealer

image source: reddit.com
Seal the freshness! Vacuum sealing in the freezer locks in flavors, prevents freezer burn, and extends shelf life. Your food stays as fresh as the day you packed it. Meaning it will last longer and will still taste just as good when you come to consume it!

73. Portion Control

image source: reddit.com
Master portion power! Portion control in the freezer means ready-to-go meals and less waste. It's a game-changer for healthy eating and saves time in the kitchen. It also means you can cook the portions you want and it makes meal preparation a lot easier.

74. Ice Cube Tray Magic

image source: reddit.com
Ice cube trays are freezer MVPs! Think beyond cubes – freeze herbs, sauces, or coffee for instant flavor pops. Small portions, big impact! This makes it ideal for a quick addition to a meal. Just simply defrost a cube of your choice and you have a new dynamic for your dish!

75. Pre-Cook and Freeze

image source: reddit.com
Freezer meal prep = kitchen hero! Save time, reduce stress, and enjoy homemade goodness any day. It's the secret to effortless, delicious dining! If you are able to cook in bulk you can then portion out the rest and freeze for easy meal preparation.

76. Freeze Flat

image source: reddit.com
Flatten the freeze game! Freeze flat for efficient storage, faster thawing, and a tidy freezer. It allows you to maximize space, as well as minimize mess – it's the coolest trick for stress-free freezer! Also for the organisers amongst you this is ideal!

77. Use Ziplock Bags

image source: reddit.com
Zip lock bags work wonders in the freezer! Seal freshness, prevent freezer burn, and conquer clutter. Easy storage and easy access it's the ultimate freezer hack for keeping food fresh and organized. Similar to vacuum sealed bags it seals in all kinds of flavours as well!

78. Bake and Freeze

image source: reddit.com
Bake and freeze brilliance! Prep ahead, and then you can savour for later. Enjoy homemade treats on demand, save time, and conquer cravings. It's the sweet secret to an stress-free kitchen! Just simply throw whatever is frozen into an oven and away you go!

79. Repackage Store-Bought Items

image source: reddit.com
Upgrade your freezer game! Repackage store-bought goodies for freshness and easy access. Bye-bye bulky packaging, and say hello to organized bliss. It's the best and most savvy way to keep your freezer neat and your favorites at your fingertips! It's a must!

80. Freeze Fresh Herbs in Oil

image source: reddit.com
Elevate flavor with frozen herb oil magic! You are able to preserve freshness, enhance dishes effortlessly, and wave goodbye to wilted herbs. It's a culinary game-changer for instant gourmet vibes! It also preserves flavors perfectly and gives them a longer life span!

81. Pre-Marinated Meat

image source: reddit.com
Marinate and freeze for flavor-packed convenience. Say goodbye to prep stress, hello to deliciousness. Quick, tasty dinners just got a whole lot easier! Level up your meals by pre marinating your meats and freezing for preservation, as well as flavor keeping.

82. Keep a Freezer Inventory

image source: reddit.com
Maximize your freezer game! A meticulous inventory is the key to culinary efficiency. Say goodbye to food waste and hello to stress-free meal planning. With a quick glance, you're in control—never run out and savor the joy of organized, hassle-free cooking.

83. Freeze Leftover Wine

image source: reddit.com
Savor every sip! Freezing leftover wine transforms it into flavor-packed cubes for cooking or ready-to-go wine pops. No more wasted vino—turn those remnants into culinary treasures or enjoy a perfectly chilled glass without compromise. It's the win-win solution for wine enthusiasts!

84. Use Silica Gel Packs

image source: reddit.com
Unlock freezer freshness! Freeze silica gel packs to combat excess moisture, banish freezer odors, and keep your food tasting pristine. It's a budget-friendly way to enhance longevity and preserve the peak flavors of your favorite items. Say goodbye to freezer funk and hello to a pantry-fresh experience!

85. Prevent Odors

image source: reddit.com
Neutralize freezer funk with ease! You can wipe down surfaces with a mixture of baking soda and water, place an open box of baking soda inside, and toss in activated charcoal or coffee grounds. Voila! Fresh, odor-free freezer vibes for your favorite foods.

86. Rotate Stock

image source: reddit.com
Keep it fresh, rotate that stock! Regularly shifting items ensures even freezing, prevents freezer burn, and reduces food waste. Stay organized, discover forgotten gems, and enjoy top-quality meals every time you open the freezer. It's the secret to a well-managed kitchen stash!

87. Freeze Leftover Coffee

image source: reddit.com
No more coffee waste! Freeze leftover coffee into ice cubes for iced coffee without dilution. Blend them into smoothies for a caffeinated kick or use in desserts for a bold flavor boost. Say goodbye to tossing coffee remnants—embrace the icy magic of turning leftovers into delightful sips and treats!

88. Blanch Vegetables Before Freezing

image source: reddit.com
Blanching brilliance! Before freezing, a quick dip in hot water preserves veggies' color, texture, and nutrients. It halts enzyme activity, ensuring your frozen greens stay crisp and flavorful. Take the leap into blanching—your future self will thank you for vibrant, garden-fresh bites!

89. Freeze Homemade Broth in Popsicle Molds

image source: reddit.com
Broth pops for the win! You can freeze homemade broth in popsicle molds for convenient, portion-controlled flavor bombs. Perfect for soups, sauces, or a quick sip. Embrace the ease of pre-portioned goodness, turning your kitchen into a broth-pop paradise!

90. Use A Straw To Remove Air From Bags

image source: reddit.com
Sip away freezer troubles! Use a straw to suck out excess air from bags before sealing. Say goodbye to freezer burn, preserve freshness, and maximize space. It's a nifty trick ensuring your food stays as crisp as the day you froze it. Sip, seal, and savor the benefits!

91. Pack Your Freezer Full

image source: reddit.com
Pack that freezer to the brim! A full freezer is more energy-efficient, as frozen items help maintain a consistently low temperature. Save on utility bills and reduce food spoilage. Plus, a well-stocked freezer means less grocery runs and more meal options at your fingertips. It's a win-win for your wallet and taste buds!

92. Freeze Oatmeal Servings

image source: reddit.com
Oatmeal, frozen delight! Prep and freeze individual servings for a quick, hearty breakfast. Grab, heat, and enjoy a wholesome start to your day. It's a time-saving, customizable solution that ensures a nutritious morning pick-me-up is always at your fingertips. Oats to-go, no hassle!

93. Freezing Pizza Dough

image source: reddit.com
Pizza paradise anytime! Freeze homemade pizza dough in portions for instant pizza joy. Ready to rise and bake, it's a time-saver for spontaneous pizza cravings. Customize toppings, savor the freshness, and turn your freezer into a pizza party waiting to happen!

94. Frozen Cookie Dough

image source: reddit.com
Sweet spontaneity! Freeze cookie dough in ready-to-bake portions for instant, warm-from-the-oven delights. Whether a midnight snack or impromptu guests, indulge in freshly baked cookies without the fuss. Your freezer, your personal cookie haven!

95. Binder Clips

image source: reddit.com
Freezer order, clip it in place! Harness the power of binder clips to keep bags neatly organized. No more spills, clutter, or lost items. It's a budget-friendly, simple solution for freezer harmony—clip, stack, and revel in the ease of a tidy frozen haven!

96. Potato Chips

image source: reddit.com
Crispy convenience! Frozen chips enable you to have even crispier chips when cooked. Ideal for scorching days or spontaneous snacking, frozen chips stay crispy and are ready to elevate your snack game. It's a chill way to keep your munchies at the perfect temperature!

97. Frozen Fruit

image source: reddit.com
Fruitful freezer magic! Freeze fresh fruits for a burst of flavor in smoothies, desserts, or as refreshing snacks. Lock in nutrients, reduce waste, and enjoy the taste of summer all year round. It's the cool secret to elevating your culinary creations with vibrant, frosty goodness!

98. Banana Bread

image source: reddit.com
Banana bliss, anytime! Freeze sliced banana bread for an instant treat. Thaw single servings for on-the-go sweetness or enjoy a warm slice without baking. It's a time-saving trick for indulging in homemade goodness whenever the craving strikes. Your freezer, your banana bread haven!

99. Travelling

image source: reddit.com
Freeze, not waste! Before you jet off, freeze perishables to prevent spoilage. Return to a stocked kitchen, minimizing post-trip grocery runs. It's a savvy move to save money, reduce waste, and ensure a hassle-free return to home-cooked delights. Bon voyage and happy thawing!

100. Leftover Tomatoes

image source: reddit.com
Tomato magic in the freezer! Don't let those extra tomatoes go to waste—freeze them for sauces, soups, or stews. Preserve peak flavor and texture, ensuring a burst of summer in every dish. It's a delicious way to make the most of your harvest, one frosty tomato at a time!

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