Ways To Communicate With A Deceased Loved One

By Joy Boyd 11 months ago

1. Communicating with a loved one

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When we lose a loved one, it can be an incredibly devastating experience. Perhaps you are riddled with guilt or regret about all of the things you didn't get to tell them. Some people have no greater wish than to be able to communicate with their loved one one last time, to make sure they're okay, and to make sure they're at peace. If that's you, there are a few different ways you can contact the person who has passed. These open the lines of communication between you and that person so that you can say the things that were unsaid.

2. It's important to note

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We should start by saying that communicating with a person who has passed can open up a spirit world that you might not be ready for. When you try to contact the person you love, you are attuning yourself with the spiritual realm, which then means you're opening yourself up for communication to come through from this other side. While this isn't a bad thing, it is something that you need to be prepared for as you might start noticing that the communication is not one-sided, and your loved one starts to leave you signs and communicate back!

3. Meditate and ask them to guide you

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If you're having a hard time feeling the presence of your loved one, or you simply want to remember their voice, a great way to communicate with them is by spending time in meditation. As you're meditating, ask the loved one to guide you. As you tune into the spirit realm, you might find yourself channeling a message from them. You might even see a vision of them as if they are telling you specific advice. Would you be willing to try this technique if it meant you could communicate with someone who has passed?

4. Ouija boards... Proceed with caution!

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One of the most common ways people think of to try to communicate with the dead is through an Ouija board. While many people are still skeptical of their validity, you can find one in basically any toy section. If you do try to go this route, the instructions are pretty clear, but we say proceed with caution. Spiritual experts say that this could open up the spirit realm allowing negative spirits such as demons to also enter into your life. There have been reports of people who think they're communicating with a loved when, when in actuality it's a demon.

5. Pick up hobbies that they loved

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If you want to feel closer to someone who has passed on, try taking up hobbies or interests that were important to that person. Perhaps they loved to cook or do crafts. These types of activities make you feel more connected, and they also provide a level of comfort to you as it will flood you with warm thoughts and feelings of that person. It's a way for you to show this person that you still love and care for them even though they're not here, and they will also be able to let you feel their presence in these moments.

6. This is wild!

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We all know that Alexander Graham Bell changed the course of communication with the invention of the telephone. But did you know that he actually also worked on a device called a spirit phone that was meant to enhance spirit voices in the natural world? People have been trying to communicate with the dead for a long time, so he really wanted to create something that would allow us to hear their voices all around us. It's often been said that the spirit world can manipulate electricity to communicate, so this medium makes sense. Perhaps you should give it a try!

7. Try writing a letter

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This is a more practical way to try to communicate with a loved one who has passed on. Simply sit down and write a letter expressing all the things that you didn't get to say to that person. This type of communication can provide a therapeutic effect to help you release your emotions. It can also help you process feelings around your grief. The coolest part about it, this process often opens your eyes to signs and messages from your loved one that you might not have noticed before. You can burn the letter for a releasing effect, or you can leave in a location that was special to them.

8. You've had a near death experience

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This isn't something you want to ~try~ intentionally, but if it's happened to you, you might have a heightened ability to communicate with those who have passed on. People who have had near-death experiences have reported being able to see and communicate with dead relatives when in the in-between space of life and death. Most people say this brought immense comfort and peace to them. Even after these experiences, because they have now accessed that in-between space, they're likely more able to access it in the future to communicate with past loves.

9. Try having a séance

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Did you know that séances have been around since the Victorian age? People who consider themselves to be spiritualists attend séances to try to communicate with people who have crossed over to the other side. Many people consider these practices to be fraudulent, and religious leaders consider them to be satanic. However, hosting a séance involves bringing in a group of like-minded people who are open to the spirit world in order to communicate with the dead. Similar to the Ouija board, just know that this can open you up to both good and bad spirits.

10. Hone in on your sixth sense

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We all know the scene with Bruce Willis and "I see dead people." But did you know that you can actually sharpen focus into your own sixth sense? For some people, this might be as simple as focusing on a photo or visual of the person who has passed. Others may need to spend more time shifting focus to access the spirit realm. Enter the present moment and make yourself aware of your surroundings. Slowly move into a soft focus and shift to the energy in the room rather than the physical surroundings of the space. Don't force it, but just open yourself up.

11. Visit places that they frequented

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When you go to a place where your loved one was often found or a spot that you know was special to them, it can be a great way to communicate with them and feel as if they are with you. It will flood you with memories while at the same time, honor their life. It's a great time to take a moment and remind yourself that you're standing where they have stood, and you may find yourself downloading a message from them at this point, because you are so close to them in spirit. It's a great way to communicate with someone who's no longer with us.

12. Start out asking for simple responses

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Most mediums and spiritual advisors agree that the best way to start communicating with lost loved ones is starting simple. While it might feel slow moving, because you're not able to communicate the way that you want to, it will start opening you up to the spirit world and allowing your loved one to comfortably communicate with you. When you go into a space where you feel your loved one is present, start by asking very simple yes or no questions. Then request an answer. You can ask for an answer in a specific way. For example, two knocks for no, one knock for yes. This is the most common and most effective way to communicate.

13. You can still celebrate special occasions with them

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A great way to communicate with someone who has passed is to still celebrate the days that are important with them. Perhaps that's their birthday or an anniversary that you shared. You can invite other family and close friends to have a day of commemorating their life through their favorite foods and things that they loved. It's a really life-affirming way to communicate with them, and again, it just puts you in touch with their spirit where you might still even feel their presence in the space as you remember them.

14. You can hire a medium

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One of the ways to communicate with the dead that's considered the most sure is hiring a medium. Of course, bringing in someone who's an expert in the space makes sense. This will cost you some money, and make sure you do your research, so that you find someone with a good reputation and you don't get scammed. There are a lot of fakers out there who just want to make money off of people who are hurting! That being said, there are people who have made it their life's mission to be in touch with the spirit world and could connect you to the person you love.

15. You can contact spirit guides on your own

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We've talked about meditation and mediums as a great way to open up communication with the spiritual world. But did you know that you can tap into that energy on your own? If you consider yourself to be a spiritually sensitive person, then you may want to try this on your own. Simply praying or asking for a spirit guide to open up a line of communication with your loved one could be all that it takes for you to be able to start channeling messages from them. It might take some practice, but people who consider themselves highly spiritual say that it's quite effective!

16. Technology can help you hear their voice

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Did you know that there are very practical ways now to preserve someone's voice? You can use various apps or texts or old voicemails to save the sound of their voice and keep it with you. You might also find that dedicating time to them on your social media accounts helps to keep the memory of them alive. All of these gestures simply just open you up to have communication with someone who has passed on. In order to still feel someone's presence, you have to allow your mind, spirit and heart to be open to it!

17. Just talk to them out loud like you would a friend

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This might seem very basic, but many people say that just speaking aloud as if having a conversation with their loved one can bring a lot of healing. This is considered a standard coping mechanism, but it often opens up communication with your loved one. If you go to their resting place and tell them about your day or the things you didn't get to say, it's highly likely that you will feel their presence and feel hope and peace. It also aligns you more with their spirit and opens up the channel for them to communicate with you.

18. Ask them to communicate with you through possessions

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If you own objects that formerly belonged to your loved one, it's actually a super easy way to connect to that person's soul and form a channel of communication with them. Their possessions are able to provide you with the appropriate power to seek out a conversation with the person who is gone. You can use virtually anything of theirs, whether it's clothing or a personal object or book. It's best to try this in a space where they also frequented in person. Simply hold out the object and start a conversation with them to see if they engage.

19. Ask them to communicate with you in your sleep

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When you are sleeping, the veil between the natural world and spiritual world becomes thinner, and you are more susceptible to things of the spirit. So if you are trying to communicate with a loved one, this is a simple technique to use. Before you go to sleep, just ask a specific question to your loved one. Keep it in your mind as you fall asleep. There's a strong possibility that your loved one will be able to visit you in your dream and answer the question you've asked. If it doesn't work the first time, keep at it!

20. If you're brave, you can try mirror gazing

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This can take place via a crystal ball or actual mirror, but the use of mirrored surfaces is something spirit workers have used for many years. It helps to create a connection with the supernatural world. If you're trying to connect with a loved one on the other side, this could be a method for you to try. You just have to sit in a room that is very dimly lit. Position yourself near a mirror, but make sure you're not in the reflection. Start to meditate on the person you want to reach, and they might appear in the mirror to communicate with you!

21. Use a tape recorder or EMF detector

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As mentioned previously, deceased loved ones have the ability to manipulate electricity and technology. EMF detectors can help you locate spirits within a certain space through their high-pitched vibrations. Once you're able to detect where the spirit is, then you can use a tape recorder to actually capture the conversation you have with your loved one. Many spiritualists say that this is a simple, but proven method that you can try at any time. How far are you willing to go to try to communicate with someone that you've lost?

22. Light candles and leave food out for them

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This might sound silly, but there are many cultures where they maintain the bond with a passed loved one by lighting candles each night and setting out a food offering. This is helpful in multiple ways, because it will likely help the grieving person find some comfort. It will also allow the person who's passed to know that this is a safe space and their loved ones want to hear from them. It allows the spirit world and the natural world to align for future communication with the spirit you're trying to contact.

23. Talk with others about their memory

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Many people think that the only way to communicate with a passed loved one is through spiritual mediums or ouija boards. But in reality, even sharing their memory with other people through stories and conversations, you will find yourself in communication with that person. Keeping their memory alive helps you cherish the time that you did have with them. It also allows you to process any emotions surrounding them and allows your loved one to open a channel of communication with you as well. Give it a try!

24. Have a portrait made of them

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This might seem pretty basic, but many people have said that their loved ones began communicating with them when they did this. Have a special portrait or painting made of your loved one. This is first and foremost a great way to honor their memory. Once it's in your possession, place it in a spot in your home, preferably a spot that meant something to them. This will become a way for you to connect to your loved one every time you see it, and your loved one will know that they can communicate to you in this way, because you're open to it.

25. Your child might communicate for your loved one

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Did you know that children are especially attuned to the spirit world? The theory is that because they just recently crossed over from the spirit world themselves (before birth), they are more easily able to communicate with the dead. The veil between the two worlds is much thinner to them. So if your child is talking to someone who's not there or your baby is very chatty and babbling all the time, it is very possible that a loved one is communicating to them and through them. So if your kid starts talking about a new imaginary friend, ask some questions! Some people have said their kids have even mentioned a relative by name that they certainly wouldn't have known in their lifetime!

26. Understand the power of your mind

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We've already addressed meditation and communicating with spirits on your own, but this can only be achieved when you understand the power of your mind. It will definitely take time and practice to be able to access this on your own, but you have the capability within you to harness your mind to communicate with the dead. Clear your mind in the same way as you would when meditating. Focus attention to your third eye and open up your mind, body and spirit to receive communications from beyond. It's worth a shot!

27. You can wear their clothing

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This is something that should be done in your own time, and when you feel ready. But it can be very powerful to wear a piece of clothing that belonged to your loved one. Many people say that this brings a unique healing effect, as well as a closeness with them. This opens up communication with them, especially if you're looking for guidance in your life, because it's a tangible reminder that the person is still with you in some way. You will be reminded throughout the day that they are closer than you think!

28. What to do if a loved one reaches out

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Perhaps you've had a deceased loved one reach out to you, and while it brought comfort, it can also bring confusion. These events are deeply spiritual, and thus they can leave you with an array of emotions to deal with. If you do experience this, it's important to not keep it to yourself. Make sure there's someone in your life, whether it's a family member, friend or spiritual leader, that you can share the events with. This person will be able to help you sort through any questions or emotions that may arise and what to do with them.

29. Try to keep an open mind

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One of the biggest reasons people try to communicate with the dead and fail is because they cannot keep an open mind. Of course, you need to be aware and use discernment at all time, but if you approach the situation with strong skepticism, it will be much harder for you to open up to a potential experience that might be waiting for you. On the flip-side of that, if you don't use discernment, it can be easy to fabricate or fantasize a conversation if you are desperate to hear from your loved one, which can often leave you more confused or even in danger.

30. Take this advice with caution

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We know that the desire to speak with a loved one who is no longer among the living can be incredibly strong. However, we urge all readers to be cautious when trying any of these methods to contact the dead. When you are in a state of grieving, you are extra vulnerable, which means, it's easier for evil spirits to attach to you as well. While you may initially think this is the loved one you hoped for, it can quickly turn sinister. These spirits can take possession of you, and you may not even be aware of it! So be mindful of your surroundings when you do contact the dead and make sure it's a safe spot (i.e., not while driving or near weapons).

31. How to help your loved one cross over

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Whether it's actually a deceased loved one who has stayed bound to the earth who you'd like to help find peace, or if it's a spirit you feel connected to or have noticed around you that you want to help pass on, there are some ways you can help a spirit attached to you to move on and find peace in the beyond instead. Sometimes, you might feel like you can't rest until you help that energy pass on and leave you be.

32. Why might they stick around?

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If it's a family member, they might be staying around you to help you, guide you and show that they still love you. Sometimes, it might be the case that you don't feel like you need your loved one's presence anymore and that it's time for them to pass on so you can both be at peace with it. Other times, spirits might linger if people haven't been ready to die or if they went through something traumatic that's keeping them stuck around.

33. Some signs to watch out for

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You might be feeling some signs of a loved one near you in your own home, and trusting your intuition that a spirit is close to you. It may also be the case that you feel an unknown spirit in your home, or with you in certain places. This can happen if you have moved into a home where the deceased person lived and decided to stick around, or it might be a place the spirit felt attached to and lingered around instead of moving on.

34. Harmless spirit versus something else

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Of course there's always the chance that the spirit presence you're feeling isn't too positive. Most of the time, spirits or 'hauntings' will be positive presences that mean you no harm, but you might have got a vibe of a more negative presence around you, or something in your home like more threatening activity. In this case, it's time for the professionals!

35. They might just want to be heard

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One of the biggest reasons a spirit can linger instead of moving on is because they feel like they have unfinished business. This might be what's keeping them in one place, in which case, to help them feel ready to cross over, you might want to give them the opportunity to be heard. This could be asking for signs, messages or talking to them for them to try and communicate what they need.

36. Your loved one might have a message

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In the case of a loved one who has chosen to stick around instead of moving on, it might be that they have a message specifically for you, or a family member, that they didn't get chance to deliver before they passed on. This is also why it can be helpful to give them an opportunity to 'speak' or communicate that message so that they can say what they need and then feel at peace to move on.

37. Don't be tempted be an ouija board

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An ouija board is a well known tool to speak with the dead, but it shouldn't be used by just anybody in the home. If you think you have a spirit or loved one trying to communicate a message, don't be so quick to buy any old ouija board and have a go! You should speak with professionals and get advice, and professionals like mediums could even use the board in your stead to help get the message through.

38. Don't go straight to a professional

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Depending on the type of person you are and how connected you are to your spirituality, it might be possible to avoid a medium or another professional if you can 'tune yourself in' to be more open to messages. You might want to practice lucid dreaming or opening up your mind more to receive these messages so that spirits can give them and then move on.

39. The spirit might want forgiveness

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Some spirits might linger because they feel guilty about something they did in life, or how their death came about, and in response they decide not to move on because they might feel as though they don't deserve to. It may be that they're just looking for forgiveness rather than having any message to give. If it's a loved one you know, give them that forgiveness.

40. What if it's a spirit you don't know?

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You might have a spirit on your hands who's looking for forgiveness, who you don't actually know. It might be worth, in this case, researching the history of where you are, or what's going on. If you're in an old house and feel you have a spirit there, you might want to find out what happened with previous residents. You might be able to find out who the spirit is and contact the right people - or say the right things - for forgiveness so they can move on!

41. Consult a medium if it's a negative spirit

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There is nothing you can do yourself if it's a negative spirit that has attached itself to you or your home, as it might not be a spirit who wants to move on, or it might not be able to move on for a negative reason, like something bad it did in life. If you feel like your energy is being drained by a negative spirit, it's time to speak to an expert to get help instead of trying to deal with it alone!

42. Get help from the deceased's family

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If you're already a medium, or feel you have some connection or professional experience with sorting through messages from spirits, a good way to help a spirit to pass over is to try and have a family member sit with you or be with you during the time you're communicating, so that they can verify what you're hearing and being told. This will help to tie any loose ends and help them move on!

43. Don't ignore any messages

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Sometimes messages can come as signs or feelings, but sometimes you might be so tuned in that you get a very direct message from the spirit, which could be something they want said to a certain person, or something they want done. They're not going to leave you alone if you ignore the message and won't be able to move on until it's acknowledged and accepted!

44. Reach out to them first if you can

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If you feel you have the presence of a deceased loved one still with you, and you feel like it's time for them to move, don't wait until you get a message or sign from them - because it might never come. Instead, you could make the first move by trying to communicate with them whatever you want to say as a goodbye and tell them it's okay for them to move on.

45. Ask them to move on (with love!)

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When you actively try to communicate with the spirit of a deceased love one around you, they're going to hear you, and they're going to be ready to listen to you. If their presence is making you feel like you can't move on or deal with your grief, speak to them to send them love and positive thoughts, and then directly ask them to please move on and be at peace.

46. What you need to know about earthbound spirits

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Earthbound spirits are the ones you're most likely to find pacing their old footsteps in a place they used to be when they were living. It may be a favorite haunt - quite literally - of theirs. A lot of these kind of spirits don't even know that they're dead, which is why they're still going round the same routine in the same place. You might be able to communicate with them that they've passed on, so they can move on!

47. What about wandering spirits?

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Wandering spirits are like earthbound spirits in that they're still connected to this earth, but they don't have an old favorite place they're connected to, so they wander a little aimlessly, feeling lost. This is when it's most likely they're going to attach to a person or place they find along the way. They also don't know they're dead a lot of the time, which is why they haven't passed on.

48. Residual hauntings

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This one relates to more of a type of energy left behind, rather than an actual spirit or memory of a person. Residual energy can be found in certain places where this energy has been released (such as a house that has seen a varied history of heightened emotions, or a big event happening there). Historical and old places are the most likely to get this kind of residual haunting.

49. Interference energy

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Interference energy is again in relation to energy more than the spirit of a person, and it involves links or portals to the astral world. The energy itself is that portal, through which spirits can choose to pass - or maybe even something more negative and unwanted might come through. The portal needs to be closed in order to stop spirits going the wrong way!

50. Spirit orbs

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Orbs are what most people associate with spirit, ghosts or the paranormal. Orbs are tiny specks of light that can appear out of nowhere, get caught on camera or seen in the corner of the eye. Spirit orbs can be a manifestation of spirit energy without having a complete body. Orbs are believed to have spirit intelligence and be the soul or life force of people who have passed on.

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