Plants We Should All Be Growing In Our Gardens

By Paula Tudoran 9 months ago

Lavender — The Aroma Oasis

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Lavender, with its slender stems adorned by delicate purple blooms, creates an oasis of tranquility in your garden. As the gentle breeze rustles its fragrant leaves, a sense of calm envelops your space, soothing both the mind and soul. But it's not just humans who find solace in lavender's aroma; bees and butterflies are drawn to its sweet scent, fluttering among the blossoms as they pollinate and ensure your garden's vitality.

Sunflowers — Nature's Smiley Faces

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When you introduce sunflowers to your garden, you're inviting nature's happiest faces to brighten your surroundings. Their towering stalks reach toward the sky, crowned with golden petals that follow the sun's path throughout the day. As these radiant giants sway in the wind, they offer more than just visual delight. Their plump, seed-filled centers become a feast for feathered friends, from chirping songbirds to curious squirrels, providing a lively spectacle of nature's interconnected harmony.

Basil — A Culinary Delight

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Ah, basil — the versatile superstar of your garden's culinary ensemble. With leaves with a distinct aroma reminiscent of earth and sunshine, basil transforms ordinary dishes into extraordinary delights. From hearty pasta sauces to refreshing pestos, its leaves infuse your creations with a burst of flavor that dances on your taste buds. Pluck sprigs of this fragrant herb from your garden whenever inspiration strikes, adding an instant touch of garden-fresh magic to your culinary escapades.

Tomatoes — Vine-Ripened Goodness

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Gardening is a journey, and growing tomatoes is a fulfilling chapter that unfolds with each vine-ripened treasure you harvest. As you nurture these plump orbs of flavor, their colors range from deep reds to vibrant yellows, reflecting the richness of the soil they call home. Cherry tomatoes offer a burst of sweetness, while beefsteak varieties provide juicy, substantial slices for your favorite sandwiches. And when it's time to simmer a pot of homemade sauce, plum tomatoes step up to the plate, infusing your dishes with garden-to-table goodness.

Mint — Cool and Refreshing

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Imagine strolling through your garden on a warm summer's day, plucking a few mint leaves and crushing them between your fingers. A refreshing, cooling scent envelops you, an immediate respite from the heat. Mint's reputation for spreading is well-earned, but its vigorous growth brings a delightful perk: an abundance of leaves for crafting soothing teas or jazzing up desserts. Just be sure to give it a designated space or a pot, and let its invigorating presence be a cherished highlight of your garden retreat.

Rosemary — Fragrant Evergreen

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Rosemary, the fragrant sentinel of your garden, not only elevates your culinary creations but also beckons beneficial insects with its enchanting blue flowers. As you gather its needle-like leaves for aromatic seasoning, a symphony of flavors unfolds in your kitchen. Meanwhile, the tiny petals become a vibrant hub of activity, drawing in pollinators that safeguard your garden's delicate balance. With its year-round greenery and dual role as a flavor enhancer and insect haven, rosemary is an evergreen essential.

Lemon Balm — Citrusy Calm

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Amid the verdant tapestry of your garden, lemon balm stands as a soothing oasis. A gentle brush against its leaves releases a burst of citrusy aroma — a fragrant promise of tranquility. Known for its calming properties, lemon balm invites serenity with each cup of tea you brew or dish you infuse. As the leaves mingle with your culinary creations, a touch of zesty calmness embraces your palate, a delightful reminder that nature's remedy thrives just a hand's reach away.

Strawberries — Sweet Temptation

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In the realm of garden temptations, homegrown strawberries reign supreme. Each plump, ruby-red berry offers an invitation to indulge in nature's candy. From the moment you pluck them, the aroma of sun-ripened sweetness fills the air, a promise of luscious bites to come. Whether nestled in containers or cascading from hanging baskets, these delectable treats add a touch of elegance and flavor to your garden space, making every harvest a moment of pure, unadulterated bliss.

Chives — Onion Allure

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Chives add a whisper of onion allure to your garden with their delicate green fronds and dainty purple blossoms. Their mild yet distinctive flavor invites a gentle touch of piquancy to your dishes, whether scattered atop a baked potato or sprinkled over a savory omelette. Beyond their culinary charm, chives embrace versatility, thriving in small spaces or containers. Crowned by those captivating blooms, their enchanting presence proves that even the tiniest garden nooks can hold a world of flavor.

Thyme — Tiny Herb, Big Flavor

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Don't let thyme's diminutive size fool you; within its modest leaves lies an earthy explosion of flavor that elevates your culinary pursuits to new heights. As you pluck these aromatic gems, their fragrance transports you to sun-kissed hillsides and Mediterranean breezes. With a hearty constitution and a penchant for drought resistance, thyme stands as a steadfast companion in your garden journey, delivering robust flavor and a touch of rustic charm to every dish.

Peppers — Spice of Life

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Peppers, those vibrant jewels of the garden, encompass a kaleidoscope of flavors, from the mild and sweet to the fiery and bold. As you nurture these plants, you're embarking on a flavorful adventure, cultivating varieties that cater to every palate. Whether nestled within pots or thriving in garden beds, peppers showcase their rainbow of hues, painting your space with vivacity and anticipation. Their bountiful harvest rewards your efforts with a symphony of tastes, offering a spicy reminder that life itself is a delicious medley.

Cilantro — The Zesty Herb

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Cilantro, a zesty protagonist in global cuisines, unfurls its leaves like a vibrant fan of flavor. Its herbaceous charm infuses dishes with a citrusy tang that enlivens the senses. Yet, as the weather warms, cilantro embarks on a journey of its own, sending up delicate blooms that whisper of its impending transformation. To savor its zest year-round, stagger your plantings, ensuring a steady supply of this culinary companion, even as it transitions from leafy vibrancy to the subtle allure of its coriander seeds.

Lemon Verbena — It's a Lemon's Dream

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Lemon verbena, a dreamy citrus treasure, bestows its essence upon your garden. As you brush against its foliage, an intoxicating lemon perfume envelops you, igniting visions of sunny orchards. Dive into its world of sensory delight by crafting invigorating teas or infusing desserts with its essence. And when winter's chill approaches, fear not — the potted lemon verbena becomes your aromatic ally indoors, a fragrant oasis that defies the cold with its vibrant warmth.

Cucumbers — A Crunchy Delight

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Crunch into the satisfying freshness of homegrown cucumbers — a true embodiment of garden-to-table goodness. A vertical approach optimizes your space while encouraging straight, delectable fruits to reach for the sky. Every bite is a cool and crisp reward, a refreshing reminder of the fruitful labor you've invested. Whether in salads, sandwiches, or enjoyed on their own, cucumbers bring a touch of hydrating delight to your culinary creations.

Dill — Trusted Pickling Partner

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In the world of culinary alchemy, dill emerges as the magician behind pickling wonders and fish-flavoring enchantments. Its feathery leaves bestow a delicate anise-like note that transforms cucumbers into briny delights. As you savor the tangy results of your pickling escapades, dill's yellow flowers punctuate the experience with a sunny burst of color. This multifaceted herb showcases its talents not only in your kitchen but also in your garden, where its presence beckons beneficial insects.

Marigolds — Pest-Repelling Blooms

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Marigolds are not mere blossoms but vigilant sentinels standing guard over your garden's well-being. Their vibrant hues radiate a spirit of protection, warding off unwanted pests and ensuring the flourishing harmony of your green haven. Amid their vibrant display, marigolds harbor a secret weapon — an aroma that repels invaders while beckoning beneficial insects. So, as you embrace their kaleidoscope of colors, know that marigolds are more than a feast for the eyes; they're the unsung heroes of your pest-defying sanctuary.

Lettuce — Leafy Greens Galore

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Turn your garden into a verdant salad bar brimming with the allure of freshly grown lettuce. With each tender leaf you pluck, you cultivate nourishment and a sense of accomplishment. From the velvety indulgence of butterhead to the crisp allure of romaine, lettuce varieties paint your plate with textures and flavors as diverse as your culinary imagination. A symphony of leafy greens awaits your creative touch, offering a healthy, homegrown foundation for your culinary masterpieces.

Sage — Wise and Savory

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Sage, the arbiter of culinary wisdom, imparts its robust presence upon your dishes. Its leaves are a potent ally, their earthy, aromatic embrace transforming ordinary recipes into epicurean delights. Beyond its culinary prowess, sage wears a regal crown of purple flowers that serve as a beacon for industrious pollinators, from diligent bees to fluttering butterflies. A symbol of both flavor and beauty, sage stands as a testament to the garden's capacity for both sensory gratification and ecological harmony.

Oregano — The Mediterranean Marvel

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Embrace the sun-soaked allure of the Mediterranean right in your garden with oregano, a fragrant marvel that transports your taste buds to distant shores. Whether sprinkled fresh or dried into dishes, its leaves are the embodiment of flavor, infusing your creations with the essence of distant landscapes. With oregano, the spirit of Italy's culinary traditions dances through your kitchen, enriching your meals with a tapestry of aromas that pay homage to the bountiful beauty of the Mediterranean coast.

Snapdragons — Playful Blooms

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Snapdragons, the whimsical garden wonders, invite you to partake in a playful interaction. Gently squeeze their flower heads, and watch as dragon-like jaws open and close — a captivating spectacle for both young and old. Amid their vibrant hues, snapdragons infuse your garden with color and curiosity, bridging the gap between imagination and reality. With every squeeze, a touch of enchantment fills the air, reminding us that surprises await at every petal's turn in the world of nature.

Aloe Vera — A Healing Touch

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Aloe vera, the verdant apothecary of your garden, offers a touch of healing magic to soothe life's little irritations. Its gel, a precious gift from nature, holds the power to mend sun-kissed skin and alleviate burns. As you cultivate this succulent guardian, you're nurturing a remedy that transcends time and generations, a versatile balm that stands ready to provide instant relief when life's minor mishaps come knocking. With an aloe plant on standby, your garden becomes a sanctuary of rejuvenation.

Parsley — Garnish and More

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Parsley, the verdant star of your garden's garnish, holds within its leaves a treasure trove of vitamins and flavor. Beyond its role as a culinary embellishment, parsley dances onto your plate with a refreshing touch, adding a burst of vitality to your dishes. As it matures into delicate blossoms, allow it to scatter its seeds — a promise of continuous growth and culinary inspiration. In the world of herbs, parsley's versatile allure ensures that it graces your garden with both freshness and long-lasting beauty.

Zinnias — Blooms of Joy

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Zinnias, those radiant messengers of joy, bring a burst of color and life to your garden canvas. Their varied hues and sizes attract a vibrant congregation of butterflies and hummingbirds, transforming your outdoor haven into an enchanting oasis. Each petal hosts a delicate dance as these winged visitors flit among the zinnias, creating a harmonious symphony of nature's most exquisite creatures. With zinnias as your partners in beauty, your garden becomes a stage for the wondrous dance of life.

Carrots — Underground Treasures

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Carrots, those humble underground treasures, hold the promise of sweetness and crunch that only homegrown delights can deliver. Beneath the soil's embrace, they develop an unparalleled flavor, embodying the essence of your garden's nurturing touch. For rocky soils, shorter varieties become the heroes, embracing their unique environment and yielding a bounty that reflects the determined spirit of both the gardener and the land. As you unearth these gems, you unearth a testament to nature's resilience and the rewards of patient cultivation.

Carnation — A Classic Beauty

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Carnations, those timeless expressions of beauty, grace your garden with their ruffled petals and intoxicating fragrance. A symbol of love and fascination, these blooms evoke emotions that transcend words, speaking to the heart through their delicate layers of color. As you gaze upon their classic elegance, you're reminded of nature's enduring charm upon your garden. With each delicate fold and whisper of fragrance, carnations stand as a testament to the exquisite poetry of floral artistry.

Spinach — Leafy Vitality

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Spinach, a verdant champion of wellness, unfurls its vibrant leaves to bestow a life-affirming gift upon your garden. From earth to plate, its tender greens invite a sense of vitality to every meal. Rich in iron and antioxidants, spinach invigorates your culinary creations, offering both robust flavor and nourishment. Whether blended into invigorating smoothies or lightly sautéed as a side dish, each bite is a delicious affirmation of nature's vibrant energy.

Nasturtium — Edible Elegance

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Nasturtiums, more than mere blooms, emerge as culinary gems that grace your garden with both beauty and flavor. Their vibrant petals, an artist's palette of hues, offer a peppery bite that enlivens salads and appetizers with a playful zest. As you weave these edible blossoms into your culinary creations, you're crafting a visual feast and a sensory journey that marries elegance and taste, celebrating nature's edible artistry in every delectable bite.

Chamomile — A Soothing Brew

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Chamomile, a delicate harbinger of tranquility, unfurls its dainty flowers to offer a soothing remedy for restless souls. As you nurture this herb, you're cultivating more than just beauty; you're tending to the promise of peaceful moments. With each cup of chamomile tea, its calming properties weave a cocoon of serenity, a gentle balm that eases the burdens of the day and wraps you in a warm embrace of relaxation — an elixir crafted by nature's tender touch.

Zucchini — Abundant Squash

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Zucchini, the garden's generous giver, ushers in an era of plenty with its prolific harvest. As its vines sprawl, plump fruits emerge like hidden treasures destined for a range of culinary adventures. Whether sautéed to buttery perfection, baked into moist loaves, or transformed into vibrant ribbons of "zoodles," zucchini's versatility ensures a consistent flow of garden goodness that satisfies both the palate and the imagination.

Bok Choy — Leafy Nutrients

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Bok choy, the leafy virtuoso, brings a symphony of nutrition to your garden and table. With its tender leaves and crisp stems, it harmonizes seamlessly in an array of dishes. Whether stir-fried to retain its vibrant crunch or showcased in refreshing salads, bok choy's medley of vitamins and minerals delivers a nourishing melody that resonates with every bite, inviting you to embrace the vitality of Asian-inspired cuisine.

Roses - A Riot of Color

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If you're looking for a dependable, colorful addition to your garden, roses are the obvious choice - no matter whether you have a huge rosebed, or just a small pot of roses by the door. Roses are known for their soft petals and stems full of sharp thorns, so you'll want your gardener's gloves for these! They come in a bunch of different varieties, and colors.

Tulips - Thousands to Choose From

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There truly is every color under the sun to choose from when it comes to tulips, which means they're likely to match any garden theme whatsoever. Or, if you're trying to create an inviting rainbow, you could plant a ton of different colored tulips together. These are known for their different types of shape, height and the time of year that they bloom.

Lilies - Did You Know They Can Have Freckles?

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Lilies are really beautiful options for any garden, and they're another choice that comes in many different colors to suit your garden theme or preference. They're known for their huge petals and their selection of colors (most popularly including white, yellow, orange and pink). They can even have freckles on their petals, and they're pretty low maintenance, too!

Begonias - The Perfect Landscaping Bush

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If you're looking for some really big and attractive bushes for your garden, then begonias are the way to go, because you can choose from many different shapes and sizes - either a small collection, or as big a bush as you need! They're known for their pink, red or white petals mostly, with green or gold-colored leaves. They do come in shades of yellow and orange, too, though!

Hibiscus - Tropical Colors

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Hibiscus are known for growing in tropical climates, which is why they come in a variety of bright colors, including peach, yellow, salmon pink or orange. You can also get more hardy varities that come in normal red, pink and white. They're known for creating huge, beautiful bushes if you look after them, perfect for a garden statement piece! The flowers themselves can grow as large as plates!

Peonies - The Fluffy One

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The texture and shape of the flowers and plants in your garden really make a difference when it comes to aesthetics, and with peonies, you're getting an adorable 'fluffy' effect with these textured blooms, which usually come in shades of white and pink (but you can get varieties of orange and red). These flower bushes can actually reach a height of seven feet!

Orchids - Waxy Petals

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Orchids offer something a little different when it comes to the shine and finish of the petals, as they're more a waxy, shiny texture than soft matte petals. Orchids look glorious in gardens, and they come in all sorts of colors and sizes, perfect for any space arrangement. They're not an easy choice if you want something you can plant without fuss, but they're worth the extra effort!

Hydrangea - The Most Beautiful Choice

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Hydrangea bushes are very popular for gardens, with good reason - because look at them! They're one of the most beautiful and best choices for landscape bushes, and they come in lots of different colors that are all attention-grabbing, in shades of purple, pink, blue and even green or white. Spring time is when you can expect them to bloom the brightest!

Rhododendron - A Showstopper!

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Rhododendrons are one of the most stunning bushes and trees you can choose for a garden showstopper. They're extremely popular - with good reason - and they come in beautiful bell-shaped flowers, usually in bright hues of pink, red, purple or yellow. They even bloom from spring right through to fall, so you'll get a lot of time with those striking colors!

Pansies - Heart-Shaped

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What can be more beautiful than a flower in itself? One with petals shaped like a heart! The pansy comes in many different color shades and varieties, including the rather unique black pansy. Mostly, they come in bright blue, lilac or purple shades, and they love cooler temperatures, so perfect if you're trying to get a nice garden going somewhere that's not too hot.

Petunias - Speckled Delights

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Petunias are actually very unique-looking flowers when you get the right color variety, and they almost look like a galaxy of stars when they come in white and purple! They also come in plain white, and they're known for their very pleasant and strong fragrance - so you'll definitely want to fill your garden with these! They've very easy to care for, too.

Gardenia - Classically Beautiful

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Gardenias may look like very simple flowers, but really they're some of the most classically beautiful varieties. Not only do they have creamy-white petals that are going to look good no matter what, they have very thick and rubbery green leaves and stems that pair perfectly with the white for a traditional garden look. They really enjoy the heat, so will do well with a lot of humidity!

Honeysuckle - The Fence Creeper

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If you have a walled or fenced garden that you're hoping to cover with climbing plants and flowers, then honeysuckle is a great choice. This plant easily covers fences, wall or any sort of pergola or archway in your garden with its beautiful flowers. The petals themselves are shaped more long and thin, and they do give off an extremely pleasant scent.

Camellia - Perfectly Shape

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There's just something so satisfying about the perfect shape of a camellia's flower petals. It almost looks like a gourmet dessert with perfect icing, doesn't it? But obviously don't eat these ones! The carmellia is a stunning flower that comes in lighter shades of pink and white, or red. They prefer a little bit of shade if they can get it, so ideal for non-south-facing gardens!

Hyacinth - Beautiful Blooms

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Hyacinths are a really stunning and unique plants, because they grow tall and thin in bunches that have spiky petals. The most common color of this garden plant is a purple-blue shade, paired with green foliage, but they can also come in a variety of different colors which includes white and cream if you prefer a more understated bloom! No matter which one you choose, they're all beautiful.

Lily of the Valley - The Poisonous One

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Lily of the Valley is a truly stunning addition to any garden, so it depends how much you want to take the risk. The risk is minimal as long as you're away of its poisonous nature around children and pets (so you might not want this for your garden if you have those!). With the right care, though, Lily of the Valley is one of the most beautiful and fragrant garden plants.

Black-Eyed Susan - Bright and Beautiful

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This flower looks very much like a smaller version of a sunflower based on the beautiful yellow petals and the black center. This is another very cheerful-looking wildflower plant, and can be a great option if you'd prefer to sunflowers. They look very similar to daisies with a more vibrant color, and each has a stem which grows around a foot tall (though some can reach two feet!).

Buttercups - Cheery Yellow

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If you like yellow flowers, then you might automatically think of buttercups - these flowers are so delicate and small that they make a really sweet addition to any garden, especially if you have a huge bed of them you can admire from the window, too! Did you know they actually come in other colors than yellow, though? You can also get pink, orange, white, lavender and red.

Chrysanthemum - Take Your Pick of Color!

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You're absolutely spoilt for choice when it comes to color if you're thinking which chrysanthemums to kit out your garden with, because they come in every color you can think of. Not only that, they're thick and tightly packed leaves can make a bed of them look like there are more flowers than there actually are, so they're a great choice for catching the eye!

Azalea - Perfect for Decking

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Another pop of color you can add to your garden is with the azalea, and this is more popular if you're looking for something ornamental, like if you have a decked garden instead of grass. They're an extremely popular ornamental shrub for their striking colors, but just be aware they only bloom bright for around three weeks during springtime!

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