Things Everyone Should Do Before They Commit To A Relationship

By Paula Tudoran 1 year ago

Know Yourself First

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Understanding yourself is like having a roadmap to your heart. Knowing your values, dreams, and boundaries helps you stand strong in a relationship. When you're self-aware, you're like an open book — honest about your needs, desires, and even quirks. This transparency nurtures a deep connection with your partner, creating a space where you can both grow and flourish.

Communication Styles Matter

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Picture communication as a dance — you both need to be in sync. Each person has their rhythm, and understanding your partner's style is like learning their dance moves. It's not just about words; it's about tone, timing, and even the unspoken. By grasping how your partner expresses themselves, you can navigate conversations smoothly, making your relationship a harmonious, melodious duet.

Deal with Your Baggage

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Think of baggage as old clothes taking up space in your emotional closet. Carrying them into a new relationship might leave you with limited room for new experiences. Unpack that baggage before you commit. Addressing lingering issues and healing emotional wounds helps you start fresh. It's like decluttering, creating space for a new wardrobe of positive emotions and shared moments.

Shared Goals and Values

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Imagine a tandem bike ride — both riders need to pedal in the same direction. Aligning your goals and values with your partner's sets the course for a fulfilling journey together. Like two stars in the same constellation, your shared aspirations guide you towards a harmonious future. Differences might arise, but your common values act as the compass, keeping your relationship on track.

Assess Emotional Availability

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Think of emotional availability as a trust fall. Are you both ready to catch each other? Unresolved emotional issues can feel like an invisible barrier, making that fall a little scarier. Assessing your emotional readiness ensures that when you take that leap into commitment, you're met with open arms. It's like building a foundation of emotional security, where you both can lean on each other without hesitation.

Friends and Family Approval

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Imagine your relationship as a garden, and your friends and family as the sunshine and rain. While your garden can bloom without them, their presence enriches it. Approval might not be essential, but their support nurtures the soil of your relationship. It's like having cheerleaders in the stands of your love story, adding an extra layer of joy to your shared journey.

Openness About Finances

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Imagine your relationship as a joint venture, and financial transparency as your balance sheet. Sharing your financial details isn't about invading privacy; it's about building trust. Think of it as creating a budget for love, where you allocate resources for shared dreams and expenses. Just like a well-balanced budget, open financial discussions set the stage for harmony and stability in your partnership.

Quality Time vs. Quantity

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Think of your time together as a rare, precious gem. It's not about hoarding gems; it's about admiring their brilliance. Quality time is like polishing that gem, making it shine even brighter. While quantity can be comforting, it's the quality that leaves lasting imprints on your hearts. It's like weaving a tapestry of memories, where each thread represents a meaningful moment you both cherish.

Independence Matters

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Consider your relationship as a garden of personal growth. Each partner is like a unique flower, adding diversity and vibrancy. Nurturing individual hobbies, friendships, and activities doesn't mean pulling away; it means adding richness to the garden. It's like tending to your own growth while also enjoying the beauty of your partner's blossoming. The result is a lush and flourishing connection that's strong because of, not in spite of, your independence.

Conflict Resolution Skills

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Imagine disagreements as puzzles waiting to be solved. Constructive arguments are the puzzle pieces that fit together to create a complete picture. Rather than avoiding conflict, embrace it as an opportunity for growth. Think of it as a shared workshop where you both learn to build bridges instead of walls. With each resolved disagreement, your relationship becomes stronger, and your bond tighter.

Embrace Change

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Think of your relationship as a book with different chapters. Embracing change is like turning the page to explore new adventures together. Just as characters in a story evolve, so do you. It's not about clinging to the past chapters; it's about eagerly diving into the unknown chapters ahead. Embracing change means staying curious, open-minded, and excited about the twists and turns that life brings your way.

Respect Their Personal Space

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Consider personal space as a sanctuary for both partners. It's a cozy corner where you can recharge, reflect, and simply be. Just as birds need their nests, partners need their space. Think of it as creating a safe haven for individuality within your togetherness. Respecting personal space isn't a sign of distance; it's a gesture of understanding that enhances the intimacy you share.

Physical and Emotional Connection

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Imagine your relationship as a dance floor with two distinct rhythms — physical and emotional. Just as dance partners harmonize their steps, combining physical closeness with emotional vulnerability creates a mesmerizing rhythm unique to you. Think of it as a duet of heartbeats, where your physical touch conducts the melody while emotional connection provides the soulful lyrics, resulting in a symphony of love.

Support Each Other's Dreams

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Consider yourselves a team with shared jerseys of encouragement. Cheering for each other's goals is like fueling each other's engines. Your partner's dreams aren't separate from yours; they're part of your joint journey. Think of it as holding up a banner of motivation, reminding them that their aspirations matter to you as much as your own. This mutual support builds a foundation of trust and shared ambition.

Navigate Jealousy

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Think of jealousy as a tiny rain cloud on a sunny day. Addressing it openly is like letting the sun peek through. Instead of ignoring the cloud, talk about it. Transparency melts away doubts and reassures both partners. Trust acts as an umbrella, shielding you from the rain of insecurity. Remember, the key is acknowledging and discussing those feelings, fostering deeper trust in your relationship's sunshine.

Remember the Little Things

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Imagine your relationship as a mosaic, where each small tile creates a bigger picture. These tiles are the small gestures that build a beautiful pattern of closeness. From a simple "good morning" text to a surprise cup of coffee, these little things color your relationship with warmth. Think of them as tiny daily affirmations, whispering, "I'm thinking of you," and nurturing the bond you both cherish.

Meet Each Other's People

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Think of your relationship as a puzzle with multiple pieces. Meeting each other's friends and family is like finding the missing parts. It's about weaving your lives into a bigger tapestry of connections. Your partner's people become your people, and vice versa. Just as different puzzle pieces create a complete image, meeting each other's circle of loved ones adds depth and a sense of belonging.

Learn from Past Mistakes

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Imagine past relationships as stepping stones, leading you toward the present. Reflecting on these stones is like collecting wisdom for the journey ahead. Instead of dwelling, extract lessons from those experiences. Think of it as using a compass to navigate — avoiding pitfalls and charting a wiser course. Your ability to learn from the past becomes a guiding light, illuminating the path to a healthier, happier relationship.

Handle Stress Together

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Consider stress as a gust of wind that can shake your relationship tree. Facing it as a team is like deepening your roots to withstand the storm. Supporting each other during challenging times is like building a shelter against the rain. Think of it as weathering the storm hand in hand, growing closer as you conquer adversity together. Your bond emerges stronger, and your love becomes an anchor amidst life's uncertainties.

Travel Compatibility is a Must

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Imagine traveling together as a litmus test for your partnership. Exploring new horizons unveils not only new places but also how well you navigate uncharted waters as a duo. It's like a road trip of teamwork, where detours and pit stops become shared memories. Through challenges and discoveries, your travel journey paints a canvas of your compatibility, showcasing your ability to thrive in the adventure of life.

Share Your Responsibilities

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Consider your relationship as a well-orchestrated symphony. Discussing responsibilities is like harmonizing different instruments for a melodious outcome. By setting clear roles, you avoid dissonance and prevent future clashes. Think of it as composing a masterpiece of partnership, where each note contributes to the harmony, allowing your love to crescendo gracefully without discordant notes.

Quality of Conversations

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Think of conversations as the heartbeats of your relationship. Engaging in meaningful dialogue is like nurturing that heart. Just as a healthy heartbeat is a sign of vitality, the quality of your conversations reflects your connection's health. It's like exchanging notes in the melody of your relationship, where each word adds depth, rhythm, and resonance to the symphony of your shared moments.

Appreciate Differences

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Imagine your relationship as a tapestry woven from threads of individuality. Embracing differences is like adding vibrant colors and textures to the weave. Your partner's quirks and unique traits are the threads that make your tapestry distinct. Think of it as a collaborative art piece where every brushstroke of uniqueness enriches the canvas. Together, your differences create a masterpiece that tells the story of your love.

Laugh Together

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Imagine laughter as the glue that holds the mosaic of your relationship together. Shared laughter is like sprinkling glitter over your moments, adding sparkle and joy. It's not just about jokes; it's about sharing a sense of lightness. Think of it as a daily dose of happiness medicine, fostering a connection that thrives on shared smiles and hearty chuckles. Laughter is your secret ingredient to a lasting bond.

Nurture Spontaneity

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Imagine your relationship as a garden that thrives on unexpected rain showers. Embrace spontaneity as the rain that keeps your love flourishing. Surprising each other with unplanned gestures, from impromptu picnics to surprise dates, injects your journey with excitement and freshness. Think of it as sprinkling magic dust over your connection, creating memories that sparkle with the charm of spontaneity. Spontaneity infuses a sense of adventure, making your love story beautifully unpredictable.

Give Each Other Space to Grow

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Consider growth as a garden of possibilities. Giving space to your partner is like allowing room for new blossoms. Just as plants need sunlight and rain, individuals need space to flourish. How much it depends on the person. But this is like tending to your partner's growth with nurturing care, knowing that as they evolve, their fragrance enriches the garden of your relationship.

Celebrate Achievements

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Imagine your relationship as a team sport. For instance, celebrating achievements is like scoring a victory goal together. From small triumphs to significant milestones, each win is a shared success story. It's like adding a trophy to your shared cabinet of memories. Recognizing each other's accomplishments amplifies the pride you take in each other's journey.

Deal with Relationship Bumps

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Think of bumps as stepping stones along the path of your relationship. Tackling them together is like holding hands to navigate the rocky terrain. Facing challenges as a united front strengthens your bond. It's like the teamwork needed to conquer a tough puzzle. With patience, communication, and support, you not only solve the puzzle but also emerge with a deeper connection.

Forgive and Move Forward

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Imagine forgiveness as a cleansing rain that washes away lingering storms. Holding grudges is like carrying an unnecessary weight. Learning to forgive is like clearing the air after a storm, allowing the sun to shine again. Think of it as a reset button, giving your relationship a chance to bloom anew. Forgiving and letting go is your secret to rejuvenating your connection.

Plan for the Future

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Consider your relationship as a shared adventure map. Planning for the future is like charting new destinations together. From the big life goals to everyday dreams, envisioning your journey ensures you're moving in harmony. It's like crafting a roadmap of love, marking milestones and anticipating surprises. Planning together fuels excitement, and each goal achieved becomes a cherished memory.

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