1. Cutting matted fur out of a dog's ear

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If dogs aren’t regularly groomed, their fur can get super matted. But this doesn’t mean you should reach for the scissors. Clumps of fur can be hard to comb or brush out, so a lot of owners decided to cut these clumps out, which risks harm to your pet. Vets say that as it can be difficult to find where the clump ends and the ear begins, it's all too easy to cut your furry friend’s ear – and this means a trip to the medical room.
2. Not socializing your puppy

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
You might want to keep your adorable new puppy to yourself, but you should make sure you get your puppy socialized as soon as you can. Interacting with new people is critical to a puppy’s development, as they will be less aggressive and more content with new situations. Vets have seen a LOT of unsocialized puppies in the wake of lockdown, with many dogs fearing to go outside or meet new people. Don’t let your dog be one of them!
3. Not trimming your dog's nails

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
It's really important to stay on top of your dog’s nail cutting. And Shelly Zacharias, veterinarian and vice president of medical affairs at Gallant, has the reasons why:
“Overgrown nails can cause a number of problems, including growing into the footpad, which can cause extreme pain and infection, breaking off and bleeding excessively, or partially breaking off, which often needs sedation to fix.” 4. Ignoring chronic vomiting

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Some dog owners might not be too alarmed by their pooch vomiting – especially if they have a tendency to eat things they shouldn’t be (like your phone wire, couch or book collection). But this isn’t normal behavior. Vets advised that if your pet is vomiting, even if they appear well, you should get some expert advice asap, as it might mean that your dog has an underlying medical condition.
5. Allowing dogs to meet nose-to-nose for their first introduction

(Image/ Source: wagwalking.com)
While it can be cute for your dog to boop noses with a new friend, you should be a bit more cautious. Shelly Zacharias says:
“It takes only a second for a bite to the face to occur if one of the dogs decides they are not a fan of the other, and even those of us with the best reflexes cannot stop this blink-of-an-eye injury from happening”. Be sure to ask another dog owner if their pet is good with other animals before letting your pooch interact with them.
6. Not picking up after your dog

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
There’s no excuse for this one, but a LOT of dog owners need to be reminded of this! Not only is it rude (and pretty disgusting) it’s also harmful to the health of both people and animals. Because poop contains dangerous bacteria like giardia, salmonella, and E. coli, these forms of bacteria can actually infect both animals and people – and it can even contaminate water supplies.
7. Skipping your dog's annual vaccinations

(Image/ Source: pinterest.com)
We know that our furry friends hate going to the vet, but it’s really important for them to stay up to date with their vaccinations. They can stop your pooch from developing health problems and common diseases, which therefore prevents more costly bills further down the line. Vets urge owners to ensure they check in every year to ensure their dog is in peak health.
8. Giving your dog human medication

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
This should go without saying, but surprising numbers of dogs make it to the emergency room after their owner has given them human medication. While some drugs for people can actually be given to pets safely, the only way safe way to do so is under direct supervision of a qualified veterinary, as they will be able to prescribe the right dosage to your pet.
9. Not getting them checked for canine dental disease if they have bad breath

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Bad breath might not seem like the biggest issue in the world, but Yolanda Ochoa, veterinarian and regional veterinary director of Fetch My Vet, says that your dog’s bad breath really needs to be checked out by an expert:
“Bad breath or halitosis can mean your pet has dental disease, which needs to be addressed by your veterinarian.” A professional may recommend antibiotics or anti-inflammatories.
10. Not washing their food and water bowls daily

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Be honest – how often are you giving your dog’s bowls and dishes a good scrub down? They ideally need to be cleaned with soap and hot water each day, while toys and bedding should be washed at least once a month. This gets rid of dirt and germs, and also prevents any nasty odors from building up in your home.
11. Complaining that your dog isn't hypoallergenic

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
According to vets, ALL dogs can spread allergy proteins. So if you’re allergic, you probably shouldn’t get one. But if you’re really keen, Amanda Landis-Hanna, veterinarian with PetSmart Charities, says: T
hough no dog is fully hypoallergenic, you can consider getting a dog that doesn't shed as much. You might even want to get a hairless dog like a Xoloitzcuintli.”12. Not providing your dog with mental exercise

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Your dog naturally needs a lot of physical exercise, but you should make sure you’re giving your furry friend some mental exercise too. Toys and games are always a good option, as is a game of hide and seek, as this will actively boost your dog’s memory; just hide their meal or a few treats around at home.
13. No structure or routine

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Having your dog lounging around at home all day with no structure or routine isn’t great for your furry friend. Just like humans, they need a regular schedule and boundaries, so establishing rules and a routine from the get-go helps your dog become more comfortable. Be consistent with your training!
14. Not knowing that different breeds have different needs and care requirements

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Every dog needs lots of love, care, attention and safety, but each dog breed will require different things. Be prepared for this when picking out a furry friend, as more large and energetic dogs will need more exercise than others. You should also be mindful of a dog’s age.
15. No knowledge that dogs with flat faces have breathing problems

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Flat-faced dogs like pugs are super popular at the moment, but not enough owners seem to be aware of the health problems they have. Brachycephalic breeds (dogs with flat faces) are very prone to breathing difficulties thanks to their impaired airways, which means they can struggle to breathe properly when they’re hot, stressed, or exercising.
16. And no awareness that Dachshunds can have back problems

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Dachshunds are another popular breed, but you should be mindful of the common health problems they can get before adding one to your family. These weeny dogs can develop everything from intervertebral disc disease (problems with the discs in their backs) to heart disease, so make sure you have pet insurance.
17. Buying a dog you can't afford

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
A lot of vets report that a lot of dog owners struggle to pay their furry friend’s medical bills, so it’s really important that you understand how much a dog can cost before getting one. Even without those medical bills, you should be purchasing need insurance, and you’ll need to buy everything from food and treats to games, toys and furnishings.
18. Buying a dog that isn't size appropriate

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If you have a small living space, it makes sense not to buy a dog that’s too big. But a lot of people end up doing just that! This leads to problems for both the pet and the owners; your dog might destroy your carefully curated home, which leads to resentment in the owner, which then fuels a dog’s bad behavior.
19. Not having time for training

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
You definitely shouldn’t be buying a dog if you don’t have time to train them – especially puppies. They require a lot of time and attention, and will need tons of initial training to ensure they develop the right behaviors. All too often, vets see dogs that the owners are clearly struggling with, and the frequent outcome is the dog being given to a shelter.
20. Bringing a dog home without thinking whether it's a good idea for your other pets (or your new dog)

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If you already have pets at home, you’ll need to think carefully about whether buying a dog is a good idea – for you, your other pets, and your new potential dog! While new dogs can quickly become best friends with other pets in a household, this isn’t always a guarantee.
21. Unwilling to put up with mess and behavior problems

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Unfortunately, mess and bad behavior comes with the territory. While some dogs can be super well-behaved, other furry friends, like rescue dogs and puppies, can act up for a while before they finally manage to settle down. So you’ll need to ask yourself if that’s something you’re willing to put up with!
22. Not being ready for a dog

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The idea of having a dog might make you happy, but the reality can be hard. You might need to change your entire lifestyle for a dog; there will be daily walks in all weathers, lots of cleaning and picking up poop, and a fair few expensive trips to the vet. Make sure you’re fully prepared for a new dog and all the situations that come with it.
23. Thinking a smaller dog will be easier

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Many vets meet pet owners who are surprised that smaller dogs are not necessarily easier than bigger dogs. But don’t be fooled into thinking they don’t require as much effort! Just like we’ve covered, different breeds have different needs, and a lot will also depend on the age and medical problems of your dog.
24. Not playing with your dog's ears from an early age

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
This might seem like an odd thing to do with your dog, but getting them used to someone touching their ears from an early age will make medical examinations at the vet a whole lot easier! This desensitizes them and keeps them calmer when they’re having their ears checked.
25. Not playing with their feet

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
The same goes for your dog’s paws. If you happen to have a puppy, get them used to having their feet played with, as this will make things a lot easier in the long run for you, your dog, and your vet! This is especially helpful in keeping dogs calm when they’re having their nails trimmed.
26. Not introducing them to loud noises

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
While vets aren’t suggesting you scare your furry friend out of their wits, it can be helpful to gradually introduce loud noises to them so they can become desensitized to them. Try playing YouTube clips at a low volume so your dog can get accustomed to them without freaking out.
27. Treating your dog like your children

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Celebrity vet Rory Cowlam advises that you shouldn’t ever be treating your dog like your child. He says:
“It's lovely that people care so much about their animals, however, it leads to a large part of the behavioural issues that we see in pets these days. We are seeing an absolute behaviour pandemic in our dogs and the issue is the owners."28. Not being relaxed around them

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If you’re a new dog owner, you might be a bit nervous or anxious around your pet at first, as you’ll be sussing out how they fit into your life. But vets say this is something you should work on, as this nervousness feeds into your dog. Animals are really good at picking up on stress, so if you stay relaxed and collected, chances are, your dog will too!
29. Picking your dog up when other dogs approach on a walk

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Vets also advise you not to pick up your furry friend as other dogs approach you on a walk. While you might be worried that your dog might come to harm, Rory Cowlam says this is a big no-no.
“Don't be that person. 99 times out of 100 that big dog is more friendly than your dog… so many people are really highly strung about their pets, and unfortunately this will then pass on to the dog.”30. Not dog-proofing your home

(Image/ Source: pinterest.com)
Your dog doesn’t know what’s dangerous and what isn’t in your home. They also don’t know that they aren’t supposed to eat cleaning products, or chew through cushions and couches! Try and protect your home and your dog as much as you can by keeping harmful things out of reach. You can also install a baby gate to make things easier.
31. Taking a walk that's too short
image source: reddit.com
Your dog should have the right amount of exercise every single day, and this will vary from dog to dog and breed to breed! You might think you're taking your dog on an adequate walk, but if it's a breed that needs a huge amount of exercise, even an average walk might be too short!
32. Or even taking a walk that's too long!
image source: reddit.com
And with this in mind, it's also possible to overdo it on the walking front! You might be walking your dog far too much every day for what they can comfortably do. This entirely depends on the dog, but if they're breeds who don't want/need a lot of exercise, and especially small dogs, you might be pushing them too much.
33. Going on the same route every single day
image source: reddit.com
There'll naturally be a route that you need to take every day if it's around your neighborhood and you're taking your dog on a short walk before work, or on your lunch break. But for their main walks, try to vary them a little bit from day to day, so your dog can explore new surroundings and smells.
34. Not having the perfect amount of tension on the leash
image source: reddit.com
There's a sweet spot when it comes to the amount of tension you should have, as too much tension means your dog could be restricted and not able to move properly, and too little means they might risk pulling too much or suddenly running at something, causing you to unbalance.
35. Using a collar instead of a harness

image source: reddit.com
Some dogs will do better with a body harness rather than a collar, especially if you have a dog that likes to pull and is in the middle of learning not too! With a collar, you have excess pressure on their throat which might do damage in the long run, so a body harness is the safer alternative.
36. Or having a collar/harness that doesn't fit properly
image source: reddit.com
But it's not enough just to have the right collar/harness for them - it also needs to fit properly, too. There will always be measurement guidelines for collars and harnesses before you buy them, so be sure to measure your dog properly with a tape measure and get one that isn't too tight or too loose.
37. Never letting them off the leash
image source: reddit.com
Some dogs need to be on a leash at all times, like dogs that don't have good recall or for other behavioral reasons. If this is the case, they definitely need to stay on the leash during public walks, but you should then find the time to book private dog fields or even the garden of someone you know to let your dog have a safe run off the leash from time to time.
38. Or letting them off the leash when you shouldn't
image source: reddit.com
The worst thing you can do as a dog owner on a walk is letting your dog off the leash when they can't be trusted. Not only is this dangerous for you and your pup if they run off (especially with traffic nearby) but it's a danger to other people and other dogs if yours runs up to them and causes a problem.
39. Failing to have identification on your dog's tag
image source: reddit.com
You should always have a proper identification tag for your dog when you're out walking, and they should wear it at all times. This ensures, if your dog does get away from you or something happens, your contact details are on the tag and your dog can be recognized as a pet and not a stray.
40. Letting your dog chew on the leash
image source: reddit.com
Dogs that don't take kindly to being restricted on the leash will often turn and start chewing on it the moment you put it on. Though it can be amusing to watch, it's behavior that needs curbing straight away while you train them to respect the leash and not to pull!
41. Not checking your dog's poop (another reason you should be picking it up!)
image source: reddit.com
Picking up your dog's poop - aside from just being the responsible thing to do - is also an opportunity to check everything is okay, especially in older dogs. Picking it up means you'll be able to see if it looks normal, in color and how solid it is, or whether there's anything to worry about, like blood in stool.
42. Not taking any treats on walks with you
image source: reddit.com
Having a pocketful of treats is a great idea for every dog walk, because it's part of the training and reward process so you can give your dog a treat when they do something good on walks. It's essential if you're training them, too, as positive words and pats on the head aren't as effective!
43. Presuming that every other dog is friendly
image source: reddit.com
As a dog walker, you need to be sure to respect yourself, your dog and other dogs by not just thinking every dog is as friendly as yours! Other owners may have dogs who are unsociable, anxious or even aggressive, and you should always keep your own dog under control around other dogs you don't know.
44. Walking too far ahead/behind your dog off the leash
image source: reddit.com
If your dog is trained to be off the leash and has recall, this doesn't mean that you can happily stroll along and let them do as they wish, knowing they'll come back if you ask. If you're walking too far behind, you can't see what's up ahead and your dog might run into another aggressive dog or a safety issue. If you're too far ahead, you're not paying attention to what's going on behind you, and your dog might have stopped, gone a different way or run into trouble.
45. Not watching your dog
image source: reddit.com
This also applies to not watching your dog when they're off the leash. If you've let them off and suddenly seen someone you know and in the middle of a conversation, not watching your dog, there could be anything going on - it doesn't matter how well behaved your own dog is, another problematic dog might have approached them.
46. Not exploring different terrain

image source: reddit.com
There are certain terrains that can actually help to keep your dog's nails filed down without having to manually cut them, such as tarmac and even sand! So it's a good idea to try and go for walks on various terrains instead of always going on grass, as it'll benefit them.
47. Not taking a towel with you

image source: reddit.com
Even if you have a walk planned out on a dry area, you never know what's going to happen, so you'll want to have a towel handy so you're not faced with a wet or muddy dog in your car or back at your front door! They might find an unexpected muddy puddle or it might start raining when you least expect it!
48. Not wearing the right footwear
image source: reddit.com
On dog walks, it's just as important to wear the right footwear as it is to make sure your dog is all sorted. If you don't have supportive footwear, and shoes with grip, you might risk your dog injuring you if it pulls suddenly. Walking shoes for dog walks should always be comfortable and fit for purpose!
49. Failing to train your dog for walks
image source: reddit.com
When you're training a pup, walk training is just important as training them for things in the house, so you'll want to make sure you start early with walk training. This includes training them not to pull, training them to heel, and training recall so they come back to you when called.
50. Not listening to other dog owners
image source: reddit.com
It's so important to respect other dog owners and their wishes. If they're hanging back and it looks like their dog is anxious, don't encourage them by saying 'Oh my dog is friendly don't worry' - because it's not about your dog, it's about them. So if they tell you to walk by, to keep your dog on a lead or to stay back, then listen to them.