Things Only Dog Owners Will Understand

By Molly 8 months ago

1. The pure joy of a wagging tail greeting you.

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No matter how badly your day has gone, there is no better feeling than being greeted at home with your pooch’s tail wagging at super speed. Sometimes, you feel like they’re ready to take off! The pure joy and happiness is always bound to rub off on you and cheer you up instantly.

2. The daily routine of picking up poop.

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People who haven’t owned a dog will freak out completely over the idea of picking up dog poop. But, when you’re the parent of a fur baby, this is a daily activity that you just do on autopilot without a second thought. Sometimes, multiple times a day!

3. Understanding the "zoomies"

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Every single dog owner understands what the zoomies are. They can come out of nowhere, suddenly your dog is hit with a huge surge of energy, next minute they’re running back and forth and jumping around in circles - usually with a manic look on their face, too!

4. The struggle to keep them from eating things they shouldn't.

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Dog owners know the panic. When all of a sudden, you realize that your dog is chewing something and you have no idea what it is. Some dogs are prone to this and will eat absolutely anything they can get away with! Turn your back and they're eating your socks.

5. Mastering the art of petting them just right.

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Now, when it comes to petting your pooch, often it isn't good enough to just simply pat or stroke them. They will have you petting them in just the right spot, at the right pace, for the right amount of time. And if you're not doing it properly, they'll let you know by whining or pawing you!

6. The constant battle of shedding fur.

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Ah, the fur. You can change your bedsheets and look forward to hitting the sack with a nice clean duvet. Only to discover there are already dog hairs all over it, even within a couple of minutes! The hairs attach to everything, even freshly washed sheets.

7. The feeling of guilt when leaving them alone.

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You're looking forward to a day out with your friends, or maybe you're leaving the house for something unavoidable such as work, you turn around and take one look at your dogs face and it melts your heart. The urge to call in sick explaining that your dog just looks too sad is strong!

8. Celebrating their birthdays like they're family.

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It would be totally unfair to celebrate every family members house in front of your dog and then have the nerve to completely ignore theirs! They deserve a great birthday, too. They will get presents, a dog-friendly cake and maybe even decorations! But be careful not to discuss these plans in front of your dog, you'll give away the surprise!

9. The overwhelming love during cuddle sessions.

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Sometimes, a good loving cuddle session from your dog is all you need. Seriously, these cuddle sessions can cure even the deepest of sorrows, even if just for a moment. The overwhelming love you feel for them is huge, and you feel that radiating right back at you from your pooch.

10. Dog hair on your clothes, no matter how hard you try.

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The shedding of the hair is so bad it needed two points, okay? Let's talk about the hair on your clothes. If your dog is white, say goodbye to ever wearing clean black trousers again. Likewise, with black dogs your white shirts are forever ruined. The hair is EVERYWHERE!

11. The bond that forms during training sessions.

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If you haven't attended a training session with your pooch, go sign up to one right now! The bond during these is indescribable. When you feel like you're working together as a team, you form your own wavelength, deepening the understanding and connection between you and your dog.

12. The challenge of finding a pet-friendly apartment.

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There are so many landlords who flat out refuse to take in tenants with pets. So, if you've ever tried moving house with a dog, you'll know the struggle. You could find your absolute dream apartment or house, in the best area, with the best amenities, but if it isn't dog friendly - it's an instant no.

13. The joy of watching them play at the dog park.

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Letting your dog run free around the park is definitely a proud parent moment. Watching them frolic around with such happiness is better than therapy. Seeing them play happily with other dogs making friends is always going to put a big smile on your face.

14. Knowing their favorite treat or toy.

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Some people say that dogs can't talk. And, whilst this is true, they can still tell you a lot about what they're feeling! You can see when they are genuinely overjoyed by a certain treat, toy or food. And their reaction is priceless when you present them with this. You probably save their favorites for special occasions or when they've really earned it.

15. The difficulty of leaving them for vacations.

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Whilst going away on vacation is super exciting, it also comes with a lot of sadness and anxiety when you're leaving behind your beloved fur baby. Saying goodbye to them is super hard, and even once you're away you get hit with a huge feeling of missing them.

16. Learning to decode their barks and body language.

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Not all barks are equal! Some are angry barks, some frustrated, scared, playful, and the list goes on. You can tell exactly what your dog is asking for by the look on their face, the tone of their bark or even the way they are holding their tail. You become an expert at reading them.

17. The funny and unique personalities of different breeds.

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Each dog is completely unique, just like humans! They all have their own individual personalities and qualities which make them so lovable. Some qualities are similar across breeds, too. For example, Staffordshire Bull Terriers don't know a thing about personal space!

18. The happiness of seeing them learn new tricks.

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At first, you think tricks are going to be both hard, and futile - but you soon see them learn bit by bit (with the help from plenty of treats) and it puts so much joy and love in your heart. Although, there's probably still that one trick that they remain stubborn about and refuse to do.

19. The inevitable battles over the best spot on the couch.

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What's your space is theirs, and what's their space is yours. And sometimes, you've just got to let them win the battle over the comfy spot! Or, maybe you have managed to agree on which space belongs to who, like an unspoken bond of respect and understanding.

20. Worrying about their health and well-being.

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Often, this is a big problem at the start, feeling scared of where you can take them, where they will be safe. But, you quickly realise that they are strong, know how to look after themselves, and always always come running back to mummy or daddy- well, usually anyway!

21. The struggle of walking them in bad weather.

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Grab your coat, you've pulled...whilst I'm not too sure it means the same to our beloved dogs, when they hear 'walkies', they know it's about to go down. The weather really does take its toll when it rainy and dark, but you've got to enjoy seeing your dog absolutely loving the time out regardless!

22. The way they can instantly lift your spirits.

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How often have you been laying on the sofa, feeling a little glum, and your special little someone (no, not your partner) comes up and jumps on you - what happens? Instant mood lift! It's times like these where you seriously appreciate and love your pooch.

23. Sharing your food, willingly or unwillingly.

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Ok I for one am very bad for this - how can you say no when you quite literally have puppy dog eyes staring at you asking for a bit (or all) of your food? You can try to limit it, because nobody want a fat little doggy, but at the same time, you want them to enjoy what they love most!

24. Being woken up early for their morning walk.

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They always get their own back on on a weekend, it's like having a game with each other. You've woken them up for a walk before you start work, only for them to return the favour when you're trying to enjoy a lie in on your days off! They don't hold back, either, jumping on you and licking your face until you're up!

25. The dents and scratches on your furniture.

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Once you have a dog, you can no longer be overly house proud. Your house is the whole world to your dog, so it feels unfair to make this smaller for them! So, regardless of the dents and scratches they leave in the sofa, you simply learn to work around them out of love for your baby.

26. The satisfaction of seeing them grow and mature.

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What a wild ride it is to see them grow, and to see them grow so quickly too. Depending on the breed, they can go from a cute little feeble puppy, to a big strong adult in just 6 months! You cherish each milestone and appreciate each year that they grow with you whilst you can.

27. The incredible feeling of coming home to a wagging tail.

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Waggly tail, waggly head, waggly body or all of the above. Dogs just love to waggle when they greet you! You can practically see the excitement oozing out of them as they struggle to contain it. And who doesn't need that love and energy when you come home after a long day?

28. The hilarity of watching them chase their own tail.

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You know what, this is up there with one of the best ways to spend a Friday night - maybe I'm sad, or maybe it is because it is honestly hilarious. They will run and run until their legs look ready to give in! And I don't know about you, but my dog is yet to catch his yet.

29. The sadness of saying goodbye when they cross the rainbow bridge.

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Dealing with this pain is another level of grief. When the time comes for our little buddies to make the cross over the rainbow bridge, they leave a huge hole in your heart and lives. But, that's why you have to love and appreciate them whilst they're here, keeping them happy and healthy.

30. Understanding that they're not just pets, but beloved family members.

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I quite literally take this one too far, so much so, I'll be mid conversation and will be asked 'oh wait, you have a son?'... No, that's just my four legged son, sorry for the confusion. But, you love them so much, there is no denying that they truly are part of the family.

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