12+ Signs That Someone’s Partner Is Getting Cold Feet

By Dylan 1 year ago

You’ve noticed there’s less physical touch

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Physical touch is a big part of a relationship, and without it, there's really no romance. That's why if there isn't much physical touch, then there are definitely some problems going on somewhere, and yes, this could mean that your partner has cold feet and is withdrawing from the relationship.

Your partner never makes plans

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If your partner is avoiding making plans, then they’ve probably got some chilly feet. The plans you make with your partner are the best way to connect with each other. If they fail to make any plans with you, whether that be to the cinema or just for a walk, then it is hard to escalate the relationship.

Your partner hates deep conversations

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A deep conversation is a great way for the relationship to become more serious and gives you the ability to develop a deeper connection. If your partner avoids deep conversations, they just might find it hard to deepen the relationship because of their cold feet.

They won’t talk about the future

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It can be fun to be able to talk about the future with your partner; after all, the person you are with should be your future. However, if they have cold feet, this may be hard for them to see or think about. You’ll notice that they deflect any conversation about the future.

Lateness is a normal thing for your partner

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When your significant other has cold feet, they might not be as committed to the relationship as they should be. This can often mean that they will arrive late for dates or meet ups because of their lack of commitment. It's important to talk if you notice this happening.

They just don’t seem to care

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Like the last point, if they are late so much, then they probably don't come across as caring at all. This is because they question everything in the relationship so much that they can't show they care for their partner. This can be hard on you and will feel painful.

Your partner has been very distant

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If your significant other has put some distance between you, it can be painful for you to feel connected in the relationship. This might be lessening the number of times they see you, or just talking about basic and shallow things. If they are questioning the relationship, then they probably have cold feet and

The relationship isn’t growing

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A healthy relationship should be able to constantly grow and develop. If this stops happening, then it could be due to the fact your partner has cold feet. Cold feet will stump the amount of growth the relationship has and it may feel like the relationship has come to a harsh stop.

They are speaking to other people

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If you're with someone who has cold feet, they will probably be unable to commit fully to you, which may lead you to find out that they’ve been speaking to other people. Cold feet might do this to someone and can be a sign that you need to get out of the relationship.

You don’t feel secure anymore

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Like the last point, these types of issues in a relationship can make you feel very insecure. Naturally, if you sense someone has cold feet, it’s going to make you question whether or not you’re good enough for them, and can lead to some heavy insecurities.

Your plans together are often cancelled

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You might have been really excited to go on that date night but then your partner cancels last minute. Don’t ignore it; this is a very common sign that your partner has cold feet. It may be that they are questioning the relationship and are therefore avoiding you.

Their body language has changed

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You may start the relationship in a good place, and their body language is open. However, if the body language becomes closed off then they are probably having doubts. This is a very common sign of having cold feet and unfortunately, it might be a sign that it’s coming to the end.

They make plans on their own

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A relationship should be full of plans so that the spark is kept alive. If they begin to make plans on their own then they probably aren't feeling you so much. While it's normal for them to have some plans on their own, they should be making time for you too.

Your partner has closed you off from their life

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Making plans on their own is one sign that they have cold feet, but when they begin to hide their life, this might be a bad sign. They might be doing this because they are unsure about having you in their life, and you should definitely be aware of it and speak to your partner.

Your partner has close friends that they see more than you

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It's important to have friends outside of their relationship, that’s how you keep your close connections. But when it becomes more of their life than you are, it can cause some serious problems. Don’t be afraid to raise it with your partner to find out the cause.

You haven’t met these close friends

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Adding to the last point, it's an even bigger problem if you’ve never had the opportunity to meet any of these friends. Meeting friends is a big part of a relationship and without this then there just might be something missing, and it could be a sign of their cold feet.

You are the one to make the big changes in the relationship

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It works both ways that a relationship's big steps should be taken by both parties of the relationship. If one person is orchestrating these moves and not the other then you probably feel like they’re not interested enough. To overcome the cold feet you should speak openly with them.

Maybe you don’t even know what the relationship is

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The relationship could seem great but realistically you might not be aware of what the person is actually feeling or thinks the relationship is. This is a sign that the person has cold feet and is not communicating how they really feel, and as we know it’s really important to communicate.

The relationship becomes more of a friendship

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A relationship can easily become a friendship if work is not put in by both parties. If this happens, it can be hard to get the relationship back on track and could be caused by one partner feeling unsure in the relationship. Communicate, communicate, communicate!

Words of affection are a thing of the past

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If the relationship has become a friendship, then words of affection may be a thing of the past. If this happens, it’s a big sign that your partner has cold feet about you. You shouldn’t suffer in silence, after all, they’re to blame for all the changes, so they should know about it.

They talk about their ex a bit too much

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If your partner talks about your ex, then there is a big chance they are still hung up on them. Your partner probably has cold feet if this is the case and is thinking about what they could’ve had or been. This can stop over time but it can still be quite hurtful as you go through this phase together with them.

Your partner is not comfortable giving you their free time

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If your partner is struggling to give you time to spend together, then there could be a few reasons why and one might be that they’re just not used to having someone in their life and giving them their time. It could also mean that your partner has cold feet and is unsure about the situation.

They struggle to commit to you

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Like the last point, your partner's struggling to commit to you could be for multiple reasons. This might just be that they aren't used to the situation and want to take it slow or it could mean that they are unsure if they want to be with you and therefore have developed some freezing feet.

Maybe they are confused about their own identity

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Being in a relationship can make a big difference to someone’s life and your partner can sometimes feel like they lost their identity, leading to feelings of distrust and anger. These big changes can give your partner cold feet and should be spoken about.

They hide their phone from you

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A healthy relationship should be open and you should be able to trust your partner. If they’re hiding their phone, it's a pretty big sign they have cold feet. Cold feet can make a partner hide away big parts of their life from you, making it difficult to continue the relationship.

They are bothered by the little things you do

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When a partner has cold feet, they will struggle keeping a cool around you. You might be noticing that they’ve recently developed a pretty short fuse around you, leading to them snapping or shouting. If this happens it's important to make your partner aware of what they’re doing.

Your partner is a bit too busy

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If your partner is really busy, they might be finding it hard to fit you into their life. But, something to recognize and evaluate, is whether or not they’re just busying themselves, knowing that they have gotten cold feet. Sometimes, it can be a softer blow to withdraw from the relationship before breaking up.

When you fight, it can last a while

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When someone in a relationship has cold feet they can be caught up in their own head a lot of the time. This means that when you fight they might take a lot of time to actually get over it. If your partner doesn’t seem to be responding well to setbacks, they might not actually want to overcome them.

They don’t compliment you the same way back

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You might be great at giving compliments to your partner but just wish that they could give the same back, and if your partner is finding it hard to give you compliments, then, unfortunately, they might have cold feet. Because they’re holding back, compliments won’t come easily or naturally to them.

“I love you” isn’t said anymore

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Not only are compliments missing, but the crucial statement of “I love you” is never mentioned either. Obviously, it takes some time to get to a place before saying it, but if they haven't been said over time your partner could have cold feet. Think about raising it with them to see if it’s something you can overcome.

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