Subconscious Behaviors That Make Others Dislike Us

By Kirsty 1 year ago

1. You brag too much

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You might not even think that you're doing it, because you're not trying to be full of yourself - but if you talk way too much about things you're proud of or that you've accomplished - even if you mean well - people are going to take it as bragging, and they're not going to like it!

2. You know a lot - and you like to share it

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You can't help it if you just happen to be very well educated, intelligent and wise - but if you're constantly sharing that fact with everyone you meet, it can come across a little like a 'know it all' attitude, even if you don't mean it that way! There's a fine line between being interestingly intellectual and just being a big head!

3. You prioritize yourself

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It's very important to take care of yourself and put your own boundaries in place, but it's important not to be too selfish - if you are, it's likely the people in your life are going to remember that you care about yourself more than you care about them, and that's an unlikeable quality!

4. You base friendships on what you need

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You might not realize you're doing it, as you naturally gravitate to people who can benefit you in some way, or who are ambitious/have a lot of money because you like the idea of having 'powerful' friends. Coming across this way can seem shallow, which can make people not like you very much.

5. You tell a lot of white lies

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Little white lies are still lies, and once they start stacking, people are going to seriously distrust you or wonder why you're lying about the little things. Maybe you don't feel confident enough to tell the truth so you lie just to fit in, but either way, these little lies aren't a very likeable quality!

6. You never shut up

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There are plenty of reasons why this could be, as even some people who are anxious or shy talk and talk because they panic or don't like uncomfortable silences. But to an outsider, someone who never stops talking and doesn't let another person get a word in edgeways isn't someone they'll like.

7. You're an energy vampire

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Instead of having ways to find your own bursts of energy, you drain the life out of other people when you're around them. You might be too outgoing, too energetic, too talkative - whatever it is that makes the other person feel drained afterwards, which makes people want to avoid you in future!

8. You need help with every little thing

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Somebody like this can come across as overly dependent and even clingy, if you need to ask other people for help or company with every single thing you do because you can't work it out alone. It comes across as far too needy, which isn't a very likeable way to be!

9. You have that 'spoiled brat' air

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It's never the child's fault if they've been brought up very spoiled and very privileged, but it can make for problems in adulthood if it's not addressed. If you've been so used to getting what you want your whole life, and from a background of high status or even money, then people don't warm to that easily.

10. You judge way too much

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Nobody likes people who are overly judgemental, because it makes them not want to talk to that person at all if they feel like they're going to be judged for every little thing they say. It's okay to have a different opinion or belief, but you need to be respectful about it!

11. You're completely closed-minded

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Being judgemental as well as close-minded is a dangerous pairing, and it's very off-putting for other people. Being closed minded means that people aren't going to be able to discuss things with you or spend time with you without you coming across as annoyingly stubborn!

12. You have bad manners when eating

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This is one sure-fire way to get all your co-workers in the lunch room to dislike you! If you're a very loud eater, a sloppy eater, open your mouth when you're chewing and bring in the smelliest food known to man, people are going to absolutely avoid you at all costs!

13. You talk very loud in public

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It's great if you have the confidence to talk to whoever you want to talk to, even on the phone in a public place, and although you're not necessarily doing anything wrong, there's a sort of unspoken rule (literally) that you should be quiet and respectful rather than shouting down the phone at someone next to a stranger on the train.

14. You tend to interrupt people

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You might not mean anything by it, as some people who overthink or get distracted easily are thinking about the next thing they're going to say rather than listening properly, but all it means is that you come across as rude and not willing to listen to other people - which won't do you any favors!

15. Your laugh is a tad annoying

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It's sad that something you can't help, like your laugh, when you're feeling happy is something that could rub people up the wrong way, but there are those people with very loud and very obnoxious laughs that just start to grate on people time and again... so maybe have a think about how yours sounds!

16. You push for small talk

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Most people try for chit chat and small talk, but you can usually tell based on the other person's body language and replies whether they're interested in talking or not. So one of the most annoying things you can do is keep pushing and asking questions when it's obvious they don't want to speak to you!

17. Your driving is the WORST

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It might be that everyone around you would rather pay for an expensive Uber than even contemplate getting in a car with you. Bad driving can seriously put a black mark on your record, whether it's dangerous and reckless driving, driving too slow or being a 'I know it all' kind of driver.

18. You don't make the right amount of eye contact

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Making eye contact in the right way is a fine art which many people struggle with! Whether you're staring for much too long and never looking away, or you're never, ever looking anyone in the eye, it's all enough to put people off from talking to you if it makes them feel uncomfortable!

19. You're overly friendly with everybody

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Being a friendly person is a good thing, but being overly friendly with people you've just met isn't. If you act like you're someone's best friend when you've only just met them, like saying things that are too personal, being too physically close or using their nicknames, it can be off-putting to say the least.

20. You come across as super fake

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Even if you're not being fake at all, if you come across that way, then that's what people are going to believe you are - and it'll make them like you less and less. If you put on this front of being the nicest person in the world while acting differently behind their backs, it's going to come back on you!

21. You use your phone in the movie theater

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Seriously, why do people do this? You can't go an hour or two without checking your social media? Why did you pay for a ticket in the first place if you're not going to watch the movie? Anyway, if you're that person, it's guaranteed every other person in that screen is going to hate you for it.

22. You don't know how to tell a good story

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Being able to tell a story and regale your audience, whether friends or strangers, is a talent some people have - and some people don't. If you take about an hour to get to the point, and fill your story with the most useless details while getting distracted, people are going to lose interest - fast!

23. You're overly critical/negative

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Nobody wants to be around someone who's a pessimist 24/7. We get that some people have low moods and you can't be overly optimistic about everything, but if you're someone who constantly drags the mood down no matter what's going on, people are going to want to avoid you.

24. You're cheap

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Being frugal and being a cheapskate are two different things, especially when it comes to spending money when out with others. Having a savings account? A good thing. Wriggling your way out of paying for anything at all and never putting your share in? A bad thing, and people will pick up on it!

25. You don't say the simple things

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You might know that you're grateful, that you love somebody or that you hope someone is having a good day - but if you don't say these things out loud, other people won't know if you're thinking them, and will likely think you're self-absorbed. So make sure to actually say 'thank you' out loud from time to time!

26. You're boring

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It's important to spend your time in whatever way makes you happy - but if your life is you sat at home doing absolutely nothing, 24/7, you're going to come across as boring to others, and they're going to have nothing to talk to you about. It also makes conversations very difficult when you don't have anything to say!

27. You're completely unreliable

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You probably don't even know what a clock is the amount you're always running late, forgetting plans or failing to turn up altogether. Being unreliable soon becomes your whole personality and reputation where other people are concerned, and nobody is going to like someone they can never depend on!

28. You're lazy

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It's really off-putting when someone is extremely lazy, with absolutely no get up and go. It becomes draining very quickly when you're trying to motivate a lazy person, to the point where other people are just going to stop trying and avoid you instead - especially if they have some passion for life!

29. You're not really a good listener

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Whether you mean to do it or not, you zone out in the middle of somebody else speaking - and they pick up on that. You can never focus your attention on what someone else has to say, and you'll likely cut them off mid sentence to give your opinion rather than just stopping to listen!

30. You do all of these things - but don't think they apply to you!

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One of the most unlikeable things of all can be someone who just can't see the truth about who they are or how they're acting. You've been told you talk to much, you eat loudly, you're unreliable, you come across as spoilt... and you just refuse to admit to it, or refuse to change!

31. Constant boasting

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Arrogance, often portrayed through a consistent display of boasting or an air of superiority, can create an impenetrable barrier between individuals. Those exhibiting arrogance tend to prioritize their own accomplishments, often flaunting their achievements.

32. Interrupting conversations

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Interrupting conversations by consistently overtaking the dialogue and not allowing others to speak can severely undermine the dynamics of communication. It signifies a lack of respect for others' thoughts and viewpoints, inadvertently conveying that one's words hold more significance than anyone else's in the conversation.

33. Disregarding manners

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Being rude, whether through disregarding manners or displaying impoliteness, fractures the fabric of social interactions. It disregards the basic principles of respect and consideration for others' feelings or comfort. This behavior can range from overtly offensive actions to subtler, yet equally impactful, dismissive gestures.

34. Lack of empathy

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A lack of empathy, characterized by being insensitive to others' feelings, erects an emotional barrier that obstructs genuine connection and understanding. It involves a failure to recognize or acknowledge the emotions, struggles, or perspectives of those around us.

35. Gossiping

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Gossiping, the act of speaking negatively about others behind their backs, corrodes the fabric of trust and integrity in social circles. It thrives on spreading rumors, exaggerations, or private information without considering the consequences.

36. Inconsiderate behavior

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Inconsiderate behavior, born out of a lack of awareness or concern for how actions impact others, fractures the foundation of harmonious interactions. It encompasses a wide range of actions that disregard the feelings, needs, or boundaries of those around us.

37. Being judgmental

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Constantly being judgmental and criticizing others' choices erects a barrier between individuals, hindering genuine connection and understanding. This behavior often stems from a sense of superiority or a need to assert one's opinions as superior to others'.

38. Being deceitful and lying

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Being dishonest, whether through lying or deceitful behavior, corrodes the foundation of trust upon which relationships are built. It involves a conscious effort to misrepresent facts, intentions, or feelings, often for personal gain or to avoid repercussions.

39. Being passive-aggressive

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Being passive-aggressive entails expressing negativity or hostility indirectly, often through subtle actions, comments, or behaviors. It creates a confusing and tense atmosphere in relationships, as the true feelings or intentions are not openly communicated.

40. Ignoring boundaries

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Ignoring boundaries, whether they're related to personal space or emotional limits, disregards the fundamental respect required in any relationship. It involves crossing lines without consideration for another person's comfort, consent, or emotional well-being.

41. Not taking responsibility

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Not taking responsibility for one's actions by constantly shifting blame onto others represents a refusal to acknowledge one's role in situations. It undermines accountability and integrity within relationships, creating an environment of distrust and frustration.

42. Exaggerating all the time

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Exaggerating, whether in recounting stories or presenting facts, distorts reality and undermines credibility within interactions. It involves embellishing details beyond their truth, often to enhance personal narratives or draw attention. This habit erodes trust.

43. Boasting about your money or status

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Constantly boasting about wealth or status indicates a preoccupation with materialism and external validation. This behavior often stems from a desire to impress or gain admiration from others by flaunting material possessions or social standing.

44. Name-dropping

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Name-dropping, the habit of excessively mentioning influential or famous individuals in conversations, often serves as a means of seeking validation or asserting one's social status. However, this behavior tends to detract from genuine connections by overshadowing authentic interaction.

45. Being closed-minded

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Being closed-minded, characterized by an unwillingness to entertain new ideas or perspectives, creates a barrier to growth and understanding. It limits the potential for learning and evolving by dismissing viewpoints that don't align with one's existing beliefs.

46. Being passive about everything

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Being passive, characterized by a reluctance to contribute or actively engage in discussions or activities, limits one's participation and impact within social or collaborative settings. This behavior often arises from a lack of confidence.

47. Ignoring social cues

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Ignoring social cues, whether intentional or unintentional, signifies a lack of awareness or empathy towards others' emotions, reactions, or boundaries. It involves overlooking non-verbal signals, such as body language or tone of voice, that convey important information in social interactions.

48. Being flirtatious inappropriately

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Being flirtatious inappropriately involves engaging in behaviors or remarks that cross boundaries and make others uncomfortable in social or professional settings. This behavior often disregards the comfort or consent of others, creating an uneasy or awkward atmosphere.

49. Always playing the victim

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Consistently portraying oneself as the victim and attributing blame to others for every misfortune or challenge creates a cycle of disempowerment and strained relationships. This behavior involves a reluctance to take responsibility for one's actions or circumstances.

50. Constantly seeking validation

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Constantly seeking validation by consistently needing approval for every action, decision, or aspect of one's life can create a dependency on external reassurance. This behavior stems from a deep-seated insecurity or a fear of making mistakes.

51. You make everything about YOU

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If you're one of those people who makes everything about you, then it's definitely a behaviour that's making people hate you. If it's subconscious, you seriously need to make a conscious effort to stop. Because when someone tells you something, allow them they're time without drawing it back to yourself.

52. You won't take criticism

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If someone consistently avoids receiving criticism, it's like trying to have a conversation with a closed door. The art of accepting feedback gracefully is crucial in any interaction because you have to accept that you're not perfect and sometimes you are in the wrong!

53. But you're happy to give it...

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There's nothing more annoying that someone who is willing to dish out the criticism freely but you can't take it yourself. Hold back on criticising people, because generally, people don't want to hear it and it could just be making people hate you without you even realizing it!

54. You only reply when you want something

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You're at a friendly gathering, chatting away, and suddenly there's that one friend who only jumps into the conversation when it suits their agenda. It's like they have a mental checklist of topics they're willing to engage in. Or, you only reply when you need something yourself! Not cool.

55. You always give your input - even when it's not asked for!

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Ah, the classic case of unsolicited advice. It's  better to remember that nobody actually wants it, so don't bother. The only thing you're achieving by giving out unwanted advice is that you'll rub someone up entirely the wrong way and make them hate you a little bit.

56. Someone's talking and you're looking at your phone

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You're pouring your heart out about your latest escapade, and your friend is all cool with it, but then, bam! They're suddenly hypnotized by their phone. It's like, "Hello, I'm here sharing my life, not competing with your notifications!" Don't be that person, seriously!

57. You're super vain and constantly checking yourself out

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There's a time and a place to check yourself in the mirror 15 times and rearrange your hair. But maybe not constantly. If you're with someone, don't ignore them by staring at yourself in the reflection of your phone screen or ignore them because you're reapplying your third layer of lip gloss.

58. You play the victim

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Oh woe is me...if you're always playing the victim and blaming everyone else for your problems it can get extremely wearing after a while. It's not a good trait and one you should definitely try to reign in. Playing the same card over and over is just tiring for everyone around you!

59. You can't take a joke

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Joking around with your friends is one of the enjoyable elements of a friendship dynamic...unless you're the person who just can't take a joke and ends up taking the banter super seriously. It's a real buzzkill and nobody will thank you for it if that person is you.

60. You're too forward

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There's being friendly and then there's being overly forward and almost cringe-worthy friendly. It's like when you introduce two friends who have never met and suddenly one of them is trying to make best friends with them after they've only just met, leaving you high and dry!

61. Overstaying your welcome

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Look, we all appreciate when someone takes their time out to come and see us. It's a lovely gesture and something we're grateful for. But there's just those people who linger that bit too long, they have no idea when enough is enough and they just truly outstay their welcome.

62. You can be inappropriate in certain social settings

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When someone doesn't know how to adapt to different social settings it can be extremely awkward and embarrassing for the present company. For example, you should know that how you act with your friends may not be appropriate when you're meeting someone's colleagues or parents.

63. You never accept that you're wrong

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'It wasn't my fault' and 'it was because of them...' doesn't sit well when really you should just own up and take some accountability. It's okay to pull out the "my bad" card once in a while—it's not a sign of weakness but a compass pointing towards growth.

64. And you never apologize!

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Someone who can hold their hands up and admit they were wrong and then apologize for it is somebody you can respect. On the other hand, you really don't want to be that person that can't take responsibility for anything that they've done, or apologize for their actions.

65. You make everything into a huge drama

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You've probably heard of the famous saying 'making a mountain out of a molehill', right? Is that you? Do you turn every little thing into something completely overly dramatic and blow everything out of proportion? Because that can get annoying REAL quick!

66. You're always talking behind someone's back

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When someone talks about everybody behind their back, what you've really got to consider is, what are they saying behind yours? Nobody can trust somebody who does this. So this subconscious behaviour is something to work on as people could hate you for it.

67. You ignore basic personal hygiene

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Okay so sometimes this is inevitable. We all smell funky from time to time, it can't be helped. It could have been a super stressful and therefore, very sweaty day. But consistently day after day? Grab the deodorant and let people breathe or they may come to resent you for it.

68. You're never willing to compromise

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Compromise is an art that you have to master as you get older. It's the key to any relationship, be it romantic or platonic. Because, if you aren't compromising, you're always insisting that you get what you want. And that kind of behaviour really turns people away from you.

69. You're a flaky friend

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The flaky friend. The completely unreliable one. The one who cancels plans at the last minute, and the one that you can always rely on to let you down. Don't be like this, you're friends are important and being reliable is one of the ways that you build and maintain any level of trust.

70. You're rude to service staff

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Now this makes everyone in your company cringe and feel super embarrassed that someone in their company is acting disrespectful towards another person. If this is you, you need to take a good hard look in the mirror or this kind of behaviour will NOT make you popular.

71. You talk down to people

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Ever notice how when you're expressing your thoughts, people feel like you're handing out advice from a high horse? It's like you're sharing a coffee and suddenly it turns into a lecture. Nobody likes feeling talked down to, right? And people will hate you for it!

72. You're an over-sharer

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One second we're discussing the weather, and suddenly you're divulging the entire plot of your life story. It's good to be open, but at times it's also good to keep the conversation light. You have to read the room to know when is the appropriate time to share!

73. You always have to one-up people

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We all know somebody like this. You tell them you went on holiday, and suddenly they're telling you they went to the moon. Everything you say they just have to outdo as if it's a competition. Conversations are supposed to be a balanced exchange, not a contest!

74. Your moods are inconsistent

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If you're moods are so unpredictable that people feel like they're treading on eggshells, they're going to resent you for it! Ever find yourself wondering why your mood seems to swing like a pendulum? Conversations are a lot smoother when the emotional weather isn't as unpredictable, right?

75. You overpromise and underdeliver

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If you've noticed, there's a pattern – big promises, not-so-big deliveries. If you commit to something and you consistently don't make true on your promises then people don't trust your word anymore. If there's no trust, it's hard to maintain any kind of relationship.

76. Selective listening is something that you always do

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Someone says something to you and it goes in one ear and straight out the next. This isn't active listening, or listening at all, really. So if you don't want people to hate you for it, you better start giving your full attention and respect to what someone is saying!

77. 'Sorry' over apologize

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There's definitely no maliciousness or mal-intent behind over-apologizing, so it's not truly a bad trait. But it can get a little annoying. Over apologizing can be a sign that you're insecure. Just be unapologetically yourself and only apologize when you need to.

78. You say yes to everything

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Again, saying yes to everything comes from a desire to people please. But when someone says yes to you all of the time you feel as though they are only saying it out of the need to please you, rather then because they really WANT to. This can then make people question themselves.

79. You never take initiative

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The tendency to avoid taking initiative might be rooted in a reluctance to step into a leading role. When someone consistently shies away from taking charge, it can give off the impression that they're more concerned about avoiding responsibility than actively contributing.

80. You're super patronizing without meaning to be

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There's nothing more irritating than somebody patronizing. Ever get the feeling that, without meaning to, you may be serving up advice like it's from a high and mighty podium? Nobody likes feeling like they're on the receiving end of an unsolicited lecture, right?

81. You're always moaning

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Ever catch yourself thinking, "Is it just me, or is there a constant background hum of complaints around here?" It's as if every conversation is on a loop of low-level grumbling. Moaning is draining and people will unintentionally hate talking to somebody who moans about everything.

82. You ignore other people's perspective

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You only seem to be able to see and think from your own perspective, which is super narrowminded. You have to be able to consider other people's perspectives, particularly if you're friends with that person. It's the only way to someone feeling understood and listened to.

83. You spit a lot when you speak

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Look, nobody wants a shower when they're chatting to someone. So if someone feels like they've just been sprayed when you start talking to them, they're probably not going to thank you for it! It's not your fault, but perhaps make an effort to hold back.

84. You're overly self critical

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I'm terrible at this. I'm always failing. I don't look nice today. Everyone is sympathetic to insecurity, but to a degree. When the self criticism is constant is starts to feel a little bit like you're wallowing and people won't enjoy speaking to you as much because of it.

85. You can't make eye contact

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We get it, sometimes it's hard to make eye contact because it can feel super intimidating. But, avoiding it all together just makes someone feel like you're ignoring them and looking at everything apart from their face. It's easily solved. Practice makes perfect.

86. You're WAY too intense

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Skip the small talk, you've just bumped into someone at the store and instead of making the usual obligatory polite conversations you've jumped straight into the state of the world and the most recent political forecast. It's great to be interested, but it can be a little intense at times!

87. You make crude jokes and comments

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An occasional joke is different to somebody who consistently makes inappropriately rude jokes and comments. That's no longer funny, it's just plain uncomfortable for everybody in your presence. Cut back on the crude jokes and people will like you better for it!

88. You copy people

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People will tell you that when somebody copies you, 'it's a compliment'. But in's plain annoying. Nobody wants someone to start mimicking their personality or to start dressing like their doppelganger. Stop trying to recreate somebody else and instead embrace your own identity!

89. You're intrusive about personal details

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If someone has just gone through a breakup for example, you ask how they are and allow them to talk about it when they're ready. You on the other hand, PRY. You ask intrusive questions that make people feel like you're trying to get the dirt on their personal life.

90. Everything's a competition

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It's like discussing weekend plans and suddenly finding ourselves in a race to have the most exciting or eventful experience. Conversations should be a collaboration, not a constant contest. Let's shift the focus from competing to connecting which is so much more enjoyable.

91. You exaggerate all of your stories

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What started out as a fairly ordinary instance is then spun into a fantastic tale which has been exaggerated beyond recognition. But, when everything is amped up to the extreme, genuine experiences can start to lose their significance. Nobody will believe you anymore.

92. You're always rushing

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Okay, so you might be a person in demand, always in a rush, but you can't always make people feel like this. If every time you meet someone you're rushing to go, they're going to think that you don't value them enough to give them five minutes of your time!

93. You ignore social cues

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Social cues are absolutely necessary to know what to say, when, and what behaviour is appropriate for different situations. Social cues are like the unsung conductors of the human orchestra, guiding us on when to speak, when to listen, and how to navigate the intricacies of diverse social situations.

94. You never follow up

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You might tell someone that you'll check in with them or send them a message to arrange a meet-up, but you never do. People won't take you seriously anymore and they'll start to question. Over time, it can make people doubt the reliability of those assurances.

95. You're overly formal

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Formalities are necessary sometimes, but if you're familiar with someone being overly formal can seem cold, as though you're trying to keep your distance. When you're familiar with someone, a surplus of formality can create a barrier. It's like treating a friend like an acquaintance.

96. You're overly concerned with what people think of you

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We all care what people think of us to an extent. But if you're overly concerned with what people think of you it can make you lose your authenticity, trying to be someone that you think people want you to be, not who you really are. It's all about finding the right balance.

97. You don't show any empathy

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Without empathy, you're cold. Empathy is about feeling what someone else is feeling and it's a way to connect to someone on a deeper level. Without empathy, it's like our interactions exist in a bit of an emotional deep freeze, without any real emotion attached.

98. You forget important things about people

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Remembering the small details about someone shows that you actually care. The name of their mom, their favorite food, the date of their birthday. It doesn't have to be everything, but not remembering anything shoes a complete disregard for the person.

99. You try to put people down in front of other people

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Undermining somebody in front of other people to your own amusement or to make yourself feel better is a seriously low move that can have lasting effects on relationships and people's self-esteem. People will hate you for it because they will see what you are doing.

100. You're super clingy

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Ever get the vibe that you're a bit too attached, like a metaphorical barnacle clinging to a relationship ship? It's important to strike a balance between closeness and giving space. Being overly clingy can feel suffocating, like trying to have a personal space bubble in a crowded elevator.

101. Being a people-pleaser can make people dislike you... here's how to stop! Reflect on why you seek approval

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Understanding your motivation for seeking approval from others is a crucial first step in breaking free from people-pleasing tendencies. Take time for introspection and reflection to delve into the root causes behind this behavior. It might be linked to a desire for validation, fear of rejection, or a need to maintain harmony in relationships.

102. You really need to set boundaries

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Learning to set boundaries is an essential skill in overcoming people-pleasing tendencies. Saying "no" when necessary is not a selfish act; instead, it is a form of self-respect and a demonstration of your commitment to preserving your time and energy for what truly matters.

103. Be compassionate - to yourself

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Practicing self-compassion is an essential aspect of breaking free from the grip of people-pleasing habits. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you readily offer to others. Acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes and faces challenges, including yourself.

104. Know that you have value

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Identifying and understanding your values is a cornerstone in the journey to overcome people-pleasing behaviors. Take the time to reflect on the principles and beliefs that are truly important to you. This self-awareness becomes a guiding force in decision-making, steering you away from choices driven solely by external expectations.

105. Try self-care instead of pleasing others

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Prioritizing self-care is a transformative practice that involves consciously tending to your physical and mental well-being. Establishing a routine that includes self-care activities is not an indulgence but a necessity for maintaining a healthy and balanced life.

106. Build your self-confidence

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Building self-confidence is a transformative journey that involves recognizing and appreciating your own strengths and accomplishments. Take the time to reflect on your achievements, both big and small, and acknowledge the unique qualities that make you who you are.

107. Learn to be assertive

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Being assertive is a crucial skill in breaking free from people-pleasing patterns. It involves expressing your needs, opinions, and boundaries with clarity and confidence while respecting the rights and opinions of others. Assertiveness allows you to communicate effectively without being overly aggressive or excessively accommodating.

108. Learn to say no - but gracefully

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Learning to say "no" gracefully is a key aspect of setting boundaries and reclaiming control over your time and energy. It involves developing diplomatic and tactful ways to decline requests or invitations without succumbing to guilt or anxiety.

109. Stop apologizing when you don't need to

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Ceasing unnecessary apologies is a vital step in overcoming the people-pleasing tendency to take on undue responsibility for the emotions and reactions of others. Save apologies for situations where you genuinely make a mistake or cause harm, avoiding the reflex to apologize for expressing your opinions or setting boundaries.

110. Identify triggers that make you want to please someone

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Identifying triggers for people-pleasing behavior involves a heightened awareness of situations, individuals, or contexts that prompt you to prioritize others' needs over your own. This self-awareness is a powerful tool in breaking the cycle of people-pleasing.

111. Challenge negative thoughts

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Challenging negative thoughts is a pivotal step in dismantling the cognitive patterns that contribute to people-pleasing behaviors, especially the pervasive fear of rejection. By actively questioning and challenging these irrational thoughts, you begin to dismantle the distorted beliefs that underpin your people-pleasing tendencies.

112. Practice being fully present to stop overthinking

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Mindfulness, the practice of being fully present in the current moment without judgment, is a powerful tool in overcoming people-pleasing habits. By cultivating mindfulness, you create a space for self-awareness and conscious decision-making.

113. Feedback on your behavior can actually help

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Seeking feedback is a valuable practice for personal and professional growth, but it's crucial to approach it with a healthy mindset. Asking for feedback demonstrates a commitment to self-improvement and a willingness to learn from others.

114. Don't downplay your successes

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Celebrating achievements, no matter how small, is an integral part of breaking free from the people-pleasing cycle. Often, those who seek constant approval tend to downplay their successes or attribute them to external factors.

115. Concentrate on healthy relationships - where people like you for you

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Cultivating healthy relationships is fundamental to breaking free from people-pleasing tendencies. Surrounding yourself with supportive individuals who appreciate you for who you are fosters an environment where authenticity is valued.

116. You don't need constant validation

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Breaking the habit of seeking constant validation from others is a transformative journey towards self-discovery and authenticity. It involves shifting your focus inward and learning to validate yourself. Understand that your worth is not contingent on external opinions or approvals.

117. Take responsibility for your own feelings

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Recognizing that you are responsible for your own emotions is a pivotal step in breaking free from the cycle of people-pleasing. Understand that while external factors may influence your emotions, you have the agency to choose how you respond to them.

118. Self-reflect regularly

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Engaging in regular self-reflection is a cornerstone in the process of overcoming people-pleasing tendencies. Take dedicated time to introspect on your thoughts, behaviors, and motivations. Explore the root causes of your people-pleasing patterns and identify triggers that lead to such behaviors.

119. You're not perfect - and that's okay

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Embracing imperfection is a liberating mindset that allows you to let go of the unrealistic pursuit of perfection and the fear of falling short of others' expectations. Understand that nobody is flawless, and making mistakes is an inherent part of the human experience.

120. Boundaries will make you uncomfortable - but you need to accept it

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Accepting that setting boundaries and saying "no" may initially induce discomfort is a crucial aspect of personal growth. Recognize that the temporary discomfort you may experience is a natural part of asserting yourself and prioritizing your needs.

121. Get a strong support system around you

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Creating a robust support system is a vital component in the process of breaking free from people-pleasing habits. Surrounding yourself with individuals who understand and support your journey toward assertiveness provides a network of encouragement and empathy.

122. Educate yourself about how to do better

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Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and overcoming people-pleasing behaviors involves a commitment to education and personal development. Read books that delve into the psychology of assertiveness and the roots of people-pleasing tendencies.

123. Practice gratitude so you feel more positive about the person you are

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Cultivating a practice of gratitude is a powerful antidote to the negativity that often accompanies people-pleasing tendencies. Focus on the positive aspects of your life and deliberately acknowledge the things you are grateful for.

124. Visualize your success

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Harnessing the power of visualization can be a transformative tool in overcoming people-pleasing tendencies. Take the time to vividly imagine yourself successfully navigating situations without succumbing to the pressures of seeking constant approval.

125. Trust others and learn to delegate

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Learning to delegate is a crucial skill in breaking free from the overwhelming desire to please everyone. Trusting others to take on responsibilities and tasks shifts the focus from trying to do everything yourself to creating a collaborative and supportive environment.

126. Take breaks - it'll help

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In the fast-paced and demanding landscape of life, allowing yourself breaks is not just a luxury but a necessity for maintaining overall well-being. Recognizing the importance of downtime is crucial in preventing burnout that often accompanies the relentless pursuit of trying to please everyone all the time.

127. Face rejection head on

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Facing rejection is an inevitable part of the human experience, and understanding this reality is crucial in overcoming people-pleasing tendencies. It's essential to recognize that rejection is not a reflection of your intrinsic worth but a natural aspect of life's fluctuations.

128. Set realistic expectations

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Setting realistic expectations is a foundational principle in breaking free from the perfectionist trap often associated with people-pleasing. Acknowledge that you are human and, like everyone else, prone to imperfections. Avoid the pitfalls of impossibly high standards that can lead to chronic stress and anxiety.

129. Don't think about interactions as 'success' or 'failure'

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Detaching from outcomes is a liberating mindset that shifts the focus from obsessing over results to appreciating the effort invested in any endeavor. People-pleasers often tie their self-worth to the success or failure of their actions, contributing to a cycle of anxiety and fear of judgment.

130. Create your own mantra

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Developing a positive affirmation or mantra serves as a powerful tool in reshaping your mindset and reinforcing positive self-talk. Craft a mantra that aligns with your journey towards assertiveness and self-care, reminding yourself of your inherent worth and the importance of prioritizing your well-being.

131. It might help to learn conflict resolution

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Learning conflict resolution skills is essential in breaking free from people-pleasing tendencies and fostering healthier relationships. Conflict is a natural part of human interactions, and developing the ability to navigate disagreements assertively is crucial for personal growth.

132. Establish your own personal goals

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Setting and pursuing personal goals aligned with your values is a powerful antidote to the tendency to prioritize others' expectations over your own desires. Establishing clear and meaningful goals provides direction and purpose, fostering a sense of autonomy and self-determination.

133. Develop hobbies that bring you joy (not caring what people think)

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Engaging in hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment, irrespective of others' opinions, is a transformative practice in breaking free from people-pleasing tendencies. Hobbies provide a unique space for self-expression and exploration, allowing you to discover and embrace your passions.

134. Celebrate the success of others

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Cultivating a mindset of genuine happiness for others without feeling the need to compete or compare is a significant shift in overcoming people-pleasing habits. Instead of viewing others' success as a threat to your own worth, celebrate their achievements as a source of inspiration.

135. Seek professional help if it's causing you anxiety

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Considering therapy or counseling is a courageous step in addressing the roots of people-pleasing tendencies and developing effective coping strategies. Professional help provides a safe and supportive space to explore the underlying issues that contribute to the cycle of seeking constant approval.

136. Remember that perfectionism is an impossible standard

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Challenging perfectionism is a crucial step in the journey towards overcoming people-pleasing tendencies. Understand that perfection is an unattainable standard that, when pursued relentlessly, can contribute to stress, anxiety, and the fear of not meeting others' expectations.

137. Forgive yourself for past people-pleasing behavior

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Forgiving yourself for past people-pleasing behaviors is an essential aspect of breaking free from the cycle of guilt and self-blame. Recognize that everyone makes mistakes, and your journey towards assertiveness involves learning and growth.

138. Practice positive affirmations

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Practicing positive affirmations is a transformative technique in reshaping self-talk and counteracting negative beliefs about oneself. Develop affirmations that align with your journey towards assertiveness, self-worth, and authenticity. Consistently reinforce these positive statements to create a mindset shift.

139. Invest time in your own passions

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Investing time in activities that ignite your passion and provide a sense of purpose is a powerful strategy in breaking free from people-pleasing tendencies. Engaging in activities that genuinely bring you joy fosters a connection with your authentic self.

140. Learn from role models who don't people-please

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Identifying assertive individuals as role models and observing how they handle various situations can be a valuable learning experience. Look for people in your life or in the public domain who embody assertiveness, authenticity, and a healthy sense of self-worth.

141. Develop healthy communication instead of being a yes-man

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Developing healthy communication skills is instrumental in breaking free from people-pleasing tendencies. Effective communication involves expressing your thoughts and feelings authentically while also actively listening to others. This skill set allows you to articulate your needs, set boundaries, and navigate conflicts assertively.

142. Stop overexplaining - you don't need to justify yourself

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The habit of overexplaining often stems from the desire to justify decisions and seek approval from others. Resist this urge and adopt a more concise communication style. Keeping your responses simple and straightforward not only saves time but also reinforces your autonomy and self-confidence.

143. Saying 'no' is healthy - stop thinking it's a negative thing

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Challenging the assumption that saying "no" will automatically lead to negative consequences is a pivotal step in overcoming people-pleasing tendencies. Understand that your needs and boundaries are valid, and saying "no" is a healthy and necessary aspect of self-care.

144. Take responsibility for your own choices

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Taking responsibility for your choices is a fundamental aspect of breaking free from people-pleasing habits. Acknowledge that you have the power to make decisions and are responsible for the consequences that follow. This mindset shift allows you to move away from external validation and recognize the autonomy inherent in making choices aligned with your values.

145. Find your voice

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Cultivating your unique voice and expressing yourself authentically is a powerful antidote to people-pleasing tendencies. Finding your voice involves recognizing and embracing your values, opinions, and desires, and communicating them with confidence. It's about breaking free from the fear of judgment and expressing your authentic self.

146. Reflect on childhood experiences that may have shaped your behavior

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Reflecting on childhood patterns is a crucial step in understanding and addressing people-pleasing tendencies. Childhood experiences often shape our beliefs, behaviors, and coping mechanisms. Explore your early interactions, relationships, and the messages you received about approval and acceptance.

147. Make sure your goals are realistic and attainable

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Setting realistic goals is an empowering strategy in breaking free from the cycle of people-pleasing. Establish achievable objectives that align with your values and contribute to your personal growth. These goals serve as milestones on your journey toward assertiveness and authenticity.

148. Let go of the need for approval

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Letting go of the need for constant approval is a liberating mindset shift that frees you from the constraints of people-pleasing. Understand that seeking approval is an external validation that can never provide lasting satisfaction. Instead, focus on cultivating your own internal validation.

149. Change takes time - be patient!

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Practicing patience is essential in the journey to break the habit of people-pleasing. Understand that change takes time, and the process of asserting yourself and setting boundaries is gradual. Be patient with yourself as you navigate the challenges and setbacks that may arise.

150. Above all: celebrate YOU

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Celebrating your authentic self is a transformative practice that reinforces your inherent value and uniqueness. Embrace and acknowledge the qualities, values, and characteristics that make you who you are. Recognize that authenticity is a strength, not a vulnerability. Celebrate the courage it takes to express your true self, free from the constraints of people-pleasing.

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