Hairdresser Explains How Shampoo Is The Main Reason For Hair Loss

By Kirsty 1 year ago

1. The Biggest Sign Of Hair Loss: Your Hair Is Thinning

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When you're suffering from hair loss, it might not be immediately obvious if you still have all the hair on your head! What you also need to watch out for, though, is thinning hair, even if it's not completely falling out. Thinning can happen very gradually so it can be subtle and not easily caught.

2. Patchy Or Bald Spots Are Not A Good Sign!

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You might have more obvious hair loss, though, in the form of patchy spots with hair falling out, or even complete bald spots in some places. A lot of people experience itchiness in certain spots before the hair comes out. This can happen on eyebrows, too.

3. Handfuls Of Hair Coming Out Is A RED FLAG!

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You might be having hair loss only when you wash your hair or brush it, at which point you notice handfuls of hair coming out onto the brush or down the shower drain! You might also notice it only takes an accidental tug for a lot of hair to come out into your hand.

4. Scaliness On The Scalp Can Be A Multitude Of Problems...

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Scaliness on the scalp is usually a sign of something else going on that your shampoo can't be blamed for, and hair loss is just one symptom of it. Scaliness on your scalp in red patches can often be a sign of ringworm, where there can be swelling as well as damaged hair.

5. Not All Shampoos Are On Your Side...

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Shampoo is, of course, a must-use for cleaning your hair, keeping your scalp healthy and preventing dirt buildup - but it can also be responsible for hair loss or damage. It all depends what shampoo you are using, as some can be great for your hair - while others are most definitely not!

6. Shampoo Ingredients That Can Actually CAUSE Hair Loss!

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The main cause of some shampoos hindering your hair instead of helping it is the ingredients. Some harmful ingredients in certain shampoos can result in hair loss, and these ingredients include: keratin, sulfate, formaldehyde and demethicone. The main issue is the amount of these ingredients that are present in shampoos, as high levels can be problematic.

7. What To Look Out For When Choosing The One...

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It's a good idea to pay attention to the ingredient label on your shampoos, as it's something most of us wouldn't even bother to look at! And especially if you're experimenting with new shampoos, you want to be sure that you check what's in them first to prevent hair loss.

8. How Often Are You Shampooing Your Hair?

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It can also make a difference how often you're shampooing your hair. If you do use a shampoo with problematic ingredients, then washing your hair every single day with the same shampoo is naturally going to put your hair more at risk of falling out. You might also want to shampoo less.

9. Which Shampoo Is Your Stylist Using On Your Hair?

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If you're a salon regular, then you might often get a hair wash and dry when you go, and if this is the case, you don't know which shampoo your stylist is using if you don't ask. It's possible they might be using a shampoo with any of those ingredients mentioned, which means you're exposing your hair to it every time you go.

10. Your Hair Doesn't Age Like Fine Wine!

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Your shampoo isn't the only thing to blame for any hair issues, though, as there are a lot of other things to watch out for when it comes to hair loss! If you've noticed your hair is thinning or falling out, it might just be a natural result of aging, and especially if things like baldness run in your family!

11. Don't Panic! But You Might Have Alopecia

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Alopecia is a well-known autoimmune skin disease, and this is what can directly cause hair loss. Anybody can develop this condition, and although there is more than one kind of it, usually all of them will result in a form of hair loss, and it can affect any hair on your body, not just the scalp.

12. Anabolic Steroids Can Make You Thick At The Gym But Thin At The Roots...

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Hair loss can also be a direct result of using too many anabolic steroids, which are the ones commonly known to be used by some athletes or people who want to work out hard at the gym and build that bulk! So if you do take these and are suffering from hair loss, that could be a cause.

13. Going Through The Menopause Changes A LOT!

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Hormones can have a direct impact on hair all over your body - we all know about those hormonal pesky chin hairs, right? - so it also makes sense why the menopause could also result in thinning hair. The hormonal changes in your body during menopause might result in hair loss.

14. You're Taking Drugs Or Going Through Medical Treatment...

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One of the most well-known treatments resulting in hair loss is chemotherapy, as people taking drugs for cancer will likely lose their hair completely. If you're going through certain medical treatments or taking certain drugs, you can speak to your healthcare provider about the possibilities of hair loss as a side effect.

15. A Compulsive Hair-Pulling Condition?

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Some people suffer from trichotillomania, which is an impulsive disorder where you feel the need to pull on your hair, and pull it completely out. This doesn't just mean the hair on your head, either, as some people can pull at their eyebrows or facial hair. There are treatments available if you suspect you might have trichotillomania.

16. You Could Be Going Through Pattern Baldness Boys!

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Pattern baldness can happen to any gender, though it's more well-known in males. Male pattern baldness sees a person likely go through receding and thinning hair at a certain age, which can then result in hair loss, usually as a result of genes. There are some treatments for pattern baldness, like Rogaine, but make sure to speak to your doctor first.

17. Bump Up Your Iron Intake!

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When you're suffering from low iron levels in the body - also known as anemia - it can result in symptoms like feeling tired or shortness of breath. What many people don't associate with low iron is hair loss, which can actually be a side effect. Your hair loss issue could then be tackled by getting more iron in your diet.

18. Autoimmune Disorders Could Be Affecting Your Hair Amongst Much More...

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Autoimmune diseases like Lupus can affect the body in many ways, and hair loss can actually be a result of this kind of disease. With hair loss from lupus, it can also result in scarring on the scalp where the hair has fallen out, and might make it difficult for hair to healthily grow back.

19. Certain Medications Can Have Hair-Related Side Effects

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There are a variety of different medications that could have hair loss as a result, including antidepressant medications, medications for thinning blood, and even painkiller medication. If you suspect any medication you're taking is resulting in hair loss, you can speak to your doctor about the dosage.

20. Kiss Goodbye To Your Locks With Styling Stress

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If you're an extreme hair stylist with your locks every single day - or maybe even more than once a day - over time this is going to put enough stress on your hair that it might fall out. The styling types that might put your hair at risk include tight cornrows, chemical treatments, hair weaves or any tight hairstyle like braids or pulled-back ponytail.


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If you're using regular hot-oil treatments on your hair, straightening or curling every single day without heat protectants, over time it can risk damage to your hair, causing it to become brittle and more likely to fallout. Exposing your hair to high heat every day is a risk factor.

22. Understanding Polycystic Ovary Syndrome As A Cause

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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that can arise from an imbalance in hormones, and people suffering with this can also see hair loss as a result. The sex hormone, androgen, which affects people with PCOS could also result in extra hair growth in other places, like on the face.

23. You Can Suffer With Hair Loss During Pregnancy

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Because of the huge change of hormones during pregnancy, you might also see your hair affected during this time, too. Pregnancy is also a great stress on the body that could have negative side effects for your luscious locks. The thing to remember with pregnancy hair loss is that it usually grows back after the baby is born!

24. VEGANS BEWARE! You Might Have A Protein Deficiency

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It's very important to have enough protein in your diet, and if you're having too little, this could be a cause of hair loss, too. It's also common for people going through strict eating diets to see hair loss, which correlates with lack of protein. You can make sure you're eating protein-rich foods to remedy this!

25. It All Comes Back To Stress

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There's a reason people say they feel like pulling their hair out when they're stressed! Extreme stress can do a number on your body, including on your head of hair. It's important to consult with a doctor if you're experiencing stress and hair loss at the same time, though, as your hair loss might be caused by something unrelated!

26. Have You Thought About Your Thyroid?

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Thyroid conditions, such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, can affect your hair in a number of ways, and not just on your head. With thyroid conditions, you may experience thinning eyebrows, lack of hair on the rest of your body and also thinning or shedding hair on your head.

27. Too Much Vitamins?!

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Too much of a good thing, as they say, can often cause problems - and it's also the case if you have too many vitamins. Vitamin A in particular can result in hair loss if you're having too much of it. The main thing is knowing how much is a healthy daily dose (5,000 IU) and once you reduce the intake (if it's this that's causing it) your hair should be back to normal!

28. You've Lost A Lot Of Weight In Your Life...

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You've worked hard on your weight loss routine, so it sucks that you might be experiencing hair loss as a result! Unfortunately weight loss can cause hair to thin, even if you've got to a healthy weight, just because it's a strain on the body - and especially if you've been lacking nutritional needs during the diet.

29. Taking Birth Control Messes With Your Hair AND Your Hormones!

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Because birth control directly affects the hormones in your body, then it could also result in hair loss due to hormonal changes. Especially if you take the birth control oral pill and your hormones are suddenly changed - like when you're starting or stopping the pill - this can affect your hair.

30. Dealing With Hair Loss...

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The main thing to remember is to always speak to your doctor if you suspect any condition is causing hair loss, or if you're experiencing sudden hair loss. Check the ingredients in your shampoo, take care with your styling and also make sure to eat healthily with the right amount of vitamins. With hair loss, it can be trial and error when working out what's going on!

31. It's Not Only Male Pattern Baldness ... It Can Affect Females Too!

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You may be surprised to learn that female-pattern baldness is one of the most common causes of hair loss and is primarily influenced by genetic factors. If there's a family history of baldness, individuals may be more prone to experiencing it themselves.

32. It's All Down To The Beauty Of Ageing!

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It's a fact that the natural aging processes can lead to changes in hair texture and density. As individuals age ,their hair follicles may shrink, leading to finer and shorter hair.  This then turns into baldness, primary at the top of the head and then a receding hairline at the front.

33. Not Getting Enough Quality Sleep Is The Devil Fopr Most Of Us

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Sleep is essential for overall health and that doesn't just mean your bone density, organ and blood health.  It includes the health of your hair as well. Lack of sufficient and quality sleep can disrupt the body's normal functions and this can potentially affect hair growth.

34. Psoriasis Could Be Causing Your Hair Loss - Watch Out For It!

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Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that can affect the scalp, causing red, scaly patches.  The itch can sometimes drive you crazy.  In severe cases, it may lead to temporary hair loss. Managing the underlying psoriasis is crucial for maintaining hair health.

35. A Side Effect Of Weight Gain

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Significant weight gain, especially if it results in hormonal imbalances, can contribute to hair loss. Hormonal changes associated with obesity may affect the normal hair growth cycle.  A health professional may prescribe supplements to combat this issue.

36. Pressure On The Scalp From Tight Headgear

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Constant pressure on the scalp from tight headgear, such as helmets, hats, or headbands, can lead to a condition known as traction alopecia. This type of hair loss occurs when continuous tension on the hair follicles causes damage and, over time, leads to hair loss.

37. You Are More Susceptible To Hair Loss If You Are Living with AIDS/HIV

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The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) can impact the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections and other health issues.  You may find that hair loss is one of those symptoms that arises.

38. Overdoing The Dosage Of Vitamin D

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While vitamin D is essential for overall health, excessive intake can be harmful. High levels of vitamin D may contribute to hair loss, although this is relatively rare and often associated with extremely high doses.  Also, any excess is usually peed out of your system.

39. Excessive Alcohol Consumption

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Heavy alcohol consumption can lead to a number of problems, especially nutritional deficiencies, affecting the health of hair.  Alcohol can also dehydrate the body, potentially contributing to very dry and flaky red skin  as well as hair dryness and breakage.

40. How Many Strong Coffees Are You Drinking?

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While moderate caffeine consumption is generally considered safe, excessive intake may lead to dehydration and potentially affect hair health. Maintaining a balanced diet and proper hydration is crucial for overall well-being, including the health of your hair.

41. Dehydration Can Be Spotted By Your Hair

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Inadequate water intake can affect overall health, including hair health. Dehydration may lead to dry and brittle hair, and in severe cases, it can contribute to hair loss.  The hair follicles are affected as is the scalp, which can become irritated and itchy.

42. Struggling With Your Mental Health

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Conditions like chronic stress, anxiety, and depression can contribute to hair loss. Stress hormones can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle and lead to increased shedding.  If your stress levels remain high for a length of time, this can, unfortunately,  lead to bald patches.

43. Experiencing A Sudden Shock

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Experiencing a sudden and intense physical or emotional shock, such as a car accident, loss of a loved one, or other traumatic events, can trigger a type of hair loss called telogen effluvium. This condition causes a large number of hair follicles to enter the resting phase simultaneously, leading to noticeable hair shedding.

44. Chemical Exposure In The Workplace

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Exposure to certain chemicals, such as those found in industrial settings, can have adverse effects on hair health. Chemicals like solvents, heavy metals, and toxins may damage hair follicles, leading to hair loss over time.

45. Those With Hashimoto's Disease Are At Risk

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An autoimmune condition affecting the thyroid gland can lead to hormonal imbalances, including changes in the levels of thyroid hormones. This imbalance may contribute to hair loss.  It's essential  to take advice from a medical practitioner to alleviate the problem.

46. Lupus Can Have Various Side Effects

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This autoimmune disease can cause inflammation throughout the body, affecting various organs, including the skin. Lupus can lead to hair loss in a small number of cases.  It is often the medication for Lupus that reacts badly with the scalp, causing hair problems.

47. Malnutrition Takes No Prisoners With Your Scalp

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Malnutrition can have serious consequences. Severe deficiencies in essential nutrients, such as iron, zinc, and biotin, can negatively impact hair health and lead to hair loss.  A doctor can often recognize deficiencies just from looking at a patient's skin, eyes and their hair.

48. Your Hair Could Become Thinner After Giving Birth

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It's not uncommon for individuals, particularly women, to experience hair loss and this can happen after giving birth.  Postpartum hair loss is a common occurrence and is often referred to as "postpartum shedding" or "postpartum hair loss."  In almost all cases, the hair does grow back.

49. If This Is Really Worrying You Then There's Things To Be Mindful Of...

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If the hair loss is concerning or persists, consulting with a healthcare professional or dermatologist who can help rule out other potential causes and provide guidance on management.  Don't suffer in silence.  Looking after a new baby is stressful enough as it is.

50. Beware Of Strong Hair Bleach

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Bleach disrupts the hydrogen and disulfide bonds that give hair its strength and elasticity. Weakened bonds make the hair more susceptible to breakage. If the hair has undergone other chemical treatments before, such as perms or relaxers, the combination of these treatments with bleach may lead to increased damage

51. Inadequate Aftercare Following Bleaching

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Proper care after bleaching is crucial. Failure to use suitable post-bleaching treatments, such as deep conditioning or protein treatments, can leave the hair more susceptible to breakage.  You should think long and hard before understanding that having your hair bleached is only half the story.

52. Frequent Use Of Bleach May Compromise Hair Health

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Regular and frequent use of hair bleach increases the risk of cumulative damage. Each application may further compromise the health of the hair.  Hair follicles are living things and there are only so many treatments it can take before it shows you it's had enough.

53. Scalp Irritation From The Chemicals

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The chemicals in hair bleach can irritate the scalp, leading to inflammation. An irritated scalp may affect hair follicles and contribute to hair loss.  Besides this, the discomfort the individual can feel as a result of this can affect their sleeping pattern which can make them even more irritable.

54. Over-Processing Of Hair Chemicals

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Leaving bleach on the hair for too long or using a bleach formula with a higher concentration than necessary can lead to overprocessing. This can result in excessive damage and breakage.  Hairdressers who are attending to more than one client at a time may lose track of the exact time your bleach needs to be tended to.

55. Hair Cuticle Damage

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The outer layer of the hair, called the cuticle, consists of overlapping scales that protect the inner structure. Bleach opens up the cuticle to allow the penetration of the lightening agents, leaving the hair more vulnerable to damage.  It can take some time for that damage to repair.

56. To Keep Your Hair Healthy And Looking Great ..... STOP Washing It So Often!

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Wash your hair as needed, as over washing can strip the scalp of natural oils. Frequency may vary depending on your hair type and lifestyle.  Many males wash their hair every day in the shower but females, especially with longer hair, are doing themselves no favors by over-washing.

57. Limit Chemical Treatments

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Minimize the use of harsh chemical treatments such as perms, relaxers, or excessive hair coloring. If using these treatments, ensure proper care and conditioning afterward.  Give your hair and scalp a holiday so it can regenerate healthy cells to deal with further treatments.

58. Aim For A Healthy Lifestyle

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Maintain a healthy lifestyle by getting regular exercise, managing stress through relaxation techniques, and getting adequate sleep. These factors contribute to overall well-being, which reflects in the health of your hair. You may notice your hair becomes shinier.

Protect Hair From Sun And Environmental Damage

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You might look after your skin when the sun's rays are beating down but don't forget to wear a hat or use protective products with UV filters when exposed to sunlight. Environmental factors like pollution can also impact hair health, so consider protective measures.

60. Think Carefully About Your Hair Accessories

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Opt for hair accessories that are gentle on the hair, such as soft scrunchies or silk hair ties.  Avoid tight hairstyles that can cause stress on the hair shaft.  Elastic bands are particularly bad for hair and can cause strands to fall out as you pull the band out of your hair.

61. Massage Your Scalp During Each Hair Wash

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Regularly massage is great for your body, whether it's relaxing one or a sports massage.  Your scalp should get the same attention to stimulate blood circulation, which can promote hair growth. You can use your fingers or, even better, a scalp massager.

62. Use A Deep Conditioner

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Use a deep conditioning treatment once a week to nourish and moisturize your hair. You can use store-bought treatments or natural ingredients that you have in your kitchen cupboards such as coconut oil, olive oil or natural, high quality honey.  You should notice  a positive difference.

63. Use Protective Hairstyles When Sleeping ..... Braids

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Braiding your hair before bedtime can help minimize friction and tangling. Loose braids are generally gentler on the hair compared to tight styles.  They also give a nice effect when they are "unbraided" the following day, giving your hair a natural bounce and body.

64. Wear Your Hair In A Loose Bun At Night

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If your hair is long enough why not create a loose, low bun.  This can prevent the ends of your hair from rubbing against the pillow, reducing the risk of breakage.  In the summer, when you can't sleep because you're too warm, wearing your hair up like this can help.

65. Use Twists Or Twist-Outs

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Twisting your hair or creating twist-outs before sleeping helps maintain curls and prevents them from becoming tangled or frizzy.  It also gives your hair body and may mean you can hang on an extra day or two before your lovely locks need washing again.

66. Wrap It Up!

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Wrapping your hair with a satin or silk scarf protects it from friction and minimizes moisture loss, especially if you have textured or curly hair.  We know it doesn't exactly look great by doing this but, the next morning, you will be pleased you did it!

67. Maybe The Pineapple Style ....

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For those with longer hair, use the pineapple method.  No, we're not joking - it involves loosely gathering your hair at the top of your head with a satin or silk scrunchie. This helps preserve curls and prevents flattening.  This works with natural curls or those you've used tongs on.

68. Go All Out With A Silk Or Satin Bonnet

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Maybe try this if you're sleeping alone or if your partner knows you VERY well!  Please don't laugh! Using a satin or silk bonnet is a convenient option for protecting your hair while sleeping.  It covers your hair entirely, reducing friction and preventing breakage.

69. Invest In A Silk Pillowcase Because ..... It's Suitable For All Hair Types

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Satin and silk pillowcases are suitable for various hair types, including straight, wavy and curly.  They can benefit everyone by maintaining the integrity of the hair.  Whilst they can be expensive compared to a cotton pillowcase, by handwashing them, this will extend this lifespan drastically.

70. The Big Silk (TBS) Has A Cooling Effect

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Satin and silk have natural cooling properties, providing a comfortable sleep environment and preventing the hair from becoming overheated during the night.  Silk pillowcases have also been linked to reducing wrinkles as well as the skin on your face isn't being dragged as you turn over in your sleep!

71. It's Gentle On The Hair Cuticle

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The smooth surface of satin or silk is gentler on the hair cuticle, reducing the risk of damage and promoting overall hair health.  A satin or silk pillow covering should be washed frequently, say, after three or four night's uses, to reduce any build up of bacteria.

72. It Helps Retain Moisture

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Unlike cotton, which can absorb moisture from your hair, satin and silk pillowcases are brilliant in that they help retain the natural oils in your hair and prevent excessive dryness.  This may mean you only have to condition the end of your hair after washing.

73. It Preserves Your Hairstyle

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Satin or silk pillowcases help preserve hairstyles, particularly styles like curls or waves, by allowing the hair to glide more smoothly as you move during sleep.  Tis is great if you need your hair to stay in place for a couple of days or over the weekend. It also saves having to use heated devices as often on your hair.

74. It Reduces Friction

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Satin and silk pillowcases have a smoother surface compared to cotton. This reduces friction between your hair and the pillow, minimizing the chances of breakage and split ends.  If you notice you have a few split ends, get regular trims. Even a quarter of an inch can keep your hair healthy and stop the split ends rising up and causing the hair to break off.

75. Celebrity Hair Secrets ...... Jennifer Aniston

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Celebrities often have access to high quality hair care products. Jennifer Aniston, known for her fabulous hair (and hairstyle), co-founded her own hair care brand called "LolaVie," which features products designed to promote healthy hair.  She's a great advert for it!

76. Fake It!

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Fake a fuller ponytail by simply doubling up.  Fake thicker hair by stacking two ponytails close together, on top of each other in the back of your head.  This is a hair tip from Jet Rhys, who has salons in San Diego.  She has styled Julia Roberts and Faith Hill, to name but two.

77. Add Sweetener To Hair Dye!

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Believe it or not, Sweet 'N Low isn't only for your morning coffee! Although Matrix color is super gentle, some celebrity clients still get an itchy or irritated scalp so there is a solution.  Adding a few packets of "Sweet 'N Low" sugar substitute  to the hair dye, when the color is developing, apparently works wonders!

78. Taming The Frizz

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Celebrity hairdressers say there are ways to get rid of flyaway hair such as to spray a flexible hairspray, such as "Aussie's Sprinch."  You then roll the bottle over the hair and this locks down the frizz!  This hack works great on a smooth blowout or even a sleek ponytail.  Emily Blunt and Ashley Benson swear by it!

79. Lavender Oil Says Kylie Minogue

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Kylie Minogue has revealed her secret for shiny looking hair.  The pop princess and gay icon says the key to healthy locks is to apply an overnight treatment of lavender oil.  Tis was a tip from one of her hairstylists and she's convinced it's a brilliant
way to improve the condition of her long tresses.

80. Kylie Jenner Loves Her Extensions

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Be like Kylie Jenner (we can't guarantee you'll also be a billionaire but you'll certainly look great)!  Kylie uses custom virgin hair clip-ins to get instant volume and length.  Keratin individuals also offer a longer lasting solution to keep hair extensions looking as good as new.

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