1. They understand social media etiquette
image source: reddit.com
Grandparents can have a reputation for not being too social media/tech savvy, and when it comes to adorable grandchildren, the last thing you want is photos of your children posted everywhere - even if the grandparents mean well! So it's always a bonus if they understand social media and want to keep their grandchildren's privacy better protected.
2. They don't pressure about baby names
image source: reddit.com
It's an exciting time to choose potential baby names, and that's a decision for the parents and not the grandparents. So you don't want any grandparents pressuring you to name the baby after a distant cousin twice removed, or making you feel bad for not giving a middle name after them!
3. They're not the type for big, expensive purchases
image source: reddit.com
It's good to know that grandparents aren't going to ridiculously spoil your children, so it's a good sign if they're not the type to go out and buy your child expensive gifts they don't need. Treating your children is a lot different then splurging on them needlessly with far-too-lavish gifts!
4. They're not pressuring you for a delivery room invitation

image source: reddit.com
It's up to you who you want in the delivery room with you - or whichever room you're giving birth if you're doing it at home rather than the hospital. And usually you wouldn't give grandparents a front row seat... so it's never a good sign if they specifically ask to be there, and make you feel bad about it!
5. They were amazing parents
image source: reddit.com
Sometimes, all you need to know is that they were amazing parents to you when they brought you up, so you have no doubt in your mind they're going to be amazing grandparents with a new child, too! If you never had any issues with them growing up, and you have a healthy relationship, it bodes well!
6. They never forced their beliefs onto you (or anybody)
image source: reddit.com
Older people can also have a reputation for sticking stubbornly to their beliefs and expressing them on younger people, which isn't fun for a grandchild in their care. Nobody wants to be lectured about beliefs, after all! So it's a good sign if they respect other people's opinions and won't force anything on your child!
7. They're not the kind to leave you out of the loop
image source: reddit.com
As the parent, you need to be kept in the loop about everything that's going on when your child will be in their care, so it's good if they understand good communication and are happy to update you and check in with you rather than never tell you what's happening - especially in emergency or difficult situations!
8. Or not consult with you about something first
image source: reddit.com
If they're also not the kind to make any decisions without your say so, that's a good sign. You don't want to have to worry about the grandparents going off and taking your child with them for an impromptu weekend away, to get their ears pierced or to sign up for a class you didn't even know about!
9. They have a welcoming home
image source: reddit.com
Just like you want a stable home for your own child, you want the grandparents to have a comfortable, welcoming home for when your child is old enough to spend time there. So it's always good if your parents house is a happy home that your child will actually feel happy staying at.
10. And are financially stable
image source: reddit.com
That isn't to say that being a good grandparent depends on how much money you have, it's more that it's a bad sign if your grandparents are very irresponsible with money or in dire financial circumstances where they wouldn't be able to spend time with grandchildren without having pressure put on them.
11. They never play favorites
image source: reddit.com
If you're planning on having more than one child - or if you have twins on the way! - one thing you don't want is the grandparents to play favorites and make one child feel like less than the other. If you were always treated equally growing up, then it's a big green flag!
12. They never tell stories that are too personal
image source: reddit.com
We've all had those embarrassing moments from our parents where they say something in front of people, but most of it can easily be brushed off! What you don't want is grandparents getting way too personal, especially if they're going to tell your child all these personal things about you and stories from you growing up.
13. They've never subjected you to a guilt trip
image source: sheknows.com
One thing that can easily happen when a child is born is grandparents suddenly go on a guilt trip mission, where they make you feel bad every time they're not involved in a decision, a trip away, or plans for the holidays. You need to set up good boundaries and know they're not going to guilt trip you for anything!
14. They support any diet decisions you've made
image source: reddit.com
When you're going to be leaving your child in the care of your grandparent sometimes, you need to know that they support the eating habits you've set out for your child, or the decisions the child has made when they get older, like to be a vegetarian. So you want the grandparents to support that, and not force food on them, or refuse to cook them certain things.
15. They're good at holding their curse words!
image source: reddit.com
Most parents will agree it's a struggle sometimes to stop a curse word or two from slipping out, and you'll want the same from the grandparents in knowing that they're not unfiltered potty mouths who aren't going to change the way they speak even when the child comes along!
16. They're already making plans
image source: reddit.com
If they're already getting excited about the prospect of a grandchild and are making plans for what they child might like to do, places they can go, activities they might like to share... it's all a good sign that they're invested in spending time with your child and looking forward to it!
17. They've set space aside in their home
image source: reddit.com
It's also a good sign if they're already making space for the grandchild, including spots in the living room where they can play on the floor, or even their own room in the spare bedroom for when they're old enough to sleep over. It shows they're prioritizing their grandchild in their own space!
18. They don't expect you to parent the same way they did
image source: reddit.com
You can learn a lot from your own parents about what kind of parent you want to be, and it's good when you have your own parents' support no matter what you choose to do. They don't expect you to be the same as they were and they're happy to support you in whatever way you choose to parent.
19. They never compared you to your siblings
image source: reddit.com
If you grew up with siblings, then it's always good knowing that your parents treated you all equally, and none of you were compared to each other or made to feel bad about accomplishments. That shows how your parents are going to treat your own child growing up.
20. They respect your rules about haircuts!
image source: reddit.com
When your child gets a little older and is going to be spending more time with their grandparents, you need to know their precious hair is safe! There are many horror stories about grandparents thinking they know best with a homemade bowl haircut, and that's the last thing you need.
21. You have a healthy relationship with them
image source: reddit.com
It's always a good start when you actually have a healthy relationship with your parents! Your child can have a happy relationship with their grandparents even if you're not involved/are distanced from them, but it makes things a lot easier when everyone is happy to be around each other.
22. And you're open and honest with each other
image source: reddit.com
You don't want to have to worry about your parents keeping things from you when they've been spending time with your child, as though they're protective over the time spent together, or don't want to tell you about silly little things that have happened. Openness and honesty is key for good relationships all round!
23. They're responsible when it comes to pets
image source: reddit.com
As we know, pets are a long time commitment, so what you don't want is grandparents who are going to buy your child an adorable puppy for their birthday just because they asked for one - and without consulting you first! You need to know the grandparents can be responsible when it comes to decisions on pets.
24. And bonus points if they have their own!
image source: reddit.com
That isn't to say it isn't a good thing if they already have their own pets! Your child is guaranteed to love that, so that they can still play with the pet when they stay at the grandparents house, without the responsibility of having to look after the pet themselves!
25. They have an open mind about love lives
image source: reddit.com
Grandparents can have a habit of grilling their grandkids when they reach a certain age about whether they're dating, or if there's anyone at school they like. Nothing wrong with harmless questions, but you need to know the grandparents are going to have an open mind about whatever your child decides when it comes to romance! There's nothing worse than being pressured about love.
26. They've never tried to influence your decision to work
image source: reddit.com
In being a soon-to-be-parent, you might have made the decision to give up work to stay at home, switch part time, or continuing working. Whatever you decide, that's your decision to make - so you don't want your parents having a very strong opinion about how much they disagree with what you've decided. It'll just set an awkward atmosphere for what's to come.
27. They don't have any strong prejudices
image source: reddit.com
Just like you don't want grandparents that are going to force their own beliefs on their grandkids, you also don't want very strong prejudices that they're going to bring up with your child, or try to influence your child with. It may even be that these prejudices can extend to the child itself, if they're doing something the grandparent doesn't agree with.
28. They're relaxed about holiday plans
image source: reddit.com
It's up to you to decide what you want to do over the holiday season, and sometimes you might not be able to have a full family meetup, especially if grandparents live very far away. So it's always helpful if you have parents who are very relaxed with what you decide, rather than expect you to always do what they want.
29. They don't expect grandkids to equal chore-doers
image source: reddit.com
You don't want your child to be forced into a day's work every time they go round to your parents house. Spending time with grandparents shouldn't mean they're expected to clean, tidy and wash the dishes every time they go around as though they're only there to do chores for your grandparents rather than actually spend quality time!
30. They're happy to help
image source: brightside.me
When you have a child, it makes the world of difference having the support of those around you, especially for babysitting duties - and often grandparents are key players in being available to help or look after the little one. So it always bodes well if they show a willingness to be there for you!