10 Ways To Boost Our Love Hormones

By Anna Collins 7 months ago

1. Get cuddly

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Having a cuddle is one of the best things to do in order to boost your love hormones. When you cuddle your body releases oxytocin, dopamine, AND serotonin (the three love hormones). Cozy up with your partner and have a cozy night in. It's just another great excuse for a chilled movie night with your S/O... as if we needed one.

2. Stroke your pet

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Pets are just basically the best thing we need if we want to boost our love hormone. Sometimes just looking at them and thinking how cute they are is enough to release oxytocin. But stroking a pet is scientifically proven to boost our love hormone and to reduce our stress levels!

3. Laugh and joke

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Laughing and joking is an excellent remedy to many things. And, one of the reasons you feel so good after laughing is because of the boost of the love hormone we receive which instantly makes us feel more relaxed and happy. It's also why you may even feel sleepy after laughing a lot.

4. Make eye contact

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Making eye contact with someone we love is super powerful. You know when you connect with someone's eyes you get a certain kind of fuzzy feeling. This could be the boost of love hormones that your body releases after you lock eyes with someone you love!

5. Go for a walk

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When you're feeling down in the dumps or you generally want a boost the best thing to do is get out and go for a walk. It combines exercise and the outdoors in one go and is one of the most sure ways to get you that love hormone boost to make you feel happy!

6. Make healthy food choices

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Sometimes we feel that allowing ourselves a 'treat' or indulging in junk food will make us feel good, and sure it will while we eat it... afterward not so much. If you really do want to make yourself feel good then have a balanced and healthy diet (of course, you can have exceptions) it will release your love hormones!

7. Make thoughtful gestures

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Thoughtful gestures do not have to be grand gestures by any means. It could be as little as leaving someone a little post-it note saying 'I appreciate you', or taking someone a cup of coffee in bed. Thoughtful gestures give them a love hormone boost AND you too.

8. Exercise!

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Exercise is one of those things that science has shown us, that helps with so many different aspects of our lives. Our health and our mood often depend on doing some form of exercise. It will help you to release so many feel-good hormones, including love hormones.

9. Kiss more

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Does anyone need a reminder to kiss their partner more? Well here it is, and even if you're the sickly, PDA kind of couple who are always locked lips...now you have an excuse! Kissing is a great way to release all three love hormones: serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine which will make you feel happy.

10. Get outside more

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Nature really is the best remedy, and we have it right outside our homes for free, ready to make us feel good and give us a huge boost. If you want to boost your love hormones then definitely incorporate more nature into your lifestyle. It could massively help your mental health.

11. Eat chocolate

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Hold on...sadly this isn't us telling you to go and grab a bar of chocolate to boost your love hormones. The best way to do it is to have a couple of pieces of DARK chocolate. Dark chocolate has multiple health benefits including increasing our love hormones.

12. Give or receive a massage

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Physical touch is super important for our mental health and in aiding our release of live hormones. Skin-to-skin contact gives us those love hormone boosts. So, a great way to do this to really ensure you get your boost is to have someone give you a massage or to give someone a massage!

13. Do something for someone

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Doing good makes us feel good...it really is true. So try and do something for someone else, in the hopes that it makes them happy but that it also makes you happy too, by releasing your love hormones. And, it will release theirs, to know someone is looking out for them!

14. Tell someone you love them

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You feel good after letting someone know you love them right, or hearing someone tell you that they love you? We all love to be loved. But sometimes we never actually say it. It takes a few seconds to type a message telling someone that we love them and it will give you an instant hormone boost!

15. Write a love letter

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Let's take it right back to old-school romantic gestures. Writing down your loving thoughts and romantic musings really is so much more romantic on paper anyway than texting. And, even the act of writing it will help to boost your love hormones, as will giving it to the person and knowing they will read it!

16. Spend more time with your family

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Here's your sign to book in a family meal or to schedule a visit with your family members and loved ones. Give everyone a huge love hormone boost by enjoying time with your family. Plus, it's generally always good to keep as close a bond with your family as you can!

17. Be more grateful

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Gratitude is something that can change your life, by expressing and practicing gratitude you can truly appreciate what you've got in your life rather than letting the noise of everyday life cloud the appreciation for the good. Be grateful and experience a boost of your love hormones.

18. Have a long hug

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Next time you have a hug, hug a little bit longer to really ensure that you get the boost. And make an effort to hug more! That friend you've not seen in a few weeks, hug them. Your family who you see every day, give them a hug! A hug will never not be appreciated (even by someone who claims they aren't a hugger).

19. Sing!

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Singing is SO good for the soul, especially in a group. But if you don't want to sing in public or with other people then don't worry, you can still boost your love hormones. Sing to your heart's content and sing like you're Mariah Carey whilst having your morning shower.

20. Smile at people

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Smiling is such an easy thing to do, yet we don't do it enough. Sometimes we are so consumed in our own thoughts that we forget to smile at the people around us. Smiling at anyone can instantly give you and them a love hormone boost because you have made each other happy!

21. Get creative

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Creativity is something that, many of us have within us however we do not have the opportunity to release it in everyday life. But it's important to allow yourself time to hone in on these skills and allow yourself to be freely creative - it even boosts our love hormones!

22. Spending quality time with someone

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Spending quality time with someone is very different from just seeing people and spending time with them. You can see someone and not make it quality time. You may be on your phones, you may have distractions; this isn't quality time. But spending REAL quality time with someone will give you that boost!

23. Have a warm bubble bath

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There's a reason that after a long and stressful day, we might crave taking a hot bath to unwind. It not only relaxes your muscles but also your body, whilst releasing live hormones. So this is the reason that after a bath you feel physically and emotionally refreshed!

24. Breastfeeding

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Of course, not everyone can breastfeed. In fact, there's a small proportion of the population that will be breastfeeding at any one time. Yet it is one of the most effective love hormone boosts ever and it releases huge amounts of these hormones which makes you feel super bonded to your baby.

25. Surround yourself with floral scents

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Natural flora scents such as lavender or rosemary have the ability to release chemicals in our brains that are responsible for our love hormones. You've probably heard that lavender is the scent that relaxes you, and this is because it helps you to release oxytocin!

26. Start a yoga class

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Yoga is known for being able to relax us and put us into a state of calm. But it can also release your love hormones. Part of the reason is because you are calm and relaxed which can allow the happy love hormones to be released from your body and give you a boost!

27. Take deep breaths every day

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Make a conscious effort to take at least three deep breaths every day. It will immediately relax your body, and slow down your body and if you breathe deeply for a prolonged amount of time, or through meditation, for example, you can achieve the love hormone boost!

28. Plan an adventure

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Planning for the future in positive terms or planning your next adventure will allow your body to release the hormone dopamine which is one of the three love hormones. It will give you excitement and something to look forward to which will give you a boost!

29. Bond with the children in your life

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Children are an amazing way to get that boost of love hormones. The innocence and joy of children bring a huge amount of love and happiness into our lives. Bonding with children and playing with them or reading to them is definitely going to provide us with that boost of love hormones!

30. Play with your pet

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Pets are basically a bundle of pure joy. When we play and interact with our pets and see them happy, we're instantly happy too. Binding with your pet releases love hormones and makes you feel good. And, the best and cutest thing of all...your pet also experiences the very same boost!

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