15 Signs Someone Is An Earth Angel

By Lauren Mccluskey 7 months ago

1. What is an Earth Angel?

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"Earth Angel" is a term that is often used to describe those who are believed to have a special purpose in life or a connection to the spiritual world.  They're spiritual beings that are said to have had many lifetimes and have now chosen to be born into our physical world for various purposes.

2. Why are Earth Angels here?

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Earth Angels are believed to have come to the Earth in their physical form for various reasons, callings, and purposes.  Many people believe that they've chosen to come here to bring light, love, and peace into the world, as well as to serve humanity and the Earth.

3. What does it mean to be an Earth Angel?

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Being an Earth Angel, surprisingly, doesn't actually mean that you're an angel. It also doesn't mean that you're perfect either. In fact, Earth Angels are very much like humans in the sense that they do make mistakes sometimes, as well as experience challenges and feel disheartened sometimes. But being an Earth Angel does mean that you're here to help others and bring light, love, and spirituality to the physical world.

4. Compassion

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There are many attributes of a person that might just have you believing that they really are Earth Angels. And probably the most obvious one is their compassion. Earth Angels are known for their deep compassion and empathy for other people and they're not afraid to show it.

5. Kindness

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You might also feel like you know an Earth Angel because you know somebody who is particularly and noticeably kind. In fact, they consistently exhibit kindness and warmth to absolutely everyone they encounter. It just comes completely natural to them and they don't even seem to have to try.

6. Healing Energy

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A person who has this natural ability to comfort and heal those who are in need of it could also be seen as an Earth Angel. You see, they have such a comforting presence and they can make people feel better by just being around them. They are able to offer emotional support and bring peace to those who are experiencing distress.

7. Sensitivity

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Earth Angels are also said to have a heightened sensitivity, which means that they are able to pick up on subtle emotions and energies of others. They can often sense when something is wrong with someone, even if they don't openly and obviously express it.

8. Nature

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Earth Angels often have a deep connection to the physical and natural world, spending lots of time out in nature. They're said to surround themselves often with nature in an effort to recharge their sense of spirituality and feel at one with the environment around them.

9. Calm

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Their demeanor is incredibly peaceful and calm and everyone wants to be around them.  In fact, Earth Angels radiate inner peace and calm and their presence is said to have an incredibly calming effect on other people.  And they don't even need to say anything for this effect to take hold.

10. Intuition

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Earth Angels also have excellent intuition and are able to trust this as well as their inner guidance.  Following their gut feelings when making decisions is a great skill that Earth Angels hold and they often find that their gut feelings tend to lead them in the right direction every time.

11. Spiritual Connection

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Earth Angels often have a deep spiritual connection and may often engage in practices in order to promote this. They might enhance their spiritual awareness through practices like meditation, prayer, or energy work, and also love to share this gift with others.

12. Active and Empathetic Listening

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They're also said to be amazing listeners, excelling with their gifts of empathy and their magical ability to make people feel heard and understood. They know exactly the right time to speak and offer empathy, action, and guidance if they feel like it's their place. This can be a real comfort to people who need it.

13. Non-Judgemental

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As well as offering an active and empathetic ear, Earth Angels are also characteristically non-judgemental in their attitudes. So people feel comfortable opening up to them, particularly because they accept people as they are, free from prejudice and criticism, warts and all.

14. Patience

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Earth Angels are typically patient and understanding, and this is especially clear when they're dealing with difficult people or situations. Their calm and peaceful demeanor is useful in being able to diffuse difficult and tense situations when they arise.

15. Forgiveness

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Earth Angels also readily forgive others too. They're not the types of individuals who hold grudges at all. Their amazing ability to forgive is something that not everyone possesses but it's a part of their non-judgemental nature and their desire for peace and harmony.

16. Optimism

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Earth Angels maintain a positive outlook on life. They are able to do this even in the face of adversity. Challenges and difficult situations don't tend to get in the way of their determination to stay optimistic and their belief in the inherent goodness of people and situations.

17. Humility

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So, Earth Angels are characteristically kind and empathetic, as well as many other amazing abilities. But they don't tend to let this get to their heads! In fact, Earth Angels are incredibly humble and never seek recognition or praise for their positive actions.

18. Empowerment

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Earth Angels are also said to inspire and empower others to tap into their own strengths and potential.  They truly believe that everybody is capable of great things and they show their belief in others overtly, empowering them to take pride and have confidence in their own abilities.

19. Unconditional Love

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Earth Angels love without any conditions. They don't expect reciprocation for their supportive and kind actions, or their love. They offer their love to others, as well as their support to other people without expecting them to provide this for them.

20. Selflessness

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Putting others' needs before their own is a common trait that is characteristic of Earth Angels. They derive satisfaction from helping and caring for others without actually expecting anything at all in return for their actions, even the recognition.

21. Dreamers

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Many Earth Angels are said to have extremely vivid dreams that they say may carry very important messages or insights. And it isn't unheard of for Earth Angels to say that they may receive guidance from their dreams too, as well as being able to make predictions.

22. Artistry

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Creativity is a common outlet for Earth Angels, as they strive to express their inner spiritual world.  They often excel in areas such as the arts, music, writing, or other creative endeavors, as well as sharing their skills and talents with other people.

23. Miraculous Events

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Some Earth Angels might claim to witness or experience events that seem miraculous or even defy logical explanations. These events might help them to believe in their abilities and calling as well as reinforce to them what their purpose is in life and on Earth.

24. Angel Encounters

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Some people also believe that Earth Angels have actually had direct encounters with actual angels or divine beings, whether in this life or in a previous existence.  Those who believe this also believe that these angelic encounters have had the power to shape Earth Angel's life's mission.

25. Energy Protection

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You might also notice those you suspect are Earth Angels engaging in spiritual practices like meditation and other similar outlets with the purpose of protecting their energy.  They might engage in these practices to look after their well-being and shield themselves from negative energies.

26. Balance and Harmony

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Earth Angels also have a desire for a harmonious life, often working hard to create harmony in their relationships and environments. In doing so, they strive for a good life balance and understanding from all sides. This works as a good influence on other people's balance.

27. Altruism

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You might also not be surprised to find that Earth Angels are also drawn to volunteer work. They actively search for important causes and opportunities to work to help those in need. And with this calling, Earth Angels demonstrate the true spirit of altruism.

28. Guidance from Higher Powers

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Many Earth Angels also feel guided by higher powers. They're able to lean into their spirituality when they need guidance and it's not uncommon for Earth Angels to feel guided by the universe. They're also big believers in fate or destiny when it comes to their life's journey.

29. Unexplained Wisdom

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Earth Angels often possess amazing wisdom. And this wisdom seems to go way beyond their life experiences so far which can be a surprise to some. And they're the first to share this wisdom with others, offering profound advice and guidance to those who need it.

30. A Strong Sense of Purpose

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It's very clear that an Earth Angel is believed to have a strong sense of purpose in life. They have a clear understanding of what they've been put on the Earth to do, which usually involves making a positive impact on the world. And because of this, they're incredibly driven to fulfill this purpose.

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