Things All Dogs Do When Stressed

By Abigail 7 months ago

1. Their tail is tucked between their legs.

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When your dog is happy, their tail should be proudly wagging around. If you see your dog pull their tail between their legs, however, this is a sure-fire sign that something is distressing them. They do this to make themselves seem as small as possible, in the presence of something that is threatening them.

2. They're trembling.

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At first glance, you might think that your dog is just cold when it's trembling. Although this is definitely a sign that they might be a little cold, if it happens in the middle of summer, you should know that something is off. This is another nervous habit, and can show that your dog is unsure or wary of something.

3. They cower from people.

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While cowering, your dog may take little steps backwards with its tail between its legs. If this happens, it should be obvious what they perceive the threat to be, as they'll obviously move away from it. However, if you can't identify a trigger, you should still try to change environment to see if that calms your dog.

4. Their ears are pinned back.

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This is another behavior that many dog owners know is a sign that something is wrong. Ears being pinned back will usually happen alongside 'cowering' behavior, such as retreating backwards from a threat or putting their tail between their back legs. The message this sends is clearly, "I'm scared, please take me away from this!"

5. They start panting.

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Dogs commonly pant a lot, so it's not always sometimes you should be worried about. For example, they do this to cool down in hot weather and may also pant when they're happy and excited. However, if you notice your dog panting in unfamiliar situations, or with unfamiliar people, and it's happening alongside other tell-tale signals, it can also be a sign of stress.

6. They're restless.

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Some dogs are naturally full of energy, and may never seem to calm down no matter how hard you try! In this case, restlessness can be pretty hard to spot in a dog. However, if you see them acting skittish, rushing around, or running back and forth, then it could be a sign that they've noticed something that they're anxious about, and looking for help from you.

7. They're whining.

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Dogs make a lot of noises, so new dog owners might not be aware of the difference between these different noises and what they signify. A high-pitched whine is your dog's way of communicating their needs to you, such as needing to go outside. But they might also whine as an automatic reaction when they're stressed.

8. Or they start barking.

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Likewise, it's totally normal for dogs to bark - particularly when they're excited, meeting new people, or just playing. But your dog might also bark if it encounters a situation that it doesn't like. In some cases, it might be obvious which 'threat' your dog is barking at, but they may also be barking more generally to communicate their anxiety.

9. They're growling.

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Growling is usually seen when a dog has moved past the anxious stage of stress and is now exhibiting more threatening behavior because they're scared. For example, your dog might also jump forward to the threat in question, or stare unblinkingly at the thing that they're scared of.

10. They've 'frozen.'

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Some dogs, however, will actually find themselves literally 'frozen by fear'. They might be completely stuck in their position, while looking at the thing that is frightening them, or they might move forwards very slowly to investigate the perceived 'threat'. Freezing might also be accompanied by trembling or shivering as if they're cold.

11. They jump up at you for attention.

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Usually, a dog will jump if it's in an excited and playful mood, and wants you to give them some attention. But it will also ask for attention when it's stressed and needs help. In this case, jumping up at you is a way for it to ask you for help with getting it out of the situation it doesn't like - so don't ignore them!

12. They show the whites of their eyes.

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The official term for an animal showing the whites of their eyes is called 'whale eye'. This happens when a dog turns their head away from an object but keeps their eyes on it, allowing you to see the whites at the edges of their eyes. They do this to literally 'keep an eye' on the thing that they're scared of and show that they're not a threat.

13. Or they have dilated pupils.

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Sometimes, you might not be able to discern dilated pupils in your dog. Don't worry - there are many other signs that are more obvious that you can look out for when deciding if you dog is stressed. However, very large, dark pupils is another sign that your dog feels threatened, and might make their eyes look glassy.

14. They're yawning a lot.

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We all yawn when we're tired, but sometimes there are other reasons that a dog may yawn. In fact, they might also yawn a lot when they're stressed. A stressed yawn will look a little different to a tired yawn, making it easier to tell how your dog is feeling: when they're stressed, their yawn will last longer than a regular yawn.

15. They lick their lips.

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When a dog licks its lips, it's not that it thinks they're dry and need a bit of moisture. They actually use lip-licking as a way of communicating with humans and other animals. The action is used to tell others that they're not a threat, and want to make peace with whatever is threatening them.

16. Your dog is grinning.

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Sadly, a grinning dog doesn't actually mean that they're having a great day and want to share their love. This particular kind of grin is also called an 'appeasement grin' or a 'submissive grin' and is usually accompanied by soft eyes and a low tail. Dogs use it to tell strangers that they're nervous and aren't a threat to anyone.

17. They're hiding from people.

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Ever had people over and your usually very active and hyper dog is suddenly nowhere to be found? That's probably a sign that they're not feeling too comfortable with the situation and the amount of strangers. You might find your dog sitting away from the action, unwelcome to petting and play.

18. Or they bolt quickly.

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While some dogs will quietly retreat from the action and wait a safe distance away when they're stressed, there are other dogs that are more restless. These dogs, instead of slinking away, may quickly bolt from the perceived threat, which can be very dangerous if you haven't got your dog on a leash and you're walking them near a road.

19. They suddenly start scratching themselves.

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Don't worry - if your dog suddenly starts scratching out of the blue it doesn't necessarily mean that your dog has got fleas. Actually, it's more likely that your dog is just feeling anxious about a situation. Aside from scratching, they might also start licking themselves intensely or sniff around.

20. They lift one of their front paws.

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This peculiar behavior isn't always seen as a sign of stress, but simply curiosity. And in a way, that's what your dog is doing - they might lift a front paw and eye an object in front of them with sustained focus. In reality, this is a sign that they're unsure of something and are feeling stressed.

21. Or it looks like their weight is on their back paws.

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Rather than lifting their front paw and looking ahead, your dog might adopt a very different stance in the face of something scary. Instead, you might see your dog placing most of its weight on their back feet which might look like they're crouching down. This act is to make them look smaller than they are, out of fear.

22. They're wagging their tail a lot.

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Dogs absolutely love wagging their tails, and usually this is a good sign: it shows that they're active, happy, and playful. However, tail-wagging can also be a sign that your dog isn't completely comfortable. In this case, the tail might wag quite aggressively and quickly, very different from a more relaxed tail-wag if they're happy.

23. They lean away from something.

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Just like humans, dogs will betray their confusion and fear when they're stressed by actively moving away from the thing they're scared of. Humans do the same with our own body language when we cross our arms and turn our shoulders towards something. Your dog will also try to move away from the supposed aggressor if they're scared.

24. Their eyes blink a lot.

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Nope, your dog isn't doing this because their eyes feel a bit dry (though that could also be true.) In fact, a dog may start blinking a lot if they're feeling stressed or threatened by something. This might be accompanied by other twitches, with pinned-back ears, or looking around rapidly.

25. They destroy objects in your home.

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It's not uncommon for dogs to cause chaos at home, especially when they're still a puppy. But if you notice your dog acting a little more crazy than usual (and taking to your furnishings or other objects), then it might be because they're stressed. In this case, try to pinpoint what has changed at home to cause this change in behavior.

26. They're pooping more than normal.

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You an actually tell a lot from your dog's toilet habits. If your dog happens to be going to the toilet more often, then it could be another sign that they're struggling with stress at the moment. If you have a puppy, significant stress in their life could also cause them to forget toilet-training habits, giving you a pee problem in your house!

27. They lunge at people.

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Lunging is a last-ditch resort by your dog to get rid of the threat itself. If you've paid attention to early signs of stress and anxiety in your dog and took steps to reduce their fear, then it's unlikely that they'll even get to this stage. However, in extreme circumstances, they may start to lunge at an object or stranger, which might be accompanied by growling or barking.

28. Your dog hunches down.

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Imagine: you're out walking in a new park, and your dog suddenly pauses on its leash and start to put it belly close to the ground, almost as if it wants to sit down where it is. This 'hunching' position is a common one in dogs that feel stress, as they try to minimize their size so as not to upset whatever 'threat' they've seen.

29. They pee in your house.

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Unfortunately, it's not just puppies struggling with toilet training that might pee all over your household objects. Grown dogs who are normally good at waiting to go outside to pee might also start urine-marking around your house as a way of making them feel comfortable in their environment.

30. They're not eating food they normally like.

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Your dog probably has that one meal that it absolutely loves, whether it's a particular brand of dog food or something that you cook yourself. Well, if your dog suddenly goes off its favorite, then it's another sign that your dog isn't very happy at the moment, and might be feeling anxious or stressed.

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