Top 12 Hacks To Get The Most Out Of Amazon Prime Day

By Anna Collins 7 months ago

1. Become an Amazon Prime member!

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So first things first you need to make sure that you're an Amazon Prime member. Only then will you have access to the Prime Day deals which hold some of the best offers with the most dramatic savings. You can sign up for the free trial and unsubscribe when you want!

2. Set a reminder and shop early

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Don't think that you can join Amazon Prime day 7 hours late and expect the same amount of amazing deals. Because there will still be a lot, sure, but there won't be some of the most sought-after deals that there were at the beginning as they sell out quickly. So set a reminder so that you don't mind!

3. Get the Amazon App

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The Amazon app also has its very own exclusive deals that you cannot get on the web. So you get all the same as the web, plus more that you can only get by having the app. So it's well worth downloading before the day so you're ready to grab the best deals.

4. Keep an eye out for the early deals

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Prime Day has something called 'early access' deals that are for Prime members. So these will go super fast if you do not watch out for them. The early deals have never lasted long in the past as they often include electronics with huge savings offered.

5. Set up 1-click ordering

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So think about how many people are online at the same time as you, with their eye on the very same deal as you. They don't last long. One sneaky hack is to set up 1 click ordering before Amazon Prime Day so that you don't waste time at checkout, meaning it can't go out of stock by the time you've entered all your details.

6. Add items to your Wishlist in advance

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Sometimes the hard thing is deciphering what you really want and trying to ignore all of the other very tempting products around it. So save a wish-list, this way you know exactly what you want and it's already there for you but now with the savings on top. You won't waste money on things you don't need this way too!

7. Shop the lightning deals

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Lightning deals are only available for a very limited short amount of time and they also have limited quantities, meaning that they don't stay around all day. These are offers you should keep checking frequently if you want to get your hands on an exclusive deal before anybody else.

8. Compare prices

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Don't just look at a sale product and put it in your basket to buy without checking how much it costs on other platforms. Compare processes to see if you really are getting the deal you think you are because retailers have a sneaky habit of inflating the initial price to make the sale price look better.

9. Install browser extensions

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There are browser extensions that can help you to find the best process as well as track price history. This way you can know when to grab your deal, and whether it is at the lowest price that it has been. There are various sites online that can help you do this for Amazon Prime Day!

10. Use Amazon assist

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The Amazon Assistant is also a browser extension for you to download that can help you. If you install this before Amazon Prime Day it can help you to compare products as well as track your orders. And, best of all it can give you access to some exclusive Amazon Prime Day deals!

11. Buy in bulk

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Bulk buying usually works out better price-wise. A hack to making the most of Amazon Prime Day is looking for the bulk buy offers to see if there are deals that significantly lower the price when you buy in multiples! This is also useful if it's something that you frequently use!

12. Opt for no-rush shipping

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Clicking the no-rush shipping option is sometimes rewarded by Amazon, giving you postage discounts to encourage you to opt for the no-shipping option. This is because, during Amazon Prime Day, there are so many products to ship, that the no-rush option means your order does not go to the top of the priority list.

13. Browse Amazon outlet

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The outlet is a great place where overstock and clearance items go and not many people make use of this feature as they either forget or do not know it exists. But the outlet could have some deals that do not appear on the normal Amazon site, and they may be discounted twice!

14. Ask Alexa

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As a kind of reward to Amazon product users, you can actually use your Amazon Alexa to ask if there are any exclusive deals. Alexa may inform you of deals that you cannot find information about on the general website. Use the voice assistant for help to make the most of the day!

15. Clip Amazon Coupons

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Amazon has digital coupons that you can make the most of. They may be on your emails as a Prime customer, so pay attention to these before Amazon Prime Day as you could grab yourself some extra savings if you collect your coupons, on top of the Prime Day offers.

16. Reload a gift card

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Purchasing discounted Amazon gift cards in advance can help you save even more money. In fact, there have been instances where you get a certain amount of money off if you purchase a gift card, AS WELL as the discounts of the day. So if you know you'll spend over $100, redeem it, particularly in a gift card.

17. Look out for promotion specials

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Another hack is to try and look past the sea of sale items and discounts. Look for the promotional specials, as these are the items that are most likely truly discounted. These are deals that can really save you your money, rather than being enticed by thousands of 'sales'.

18. Sign up for Amazon Family

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If you have children then the best thing to do would be to sign off for the Amazon family. This way, the exclusive deals will offer you family-orientated deals not only deals aimed at you. So, you will have options to make all of the family happy and set aside some bargains for your child's Christmas present.

19. Use cashback apps

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If you're setting your sights on Amazon Prime Day then you are likely ready to spend some serious bucks. No matter how big or small, you could save yourself even more money by using a cashback app such as Top Cashback. You receive a percentage of your purchase that you can withdraw or redeem!

20. Set yourself a budget

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We all know what it's like when there are sale signs in front of us. It's super easy to get carried away as we think if something is discounted, it doesn't really count right? But it can soon add up so an important hack is to budget yourself not to get carried away.

21. Make a list of things you wanted

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On a similar note, make a list of what you really need so that you don't end up with an amazing dishwasher that you didn't need just because it seemed like a deal that was too good to miss. Keep to your list, or at least don't stray TOO much and spend all of your hard-earned bucks

22. Subscribe & save

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Amazon has a subscribe and save program which offers discounts for recurring orders. If you are a regular Amazon Prime user then it is definitely a useful hack to check out the deals in the subscribe and save section if you want to make the most of all of the promotions available.

23. Amazon Handmade will take you to small businesses

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Amazon set out to be the one-stop place where you can shop it all, and now it intends to compete with the likes of Etsy with its handmade section. Don't forget to check out the offers here. It offers the kind of gift we don't usually associate with Amazon, but there may be amazing deals!

24. Explore Prime Pantry for household items

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Another section of Amazon that many of us never knew about was Prime Pantry for all your groceries and household items. Again, Amazon Prime Day may not only be a good chance to grab yourself the latest gadget, but also to restock your house too (something that always needs doing)!

25. Keep track of Deal of the Day

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The Deal of the Day is often the best Amazon deal. It's the deal that's meant to grab your attention, so it's usually one of the deals with the most impressive savings offered. It's something to keep looking out for as it gets the most traffic on the site so this is the thing to check out FIRST.

26. Try clothes before you buy using Prime Wardrobe

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try before you buy using the Prime wardrobe to virtually try the clothes before using your money to buy them. Prime Wardrobe can give you discounts on your next big looks, but it's always better to double-check what clothes you are buying first so that you don't waste your money!

27. Tune into Amazon Live

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Amazon Live will be the stream with the most information...and it will all be up to date. So if you're wondering what deals you need to be looking at, Amazon Live will tell you. It will also update you as soon as the discounts have been reduced even more!

28. Follow them on social media

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Following them on social media will give you all of the insights you need, first. It will give you hints at deals and where you need to be looking to save yourself the big bucks. Definitely follow them before Amazon Prime Day, even if you unfollow them immediately after!

29. Check the price matching policy

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Check out the price matching policy and check different competitor's prices. Some other retailers may price-match Amazon deals. So this is definitely something to consider. Check the policy to see whether you could get the deal directly with the retailer, rather than through Amazon a third party.

30. Shop on multiple different devices

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You could be shopping for the same product on a different device and being told two different cost prices. Our devices tell the website how many times we have been looking at an item for example, which could put the price up! Use different devices to check that you're securing the best deal.

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