1. Aries: The Ram
image source: reddit.com
An Aries child is going to have bags of passion and creativity, and they're going to have high ambitions - unfortunately this also means they may have a little too much get-up-and-go to the point they're very impatient or difficult to handle! They're going to need a ton of activities to keep stimulated.
2. Get ready for some tantrums!
image source: brightside.me
And, as you can imagine, a child like that is going to be ready for a tantrum or two - particularly if they have to wait for something they really want. An Aries child is very brutally honest, which can cause a wedge in some situations, and they tend to get along more with male relatives/friends.
3. Taurus: The Bull
image source: reddit.com
With a Taurus child, you have a very loyal and practical kid who loves quiet time rather than overstimulating crowds. Even though they like the quieter side of things, they get tired very easily and will need their rest or they get cranky (hey, we understand that, don't we?).
4. Your child will be a cuddle monster
image source: reddit.com
A Taurus baby also really needs to feel secure, which is where a lot of cuddles and physical attention are going to make all the difference. They're very in tune with their senses, so sensory play as well as certain smells and lights will help them to feel more comfortable.
5. Gemini: The Twins
image source: reddit.com
This sociable sign results in a child that's very energetic and likes to have a lot of attention. It's going to make it very important to child proof the home, because you'll have a wandering child on your hands looking for their next adventure! A Gemini baby also tends to love talking.
6. They'll have a lot of mood swings
image source: reddit.com
Because the Gemini sign is associated with stimulation, the next great interest and keeping busy, this also means that your child's mood and interests can change very quickly from day to day. You may find mood swings are the norm as they get bored of one thing and move on to another!
7. Cancer: The Crab
image source: reddit.com
The Cancer sign is a very sensitive and emotional soul, so in a child, this can result in them being rather clingy and seeking reassurance. Ruled by the moon phases, they might go through a lot of different moods, but you also have a very loyal, caring and loving child!
8. They need to feel secure and protected
image source: reddit.com
It's very important for a Cancer baby to feel nurtured and protected by their family, and they also need positive body language and tone of voice, as they can easily get upset if they feel uncomfortable. Their environment will also affect their mood, so they'll need comforting things around them, like their favorite books or TV shows.
9. Leo: The Lion
image source: reddit.com
A Leo child should probably get enlisted in theater school, because they're one of the most dramatic! They're hugely confident with lots of energy, which also makes them a great big brother or sister if you have other children, as they're born leaders. You'll need to keep them busy all day to tire them out!
10. They'll enjoy praise and rewards
image source: reddit.com
The Leo sign is also one that appreciates praise and reward, and a lot of this is because they like to feel in charge and as though they've done something right off their own steam. They'll likely be very open to chores and responsibilities - as long as you reward them for it!
11. Virgo: The Maiden
image source: reddit.com
You need to be sure to have a good daily routine with a Virgo child otherwise they'll get upset! They don't take well to change, and they tend to keep inside their comfort zone. This can make it very difficult to get them to try new activities, though, so they'll need encouragement.
12. Prepare yourself for a picky eater!
image source: reddit.com
Because Virgo babies are creatures of habit, this also (unfortunately) translates to mealtimes! They're going to be unwilling to try new things or vary their diet, especially if they already have a favorite food, so you may have a mealtime battle on your hands finding something they like!
13. Libra: The Scales
image source: reddit.com
Your Libra baby is going to be very concerned with fairness, loyalty and balance - they're the scales, after all - so you may find they're quick to defend those they care about, but may also complain (very loudly) if they find injustice in what you're asking them to do! On the plus side, they love being surrounded with family and friends.
14. You have an attention seeker on your hands
image source: reddit.com
Because Libras thrive on being surrounded by those they love, it also means that they might enjoy the attention a little too much! A Libra baby might make a fuss if they're not hogging the spotlight at a family meetup, or if you're distracted with another task. It's all about finding the balance of making them feel loved but not having to give them attention all the time!
15. Scorpio: The Scorpion
image source: reddit.com
A Scorpio child is going to have bags of attitude that can be endearing in some situations, but will need to be kept in check in others! They love to act as their gut tells them to, which means they can equally enjoy alone time as much as sociable time depending on their mood.
16. They love creative play
image source: kidspot.com
Scorpios will really enjoy anything that allows them to imagine or escape, which means games like dress-up or starring in the school play will really appeal to them. They have a huge creative side, so story-time will be a plus, and they'll love getting to know new people.
17. Sagittarius: The Archer
image source: reddit.com
You'll need to be a very active parent with a Sagittarius baby because this one is going to grow up to be a gym fiend! A Sagittarius child is going to love staying active, so they'll prefer to be outside at all times, on walks, playing in the park, or playing in the garden.
18. Let them have their personal space!
image source: reddit.com
Although they're a very active child and enjoy activities, they do need their personal space. They don't like to be smothered, so make sure to leave them be if they'd rather play alone. They might happily entertain themselves in the garden running around without you having to stimulate them!
19. Capricorn: The Goat
image source: reddit.com
A Capricorn baby is very much a hard-working child bordering on perfectionist - which can be a blessing and a curse! You'll have a child willing to work very hard with their activities and at school, but they might easily get upset if they bag a 9/10 rather than full marks!
20. They'll love family time
image source: reddit.com
A Capricorn baby will also love a good routine and, in particular, family traditions. This means holiday times like Thanksgiving and Christmas will be a favorite for this child, as long as you always do the same thing and they know what to expect! They love family time, and especially games night.
21. Aquarius: The Water Bearer
image source: reddit.com
An Aquarius child is very self-aware and will stick to what they believe in - which means they'll be very independent, and likely ask the big questions or try to get involved in thought-provoking discussions on topics they're curious about. They'll make friends very easily, too!
22. They don't like to be belittled
image source: huffpost.com
Aquarius children are very big on everyone being equal, which means they'll fight for the right of their friends or loved ones in any situation - even if it's who deserves the toy the most! For this reason, they don't react well to baby talk, as it makes them feel belittled and not equal.
23. Pisces: The Fish
image source: reddit.com
You have an old soul on your hands with a Pisces! Don't be surprised if your child acts 10 years older than they actually are. You may also find with a Pisces child that they daydream a lot and may seem distracted in their own world a lot of the time - but it's nothing to worry about, as they love making up their own worlds and stories.
24. They can be a little sensitive
image source: reddit.com
Pisces children can get their feelings hurt very easily, as they can be a bit naïve when it comes to friendships and other people. They'll need to be surrounded by supportive loved ones, as they don't react well to people being playfully mean or people who don't bring out the best in them!
25. What about a child close to two zodiac signs?
image source: reddit.com
If your child is born right at the very beginning, or right at the very end, of a date range, they could be leaning into more than one zodiac sign - which means they can show personality traits of both signs! So be sure to check both sign personality traits if they're on the cusp of another.
26. Understanding your child's zodiac
image source: reddit.com
There are many things parents expect from their growing children, like hoping they'll make friends easily or start talking at a certain age, but it's important to remember all these different personalities listed here. You might have a very quiet and sensitive star sign on your hands, so don't expect too much talking or energy!
27. Knowing how to interact with them
image source: reddit.com
Finding out about your child's star sign is key to know how best to play and spend time with them, as you don't want to be encouraging activities that may not be the best fit for your child's nature. Find out whether your child is more an active outdoorsy type, or an indoor creative type - or both!
28. More than one child? Find out about clashing zodiac signs!
image source: reddit.com
Just like with relationship compatibility when it comes to star signs, if you have more than one child, understanding their separate star sign traits will be key! If you have two opposing signs - where one child is energetic and picky and the other is quiet and likes their alone time - it's important to understand how to encourage them to play together.
29. Understand your own zodiac sign
image source: brightside.me
Star sign traits, as we know, apply to adulthood, too, and it can actually help if you know your own preferences compared to your child's zodiac sign. This can encourage a better relationships because you can understand how your own star sign best matches with your child's in terms of things you like to do.
30. There's no right or wrong
image source: maybeillshowertoday.com
You may have prepared yourself with the expected personality traits of your child's star sign but they end up acting completely different - never fear! Star sign traits can vary and it may be your child is showing personality traits from different zodiacs, so it's more important just to adapt to that.