1. Eggs
image source: reddit.com
Eggs are full of nutrients which can be very easy to absorb for parent and baby during pregnancy, and they have particular focus on helping baby's brain development. They're packed with choline, essential vitamins as well as fatty acids which will help those booksmarts!
2. Meat
image source: reddit.com
This can be a tough reality if you're a vegetarian, but the truth is that meat is very helpful to have in terms of your baby's development if you're focusing on key vitamins and nutrients. Eating meat during pregnancy can help the development of your baby's brain, due to the dose of iron, zinc and vitamins.
3. Bananas
image source: reddit.com
Bananas are very rich in folic acid, which is great news for a baby wanting to develop a big brain. Bananas - also rich in potassium - will be a great option for both you and the baby as it grows. They're also one of the easiest snacks to have if you're looking for something you don't need to cook!
4. Dairy products
image source: reddit.com
Dairy products are essential during pregnancy for your baby's development, such as milk, cheese and yogurt. This is because they're rich in protein as well as iodine, which will help the brain development in a growing fetus. The choline in milk can also give your baby's brain a boost!
5. Spinach
image source: reddit.com
Spinach might be best known for making Popeye big and strong, but it's also a number one choice for baby brain development! Spinach is very rich in iron, as well as containing folic acid, which is key in making your baby top of the class. It also includes key fatty acids.
6. Fatty Fish
image source: reddit.com
Getting a lot of fatty fish in your diet whilst pregnant is one of the best things you can do for your baby's brain power - and it'll help out your own health, too! Be sure to prioritize fatty fish because this will have the key dose of omega-3 fatty acids that your child needs to become the next Einstein.
7. Legumes
image source: reddit.com
Legumes are great sources of iron and folate, which will contribute to your baby's brain power. They also include key antioxidants which are good news for your baby's health. Legumes are some of the best sources of protein, too, so also a good choice if you can't eat meat.
8. Blueberries
image source: reddit.com
Blueberries are one type of berry that are considered a superfood due to the great number of antioxidants they have, as well as other key nutrients. Strawberries and raspberries are also good choices. Blueberries have folate and vitamin B6, both of which will help baby brain development.
9. Whole grains
image source: reddit.com
It's generally accepted that whole grains are better for you than white, and the same goes for during pregnancy. Whole grains like brown rice, whole grain bread and oats will have a healthy portion of protein, iron and vitamin B6 - all of which will benefit brain development.
10. Oranges
image source: reddit.com
There are some vital vitamins and minerals you should have while pregnant, and oranges provide a healthy dose of vitamin C, which is one of the key vitamins you will need. Studies have shown that lack of vitamin C can actually affect cognitive development in babies, so oranges can help to combat that!
11. Tomatoes
image source: reddit.com
Tomatoes are packed with essentials that will both help the brain development of your baby, and its general healthy growth. Tomatoes are key sources of antioxidants (specifically vitamin C and E), as well as choline, folate and magnesium - all of which will help your baby's intelligence!
12. Leafy green vegetables
image source: reddit.com
Leafy green vegetables are the ultimate brain food, because they contain compounds known as bioactive, which help cognitive function specifically. Getting a high daily portion of vegetables like lettuce, kale and cabbage will help to promote healthy brain power in your baby.
13. Eggplant
image source: reddit.com
Eggplants are a delicious source of antioxidants which you will need during pregnancy, and to help your baby's brain development. Eggplants have a handy supply of magnesium, copper, vitamin C and vitamin B6 which will help to support your baby's development and their smarts!
14. Avocados
image source: reddit.com
Avocados are more than just an Instagram trend - they're extremely healthy, and especially for a growing baby hoping to be a genius one day! Avocados are very rich in both vitamin B and C, and they also have essential nutrients like folate, magnesium and iron.
15. Nuts and seeds
image source: reddit.com
You should definitely aim to have as many nuts and seeds as possible during pregnancy, because these will help your baby's brain development, too. Getting a big bag of nut and seed mix means you can easily add it to whatever you're eating, and ensure your baby benefits from the protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
16. Dark chocolate
image source: reddit.com
If you've a hankering for chocolate during pregnancy, then make sure you're opting for dark chocolate before anything else. This is because dark chocolate is a great source of iron and magnesium, as well as copper and zinc, which will all give your baby's brain a boost.
17. Salmon
image source: reddit.com
Salmon is a great fish option for boosting your baby's development - and as we know, fish is one of the best things we can eat for brain power. Salmon in particular contains a healthy dose of choline as well as omega-3 fatty acids, both of which will be good news for your baby's brain.
18. Almonds
image source: reddit.com
Almonds may look small, but they pack a punch in terms of key nutrients! They're full of healthy fats, and include vitamin E as well as magnesium and a good source of protein. You can have a small portion of almonds every single day if you're hoping for an intelligent child!
19. Greek yogurt
image source: reddit.com
Greek yogurt is a great dairy option if you're looking for good cognitive development in your baby, and that's because Greek yogurt includes protein that will help for healthy nerve cells in the brain. Greek yogurt will also help your baby's bone development as a bonus!
20. Pumpkin Seeds
image source: reddit.com
Zinc is one key nutrient that's known for helping cognitive processing and for healthy brain function, and luckily, pumpkin seeds are loaded with zinc! Even better when you can snack on them or mix them up in any other recipe you're making to get an added helping for your baby's brain power.
21. Beans
image source: reddit.com
Beans are a fantastic source of iron, and iron is essential for oxygen being transported to nerve cells in the body - which includes being carried to the baby's brain. So if you haven't been eating enough beans already, this is definitely something you should increase your intake of.
22. Flax and chia seeds
image source: reddit.com
We mentioned about nuts and seeds being important in general, but if you want something specifically loaded with omega-3 for good brain development, then flax and/or chia seeds are the way to go. You can easily sprinkle these over cereal or porridge and reap the rewards!
23. Potatoes
image source: reddit.com
Choline is something that helps the proper development of your baby's brain, as well as their spinal cord - and luckily potatoes are packed full of choline. The benefits of eating more potatoes - and therefore more choline - also include supporting neurons to transmit messages in the brain.
24. Fortified cereals
image source: reddit.com
Vitamin B complex is essential during pregnancy and for a growing baby, and fortified cereals are one key food item you can get a lot of vitamin B from. Vitamin B is important for brain function, as well as brain development in babies, so start your day with a bowl of fortified cereal!
25. Fortified breads
image source: reddit.com
Fortified breads are also another good way to get that healthy dose of vitamin B, so if you're not a fan of cereal and prefer to have toast or sandwiches, make sure you're having a healthy, fortified bread - ideally whole grain - to support your baby's growing brain function.
26. Asparagus
image source: reddit.com
You've bigger things to think about when you're pregnant than your pee smelling a little, so make sure to eat some asparagus! That's because asparagus, along with other green vegetables, is full of antioxidants which will help your baby's developing brain tissue as well as cellular membrane.
27. Apricots
image source: reddit.com
You need as many iron-rich foods as possible if you want your baby (and its brain) to grow up big and strong, so apricots can help with that, too. Apricots are rich in iron which will help oxygen to be carried better through your baby's body - and to their brain - as well as keeping you healthy, too.
28. Raisins
image source: reddit.com
Raisins are another easy addition you can make to your diet, and eat either as a snack or by mixing with other things, like rice. Just like apricots, raisins are also rich in iron which is needed for your baby's development - and you can even throw in raisins and apricots together for your meals!
29. Iodized salt
image source: reddit.com
Iodine is needed during pregnancy because it helps the development of your baby, and in particular the development of its cerebral cortex. There are many foods you can eat which include iodine, and you should also consider iodized salt instead of normal table salt.
30. Broccoli
image source: reddit.com
Broccoli is another healthy, leafy green vegetable that you'll want in your pregnancy diet, as it will help your baby's brain development. Broccoli is full of choline, which is vital for your baby's brain and future genius potential! Broccoli is rich in nutrients, so it's a good all-rounder.