30 Things That Are Never The Same After Moving In Together

By Anna Collins 1 year ago

1. The rose-tinted glasses come straight off

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Every relationship has its honeymoon period. That phase of time when you think that this person is a perfect specimen and they can do absolutely no wrong in your eyes. They don't even annoy you! As soon as you move in this outlook completely changes and you start to notice all of their very annoying little habits.

2. The dress-to-impress element disappears

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One of the most exciting and thrilling stages of a relationship is when you're dating or seeing each other when you both meet for a date night for example. You've not seen each other and you've dressed to impress. When you live together this goes out the window as you're fighting for the first turn in the shower and asking them which outfit you should wear.

3. You don't get the same anticipation of seeing them

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There are so many amazing things about living with the person you love, for example, the fact you can see them ALL the time. But it does take away that exciting anticipation of seeing them that you get before you move in together, and you'll probably miss this feeling at first!

4. The element of mystery vanishes forever

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The mystery of your partner is attractive, admit it, we all had it once. Even if you are super close, before you move in together there are elements of the unknown. And as soon as you do move in together these disappear and you know every single thing about them - even more than you may want to.

5. You suddenly know all about one another's bodily functions...

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For example, one of these things you probably had no desire to find out about was their toilet habits. The fact that they go first thing in the morning or straight after a coffee is things you never NEEDED to know about your partner, but once you live together there's nothing you won't know.

6. The bickering about household chores begins

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When you move in with your partner the bickering about household chores starts almost immediately. You soon learn who leaves their towel crumpled on the bathroom floor, who leaves pee on the seat, and who is totally lazy when it comes to doing the laundry.

7. Getting a moment's peace becomes impossible

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Don't get us wrong, moving in together is super exciting and a huge step. But there will undoubtedly be moments when you just wish you could get a moment's peace from them. Being with anybody every day all day can get too much. We all need space, but it's hard to find when you live with your partner!

8. Your patterns adjust to match each other

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When you love with someone you naturally adjust to one another so that your patterns match with one another. For example, when you wake up, when you go to sleep, and when you eat dinner... you fall in synch with one another and find your own new routine as a couple living together.

9. Making quality time for each other can actually become MORE difficult

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You may be wondering how this could be more difficult when you're LIVING together. But living together and being around each other is not quality time. And when you live together it can be super easy to fall into everyday routines of work and chores and TV watching at night and neglect those date nights or times when you're just focused on one another.

10. Discussions of bills start

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Before moving in with someone your finances are yours and yours alone to worry about. But, moving in with someone is a whole different thing entirely. Now you've got to split the bills and discuss who pays what and how much and whether you will transfer or set up a joint account.

11. You automatically assume that holidays are spent together now

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Before you lived together you may have done your own things for the holidays or met somewhere in the middle and both tried to see one another's families. Now it's kind of assumed that you'll be staying together. But where? Will you stay alone or go to your or your partner's family?

12. You soon realize who is really the messy one

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It's very easy to appear a certain way when you don't live with someone. You can pretend you're as house trained as you like. But as soon as you start to live together you realize who is the messy one, who puts the empty packet back in the cupboard, and who never flushes the loo!

13. Things suddenly become a lot more serious

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It's a natural step of progression to move in with one another and it generally is a step couples take before marriage. So once you've committed to living together things really turn up a notch and it all feels a lot more serious. Because now people will start asking you 'so when will you get married', 'when are you having babies'...

14. You get to spend every night with them

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One of the best things about moving in with your partner is that you get to spend every single night with them. You can come home from a bad day at work and know that they are there and you can snuggle up and be with your partner and there's a lot of peace in that thought!

15. You witness each other's good and bad sides

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When you don't live with someone you usually see each other on a good day or not your worst. If you were having a super bad day you wouldn't see them. Now you're loving together you have no choice. When you're in the worst mood ever- you both witness it in full detail!

16. That quirk you never noticed that they have... now you REALLY notice it

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Before moving in together you don't notice all of the strange and annoying little quirks that your partner has... or not truly, and not to the extent that you do as soon as you move in together. The way they do that weird thing when they're eating starts to sound really loud, and the way that they snore in the middle of the night becomes really annoying.

17. Boundaries have to be re-established

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Boundaries in a physical and emotional respect are a totally different ball game when it comes to living with someone rather than seeing someone, no matter how frequently. These have to be re-established so that you know where each other's lines are drawn!

18. Antics in the bedroom may plummet

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So you might think that because you're with each other all of the time and sharing a bed every night, that intimacy may increase! But actually, there's the realization that when you're not living together and seeing each other every few days, the intimacy is at an all time high. But it's all about finding a new kind of normal!

19. You now feel as though you're thinking for two

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When you go from living without your partner to living with them, you suddenly feel as though you come as a package. Now you feel like all of the decisions you made for yourself are very different. Now you feel like you're deciding things for the both of you!

20. You get a true measure of how compatible (or not) you are

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You'll probably have heard people tell you before, that you never really know your partner or how compatible the two of you are until you live together. And it's so true. It's only when you live together fully that you will know if you truly are compatible.

21. You'll start to create your own traditions

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Don't get us wrong, there are the lovely parts of living together to come too. One of the best things about moving in with your partner is that you get to establish all of your own cute traditions together. Maybe Sunday mornings are your time for a walk in the park or Friday nights are takeaway nights!

22. You'll undoubtedly irritate each other in whole new ways

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Look, you probably thought your partner wasn't even that irritating before you moved in. And now, you've realized that they can make you feel a whole new kind of irritated. It's all part and parcel of getting used to living together and you will find a way to fit together without rubbing each other up the wrong way!

23. The sole autonomy over the TV remote has long gone

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You might be surprised to know that having power over the remote control causes a LOT of issues in relationships... we're not even kidding. When you want to watch a rom-com and you're partner will only watch action movies you start to miss the days when you had the TV all to yourself.

24. The relationship starts to involve a lot of 'mundane' tasks

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You're way past the wine and dine stage, you're past the impressing each other's stage.... now you've moved in together and you want to know who is cooking tea tonight. Living together is very much about who is doing the laundry, and who will take the bins out, and it can feel mundane in comparison to what you've been used to!

25. You become each other's agony aunt

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When you come home from work raging about what your colleague in the office did today, the first thing you're going to do is rant to your partner and tell them all about it now that they are there living with you. You will definitely become each other's agony aunts... and that's actually a really good thing!

26. It can bring you SO much closer to one another

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All of the negatives are totally worth it because it will bring you and your partner SO much closer together. You'll feel an entirely new way about them and despite thinking you knew them before, you'll feel like you now know them on an entirely new level which is a really special thing.

27. The household rules you used to have to go out the window

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Your house rules and their house rules may be VERY different. Unfortunately, you can't always get your own way and you have to come to some kind of compromise. You'll establish new rules that suit you both, but they may look nothing like what they were before!

28. Your social circles blend together

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Although you were already a serious couple when you live together you become even more 'couple'. You do everything together and see people together so your social circles start to blend or you both start spending a lot more time with one another's friends.

29. You discover each other's sleeping routines!

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Sleeping routines are actually a serious clashing point in some relationships, in fact, that's why some sleep in different rooms... but that can be a slippery slope! You'll soon discover which person isn't a morning person and who is the night owl who stays up watching Netflix till 2 a.m.

30. Your diet changes slightly

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When you're cooking for yourself all you need to think about is what you want to eat. If you're cooking for two, you have to consider someone else's preferences. And, if your partner is cooking for you you have to adapt to their style because it could be the difference between accepting that it's not what you chose to eat or not being cooked for at all!

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