30 Things That Are Never The Same After Retirement

By Dylan 7 months ago

Retirement makes you a little more lonely

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It's safe to say that while retirement is full of goodness and can be described as wholesome, it's not always the best experience in the world. Many retired folk admit that they find retirement relatively lonely, as realistically, everyone's getting on with their own lives, and their friends might have passed.

Drinking on a Wednesday isn't so rebellious anymore

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There's always a great feeling about popping open a bottle of wine on a Wednesday evening, even when you know you've got work the next day. It's exhilarating, especially when you've had a hard week. Yet, in retirement, that Wednesday night tipple never quite hits the same.

Healthcare gets a lot more expensive

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While it's not uncommon that you need some medical attention in the years leading to your retirement, post-retirement always requires the most amount of medical attention. That being said, you'll probably notice your bills skyrocket, especially if you don't have that workplace insurance anymore.

Saving isn't worth it anymore

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One of the most important things to do for your retirement is to save. You obviously want to have enough money when you retire, so you decide to pop your money into a savings account and watch it rise. However, watching that compound interest get bigger doesn't feel the same when you know you're not going to be around to see the difference.

You can't get about like you used to anymore

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One of the best things about being younger is the freedom you have to go anywhere you want to, especially when the kids have gotten older and moved out. Yet, it's not always as easy to get about anymore when you're retired. Between the aches and pains and the public transport, it's much harder.

Coming home to see your spouse doesn't feel as good

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There's an amazing feeling when you've been at work all day and all you look forward to is seeing your spouse at home by the end of the day. Returning home to your one true love is an entirely wholesome experience. Yet, when all you do is spend time with them in retirement, that feeling dwindles.

Vacations don't quite hit the same

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Back in your working life, you spent so long of it just working hard so that you can afford to go on a two-week vacation once a year, which you valued because it was a break away from the grind. Now you're retired, vacations are as frequent as you want them to be, which makes them less special.

Your purpose in life dwindles

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The good thing about a job is that it gives you a purpose in your life. It's why you wake up everyday, and why you go to bed at the time that you do. While many people hate their jobs, they'd soon realize that they hate not working too, which is why people in retirement have no sense of purpose.

Daytime TV isn't quite the same

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There was always something about taking a sick day off work (or booking the day off) and spending your time watching daytime TV. Whether that be Judge Judy or Ellen DeGeneres, there was always something fun to watch. Yet, when you're retired and that's all you watch, the fun kinda goes away.

The house can feel more like a prison than it does a home

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In your working life, your house feels like a place of comfort, peace and solace and can be definitely described as a home. It's where you go to relax and take care of yourself. In your retirement, your house can often start to feel like a prison, because you spend hardly any time away from it.

You'll need longer to recover after having fun

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Who said you can't partake in some physical activity once you retire? Some people love that kind of life. But one thing to bear in mind is that when you do take part in these activities, your next few days will be heavily affected by aches and pains caused.

You don't get that work banter with friends anymore

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Seeing the same people for years and years on end daily brings some sort of comfort to us. Especially when we can banter around with those people. However, during retirement, that part of the working life will be missed heavily, and you'll do anything to go back to it.

Money doesn't hold the same value it did before

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Working for money is one of the most humbling experiences that the privileged will never realize. As a working person, you'll realize the value of money and the weight of it too. However, if you're fortunate enough to retire with stacks of money, it almost becomes worthless.

Early nights are a regular these days

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When you're in your working life, an early night seems like something that's not enticing. You want to make the most of your evenings, so you stay up as long as possible before you head to work the next day. Yet, in your retirement life, you spend so many hours of the day awake, that you're happy to go to bed early.

Cleaning isn't quite as therapeutic as it once was

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Before retirement, cleaning often felt like a chore. Yet, when we got down to it, it actually felt pretty therapeutic when it gets down to it. Yet, when you're in retirement, you'll get bored of cleaning and eventually it'll just hurt too much to do it.

Hobbies become more of a chore than they do fun

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Hobbies after work were always a great past time. There's loads of them out there; playing piano, golfing, knitting, however, when you're in retirement, you spend so much of your time doing your hobbies and eventually they just become pretty mundane.

The guilt about not working

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We always look forward to our retirement because we want that break away from working. But you'd be surprised at how much you miss it when you eventually do retire. There's for sure an element of guilt involved there as you don't feel so much like a contributing member of society anymore.

The excitement of retirement doesn't feel the same

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Much like the point before, we spend so long looking forward to our retirement that when it actually arrives it doesn't feel like how we thought it would. Thinking about all of the points raised above, it's normal to feel a little bit stoic and empty during retirement.

Your independence starts to dwindle

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Being younger means that you have all the independence you want; you can choose what to do and when you want to do it. While, the same can be said for early stages of retirement, as you get older, your independence begins to drift away and before you know it you're relying on in-home carers.

Meeting up with friends happens less often

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Unfortunately, as you breach into that retirement stage of your life, meeting up with your friends isn't as often as you'd like. That's because some of them are still working, some have responsibilities, and some have become incapacitated with age, which can be sad.

You start going to more funerals than weddings

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A lot of people talk about how as they get older the ratio of weddings to funerals changes significantly. As you breach into retirement, you know that you'll be attending a lot more funerals than you will weddings, and that can be quite sad to think about.

Retirement depression is a real thing

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Given everything said above, it's expected that retirement depression is a real feeling experienced by those who have just gone into retirement. The sudden change in lifestyle and lack of social interactions are definitely to blame for this one. Reach out to medical professionals if you need help controlling your depression.

Gifts to your loved ones don't feel as important anymore

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We briefly touched on this earlier but as the value of money begins to slip, so does your gifts to loved ones. If you're fortunate enough to retire with a wealth of money, then it hardly seems like a treat when you're splashing the cash on your grandchildren.

But it's not all doom and gloom!

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Fear not retirees, as retirement isn't all that bad. I know we've touched on some feelings of sadness and depression when you enter retirement, but there's also a lot to look forward to too, which all feel different in retirement compared to your working life.

Spending time with family is better than ever

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Quality time with family has never been better. Reaching that retirement age (sorry to be morbid) means that you're heading towards the latter stages of your life. That means that every social interaction you have (especially with loved ones) is all the more important.

Working or volunteering changes massively

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Some people don't like being out of work when they're in retirement, so will take up a part-time job, or choose to volunteer instead. The good thing about this, though, as that these jobs are usually for the social interaction and satisfaction more than the money, meaning it's probably doing something you enjoy.

You start to value the little things in life

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Being in retirement can be seen as a wake-up call to the last stages of your life. While, ultimately, that does depend on the age you retire at, it can force people to be grateful about the little things in life, like the time spent with a spouse, or warm bedding straight out the tumble-dryer.

The mornings are more beautiful than they ever were

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As you begin to go to bed earlier in your retirement, you'll also start to wake up earlier and sometimes you might even wake up while it's still dark. The beautiful thing about this is that you'll be able to see some amazing sunrises, some that you never saw while you were working.

You get to spend some time doing things you never got to do

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Have you been trying to plant a flower patch in the yard for years and years? What about that hole in the loft you swore you were going to fix? Or the revamp of the kitchen you always planned to do? Well, now you've got all that extra time, there's no more excuses!

Not to mention all the cruises you can go on!

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Last, but very much not least, the cruises. It must be a mandatory requirement that everyone who retires must at least go on one cruise. Without the responsibilities of work, you can book a cruise during off-peak times and get the cheapest deals around.

Daily routines

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In retirement, daily routines undergo a profound transformation, shedding the structured demands of a traditional work schedule. Mornings, once dictated by early alarms and rushed preparations, now unfold at a leisurely pace. The rigidity of a set timetable gives way to a more flexible rhythm.

No more work-related stress

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Retirement liberates individuals from the pervasive grip of work-related stress that often shadows professional life. The relentless pressures, deadlines, and expectations that once loomed large gradually dissipate, fostering a profound sense of relief and calm.

That sense of purpose

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Retirement marks a pivotal shift in one's sense of purpose, inviting a reevaluation of what gives life meaning and fulfillment. For many, the absence of a professional role can initially pose a question about where to find purpose. However, this juncture often becomes an opportunity for profound self-discovery and exploration.

Changing sleep patterns

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Retirement often heralds a significant evolution in sleep patterns, granting the freedom to embrace a more natural and rejuvenating rhythm. The constraints of early alarms and late nights due to work commitments fade away, allowing retirees to sync with their body's natural sleep cycles.

Say goodbye to commuting habits

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Retirement signals a liberating departure from the daily grind of commuting, bidding farewell to rush hour traffic and crowded public transportation. The once inevitable, time-consuming trek to and from work transforms into a leisurely choice, if desired at all.

No more difficult wardrobe decisions

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Retirement often ushers in a refreshing shift in wardrobe choices, bidding adieu to the constraints of corporate attire or work uniforms. The need for formal suits, structured dresses, or business casual outfits gives way to a more relaxed and versatile approach to dressing.

Your priorities in life

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Retirement serves as a transformative juncture where priorities in life undergo a profound reassessment. The once-pressing career objectives take a back seat, making room for a more introspective evaluation of what truly matters.

You'll make decisions differently

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Retirement redefines the dynamics of decision-making, emancipating individuals from the often stringent choices associated with the workplace. The decisions that once revolved around company strategies, deadlines, or professional advancements transform into a more personalized realm.

Time management changes in retirement

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Retirement presents a paradigm shift in time management, offering a canvas for a more flexible and personally tailored schedule. The constraints of a rigid work routine dissolve, allowing retirees to craft their days according to their preferences and desires.

More travel opportunities

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Retirement unlocks a treasure trove of travel opportunities, offering the freedom and flexibility to explore the world without the constraints of a fixed work schedule. The dream destinations once relegated to brief vacations now become immersive experiences.

Your home maintenance schedule

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Retirement ushers in a reimagining of the home maintenance schedule, offering the time and opportunity to transform it from a routine obligation into a more personalized and enjoyable endeavor. The once hurried tasks of repairs, upkeep, and renovations now find a more deliberate and unhurried pace.

Your perception of time will go weird

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Retirement reshapes one's perception of time, altering its essence from a commodity to be managed to a boundless canvas waiting to be filled. The hurried pace that once characterized every minute of the workday gives way to a more expansive and liberating sense of time.

Your retirement eating habits

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Retirement often sparks a shift in eating habits, marking a departure from the rushed meals at desks or on-the-go snacks. With more time and freedom, retirees embrace a more relaxed approach to dining, allowing for mindful and leisurely mealtimes.

Learning new skills

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Retirement unfurls a vibrant tapestry of opportunities for learning and self-improvement. Free from the constraints of a demanding career, retirees often dive into a diverse array of new skills and knowledge. Whether it's mastering a musical instrument or delving into a new language.

Having independence

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Retirement often ushers in a profound sense of independence, liberating individuals from the structured confines of a professional career. This newfound autonomy allows retirees to chart their own course, make decisions based on personal desires rather than workplace obligations.

Your professional identity is going to change

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Retirement signifies a transformative shift in professional identity, marking a departure from the roles and responsibilities that once defined one's sense of self. For many, their career served as a central pillar of identity, shaping relationships, goals, and daily routines.

You'll likely use technology differently

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Retirement opens doors to a world of technological exploration and adaptation, allowing retirees to embrace the digital landscape at their own pace. While some might have been less engaged with technology during their careers, this phase presents an opportunity to delve deeper into its manifold uses.

Making sure you have mental stimulation

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Retirement sparks a pursuit of continuous mental stimulation, encouraging retirees to actively engage in activities that challenge and invigorate their minds. Freed from the demands of a structured work environment, retirees often seek out new intellectual pursuits.

Getting a sense of achievement

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Retirement brings about a recalibration of the concept of achievement, shifting it from professional milestones to a more diverse and personal spectrum. While the structured accomplishments of a career may fade, retirees discover a new realm of achievements in their daily lives.

Needing budgeting strategies

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Retirement prompts a reassessment and fine-tuning of budgeting strategies, emphasizing long-term financial planning and prudent spending. With a fixed income and a shift in lifestyle, retirees often adopt more meticulous budgeting approaches tailored to their new phase of life.

You have more time to start a new hobby

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In the phase of retirement, one of the coolest perks is the luxury of time. It opens up this incredible space for diving headfirst into new hobbies. Maybe it's the allure of gardening, the joy of nurturing life from the soil. Or perhaps you've always fancied yourself a bit of a shutterbug, ready to capture the world's beauty through the lens of a camera.

You can try out new recipes

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Retirement offers the perfect opportunity to embark on culinary adventures in your own kitchen - no more rushed dinners after a long day at work. Instead, you can leisurely explore the realms of cooking, experimenting with exciting new recipes and flavors.

It's more important than ever to meet-ups with friends

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Staying in touch with friends is even more vital in the retirement phase. With the freedom to manage your schedule, meeting up with friends becomes a cherished priority. Whether it's a casual coffee chat, a leisurely lunch, or an adventurous outing - make sure you stay connected!

And to look after your health!

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Taking care of your health is paramount, especially during retirement. With the newfound time and flexibility, you have the opportunity to prioritize their well-being in various ways. It's important not to neglect yourself once you's stopped working!

You've got a lot more time on your hands

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Having more time on your hands during retirement is one of the biggest changes that people look forward to. It's like being handed a blank canvas every day, ready to be filled with whatever brings joy and fulfillment. Suddenly, the hustle and bustle of the workweek is replaced with the luxury of freedom.

Which means that people will ask for a lot more favors!

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You may find that people will start to seek a lot of favors from you now that you're retired, especially considering the perception that retirees have more available time. Whether it's helping with tasks, running errands, or offering support, friends and family may assume that you're always available - it's a blessing and a curse!

The learning doesn't end, it begins!

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Friends, family, and acquaintances may assume that with a more flexible schedule, retirees have ample time to assist with various tasks or activities. While it's wonderful to be available for others, its important not to say yes to everything and to prioritize yourself too!

You can self-reflect on what it is that you want to get out of life

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One of the most beautiful aspects of retirement is the opportunity for deep self-reflection. With more time on your hands, you can engage in introspection and contemplate what truly brings meaning and fulfillment to your life. It's a chance to reassess your values, passions, and personal goals.

You'll discover secret talents you never knew you had

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Perhaps you'll uncover a flair for painting, discover a passion for playing a musical instrument, or realize you have a talent for storytelling through writing. The absence of work-related stress and deadlines can make you realize that you're actually been sitting on some undiscovered talents all this time!

You may be on call for regular grandparent duties

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Grandparents often become a steady presence in their grandchildren's lives, offering support, guidance, and an older role model to look up to. It's a fulfilling and heart warming role and one you'd never forsake - but do remember to make space for some 'me' time, that's what retirement is all about after all!

Make the most of the out of season travel offers!

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When you're working you and half of the population end up fighting for holiday deals which cost a fortune. Once you get to retirement you don't have to look within specific dates, you're free to travel when you choose so you get to make the most of grabbing a holiday steal!

You can sit down with a good book

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One of life's pleasures is to read a good book. Yet all the time we hear people say 'I don't have time to read', because in the busy routines of working life it's often the truth. But, in retirement you can really explore the world of books and see what you've been missing out on.

The feeling of time 'guilt' will take a while to leave you

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You know that feeling that's constantly there like there's always something you have to do or SHOULD be doing? It's like a continuous pressure. That won't instantly go the second you retire. Years of conditioning have taught us that we should always be doing something.

You realize that work contributed a lot to your social life!

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While you may have been dying to get away from your colleagues by the time Friday rolled around, when you retire you realize just how important your colleagues were to your social life! Without the office buzz and work drama and gossip things will seem pretty quiet.

You can tap into other elements of your life i.e your spirituality!

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As a working man or woman it's not so easy to take time for you, especially to explore entire new avenues of your life. Spirituality may be something you never considered before but  now that you are retired it's a great thing to look into to enrich your life without work.

You are NOT any less valued

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Often we feel like society judges our use and value by the contributions we make through our work. But you are just as valued now as a retiree as you were when you were working. Especially now that you have time to support a charity or volunteer for a valuable cause.

You could jet away for months at a time

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There are many retirees that stay in the country for the summer and fly away somewhere more hot for the winter months. You're now free without constraints now so make sure that your lifestyle is what you really want to do, and make sure you're living the lifestyle YOU want.

You won't have to rush your meals anymore

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The work break hour (or less for many people) comes around slowly every day, yet it's over in a flash. You've got to grab a stale lunch from a corner shop, have a below average canteen lunch or open your soggy packed lunch and bolt it down in a matter of minutes. This is all gone now. Relish your food!

You can get outside in nature more

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After a working week, sometimes all you wanted to do was to stay at home. But now you can get outside in nature which will help your mental health and physical health! You'll notice just how much nature benefits you and your happiness now that you have this new found time.

You have time to write down your past stories

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You are a retiree, meaning that you're one of the elders in your family. With age comes wisdom, and you must have tonnes of it to share. Now you have the time to write down your memories and experiences for your family to read, whereas before perhaps you were too busy to share them!

It doesn't mean you have to stop earning, but the earning can now be fun

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Who says that now you're retired you have to stop making money? All it means is that the career you were tied to for your working life has come to an end, meaning that maybe now you could earn some cash from a hobby. Maybe you could sell home-made cards or bake for a small independent shop!

You can do the things you'd always wanted to

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Another major change when you retire from the 9 to 5 comes in the form of free time and doing things you'd always dreamt of. Maybe you've always wanted to go do a bungee jump but never has the opportunity or maybe it's as simple as wanting to try out some arts and crafts.

You'll soon think 'how did I have time for everything?'

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Give it a few weeks of retirement and you'll soon have replaced all of your time with different things. You'll still be super busy. In fact, you'll start to wonder how you ever had a job at all now that you have all of these new commitments and hobbies.

You realize who your true friends are

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You'll figure out who is really there for you! During retirement, the dynamics of friendships can change. The shift from workplace interactions to a more personal space often reveals the friends who genuinely stay connected and engaged, emphasizing the quality over quantity of relationships.

Now that you CAN nap, you won't want to!

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It's funny that when you can't hit the snooze button in the morning and you can't take a midday nap because you have to be at work - it's all you want and can think about doing! But then when you have the time to, you won't even want to anymore! You'll have a new found energy.

Rush hour traffic is a distant memory

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Retirement finally liberates you from the daily, super frustrating, battle against the rush hour traffic. The frustration of bumper-to-bumper commutes becomes a distant memory, making way for stress-free and leisurely travel during your golden years.

You will learn to treasure moments

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Retirement unveils a newfound appreciation for the beauty of ordinary moments. From a quiet morning coffee to a sunset stroll, every second becomes a precious gem now that you can really learn how to treasure these small moments. It's all because you have time to appreciate things.

There's time for the really important parts of life

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Retirement grants the freedom to focus on what truly matters. With more time on hand, there's a deliberate shift toward prioritizing and embracing the genuinely important aspects of life without getting all caught up in the daily grind of work, obligations and expectations.

You'll spend a lot more time making phone calls

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It's not always easy to meet up with people. But grabbing for the phone is super easy, and now you have time for meaningful conversations that go beyond the small talk and polite inquiries we often have. You can finally chat for hours on end, having real conversation.

People will expect different things of you

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As you enter retirement, the expectations of friends, family, and acquaintances may undergo a transformation. With the assumption of more free time, there's a shift in what others might expect from you. Maybe they'll expect you to bake them cakes or grow your own veggies or other stereotypical activities!

You can finally stay out of the work drama that you don't want to be involved in

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Retirement marks the exit from work-related drama - of which there is always plenty. Someone in the office is hooking up or someone has had a fight. Now you're no longer entangled in office politics or workplace conflicts, retirees enjoy the serenity of a drama-free zone, focusing on the positive aspects of life.

You have the chance to be spontaneous!

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Whether it's a last-minute road trip, an unplanned dinner with friends, or an impromptu hobby pursuit, retirees revel in the joy of embracing life's unexpected moments without having to plan everything around your work life! Do what you want...whenever you want!

You can take care of yourself more

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During the daily grind it's easy to neglect to look after yourself properly and in the best way possible. Retirement brings the sweet luxury of putting yourself first. From lazy mornings to guilt-free afternoon naps, it's your time to indulge in the simple joys that make you smile.

You'll get discounts!

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Hello retirement perks. Retirement comes with its own set of perks, and one of the shining stars is the world of discounts. From early-bird specials to senior rates, enjoy the financial benefits that come with your extremely well-earned golden years.

You can finally get some quality sleep

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The pressure of early alarms and restless nights is replaced by the luxury of uninterrupted, quality rest. Mornings become a canvas for indulgent sleep-ins, each night a journey into dreamland without the constraints of work-related stress. And, no more work related dreaming!

You tune into your natural rhythm more

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You are longer dictated by the ticking clock of work schedules, you become attuned to the cadence of your body and soul. Mornings unfold at a leisurely pace, and the day follows the rhythm of your own choosing. Whether it's embracing the peaceful quietude of the early hours or reveling in the vibrant energy of the night.

It may feel too quiet in the house at times

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The once-familiar hum of daily routines and the background buzz of work responsibilities now make way for a more serene atmosphere. While the stillness holds its own beauty, there are moments when the quiet might feel a touch too profound. You'll miss that familiar hustle and bustle.

The structure of 9-5 gives way to a 24/7 lifestyle

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Days are no longer confined by the ticking hands of a clock or dictated by office hours; instead, every moment becomes an opportunity for exploration, spontaneity, and personal pursuits. Whether it's embarking on a midday adventure, reveling in the calm of a late-night reading session.

Do activities with your grandkids that their parents don't have the time for

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Retirement becomes a golden opportunity to engage in activities with your grandkids that their busy parents might not always have time for. Whether it's baking cookies, exploring nature trails, or diving into arts and crafts projects, the unhurried pace of retirement allows for quality bonding time.

Get to know your city more

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Retirement opens the door to rediscovering the city you call home. Freed from the constraints of a busy work schedule, you can leisurely explore hidden gems, visit local landmarks, and attend community events. All of these you probably missed in the rat-race of working life!

Learn about what you WANT to learn about

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Now you don't have to learn about the same old work things. Now you have the time to discover whatever it is that intrigues you. Follow your interests and passions and see where it takes you. The structured obligations of work now make way for the joy of learning purely for the sake of personal enrichment.

Try out a new style

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Whether it's updating your wardrobe with bold colors, trying out different accessories, or embracing a minimalist aesthetic, retirement offers the freedom to express yourself through your unique sense of style. The focus shifts from conformity to unleashing the real YOU and whatever style that means.

You may want to get a pet for company

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Retirement often sparks the desire for companionship, and what better way to fulfill that than by welcoming a furry friend into your life? The prospect of having a pet becomes an appealing notion, offering not only unconditional love but also a constant source of joy and companionship.

You have the time to make a difference in the world

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Retirement unfolds as a unique opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the world. Freed from the constraints of a demanding career, you have the time, wisdom, and experience to contribute to causes that resonate with your values. From small community projects to helping major global initiatives!

You'll probably get bored of the same routine every day

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The absence of a structured work routine might lead to a sense of boredom if days become too predictable. To combat monotony, retirees often find joy in introducing variety into their schedules. This can include exploring new hobbies, joining clubs or social groups, traveling to different places.

Kick your legs back and enjoy, knowing you've earned it!

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Retirement becomes a well-deserved season to kick back, relax, and savor the fruits of your lifelong efforts. With the weight of work obligations lifted, you can recline into the joy of knowing you've more than earned this time for yourself and you deserve it!

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