100 Images That The Queen Will Not Want You To See Of Princess Diana!

By Lou 2 years ago

1. Sitting by the pool

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We love this picture of Diana. It is not like anything we usually see of her, looking serious,  in her formal dresses. Here she is on holiday in a bathing suit and she looks extremely happy. This is an extremely candid photograph and we can all wonder who it was who took the photograph!She also still looks so stylish in this piece with her sunglasses and one suit. This is a holiday photo rather than a photo that has been taken of her. She is smiling for the camera as the relaxes on her sun lounger. She looks much more care free here than any other photo and her happiness at this moment is clear to see.

2. Mid Kiss

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(Image Source/ TheMirror.com)
This is a rare picture of the couple showing passion toward one another and actually kissing. Although, it's a very awkward photo. Prince Charles has seemingly spontaneously grabbed Diana and landed a kiss on her face. Her eyes are open and she doesn't really know how to react to the kiss!
To which she looks a little bit surprised and caught out by, which is understanding considering his lack of affection towards her. Unfortunately, it's not the romantic kind of kiss you want captured on camera. Diana's face has been squashed by Charles. The Queen definitely doesn't want to see this.

3. Oops! Something went wrong here!

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She's clearly trying to make everything run smoothly but then this happened. It is clear what is going on here, and her look of panic makes total sense as she holds the baby. She's trying to keep the baby happy and then the two of them grab the toy to distract him!
Her comical grimace fits in well with the photo of the baby and it shows that despite being Lady Diana, before anything else she is a mother. Photograph's with babies can never be planned and nobody can predict what will happen, even Lady Diana.

4. Another bathing suit body shot:

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She's obviously not posing but she still looks damn good. So good in fact, that she looks posed despite being totally unaware of the camera. Isn't that what we all aim for? Most of us would love to achieve this look with several attempts and she manages it without even realising.
She was a natural. Most famous people have a tonne of photos revealing their flaws. It seems pretty impossible with Diana. She was always photo ready even when she never intended to be and it is clear to see that she didn't know this photograph was being taken!

5. Getting out of a jam!

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Diana here is in an army truck and she looks like she might have trouble getting out of this. She is laughing whilst bracing herself to squeeze out. She has to pull herself up with two arms to get out and we can see one of the army guys watching her at the back of the photo.
This photo shows why many people loved Diana. She would get involved in things that weren't expected of her and she did it all in good humour. She is enjoying herself in this photo despite the struggle of trying to get out of the tank - we especially love her outfit here!

6. A Whale of a Time

(Image Source/ sottnet.com)
This is Diana, sadly in what were some of her last days and last photographs. Here she is with Dodi Fayed, son of ­Harrods owner Mohamed Fayed. She is on his 10 million pound yacht in the Mediterranean where he whisked her away for a romantic trip together.
The pair had met the previous month when they were both holidaying in France. Diana was there on holiday with her best friend, and he was there with his then fiancé. It won't come as a surprise to learn that he broke up with her pretty fast after meeting Diana.

7. Drinking it up!

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This is her at a party, she has a glass of champagne in her hands and she looks to be enjoying herself. It looks as though she was talking before she started to smile for the photograph. Either that, or she was mid sentence when someone got the snap of her!
She looks stunning in her off the shoulder dress and gorgeous matching jewellery. She always looked in style, whether she was ready for a photo or not. This dress would be still worn today, she had a timeless sense of fashion and always looked so elegant!

8. A secret smile...

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This woman is full of stolen moments. Here she is with the army again and it looks like she's in her element. She casually glances back to someone with a smile on her face and this has to be the best candid at all. She is so comfortable and loves to get involved!
She manages to look effortlessly beautiful, even when she is dressed in a green all in one and ear protectors. She is also biting her finger in a mischievous manner. What a cracking photo that this person managed to capture of Lady Diana - a true beauty.

9. Her overbite is back!

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We have now established that she is very competitive and she does not let anything get in her way. It is the one time where she lets her composure slip as she gets completely wrapped up in the moment. She was always known for getting involved in absolutely everything!
At that point you can tell all she wants to do is win. Here she is playing bowls with a group of people and she has just thrown her shot with a look of intense concentration on her face. The lip bit is back meaning it's game on. All that whilst still wearing a dress!

10. Going For A Jog

See the source image(Image Source/ Pinterest.com)
Here she is again defying expectations, going for a casual jog through town. If there's one thing you don't expect on your daily trip into town, it is a Princess running past you. But, she didn't care what anyone thought and if she wanted to go out jogging then she did!
Here she is looking very sporty in her Harvard hoody and she's paired the look with some very 80's glasses and a windswept hair-do. The look we admit isn't the most flattering as her facial expression is one of concentration. She is biting her top lip so that it has disappeared in this photo.

11. Drowning out:

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We love this photo, it is another holiday photo of her playing with her friend. Her friend has taken a hose and is pouring it right over Diana's head. We can see Diana is clearly happy and amused by this.
These photos give us a glimpse into a side of Diana's life that we didn't see: her personal time where she was a normal woman having fun. It's a world away from the royals, the suits, the formalities. That's why this picture is such a good one to show her personality.

12. The flying princess!

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She loves to get involved with everything, she never said no to activities. It is clear that she loved sports, games and activities. Everyone is enjoying watching the show here as she jumps off the pier of the boat.
She was not afraid to mess up her appearance if it meant she would miss out on the fun. Everyone is clearly in awe of her here. We love this photo it captures her free spirit and nature perfectly.

13. 80s Sports Look

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(Image Source/ Pinterest)
You don't get anymore 80s/sports vibe than this. Everything about this screams the 80s - lycra, flowers, cycling shorts, leotard - this photo is iconic. In this photo she is in a gym on one of the weight machines.
Again, this is not the kind of conformity that we expect from a member of the royal family, especially a princess. And, this photo may be our favourite but it certainly is not the Queen's. She's showing off her muscles and strength in this photo and again creating a female image that was fairy unconventional back then.

14. Trying to Hide

(Image Source/ thesun.com)
This is an upsetting photo of Diana at one of her lowest times. She is desperately trying to hide from the paparazzi who were relentless in the back of a black taxi cab. She is clearly in despair and this moment should have been private for Lady Diana.
She was struggling from mental health issues and it was the same year that Charles's affair was announced publicly when Charles did a live TV broadcast admitting to being unfaithful to his wife.

15. Toothy smiles!

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It's all smiles in this photo. Only this guy can make her laugh so much. She is with her friend and both of them are having a great time in this moment as they both laugh.
It's nice to see an unseen of photo of her having fun rather than being followed when she does not want to be. Something has just made the pair of them laugh and they have turned to the camera for a photo. It looks like the pair of them are at some kid of garden party.

16. She disapproves of what she sees here:

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It's hard to keep your emotions from running rampant on your face. Clearly something had disgusted her, and not just slightly. I don't know what was going on here but Princess Diana was obviously not happy about it. She definitely was disgusted by something.
We are very used to seeing Diana as the beautiful, composed woman who is full of grace and composure, and here that has flown right out of the window. When you are as popular as she was, then there’s no getting away from the paparazzi and when that happens, there are bound to be a batch of bad photos that nobody wants to see.

17. Laughing at a drag queen!

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She's clearly having a good laugh with this person and we can see here that she loved meeting all kinds of different people. She was definitely a people person who thrived off social interaction.
I'm sure that everyone who has ever met her will remember that day forever. Both her and her company, and the crowd all look delighted. They are all laughing at the drag queen here who is clearly keeping them all entertained.

18. One of the Lads

(Image Source/ thesun.com)
There are a few pictures of Diana in a bikini and on a boat. But this one is one of the best, she has a glass of something in her hand and she's with three male friends looking extremely relaxed and content.
The yacht she is on was actually the yacht of the famous and well loved designer Valentino. She looks like any woman chilling with her friends on this photo (albeit apart from the yacht), far removed from the confines of the palace.

19. The look of interest

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Here she is certainly not camera ready and she's pulling a face that says it's probably not an interesting conversation at all but she's going to look like it is one. It's not her most glamorous photo but it is a moment of reality where she unprepared for the press.
Someone is talking to her and she is reacting by giving her most expressive face. We'd love to know what this conversation was about.

20. Making funny faces:

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Well, she was definitely a funny woman who didn't mind making a funny face from time to time. She had a sense of humour and it has been captured here. She's preoccupied listening to her music, you can tell she's in a world of her own and she's pulling a kind of jokey pouty face.
She's clearly not aiming it at anyone as she looks into the distance, unaware that the camera has captured it all. This is one of the few less serious photos of Diana where we can see her personality shine through.

21. The bad relationship:

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Here we can see Diana with her husband Charles. Some of these photos are awkward because they just don't appear happy together at all. And, as we know their marriage together was not a successful one or a happy one.
Diana looks slightly bored as she gazes to the side and Charles appears more interested in what is happening to the side of him. Even despite their facial expressions, their body language.

22. The harsh whisper:

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We can never be sure what's going on during these moments. For all we know he may be whispering sweet nothings into her ear. but it doesn't appear that way. It doesn't look very affectionate at all it looks more of a harsh whisper.
Charles looks a bit stressed in this photo. We know that the marriage was complicated and therefore each photo seems to carry more meanings behind it. But, perhaps this wasn't how it looks.

23. She's happy but he's not.

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She looks very happy in this photo, and a little bit smug. Perhaps she's taking some pleasure in his pain. . . Charles on the other hand looks less than pleased. He has his arm in a sling and he is clearly not enjoying it.
He looks very serious here, the complete opposite of his wife. Then again, she is not the one with her arm in a sling so maybe it's no surprise.

24. Another public gathering!

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Another public outing for the royal couple, Princess Diana and Prince Charles. Again, they both look a little bit uncomfortable here and are not engaging together in this photo. They also seem to have pretty much matching skirts on here.
We are sure that this was not intentional. The pair of them certainly weren't co-ordinating outfits together. The two of them look like they would like to get this day over and done with as fast as possible.

25. The laughter never ends!

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Although this is not the most flattering photo of the princess, it is a good indication of her character which was quite amazing and those kids seem to be having a great time with her. She probably loved these moments of her life the most.

It is also a rare glimpse into the family life of young Diana with the two young princes. The joy on their faces is nice to see and it must be a treasured family moment.

26. No more tan lines!

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Well, she wasn't shy about being in her bathing suit. There are multiple photos of her in her swim suit and every time she looks great. Here she is removing her strap lines because nobody wants tan lines, even Lady Diana worried about getting tan lines.
This is what made her different to a lot of Royals, in many ways she acted just like any normal woman. We love this look on her and she is rocking the light blue floral look.

27. The hair full of fun!

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Here again she is seen having fun, not caring how she looked to anyone else. She's on the water slide with her son Harry and you can see the pure joy in this moment where nothing else matters.
She is different from a lot of people in the public eye who try to maintain how they appear constantly and will not allow themselves to be photographed in such a way. But, here she's just busy being a mother and having fun with her child.

28. She's at it again!

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With this one we have to wonder if she's doing this deliberately for the paparazzi. She knows that as one of the most iconic women ever, that there is never a moment a camera isn't on her.
So, perhaps occasionally she pulls a funny face like this for the paparazzi. Or maybe, she is so used to it that she occasionally forgets and her composed appearance slips as she pulls a funny face. Either way, this is a very funny photo of Diana.

29. Absolute angst:

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She looks very young again here, but still more of the recognisable Diana look we all recognise. It's hard to know what kind of thoughts she is having here in this photo. It seems that she is anxious about something.
She gazes right into the eye of the camera here as though she has just spotted it. It's either angst that is on her face, or possibly even boredom, who knows?

30. Buck teeth:

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Here she has been captured at the slightly wrong moment as we're sure that she didn't intend for this to look like she has an overbite. She's laughing and not exactly prepare for a photo.
Perhaps she is about to laugh, or maybe say something and it has been caught just before the moment. Or, she could be biting her lip mischievously. Whilst it isn't her best look in this photo, she still manages to look great. It looks as though Diana was either on her way out for the night or perhaps on her way back.

31. Indifferent:

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Here she looks super sassy. She is doing a kind of shrug and nonchalant expression. But, she is clearly half laughing too so she is playing around perhaps wither with the camera or with the person she is looking at and walking with.
She looks very non plussed in this photo which perfectly captures her iconic windswept bob. She is also wearing pearl earrings and a red shirt suit with a matching red clutch. She always had the ultimate style.

32. Fixing her skirt:

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No woman wants to be photographed adjusting their hemline, particularly when possibly the objective was to fix her skirt just in time for the photos. But of course the relentless paparazzi manage to capture her in the moment before.
It's hard to be a woman in the constant limelight. As well as having constant pictures she is expected to always look perfect and pristine and contend with tricky skirts like this that have to constantly be readjusted.

33. Look of disgust:

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Here is another iconic look of complete disgust. Lady Diana does not hide her disapproval well. Whilst most of us can pull our face with no one noticing, as the most photographed woman in the world of course the paparazzi catch it.
Whatever food was being served to her, it was obviously not appealing to Diana. For some reason it has utterly disgusted her. Perhaps she was used to a better menu.

34. Biting the lip:

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She is often found to be biting her lip, it is one of her most recognisable candid looks. She is certainly unaware of the camera here and she is looking at something looking very intent and anxious.
Her brows are furrowed and her lip is bitten in a very classically worried look. We wonder what she is thinking or what she has seen? Something is definitely on her mind.

35. A nervous habit?

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Again, here she is biting her lip again in Diana style. This seems to be her nervous habit, to bite her lip when she is worried about something. She looks less anxious here than in the last photo, perhaps she is more preoccupied here.
She is focused on something that has drawn her attention. Perhaps she is mindlessly biting her lip in concentration. Either way, it is a look that seems to be common for Diana when she is caught off guard.

36. No paparazzi!

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We rarely see her lose her temper with the paparazzi. Usually, she looks in good spirits or she looks like she hasn't even noticed them at all. But in this case, she's had enough. On some days, she just didn't want to have to deal with it.
Here she is putting up her hand to tell them to stop and we can see in her facial expression she has absolutely no patience for it today at all. Since there is this photo, we know that the press did not listen to her wishes and stop but carried on taking her picture.

37. Peering from above:

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You have to wonder if she's got a sixth sense about the cameras by now. I mean, here is someone trying to hide out from above and snatch a photo but she was still able to spot him out.
Nobody else has noticed, but she's already sussed them out. She does have a talent for finding the camera because even when she isn't photo ready, she always seems to be looking the camera in the eye. She does not look impressed at the hiding cameras.

38. What up, princess?!

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Diana looks like she's on holiday here enjoying her free time. It's hard to recognise her here and she looks much more free hearted than in the later photos when she is hounded by press and has all her royal duties to contend with.
She looks most happiest when she is doing her own thing, or when she is interacting with people. She turns back casually and her and the guy exchange a friendly signal.

39. A Young Girl

(Image Source/ thesun.com)
We haven't seen many photos of Diana as a child. And for someone so well publicised in her lifetime as an adult, it's difficult to image her as a little girl. Here she is as a bridesmaid at her cousin's wedding looking very cute and pleased with herself in her white gown clutching her bouquet.
It is strange to think that at just the age of 19 she would enter into the marriage with Prince Charles and become part of the royal family. Although she changed, her shy smile is still clearly recognisable.

40. Horse Lover

(Image Source/ wiki.com)
Diana was always a lover of animals she has been pictured with horses, dogs, guinea pigs... Here she is photographed with her Shetland pony. She had an extremely privileged childhood growing up and she didn't want for anything.
This isn't one of her most glamorous photos. She is no longer a cute young girls and not yet the glamorous woman that she became. She is in the awkward teenage phase, in-between stages. But, her hair style still has the same iconic flick.

41. Bridesmaid

(Image Source/ pinterest.com)
This is Diana at the age of 16 years old, when she was a bridesmaid for her oder sister. Her older sister had actually previously been on a couple of dates with Charles before suggesting that Diana dated him instead after the pair of them had not clicked successfully.
It is hard to imagine that just 3 years after this photo was taken, at the age of 19, she married Charles and entered the royal family. She looks womanly in this photo, yet simultaneously girl like.

42. Totally Shocked

(Image Source/ thesun.com)
Diana looks extremely shocked in this picture after she stalled her new red Mini Metro. At the time she was outside her Earls Court flat in London. Her gasp of horror has a slightly amused look too. of course, most people can stall with very few people watching.
But for Diana ,who was constantly followed by paparazzi was captured in the moment. This photo was taken just days before her engagement to Prince Charles was announced publicly in the press.

43. She can never hide anything!

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Again, here she clearly does not want to be photographed at this moment. These photos are difficult to see because you can tell that she doesn't want to be photographed as she hides behind her hand.
It's a summer's day and she is showing off her tan in this halter neck black bodysuit. She looks slightly different in this photo as her hair is blonder and she can't be seen very clearly behind her sunglasses.

44. The slicked back hair.

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She has pretty much perfected the slicked back hair look here. I'm not sure what her thought process is here but it seems she is happy. Or, she is fed up of something and is sweeping her hair back in exasperation.
It's hard to tell with this one. She still manages to look good even though she is not ready for the photo, with her hair scraped back too.

45. The awkward photo:

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There are probably plenty of these photos that she might not like to see. This is probably one of them. The two of them are stood quite awkwardly together. Tt's not a couples photo that exudes affection.
When the two of them are pictured together they always somehow appear to seem separate, despite being stood together. This is no exception. Even the way his arm is on her shoulder looks staged rather than natural.

46. My smile is bigger than it seems!

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She's trying holding back her laughter here, she is walking past a crowd and smiling at someone but she is still trying to contain herself. At one time, she was the most photographed woman in the world and still, hardly any bad photos have surfaced.
If this is one of those 'bad' photos then there can't be any at all, surely? She just always seems to look good no matter what situation, and no matter what face she is pulling.

47. Am I a banana yet?

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This is an iconic photo. She is definitely rolling her eyes. Perhaps she's regretting her fashion choice here. With the all yellow look she is certainly out to make a statement. It's not one of her more modern looks, but it's still a great look.
Well, perhaps the hat is a little bit much, but the coat she is definitely pulling off. Diana however is not happy about something, maybe its the outfit or maybe it's something else entirely.

48. Early Days

(Image Source/ TheMirror.com)
Again, this shows the pair together one of the first times, in the very early stages of their courtship. She described how it was all a little bit odd, or very odd.
She said when he would contact her and disappear for a few weeks when he rang her the next time she felt the excitement deeply. She said it made the whole thing a lot more intense because she didn't fully know what he was thinking in regards to their situation.

49. Can't Look At Each other

(Image Source/ TheMirror.com)
This is when the couple were married. They are attending a ceremony together. This is another photo the Queen would not want in the public eye because there is a consistent theme with their photographs of the pair together.
They are rarely seen looking at each other and their body language is very separate even though they are stood beside one another. Here they are looking and turned in opposite directions.

50. The Worst Day

(Image Source/ Insider.com)
This is Diana on her wedding day, what should have been one of the happiest days of her life. But, as we know it was anything but. Diana pretty quickly felt as though she was making a mistake. The loneliness set in very fast.
This photo, although extremely beautiful is a reminder or the failed marriage between her and Charles which causes heart break and scandal. These pictures are something the Queen prefers not to see.

51. Honeymoon

(Image Source/ Theinsider.com)
This was 1981, and she's wearing a floral wrap dress looking as elegant as always. Diana is waving as she is about to leave on the private jet for her honeymoon. She looks completely full of hope here.
This again is a reminder that the Queen does not want to see. Diana's hope for the marriage that very quickly failed. In this picture, we can see she has no idea of what is to come which makes the picture all the more hard to witness.

52. Pregnant with Prince William

(Image Source/ Theinsider.com)
Princess Diana stunned everyone with this look. The pastel off the shoulder dress is extremely fitting for a princess. She's paired the look with a thick choker. This was the day before it was announced to the world that she was pregnant with her first baby, and the royal family's next Prince.
She knew at the time she was pregnant, yet this photo doesn't capture a happy moment. She looks full of anxiety and sadness here and it was a time when she struggled badly with her mental health.

53. New Born Son

(Image Source/ TheMirror.com)
She's definitely got that new mum glow in this photo. And, she looks happy here with Prince William in her arms. He's swaddles in a white blanket and she's wearing a green polka dot dress. Diana didn't let a pregnancy bump or a baby affect her style.
Charles is stood with them, as usual he is slightly removed from the photo. It looks more as though he is stood as a body guard rather than her wife and the father of the son she is holding.

54. The big feathered hair:

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She is very happy on this. The smile on her face is almost as big as her hair. Which, has a very bouffant look, but that must have been exactly what she was going for. In later years she keeps it in a similar style, however with slightly less volume.
But, she seems very pleased nonetheless. She is clearly at an event of some sort and she is looking at someone in the distance who has made her smile a lot.

55. The Donald Trump:

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This is an unfortunate consequence of the wind on hair that's supposed to stay in place. Or, is it meant to look like this.  She's a lot younger here than in the later photos and apparently her style is very different too.
This is not a good look. Whether it was intentional (it must have been) or not, this is a look that she didn't stick with thankfully. Perhaps it was not received well in the press and her hair artist never did it again.

56. Teaching Duties

(Image Source/ blogspot.com)
Diana  used to be a teaching assistant before she married into the royals. Here she is walking with two of her students holding onto her hand. They've gone out from school on a little trip. She always loved children even before she had her own two sons.
She looks like a totally normal woman here, not a princess or someone who was one of the most famous women in the world.She's just casually strolling along the street. Of course however, with paparazzi in tow.

57. Pure Laughter

(Image Source/ blogspot.com)
This is one of those rare moments where Diana is caught in the middle of a purely happy moment. She has a glass in hand and she is socialising with friends. This photo was taken in 1997, around a year after the divorce between her and Charles was finalised.
After the divorce Diana found happiness and freedom again and she could finally enjoy life without being in an unhappy marriage and without the scrutiny and confines that come with being part of the royal family.

58. Jumping Down

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(Image Source/ MarieClaireAustralia.com)
The reason people loved Diana so much is because although she was a princess, she was very relatable. When we think of stereotypical princess behaviour it is someone who is always careful of what they are doing, always composed and dignified.
And Diana as we can see here, was not like that. And it made her all the more loved. She is choosing to jump from the path, not walk down the steps, not step down gracefully, but jump. And we love it (The Queen probably not so much). Diana followed her own rules.

59. Retaining Modesty

See the source image(Image Source. DailyMail.com)
As we saw previously Diana created this cleavage bag trick. And she used it every time she had an event and had to wear a dress whilst exiting a car. We appreciate the fact that even as a Princess she does not make it look easy, because it is not.
It again shows how realistic she was and how she was just a normal woman. She's wearing a stunning floor length navy blue fitted gown in this photo.

60.  Captain Diana

(Image Source/ thesun.com)
This was August 1986, Diana was onboard the nuclear submarine HMS Trafalgar. Whatever Diana did, she got properly involved, hence the sailors hat. For example regardless of what it was, whether it was for the army, or sailing, she would get fully stuck in and even dress for the occasion.
She had a sense of fun and enthusiasm that everybody loved and found very infectious. Here she is getting into the spirit by wearing a sailing colour theme of blue, red and white and wearing a hat,

70. The Lip Bite

(Image Source/ GettyImages)

Whether Princess Diana was at a grand event, tying her laces, having a cup of tea...she would be photographed regardless. Here Diana has a very cheeky grin and maybe even a lip bite?
We are not sure where this event was or who she was looking at at the time when this picture was taken, but we can almost certainly say she was not looking at Charles to look this happy. Her dress and head wear is amazing here, a turquoise silk one shoulder and matching emerald jewels. She definitely was the focus of everyones eyes on this night.

71. Another camera trying to catch her off guard.

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She may not have been prepared for this photo but of course as always she still looks glamorous and perfectly composed. She's accustomed to this. She's spotted the camera at the last moment.
It appears as though she's taking part in a ceremony of some sort as she's holding a bunch of flowers and she is dressed in a navy dress. Of course, she also has her pearls on which are a feature that can be seen in many of her photos.

72. The finish line!

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This is the best photo of Diana. There's not many times you see someone who is part of the royal family sprinting in bare feet and a skirt. She's clearly not dressed for sports day as she is wearing a long skirt and a formal top.
But, that certainly hasn't stopped her. She was most likely wearing heels too as she has clearly discarded them and opted for bare feet as she sprints along the finishing line. Decorum was not going to get in the way of her competitive nature.

73. Before Prince Charles:

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This is a very early photo of her with someone else. This is a photo we have never seen before. Seeing or hearing about the past of someone connected to the royal family is generally not common as it's not wanted to be public.
But, here she is in her youth relaxing with a boy who is looking at her with a very fond expression on his face. It is clear that he is smitten in this photo. Diana also looks very comfortable and happy as she looks up for the photo.

74. So casual!

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Here we can see dressed in horse riding gear, she is stood with a man from the army looking really relaxed as she leans her elbow on the box and holds her hand in her face. She was so simple and yet, so beautiful.
She clearly looks to be enjoying herself here as does the guy stood next to her who has a big smile on his face. Probably because he is stood next to Lady Di. And, she is relishing her moment here.

75. Crying:

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This is another photo of Diana when she was crying. She looks more controlled here as she knows she is being followed by multiple people taking pictures. She is covering half of her face so that she can regain some decorum and stop people taking photos of her when she's at her most vulnerable.
Princess Diana was never left alone by the press, even in moments where you would like to have privacy so that you could cry in peace. It's sad to see old photos of her like this.

76. Unconventional Dress Code

(Image Source/ popsugar)
Diana never followed the rules, and there are no more rules anywhere than within the royal family. But, did she still do her own thing? Of course she did. This was what gained Diana even more love and respect from the rest of the world because she was her own person who followed her own mind.
The way she is dressing in this photo is a perfect example. here she is at a polo match. And, in the royal family women especially at this time would be expected to be dressed in a skirt. But, she has baby pink dungaree pants on and she is completely pulling the look off too.

77. Power Woman

(Image Source/ thelist.com)
Diana here looks like the complete boss/power woman. She's casually glancing to the side with a smile whilst clutching a purse and some papers. She's got a tux on and even a bow tie. This was certainly not usual in those days because this kind of outfit was expected only on men.
This picture was taken in 1984. But, Diana was a modern woman and she'd certainly fit in today's society. She was definitely ahead of her time and as the photo shows, she was her own boss, never mind the crown.

78. Backless Dress

(Image Source/ thelist.com)
Diana became a style icon. And we can certainly see why. Backless dresses were considered daring at this point in time for a normal woman, never-mind for a member of the royal family. For the royal family it was considered inappropriate.
But here we can see how happy Diana is and on the left she is seen mingling with different people at an event. The metallic and shoulder pads combined are a super 70s combination. It might not be a popular look now but back then she was creating style trends.

79. Casual Day Out

(Image Source/ popsugar)
This just looks like Diana and baby William are out for a casual stroll together. She looks like a very cool mother here. But, we are pretty sure that the queen would not have accepted this casual look of jeans, boots and sports cap.
But, Diana was a mother first and Princess second and here she is in full mum mode, just out for a casual day with her son. The two of them are deep in conversation here and William has been caught in the middle of an action shot. It looks like he was telling his mum a story.

80. Not Covering Up

If you think of how the Royals dress, one of the first things that springs to mind is modestly. The royal family always cover up and rarely even show a shoulder. But, this was something Diana totally ignored. She knew she was glamorous and she flaunted it. In 2018 Meghan Markle faced major backlash for wearing a one shoulder dress. Diana was doing this back in the 80s.
This photo was taken at an event whilst she was on a trip to Brazil in 1991. She was wearing a one shoulder gown. This really shook up royal conventions. Her and her friend are in the middle of a conversation and they are both laughing together. We can also see her golden tan clearly in this outfit.

81. Necklace Tiara

(Image Source/ thelist.com)
This is a different photo of the same outfit as before. This time she is dancing with Charles. And as usual, their is no feeling of closeness between the two even though they are dancing together. The pair always seem to have distance and a sense of detachment from one another.
Which, of course was true and their marriage was anything but happy together. Camilla is smiling at the camera and Charles looks serious as they (literally) hold each other at arms length. This 'tiara' was actually a necklace which she decided she would prefer to wear around her head instead.

82. Straight From the Gym

(Image Source/ thelist.com)
We love this look. The queen, perhaps not so much. Cycling shorts, oversized baggy sweatshirts, sports socks and chunky trainers: Diana set the trend that we all wear today. She was the one to make this look cool and it is literally a look that is replicated still to this day.
As we know, Diana was pictured at every moment possible so here we can see her leave straight from the gym looking cool and casual. This jumper actually sold for $53,532 because not only did she wear it, she actually used it in her everyday life.

83. Cleavage Bags

(Image Source/ gettyimages.com)
This picture shows Diana getting out of a vehicle ready for an event of some kind. We all know how tricky it is to exit a car with a fitted dress and heels on in a dignified manner. And, Diana struggles with this too. In fact, she invented what we call 'cleavage bags' for this exact purpose.
Because it is impossible to get out of a vehicle without exposing something, she used to use her bag in front of her chest so that when she dipped out of the car it would hide any cleavage. Genius.

84. Cuddling the Baby

(Image Source/ pinterest.com)
This is not Diana with one of her own sons. She is holding a swaddled little boy here. She was visiting her close friend at the time who had a little boy named Jack.
This time the photo is not taken by paparazzi or press hounding her but in fact one of her own sons which makes it an even more precious memory. Diana is looking very fondly at the little baby and she looks extremely content.

85. Mother and Son Moments

(Image Source/ thesun.com)
Moments in Kensington palace are rare to find, of course, because the media had no access to the palace. So, it was the one place when she was inside where she was free form them.
Instead, this captures a precious moment between mum and son as they look into each other's eyes. The two of them are working on a jigsaw puzzle. She was a very hands on mother and in each picture with her child she looks happy.

86. Recording Voice Tapes

(Image Source/ TheMirror.com)
This was a picture shot from the tapes that were recorded when Diana met with her voice coach. it's a very unflattering picture of the usually very glamorous Princess. But, it's nice to see laughter on her face.
She is in a private setting here with her voice coach and for once she did not have to worry about being followed by paparazzi. She looks relaxed here and is just simply enjoying the moment.

87. Initial Meetings

This photo shows one of the first days the couple spent together. Diana recalls how when she met Charles he was following her around like a puppy. At first, she described how he was very full on with her. But, even the courting stage was not simple.
His efforts started strong and then became very inconsistently on and off. Sometimes he would disappear for weeks at a time without contacting her. Here we can see Charles was taking part in some sport and she was there in an elegant dress to watch.

88. Holiday-ing Together

(Image Source/ sottnet.com)
Here is Diana and Charles both in beach wear as they go in the sea together. Usually, when we see pictures of Diana on holiday she is spotted with friends or with her children...but rarely with Charles. This is a rare photo of the two of them in the sea together.
And, from what we can see here they actually seem to be happy in this moment and enjoying each other's company. They look much closer than in other photos they have together and Charles seems to be holding his hand around Diana.

89. A Romantic Get Away
Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed kissing on the yacht Jonikal

(Image Source/ sottnet.com)
Of course the Queen does not want to see this photo. First of all this is not a photo with Charles - Diana and Charles never ever looked this close together, or certainly not in public. And, this was one of Diana's latest lovers.
So, for someone who had been a Princess this was not a photo that the royal family wanted to be associated with. Diana, with her new man kissing passionately on a yacht. But, she seems to be very happy here at least.

90. Deep Sea Dip

Diana swimming in the bay of St Tropez in the summer of 1997. 
(Image Source/ sottnet.com)
This is not a photo the Queen does not want to see because it in inappropriate. No, this photo is just not Diana's best look. Everyone does the same after they've been under water - everyone wipes their nose. But, usually it is not captured on camera.
The paparazzi were following Diana everywhere on this holiday but as we can see here, she refused to hide from them or let it stop her doing whatever she wanted to.

91. Squatting

See the source image 
(Image Source/ Pinterest.com)
It is unclear what she is doing here. She is squatting in between cars in this photo. Perhaps she has dropped something or is looking for something. Who knows? What we do know, is that this again is not a photo the Queen would want of her princess.
She's been caught at an unfortunate timing with no explanation as to what she is doing. But, when you are photographed that frequently, it's no surprise that they caught her in odd positions.

92. Wet Hair

See the source image

(Image Source/ sottnet.com)
If anyone could pull of the wet hair look it was Diana. She has many photos with wet slicked back hair and she suits it. Again, she set the trend way before it was considered a look. She has a towel draped casually around her shoulders, she's clearly just been for a swim.
It's not a photo that the Queen would be the least happy with, but we still don't think she'd like it. She'd probably expect Diana to be fully dressed and dry before emerging back out in public.

93. Candid shot:

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This is an old picture that shows her before her polished look. But here she manages to look even more beautiful than usual. This is the candid photo that we all aspire to do, usually it takes us hundreds of shots to get it.
But, Diana had this photo on the off chance, and it turns out like this. Her relaxed face and pout make this photo iconic, even if it wasn't planned. Everybody wishes this is the kind of off the cuff photo that was caught of themselves.

94. Who knows what she's thinking in this photo?

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She seems to be looking right at the camera even when she has no idea that a photo is being taken. She seems to be thinking deeply here and we wonder what about. She is gazing into the distance.
Clearly something is on her mind as the other men carry on looking at what was going on at the time of the photo. Or perhaps she spotted something in the distance that piqued her interest.

95. Diana crying:

Image Source

These moments can't be easy when you are in the public's eye all of the time and having your photos taken. Lady Di is clearly very upset here, yet the paparazzi still will not leave her alone and take her pictures even in her moments of grief.
It is one of the only times she has been captured like this. Yet somehow she still looks fine. Not many people have a photographable cry face but then she was an extremely remarkable woman.

96. Lifting Weights

See the source image
(Image Source/ Pinterest.com)
Again, is this photo what we expect of a Princess? Definitely not. And for that reason, the Queen would hate to see this photo. But, for everyone else it makes us appreciate her more.
Lifting weights and going to the gym back then was considered fairly masculine (and of course not Princess-like). But, Diana valued her fitness, she was a role model to many woman and she helped set a new way for modern women.

97. Embarrassed?

Images Source

She is hiding inn this photo, from what we cannot see but it is most likely from the paparazzi who followed her constantly. It is unclear whether she is simply hiding from the photo or if she is upset.
There are a group of people stood behind her who are also watching her. Having every moment constantly watched, whether it is good or bad, must be extremely exhausting. She never had any privacy.

98. On the phone:

Image Source

This woman really could never get a moment of peace from the spectators. She is clearly not camera ready here and she is not even out and about in public. She is in her own private building wearing her dressing gown, having a private conversation on the phone.
But, of course the moment has been captured. You can see her look up at the camera as she realises she is no longer alone and that there are in fact cameras pointing at her.

99. She continues the conversation:

Image Source

This is probably the most casually human photo we have of Diana. For most people, they can pick their toes in peace because who on earth would want to take a photo of that? For Diana, she can't even pick her toes without the press picturing her.
She's clearly realised here that she'll just have to do whatever she would normally do - as if they were not around at all. And, so she continues her phone call in her dressing gown and then bends down to inspect her toes while she's at it.

100. She looks nervous in this pic:

Image Source

Here she is heading somewhere, into a building whilst being escorted by someone. She looks nervous. Some of these later pics of her are never easy to see of her so we cannot see her face but we can tell by the body language that she is not as relaxed as in the usual photos we see of her.
Here she is attending some sort of business and she kind of half hides her face as she passes the camera. She does not want to be seen or bothered at this time. And who can blame her? Nobody wants to be followed every day.

101. An early photo:

Image Source

This is a rare glimpse of her when she was younger. This is another truly candid photos and it has captures her deep in thought about something. She looks slightly pensive as she gazes downwards whilst completely absorbed in thought.
She is still in her nightwear here and she has no idea that a photo is being taken. She looks youthful and glowing in this picture. She looks younger than we usually see her in photos and her hair is different here to her iconic hair do that we all recognise.

102. Sprinting!

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It's not often that you see a member of the royal family sprinting away. If we didn't know this was Diana we would assume it was a normal person who is late or has to run an errand.
In this case, we are not sure what Diana was running for that was so urgent. But, perhaps she was trying to run away from the Paparazzi. She is definitely in a hurry to get somewhere, that much is clear.

103. An early bathing suit pic:

Image Source

This is a very young picture of Diana and again, she is in her bathing suit. She's wearing a flattering stripy two piece that shows off her enviable figure. She looks very relaxed at this moment and it appears that she seems to be sitting next to her friend.
They are relaxing by the side of the pool while they dip their feet in. She has also recently been for a swim as her hair has that slicked back wet look. Somehow she always looks so effortless and good, even at moments you'd least expect.

104. Don't look at me!

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Here is another comical photo of her as she hides from the camera. She is holding her hand in front of her entire face so that she reveals only an eye. You can see in her eye that she is smiling so she is definitely playing with the person holding the camera here.
When you have that many pictures taken of you, it's no surprise that you occasionally have to completely hide in an attempt to have a break from the public eye.

105. Tennis shoes:

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Here Diana is showing off her sporty side as she is pictured about to get into a car, most likely on the way to some kind of sports practice. For example, perhaps tennis as she is wearing all white.
Only Diana could pull off a long black trench coat, scarf with shorts and tennis whites and make it look like fashion. It's actually a very modern look. Even when she wasn't trying she still managed to look great.

106. Rolling her eyes:

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Here she is rolling her eyes at something. She must be working on something as she has a bunch of papers in her hand and she is definitely in mid conversation, chatting to someone.
Although it looks like she is rolling her eyes it also looks like she is looking up in concentration as she tries to think of something. Perhaps she is practising a speech off by heart without trying to look at her paper.

107. She hasn't quite mastered it yet!

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This must be it, because she clearly hasn't managed to master it yet. Something that she was learning has definitely not been remembered, or she has said something wrong.  Something has gone awry and it looks like she is internally berating herself for it in this moment.
Whatever it is, it has her stumped for a bit. She looks frustrated and she continues to carry her papers and practice something. We wonder what her practice audience are saying to her at this time.

108. Her bikini body:

Images Source

Here she is playing with one of her children, it looks as though it may be Harry. Whichever of the princes it is, they are very cute. They are on holiday as a family and the pair of them are trying out body boarding.
But in this case for Diana, it's just not a flattering photo. She is shouting over the sound of the waves and it's not her best look. That being said, her bikini body is looking amazing regardless of her unfortunate facial expression.

109. Another pouty teenager face:

Images Source

Not sure what she was going for in this photo shoot but it captured her being quite shy and reserved. But, it also shows a little bit of a mischievous side as she has a slight smile on her face while looking quite coy into the camera.
She has a necklace on with a 'D' pendant for Diana. We wonder who or what she was looking at in this moment. Whatever it was, it had her attention.

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