The Weirdest Jobs In The World

By Juliet Smith 2 years ago

1. Dog food taster

Professional dog food taster is actually a real job | Shanghai Daily

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Ever opened up a pack of food for your adorable little dog and wondered what it tastes like? Well, there are actually people out there who are paid to taste dog food before it goes to market. They have to work out if it tastes good enough for our four-legged friends and whether it's a high enough quality.

2. Paranormal guide

Paranormal Guide

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Yep, some people actually make money by showing people around haunted places. After training in the art of the paranormal, including how to spot ghostly disturbances, you'll lead guided tours around some of the most haunted places in the world, including old houses and historic castles.

3. Electric shock giver

Electric Shock Giver

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This one is an actual real job if you can believe it. In Mexico City, people called
wander around the nightlife spots with electric shock machines, and you can pay them to play the game of seeing how long you can hold the metal points as the voltage increases. Most people never reach the maximum level of the voltage, so really it's just a fun party game to play after a few drinks.

4. Snake milker

Snake Milker Salary and Career Advice | Chegg Careermatch

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This is definitely one of the weirdest jobs out there! And no, we don't mean milking in the conventional sense, like a cow or a sheep. A snake milker is professionally hired to extract venomous poison from snakes at zoos and laboratories, so that scientists can develop antidotes. So not only is this a very weird job, it's also one of the most dangerous in the world.

5. Professional snuggler

Professional Snuggler

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Sometimes, all you need is a good cuddle with someone. Well, in some parts of the world you can hire someone to do that! Professional snugglers can come to your home and comfort you with a good cuddle. They're especially helpful for people who have experienced trauma, those who are lonely, and anyone who suffers from depression.

6. Marmite taster

Marmite's chief taste tester retires after tasting 264 million jars | UK | News |

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Marmite - it's the original 'love it or hate it' food product. But in the Marmite factory, you really do have to love the stuff. The factory hires a team of Marmite tasters to periodically taste the product as it makes its way out of the factory, checking the taste, colour, and consistency of Marmite, so customers get only the best.

7. Professional mourner


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This one comes from certain cultures in Asia. In some countries there, it's tradition to have a large and loud funeral so as to proclaim that the deceased had a good reputation, and so they will successfully travel onward. However, if your relative didn't have a lot of friends or family, you can hire professional mourners to attend the funeral and cry and mourn just like a real relative.

8. Netflix watcher

Professional Netflix Watcher

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This one sounds like an ideal job for any TV addict! At Netflix, it's important that all content gets distributed correctly to the right audience, and for that they need people to watch it before it gets released to give it the relevant tags. Next time you find a horror film in the rom-com category, you know who's responsible.

9. Iceberg mover

Weirdest jobs in the world – Chinlingo

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We're pretty sure 'iceberg mover' isn't the official scientific term, but that's exactly what these professionals do. They are tasked with tracking icebergs around the Arctic and Antarctic and figuring out safe passages for ships around them. This is undoubtedly important, as we all know what happened when a certain Titanic met a huge iceberg on its route.

10. Professional mermaid

Professional Mermaid

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Yep, there are really people out there whose job it is to pretend to be a mermaid. Sometimes this is for entertainment, like at a children's birthday party, but sometimes it's a little more serious. These professional mermaids can even teach you how to swim like a mermaid, so you can live out all your Ariel dreams.

11. Face feelers

Face Feeler

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This is another job where we can't believe it really exists. But yes, somewhere there are scientists who are paid to simply feel people's faces. The purpose of this? By feeling the skin around the face, they can tell if products like razors and face moisturisers are up to scratch or not.

12. Fortune cookie writer

Meet the new writer for one of the world's biggest fortune cookie makers | CBC Radio

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Everybody loves a fortune cookie. Who doesn't love cracking one open and seeing what strange prophecy is inside it? Well, there are some people out there whose job it is to write those little notes inside fortune cookies. You'd think it would be a fun job, but I'm sure after a while you run out of inspirational sayings.

13. Rental boyfriend

Professional Boyfriend

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Need to prove to your parents that you're not a loser and do actually have a boyfriend? Need a plus one for your ex's wedding? This is exactly the moment that a professional boyfriend would come in handy. You can rent these people to play your boyfriend for a specific period of time, after which you'll hopefully never see them again.

14. Professional sleeper

How Much Money A Professional Sleeper Makes | Naibuzz

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Love to sleep? Then this is the job for you. At one hotel in Finland, they have a professional sleeper on staff, who tests out the quality of all the rooms and beds in the hotel, ensuring that they're all perfect for guests. We can't imagine anything better than sleeping all day and getting paid for it.

15. Deodorant tester

Deodorant Tester

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When we say deodorant tester, we're not talking about the people wearing the deodorant. Oh no, we're talking about people who are paid to sniff people's armpits to figure out if the deodorant is actually working.  Can you imagine putting your face in people's armpits all day? This is definitely one of the weirdest jobs out there.

16. Water slide tester

Water Slide Tester

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This is another weird, once-in-a-lifetime job that we would drop absolutely everything to do. Water parks hire water slide testers to ride every single ride in their park and assess them for entertainment, thrills, and, obviously, safety. Imagine spending all day at a water park and being paid for it? That's the dream.

18. Human statue

Human Statue

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If you've ever visited a big city or tourist hotspot, then you've probably seen some human statues in real life. They earn money by dressing up in elaborate costumes and makeup and pretending to be a statue. Other human statues can be hired by fashion brands to stay completely still and model clothing at events.

19. Golf ball diver

Golf Ball Diver

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Picture this: you're at a beautiful golf course bordering the sea, and you misjudge your swing a little bit. The golf ball flies straight into the water. You forget about it, right? Well, there are golf ball divers whose job is to go into the sea or lake and retrieve all of those golf balls that accidentally winded up in the water.

20. Train pusher

Train Pusher Japan

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No, these guys don't actually push trains - though that would be pretty weird too. Train or subway pushers in Japan are responsible for cramming as many people inside a train carriage as possible. This often means getting pretty physical with passengers, though if it means getting to work on time, then we welcome it.

21. Scuba diving pizza delivery man

Underwater pizza delivery man : r/ItemShop

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In Florida, there's an underwater hotel. But what do you do if you want to order room service when your hotel room is underwater? You call the scuba diving pizza delivery man, that's what. They carry pizzas in special watertight boxes to people staying in underwater rooms.

22. Online dating ghostwriter

Online Dating Ghostwriter

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Are you struggling with attracting people on a dating app like Tinder? Maybe you need to get in touch with an online dating ghostwriter. They will write your dating profile for you in the hopes of boosting your chances of finding that perfect person. If you ask us, this would actually be quite a fun job.

23. Paint watcher

Ten Unique Career Paths Teenagers Should Know Before College

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On the other hand, this might be one of the most boring jobs on this list, as well as being very weird. As a paint watcher, your job is to quite literally watch paint dry. You'll have to watch for changes in colour and texture, so companies can accurately display to customers what their paint will look like in your house.

24. Adult toy tester

Sex Toy Tester


mage Source: Pexels

Weird? Yes. But fun? Also yes. Adult toy testers have to test prototypes of new sex toys to make sure that they work correctly and successfully. They'll also examine the branding, looks, colours, and textures of the products, to see if they're really appealing. You'll certainly spend a lot of time in bed in this job...

25. Professional wedding attender

Professional Wedding Attender

Image Source: Unsplash

Much like a professional mourner, a professional wedding guest can be hired to fill out your wedding if you feel like you need to show that you have more friends. They will spend the day smiling in pictures and acting as if they definitely know you, so you can have beautiful, full wedding pictures.

26. Toilet paper sniffer

15 Weird But Good Paying Jobs That Don't Require You To Be Naked In Front Of Someone

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How do you know if your toilet paper smells good? Well, you have to hire someone to sniff each roll and evaluate how good the smell is, and whether customers will be satisfied with it. Unfortunately, these testers may also have to evaluate if the paper still smells good after use...

27. Dog surfing instructor

Dog Surfing Instructor

Image Source: Unsplash

The cutest of all of these weird jobs? A dog surfing instructor. It makes sense - dogs on surfboards look adorable, but they need to be taught how to surf, and how do you do that without hiring an instructor? And as an instructor, you'll get to spend the whole day around the cutest dogs.

28. Car plate blocker

Car Plate Blocker

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This one's definitely a weird job. In Iran, there's a nationwide law that says that cars with plates that end in odd and even numbers can only travel on alternate days. But what if you need to travel and it's not your day? You hire a car plate blocker to stand behind your car and block your plate so cameras can't catch it.

29. Bicycle fisher

Fishing For Bicycles in Amsterdam's Canals | Amusing Planet

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In Amsterdam, there are almost 900,000 bikes. And in a city where there are also a lot of canals, there's always the chance that your bike will end up in the water, whether from parking it too close to the canal edge or falling in while drunk. So, the city hires bicycle fishers to go out in a special boat and dredge up any bicycles that are at the bottom of the canal.

30. Fake professional

Fake Professional

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Need to boost your reputation at a particular international event or conference? Then you need to hire a fake professional. These people will usually not speak your language (or pretend not to) and will be there to shake your hand and give you a little reputation boost in front of colleagues or other professionals. This certainly deserves to be on the list of weirdest job in the world!

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