1. Cancelling Plans Around Each Other!
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It might be all fine and dandy when you make plans as a group, and you're all looking forward to it. You just presumed your two friends knew the other was going - because that's normal, right? But as soon as you say something about the other friend being there, do they cancel last minute with a poor excuse?
2. Just The Two Of Us...
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There's nothing wrong with doing things just as a pair when it comes to friends - you don't have to do everything in a big group all the time. But do they constantly reach out to you to make plans, and make a point of it being just the two of you? Explicitly saying, 'So just me and you, right? Not anyone else? Not (enter other friend's name here)?'
3. Private Message ONLY!
Image source: reddit.com
Group chats are helpful for friend groups, and they're usually supposed to be good vibes all round for friends who, you know, actually like each other. But despite having a group chat, do you find that they're always messaging you privately about something they could've put in the group chat, but chose not to?
4. Avoiding At All Costs?
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Even when messages are put in the group chat, have you noticed that the other replies you get from your two friends are in direct response to something you've said in the chat, while they pointedly ignore anything the other person has put in there? Even if there's 10 seconds between the messages being sent, they'll always reply yours.
5. Sneaky, Strategic Planning
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They'll probably act like they didn't know, either. But if one of your friends has already said they have plans on 21st Feb, let's say, you best believe that your other friend is going to throw a party on 21st Feb and say 'Oh sorry, it was literally the only day I could do it!'.
6. Other Friend Attending? That's A Nope From Them
Image source: reddit.com
You make plans with your friends and everyone is seriously excited about it. You're constantly talking about the plans, bigging them up and sharing ideas. Then you slip a casual comment about the other friend coming, too. Do they suddenly go radio silent, or start sending less enthusiastic messages?
7. They'll Only Buy You A Gift
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When you have a few friends, gifts can get expensive around the holidays, and it makes sense why sometimes you might agree not to do gifts. Nothing wrong with that, right? But does your friend suggest it in the group chat, everyone agrees, and then buys you something anyway and says, 'Oh, I just wanted to get
you a little something!'
8. You're The Middle Man
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Do you get a ton of messages about things that could easily cut out the middle man and be put in the group chat? Does one friend message you saying, 'Oh, do you know if they said this, or want to do that, or are available on this day?' and you just end up pulling your hair out because they could just speak to each other!
9. Or They Don't Talk At All!
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That's if they even bother about wanting to communicate. They may not even show any interest in speaking about each other, even through you. You might never get questions or discussions about the other friend when you're speaking one on one, as though they don't exist in that friend's mind.
10. They Don't Really Tell Each Other Anything Personal
Image source: reddit.com
Friends share personal things, and when you have a friendship group, it's common to just share everything openly with everyone. But have you noticed that they don't seem to share anything? You might be having a deep conversation and say, 'Oh, (other friend) had that experience before didn't they?' only for your friend to say, 'Oh, did they? I didn't know that'.
11. But They're Always Telling You Secrets!
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This isn't to say that they're keeping secrets from each other, but more that they're open to sharing all their secrets with you but then making a point of saying, 'Oh, but please don't tell (other friend), this is just between me and you and I'd prefer nobody else to know'.
12. They Also B*tch About Each Other To You
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Do you always bear the brunt of them smack talking each other to you? This might be in a really obvious way, or just subtle digs. You might get constant messages from each friend to tell you why they're not happy with the other friend, or something they've said or done wrong.
13. The Gifts They Get *You* Are Awesome
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It's always the thought that counts with gifts and you shouldn't go around comparing receipts, but you might have noticed that the gifts you get from them are very different to the gifts they buy each other. Yours might be a lot more expensive, or have more thought obviously put into them.
14. They Can't Take A Joke
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Everything they say to each other just seems to be taken the wrong way, even if it's an innocent joke or playful jibe that friends often give each other. Does any joke turn into a full on argument or one of them getting the hump with the other? But if you said the same thing, they'd laugh it off because it's you?
15. They Get Defensive With Each Other
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Getting defensive about every little thing can be a sign you really don't like someone, or that they're annoying you. Even the most innocent comments could be taken the wrong way, like one friend asking how their job is going and the other saying, 'Why are you asking that? Do you think I don't like my job?'
16. Posting On Social Media About Each Other Is A No Go
Image source: reddit.com
Friends post on social media about each other, and tag each other - it's just the way it works. But have you noticed they never seem to post about each other? It could even be as bad as cropping someone out of a picture. You've noticed they only really post about times they're not with that other friend.
17. Or Even Interact On There!
Image source: reddit.com
They might as well not even be friends on social media, either. If one of them posts a group friend photo after an amazing night out, have you noticed that every single person likes and comments on that photo
except for that other friend? Like they make a point of being the only one to not interact?
18. They Don't Want You Spending Time With The Others!
Image source: reddit.com
You might have noticed you're being pulled in opposite directions by either friend. They may subtly be trying to mould you into not spending more time with the other friend, and spending more time with them. They might even be trying to overwhelm you with plans with them so you have no time for the other friend.
19. And They Might Even Get Angry Or Jealous If You Do
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This could even get worse to the point of they openly get angry or jealous if they find out you've done things with the other friend without them knowing, or being invited. When you casually tell them about a great day out with the other friend, do they get sulky or snappy in their replies?
20. They Never Share Anything!
Image source: reddit.com
Friends always let each other borrow things (and probably never get it back), like favorite DVDs, CDs, books or even clothes. But you've noticed they never, ever let each other borrow anything. If one of them asks, the other will say no - even if they lend everything out to anyone else.
21. They Go After The Same Person On A Night Out
Image source: reddit.com
Friends should have each other's backs when it comes to dating, or potential hookups on nights out. But have you noticed when you're out at a bar or club, they get very catty with each other and might even start fighting or arguing over the same person? Or even go after the same person out of spite?
22. They Demand To Pay Only For What They've Had
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When you go out together as a few friends hanging out, it's likely you'll say 'Oh, I'll pay for these drinks' or 'we'll just split the bill evenly' or agree to owe each other money. But these two friends might be very picky when it comes to what's owed - they might demand that they each pay for what they've had, down to the last dime.
23. They Always Say No To Plans
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If new plans are suggested by one of the friends, the other friend is guaranteed to point blank say no. They might shoot down ideas before you've even discussed them. It's a sign they just don't want to do anything with the other friend because - you guessed it - they don't like them.
24. They'll Only Share Good News With You
Image source: reddit.com
When you have exciting news to share, like a new job, moving home or a new relationship, it makes sense to shout it from the rooftops to all your friends, or suggest catching up over drinks to chat about it. But you might have noticed you're the first person they come to with good news - and when you ask if they've told the other friend, they might say. 'Oh, no, not yet' then never do!
25. Compliments? No. Pointing Out Flaws? Yes!
Image source: swiftwellness.com
You don't think you've ever heard them compliment each other, now that you think about it. But you might have definitely heard many criticisms, or maybe even backhanded compliments, when you're hanging out together. Like 'hey, your hair doesn't look as greasy today - great job!'.
26. It's ALWAYS A Competition
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No matter what you're doing, or where you go, it's like they're always trying to outdo the other. If you're going out together on a night out, do you notice they ask what the other is going to be wearing just so that they can base their outfit on one they think will be a lot nicer?
27. They Can't Agree On Anything
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They either genuinely disagree about everything, or they're going out of their way to disagree just to be as stubborn as possible. You don't want to willingly agree with someone you don't like, after all. Whether it's what to do for the holidays, a birthday party or just choosing a fast food joint, they can't agree.
28. They Ignore When One Of Them Is Pretty Broke
Image source: reddit.com
One thing that can drive a wedge between friends is that awkward moment when one of you doesn't have as much money as the rest and has to say no to expensive plans. Usually friends sympathize and compromise about this, but have you noticed your friends purposefully suggest expensive plans, knowing the other won't be able to afford it?
29. Awkward Silences
Image source: buzzfeed.com
When you know someone well, and you actually like them, silences should be comfortable and not awkward. You could be having a laugh and talking to one of your friends one minute, only for them to fall silent when the other friend walks in and then sit in awkward silence.
30. You Noticed They've Muted Notifications From The Other
Image source: reddit.com
Have you noticed glancing at their phone screen that they've actually muted notifications from the other friend specifically? All their other notifications are switched on, and you might have even asked them if they saw the message pop up from the other person and they've said 'Er.. no, I didn't!'.