1. Beyoncé

imagesource: India.com
Beyoncé's wax figure is a mess, let's face it. But it's surely got to be hard to imitate perfection hasn't it! Bey's wax figure received a lot of backlash when she was revealed. Fans thought she was made to look too white and didn't even look like her. And we completely agree!
2. Ariana Grande

imagesource: People
There are humans out there who look more like Ariana Grande than her wax figure. Where are her lips? Why have they made her look like a 4 year old covered in makeup?! And why have they made her look sheet white when she's hispanic?! So many questions.
3. Nicole Kidman

imagesource: Woman's World
Now, who did Nicole Kidman piss off to get dumped with that hideous creature?! She's always been quite statuesque, with a slight look of a porcelain doll, but this horror show is a step too far. The forehead is about two sizes bigger than hers and the eyes. Oh the eyes. They're burning through my soul.
4. Selena Gomez

imagesource: Insider
Selena Gomez is only 30, yet this wax figure makes her look like a 48 year old tired housewife who has no time for anybody. Wax Selena was unveiled and the internet had a lot to say about her. The hair for starters is just an embarrassment, it's an all round fail.
5. Zac Efron

imagesource: ELLE
OH MY. While Zac Efron did manage to don that haircut for a little too long, wax Efron definitely can't. He's never looked more like a 3,000 year old elf from Lord of the Rings before until this wax figure was unveiled. Terrifying. Hideous. Mind boggling.
6. Britney Spears

imagesource: madametussauds
Madame Tussauds in Las Vegas have a lot to answer for with this figure of Britney Spears. Wax Spears looks like she's dancing with a demon stuck inside of her. She looks like something straight out of a horror movie and we're not here for it at all. Avoid Planet Hollywood at all costs.
7. Ben Affleck

imagesource: cosmopolitan
Ben Affleck has always been a bit of a ladies man, but this wax figure got the internet in a real pickle. After being revealed at Boston's Dreamland Wax Museum, Sad Affleck became a meme that people went wild for. The wax figure was actually quite a success considering...
8. Robert Pattinson

imagesource: 9Celebrity
The problem with wax figures is that when the light hits them they look like...wax. Shiny, greasy, wax. Robert Pattinson's looked particularly like a greasy mess and why did they add so many wrinkles around his eyes?! Who would do that to him? Who did he annoy on the team?
9. Jennifer Lopez

imagesource: mitu
Honestly. Wow. And that's not a wow in a good way. Wax Jennifer Lopez is giving off some real creepy vibes. Her 90s brows and scary eyes are not the only things that had us confused. Why do her cheeks look like she's suffered 3rd degree sunburn? What is going on.
10. Leonardo DiCaprio

imagesource: Buzzfeed
This is an abomination. Wax DiCaprio looks like Jack's been fished out from the bottom of the ocean and placed in Madame Tussauds. Why's he deathly pale?! His lips look chapped and what is going on with his under eyes?! Oh and the hair, how could we not mention that hair...it's cruel.
11. Jennifer Aniston

imagesource: Best Life
Jennifer Aniston is one of those celebrities who has aged like a fine wine. So what if she's had a few tweaks here or there, they're so damn good tweaks! What we do care about is this joke of a wax figure that makes her look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Outrageous!
12. Brad Pitt

imagesource: gettyimages
Brad Pitt has had some questionable facial hair choices in his time, but never has he looked more like a creep as when this wax work was revealed. Madame Tussauds has unveiled many terrible wax figures over the years and wax Pitt is up there with one of the worst.
13. Brad Pitt...again

imagesource: popsugar
But let's talk about this one, because this just takes the biscuit. I don't care what anybody says, long-haired Brad Pitt was basically an angel sent from heaven in that movie...Troy! Wax Pitt however, well, what can we say about this one? Other than it's a complete disaster.
14. Chris Hemsworth

imagesource: popsugar
Another fantastic looking Hollywood actor made to look like a pretty awful version of themselves is Liam Hemsworth. The Australian hunk was recreated as a wax figure and no one was sure why he was made to look the way he was. Leave him alone Madame Tussauds!!!
15. Justin Bieber

imagesource: Belieber Forever
Justin Bieber looks a squirrel, not the actual Justin Bieber but the wax work of him and we're not fully understanding why? He also looks like he's got one of those awful TikTok filters on his face. I'd be insulted if I were him, but then again, when you're that rich, who cares?!
16. Rihanna

imagesource: Cosmopolitan
Rihanna has been voted time and time again one of the most beautiful women in the world but her 2009 haircut did have us questioning her sanity a little bit. Anyway, she was still beautiful, but her wax figure said otherwise. She looks like she was imported from the 80s.
17. Justin Bieber...again

imagesource: RTE
London's edition of Justin Bieber was described as having a "wet look" and while the real Justin Bieber may have incorporated this look in his Purpose tour, we're still not sure why they made his wax work look like a greasy mess. Poor Justin, they really don't like him.
18. Justin Timberlake

imagesource: Insider
Justin Timberlake's wax figure looks more like Voldemort with facial hair and no one's sure why he even looks like this? It's not even like a young Justin Timberlake looked like this, we're all confused and the only good thing about this wax figure is the fact they've given him more hair!
19. Kim Kardashian

imagesource: Buzzfeed
No one is really sure why Kim's face has been distorted in such a way. We know Kim loves her heavy contouring, smokey eyes and nice long hair but this is a disaster! Her hairline starts a little higher than the wax figures does and her eyes certainly are not crossed like they've made hers look. But god knows who made this wax figure, maybe they're a Kardashian hater and wanted wax Kim to forever look ridiculous? Those lips just don't look good at all and who knows why they made her brows look straight out of the 90s?
20. Naomi Campbell

imagesource: US Weekly
Well, well, well, where do we even start with this one? I'm not sure how the world's most iconic supermodel ever has had a wax figure made of her that looks like she's smelt something rank and looks surprised and worried all at the same time. Her eyes aren't even the right color and what on earth is that wig?! Not to mention they've made her look like she's been on a week of drinking heavily. The makeups wrong, the hairs wrong and we're not even going to get started on the outfit they've put her in.
21. Mark Zuckerberg

imagesource: Business Insider
We have a lot of questions when it comes to this Mark Zuckerberg wax figure, but most importantly, why isn't he wearing any shoes? I know he's a casual dude but come on? What's the relevance? The billionaire tech man and Facebook founder has been compared to a character in Star Trek in the past so this wax figure isn't exactly an insult but does he actually even look like that anymore? The wax figure, which can be seen in Madame Tussauds was modelled on a young Mark Zuckerberg, as you can probably tell!
22. Meryl Streep

imagesource: Harper's Bazaar
The gorgeous and legendary Meryl Streep is known for many things but this wax figure thankfully isn't one of them! The gorgeous actress looked especially gorgeous when she won her Oscar for The Iron Lady at the Oscars a few years ago, somehow managed to get this god awful wax version of herself which looks like it's about to malfunction and starting killing people. Terrifying is an understatement but not only that, it doesn't even look like Streep really. They could have at least made it look a bit more flattering!
23. Michelle Obama

imagesource: Insider
I don't even know where to begin with this one, it's just all wrong. So so wrong. Who would do such a thing to the ex-first lady of America, also an angel sent from heaven. Wax Michelle looks more like Samuel L Jackson than she does the real Michelle Obama. They made her skin look like she bathe in cooking oil - had they never heard of a bit of powder?! And why have they made her look about 20 years older? They've done Michelle dirty with that one, she deserves better! She deserves better!
24. Miley Cyrus

imagesource: popcrush
Back when Miley Cyrus was Hannah Montana, she was known for having that gorgeous long brown/red hair. That was way before she fully rebelled and started appearing out in public with nipple tassels on and hot pants. Miley did have that long, lucious hair back in her Hannah Montana days but what she didn't have was the look of a haunted baby doll. Absolutely terrifying. Imagine coming across this wax work, you would absolutely freak out. Parents be warned. Do not take your kids to see this wax figure.
25. Nicki Minaj

imagesource: The Guardian
Nicki Minaj is known for her rapping, her wild fashion and makeup choices and also her no-nonsense attitude. You just wouldn't mess with her would you. So why on earth would someone create this wax figure for the feistiest rapper there is?! Wax Minaj's figure may look like the real Nicki's but the face?! It looks like if Nicki and Sarah Jessica Parker were to have a child together. After Madame Tussauds introduced this state in Las Vegas, a tonne of tourists began remarking on this slightly inappropriate figure.
26. Oprah

imagesource: Buzzfeed
If there was one question I would have to ask the wax figure maker, it would be "who on earth is this supposed to look like?". Surely to god the creator of this wax figure must not have known who Oprah was or what she even looks like because WTF?! The eyes, what are they about? The hair on the figure makes her look like an older woman and even the mouth is oddly shaped. Nothing about this wax figure - which attended Wax Barack Obama's 50th birthday party - even looks anything like Oprah. There are just so many questions.
27. Prince William

imagesource: Reddit
Wax William number one is an abomination to be honest. He may have gone slightly downhill the older he's gotten but this is just a joke. Wax William looks more like Boris Johnson than the Prince himself and if I were him, I'd be getting it throw in a dust bin immediately. There are many people in this world you would want to be associated with...but the former Prime Minister of England is definitely not one of them. Wax Wills' weird eyebrows are also not doing anything from him whatsoever. Awful.
28. Prince William...again

imagesource: New York Post
This costume on Prince Williams wax figure looks like it's been ordered from Wish. Wax figures are actually supposed to look like the celebrity, yes, they're creepy but there are some amazing ones out there. This one, however, isn't. Wax William's fluffy, excuse of a wig makes him look more like Harry than himself and they've done absolutely nothing for his skin. If I were him and that was modelled on me, it would give me a serious complex. The only thing they've done right with this is those gleaming white teeth.
29. Lady Gaga

imagesource: Dazed
Mother Monster is not only a truly talented singer and actress but she's also very beautiful. However, if you were to look at this wax work, you wouldn't think that at all. Not only have they done a number on her nose, but they've given her some tacky red lips, her skin looks like a corpses and don't even get me started on that wig. It certainly wouldn't be safe to have an open flame anywhere near that hideous thing. This one surely has to be up there with one of the worst wax figures ever made.
30. Donald Trump

imagesource: The New York Times
This wax work is not only a disaster but it's absolutely hilarious. They've not only taken the mic with this gravity defying hair but also made him look nothing like himself....maybe from behind. But if anything, they've been a little too complimentary. The ex-president of the United States has many wax figures of himself out there but this one takes the biscuit - he seemed pretty happy with it though. When he was asked about it, his reply was "it looks great!" which was probably the nicest thing he's said on Twitter!
31. Beyoncé (again!)
image source: bestlifeonline.com
You're pretty much guaranteed to recognize Beyoncé no matter where you are, or who you are - she has the most instantly recognizable figure as well as that face that has dominated the pop music industry for decades! So why is it so difficult to get a wax work that actually looks like her? They failed spectacularly with this one, not least because of the very light skin coloring that definitely isn't true to Beyoncé. Not only that, the wax figure looks skinnier with extremely shiny b**bs that nobody really asked for... strange.
32. Lindsay Lohan
image source: bestlifeonline.com
The thing with Lindsay Lohan is that she can actually be pretty unrecognisable in real life, because there are a couple of things that make her more so because of her famous roles (red hair and freckles being the main traits) so it might be pretty hard to get a wax figure that you'd immediately say 'oh that's Lindsay Lohan!' too. But this one definitely misses the mark, because she could be a complete stranger on the street. We suppose when you look very, very closely you can sort of see it in the forehead, but you shouldn't have to go that close...
33. Naomi Campbell
image source: bestlifeonline.com
If there's anyone who should look just as good as a wax model as they do in real life, it's a supermodel, but they still managed to get Naomi Campbell terribly wrong. This one appears in Madam Tussaud's in Bangkok, but it might as well appear in the garbage pile. While the hair looks... like hair, Naomi's skin has definitely been lightened on this one, and her face proportions are all wrong. But the worst thing has to be the eyes - when you're making a waxwork, you think you'd double check, but she has hazel eyes when the wax figure has blue!
34. Taylor Swift
image source: bestlifeonline.com
Now here us out... this one isn't actually that bad, at least compared to some of the monstrosities on this list. It does actually look like Taylor Swift a little bit, but the issue is the more you look at it, the less it looks like her... and the more it just looks like a random pretty girl off the street or a blonde high school teenager who wants to be prom queen. Her signature bold lipstick is there, so that's a plus, but that eye makeup is questionable, and though the bangs are right, it just looks a little... off. Not impressive enough for the Tussauds in New York!
35. Justin Timberlake (again)
image source: bestlifeonline.com
We had to come back to Justin Timberlake just because they did a second wax figure of him that's even worse than the other one. The one thing the first had going for it was a luscious head of hair, and though we know Justin did shave his head in later years for more of a buzzcut, we don't remember him having a MASSIVE BALD PATCH at the front of his head. What did Justin do to deserve that? And then we have those eyebrows and eyes that look... just plain wrong. It seems they had an issue with hair for this one because his beard looks sparse, too.
36. Julia Roberts
image source: bestlifeonline.com
Actress Julia Roberts has some of the most recognisable facial features, specifically that glorious smile of hers. Constructing such strong features in wax has to be hard work, we know - and this waxwork just proves that, because they didn't exactly get it right, did they? While in real life Julia's huge grin looks natural and quirky, this wax work has just took it to next level Cheshire Cat where the mouth is way too wide and the features just don't look right. You have to think why they bother if they can't do it properly!
37. Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II
image source: bestlifeonline.com
We know that the updated version is now King Charles III after his mother's tragic passing, which is why these appalling waxworks are even more offensive on the eyes than they were in the first place! We don't know if the royals actually approved these - probably not by the looks of them - but they appear at the Hong Kong Tussaud's. The only thing we can say about it is that Charles's ears do look spot on, but the rest looks nothing like him. And the queen looks more like when Helen Mirren played her in the movie rather than the actual queen.
38. Britney Spears
image source: bestlifeonline.com
One big problem with doing a waxwork of an iconic popstar in one of her most iconic revealing outfits is getting the body proportions right. We've already had a thinner Beyonce with shiny boobs, but now it looks like Britney Spears isn't filling her bra right here, either - it looks like they've made her lose a fair few pounds for this waxwork, which isn't good when she looks fantastic in real life. For such a big pop star that everyone would want a picture with, you'd definitely think they would have worked harder on getting this right.
39. Michael Jackson
image source: bestlifeonline.com
So the thing about making a wax work of Michael Jackson, the late King of Pop, is of course you're up against that difficult plastic surgery look in his later years. He didn't have a very easy face to replicate in his later years, but when he's such an important figure in musical history, you want to be sure you get it just right... which they didn't. You have to admit this just looks like any random female on the street with overdone eye makeup who's gone a little too heavy on the brow liner. Michael definitely deserved better than this!
40. Scarlet Johansson
image source: bestlifeonline.com
Another case of a waxwork turning a healthy shapely Hollywood woman into looking a million times thinner for no reason! This doesn't look like Scarlet Johansson's body at all - and when you're doing a full figure waxwork, it's important to get the rest of it right and not just the face! Her proportions are wrong on the longer and thinner face, the lips aren't iconic like they are in real life, and don't even get us started on those eyebrows. The forehead looks completely off and... well, it's all a mess, quite frankly. They got the blonde right, at least.
41. David Beckham
image source: bestlifeonline.com
Apparently they really don't know how to do foreheads when it comes to waxworks, as demonstrated here by ex footballer David Beckham. And just like with popstar Justin Timberlake, they've done the same thing with the patchy beard here, that looks like the hair as fallen out on the chin. But what really brings this whole off-putting thing together is that extremely long neck that has no reason being there. We also know he's gone through some different hair colors over the years but we don't think it's ever been this color, either.
42. Halle Berry
image source: bestlifeonline.com
We definitely think they're doing a worse job with the women with these waxworks than they are with the men. Again, it looks like she has less pounds on her than she should do, and that makes her face look longer and thinner than it should. Halle also has iconic cheekbones and full lips in real life, which we just don't think this waxwork has captured properly at all! Rather than the Oscar-winning actress, she just looks like any beautiful woman attending an event in a nice black dress and a pretty regular makeup routine.
43. Hilary Clinton
image source: bestlifeonline.com
It's nice to see them doing other women of the world rather than Hollywood actresses, and older women at that - waxworks with a few natural wrinkles is always nice to see! Hilary Clinton has always had a recognisable look, the same hairstyle over the years and a gorgeous toothy grin - which this isn't. It's actually a bit strange to see waxwork teeth look like that, and it definitely doesn't look like Hilary... which makes you think of some horror movie creature that's taken her skin and has tried to smile for the cameras.
44. Salma Hayek
image source: bestlifeonline.com
Now we're not saying that breast size matters, but what matters is when you have a huge Hollywood star known for her amazing curvy figure and then you get... this. Every female celeb on this waxy list seems to have had a boob reduction - but maybe they were just trying to cut down on using materials? Either way, this doesn't look like Salma, because it doesn't look like her body - or her face. The actress has very recognisable full lips, which this waxwork definitely doesn't have. It looks like the old photos of Kylie Jenner before she had work done.
45. George Clooney
image source: bestlifeonline.com
Now we know George Clooney has been labelled the sexiest man alive in the past, and that's questionable in real life depending on your taste, but it's definitely questionable when it comes to this wax figure of him. Even his iconic silver fox hairstyle they managed to make more flat and less appealing, and don't even get us started on those eyes or eyebrows. We're happy they embraced his natural lines in his skin and tried to make it more natural... but in doing so, the whole thing just looks more unnatural. Yikes.
46. Angelina Jolie
image source: bestlifeonline.com
After the success of all the other beautiful Hollywood actresses on this list with those amazingly realistic waxworks, why wouldn't they take a shot at the woman considered to be one of the most beautiful in the world? Angelina Jolie has very distinct features - her huge plump lips most of all, those striking cheekbones and piercing eyes. This waxwork managed to get all of those wrong, and especially the lips. This is what Angelina Jolie would look like if she had a sharper nose, less lip and a tiny jaw... so basically, not what she looks like at all.
47. Elvis Presley
image source: bestlifeonline.com
The King has to have one of the most iconic faces and style in history, and not just of music. Everyone knows Elvis's face based on picture alone, as well as recognising his voice. But this waxwork just made it possible to never recognise Elvis whatsoever. And we know if he was alive to see this, he'd have A LOT of things to say. Not to mention that weird grip on the steering wheel... They managed to get his signature hairstyle somewhat right, we guess, but then it's just ruined by the creepy smile and wrong facial proportions.
48. Madonna
image source: bestlifeonline.com
Another iconic face and name in music is of course Madonna, so naturally you're going to want at least one waxwork figure of her. Unfortunately, wanting one doesn't mean that you're going to get it right. They did at least get the hair and maybe the flash of teeth between the lips just about right... but the hairline looks a little too far back and all her sharp and recognisable face features look like they've been softened and toned done, which isn't the Madonna we know and love... or at least the Madonna's face we knew and loved back in her heyday.
49. Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes
image source: bestlifeonline.com
When you're deciding to do a waxwork of two famous people for the price of one, it's twice the pressure - and twice the risk of getting it very long, which is exactly what happened here with Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes. Let's talk about Ryan first, because... well, look at it. The facial hair is just all kinds of wrong so it looks more creepy than Gosling, and the forehead is way too large, making his eyes look smaller. Eva, one of the sexiest women on the planet, looks like she's trying to hide her face behind her hair to avoid the embarrassment of what his waxwork looks like.
50. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
image source: bestlifeonline.com
We've already had them do Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt very, very wrong separately on this list - so why did they think they'd have a better chance when they did them together as a couple? The awkward thing about doing couple waxworks, too, is when they break up... bit awkward. The one good thing about this one is they at least improved on Jolie's iconic lips after the last attempt. Brad Pitt - at least we think that's him - doesn't look too impressed by it, though. They managed to at least display a marriage crisis through waxworks, though, because they both look fed up.