These Wildlife Survival Hacks Will Save Your Life

By Anna Collins 2 years ago

1. Drink your own pee!

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Yes, you heard that right! And this is for when you're desperate, it's definitely not the kind of thing you do when you're feeling mildly thirsty. This will also only work in the first instance when you have your first wee for example and have been hydrated (otherwise it'stoo salty and toxic to be helpful) - so maybe collect it for later if you can!

2. Use corn chips or cleansing swabs to start a fire

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To make fire, you first need to create the flame and you need something very flammable to act as the kindling. If you happen to be carrying a first aid kit the alcohol cleansing swabs will do the trick. And if you are carrying some snacks on you at the time, any kind of corn chips will help the flame to catch alight very successfully.

3. Eat bugs!

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Okay, so it doesn't exactly sound appealing. Bit, in a life or death situation in the wild - it's really not the time to be fussy. The thing to watch pout for it whether an insect is poisonous. The general (survival version) rule of thumb, is that innocuous looking bugs are not harmful and can provide an easy source of sustenance.

4. Find the insects in damp areas

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You may be really struggling for food and while you can picture Bear Grylls with his man-made spear catching fish, it's not so easy! Instead an easy way is to find a damp area of woodland, these places are loved by insects! Then you catch them and if you can, remove the external parts.

5. The FIRST thing to do is find water

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First things first if you ever find yourself in a situation where you have to survive in the wild - find water. To do this, because it's not always so easy, head downhill as the larger water sources will be in low ground. When you have located your water, dehydration is one less thing to worry about.

6. Don't set up shelter directly on the water's edge

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You've found your water source, great! In fact you may be so relieved you think it's a good idea to set up camp right next to it and have unlimited easy access to it. Nope. This water source isn't being used only for you! There are many predators who will head to the waters edge and you do not want to be in the way when they do!

7. Strain your collected water using your t-shirt

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Once you've managed to collect water, the next problem is then cleaning it to make it safe to drink. You can't just drink any water and expect it to be okay. It could end up doing more harm than good if it makes you sick. Use your t-shirt to strain out the big bits of dirt...and then boil it. You can even use your shirt to collect water if you are struggling to catch it, and then wring out the water that your t-shirt has collected.

8. Build shelter near a cliff's face or a fallen tree

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When building your shelter, the key is to find the right place to do it. If you build your shelter in an exposed area it may not last against the elements unless it is extremely sturdy. To give yourself the utmost protection, and shield you from the wind, build your shelter behind the face of a cliff or near a broken tree for example.

9. Use the skin of dead animals for warmth

Image source/ Australian Bowhunting Forum 
Okay, real Bear Grylls style! When you are in the wilderness it is probable that you will come across a dead animal of some kind. When this happens, it may be useful to take the skin off the carcass and use it as a blanket. The fur will insulate you more effectively than other materials you will find in the wilderness and it could protect you from extremely harsh, cold nights!

10. Eat just before you sleep

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So, hopefully you've got some kind of food rations left on you or you have managed to find yourself some food. In this case, when you do eat - try and eat at night. Then your metabolism will work through the night giving you some extra warmth which will help to protect you
against the cold.

11. Try to cover your skin as much as possible

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Even if you are warm, try and cover your skin as much as possible. If you find yourself in the wild in a survival situation and you have long pants or sleeves, do not be tempted to make these shorter. This can protect you against cuts and grazes which can keep away infection.

12. Finding dry shelter is the most important thing

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Shelter (and water) is one of the most important things in surviving the wilderness. Without it...things are certainly not looking good. Hypothermia is the most dangerous thing to contend with in the wild, and the biggest killer on a world scale even over dehydration.

13. Unbuckle your rucksack when you're around water

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If somehow you fall into the water, if the rucksack is fastened it may force you underneath the water where you cannot get up for air. In this case you may find it impossible to unfasten. So always leave it undone even when you're slightly near to a body of water - just in case!

14. Rest often

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If you do find yourself in the wild and you're worried for your life you may be tempted to carry on moving what whatever cost, trying to find help. But, both dehydration and exhaustion are contributing factors to hyperthermia. So, it's super important to keep taking frequent breaks to keep up your energy levels.

15. Camp on low ground to avoid being struck by lightning

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Lightning is common in summer in the USA, so if you can avoid metal objects or very tall stand alone trees then do. And pick a place to camp that is preferably low down or in some kind of rut. Then, you are not the highest point. And, if you're doing a lot of climbing do it in the morning!

16. Avoid steep mountain faces after heavy wind

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Avalanches are super common, and if you find yourself stuck in the mountains it is best to be careful. If there has been a day of very heavy winds, it may mean that the ground is unstable. So, wait a day or two before climbing any steep edges and try to avoid them altogether if it's possible.

17. If you feel yourself drowning - take a deep breath and tip your head back

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To stop yourself drowning, flailing your arms and legs to stay afloat is not the right thing to do. Instead, take a deep breath and tilt back your head/ When you tip your head back your body will also rise and you will float. Floating is the key to surviving because you are not expending too much energy.

18. Forage for tree nuts and berries

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Tree nuts are a great source of easily found food, they also provide nutrition and some protein and they are generally safe and good to eat! Berries are another easy option , in the right season, although you do have to be more careful about the type you consume as some berries may be toxic!

19. Stay calm!

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One of the best and hardest pieces of advice in the wild...stay calm. Yes, it's easier said than done. But it is SO important. Exerting any unnecessary energy right now could be the difference between survival and not. Stressing about your situation will only worsen it! Stay calm and think rationally.

20. If there are any paths - stick to them

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Yes...paths may be hard to come by in the wilderness. But there may be tracks which appear to have been tread before. Try following these. The number one USA wilderness cause of death is falling. You can't always see when a cliff is coming t a steep edge and it could well be too late to discover it so really pay attention to where you are walking.

21. Dig a hole if you have no container to catch water

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Collecting water can be difficult because you may not be able to find a container or anything that acts as such. Dig a hole, around a foot deep, and line it with a piece of clothing. This way you can collect your water and avoid huge nits of dirt. Then after you have your water you need to boil it.

22. If you've been bitten by an insect, keep the area cold

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Insect bites can end up being very serious in the wilderness. For one, you do not exactly know what insects are biting you and so you could have an adverse reaction. Try and keep the affected area cool by applying water. This will reduce the amount of swelling.

23. Avoid swampy areas at night

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Swampy areas are a hub for wildlife...and in particular the dangerous predator, the alligator. So, if you can, avoid the swampy areas as much as possible and do not go there at night! Alligators are not only strong and deadly but they are extremely stealthy and will strike before you even have time to realise.

24. Don't stay long in exposed areas

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As we said before, shelter is one of the most essential things! In an exposed area, the cold will get to you, and it can affect you more seriously than you even realise at the time. You need to find areas with some kind of wind break or rain protection. Exposure in the wilderness can kill you!

25. Try to stay as dry as possible

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Staying dry is super important when it comes to surviving in the wild. Being wet or damp can increase your risk of getting ill or developing an infection. The damp can also make your skin softer and as such, weaker, meaning it is more susceptible to scratches or injury.

26. Don't make your fire too big

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Once you've finally managed to make a fire the temptation may be to keep adding to it. But be careful, keep it fairly small at a size you can manage and put out if necessary. Otherwise, on dry land where it hasn't rained in weeks you could end up causing an uncontrollable wild fire.

27. Don't eat any dead animals that you find

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Food poisoning is dangerous at the best of times and in the wild even more so, it could be lethal. Who knows what has eaten the animal first? Or when it died? The bacteria from a dead animal's carcass is a complete no go. It may even have died from disease which could pass straight to you!

28. Collect leaves/ pine needles as some kind of insulation from the cold

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Collecting nay random materials such as leaves or tiny little twigs could really help you through the night. Lay them down over the floor where you are sleeping and if you have created a kind of cover, add more to this as well. They will help form some kind of insulation to keep your heat.

29. Create a kind of spear from sharpening a stick on a rock

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Creating a spear may be a really useful, especially if you're near the sea - as catching fish may be one of your best hopes of eating. All you need is a long and thin stick, you can then shape the stick into a point by rubbing the wood on the edge of a rock and twisting it so that it forms a point. Another easy option is to dig holes to catch fish near the tide so that when the sea goes back in, the fish are stuck

30. Create a bow drill to make fire

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You'll know if you've ever watched a survival programme that you'll need to make fire. Creating a bow drill is the best way to do this. For this you need a a stick, and to rotate the rock into a piece of soft wood. You'll need some string (shoelaces perhaps) to twist the stick when you rotate your hands back and forth. After several minutes, hopefully the friction will spark some fire.

31. Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

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Whether you are hiking, camping, or just spending time in nature, it's important to stay alert and aware of your surroundings at all times. Keep an eye out for potential dangers like predators, venomous snakes or insects, or hazardous terrain. If you find yourself in a sticky situation, then the rules still apply!

32. Signal For Help

If you are in a remote area or unable to find your way back to civilization, you may need to signal for help! Use bright clothing, mirrors, flares, or smoke signals to attract attention. Make sure you stay in visible location and be prepared to signal for help repeatedly.

Now For Some Tips On What To Pack For A Trip To The Wild... 33. Clothing

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The clothing you bring on a trip to the wilderness should be comfortable, practical, and suited to the environment you're visiting. If you're heading to a cold climate, make sure you pack plenty of warm layers, a down jacket, and VERY thick socks. For a warmer climate, ensure your clothing is lightweight, and breathable. Whatever the weather, make sure your boots are as sturdy as can be!

34. Navigation Tools

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When you're out in the wild, it's important to know where you are and where you're going. A map and a compass are essential for this... if you know how to use them. A GPS device or smartphone may not work in the conditions you are venturing to, so always have a backup plan in case they fail.

35. Sufficient Shelter

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Shelter is one of the most important items you will bring on a trip to the wild. Depending on the length of your trip and the conditions you will be under, you may want to bring a tent, hammock, or a bivy sack. Consider the weight and size of your desired shelter, as you will most likely have to carry it on your back!

36. Food And Water

Image Source: Fresh Off The Grid
It is important to bring enough food and water to last you the duration of your trip. Canned food, or packets you can just add water to, will save lots of space, time, and money. Make sure you provide a way to purify your water, such as a water filter, or purification tablets, so you don't make yourself ill when drinking water from different sources.

37. First Aid Kit

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Accidents can happen, even in the safest environments. Bring a well-stocked first aid kit that includes bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medication. Make sure you know how to use everything in your kit and keep it accessible at all times, as you won't know what you'll need and when you need it.

38. Lighting

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When the sun goes down, you'll still need all of your senses in the dark. Bring a flashlight, headlamp, or a lantern. It is vital that you provide yourself with extra batteries and/or a rechargeable power source. Choose your desired lighting based on the activities you'll be doing; a headlamp is great for the active type, as you will be able to see clearly and have full use of your hands.

39. Take Your Tools!

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Depending on the activities you plan to do, you may want to bring some basic tools to survive! These include knives, multi tools, or a hatchet. These can be useful for preparing food, building shelter, and performing other tasks. Consider the weight and size of your tools, and only bring what you think you'll need.

40. Personal Hygiene Items

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When you're out in the wild, your standards should not drop! it is still important to stay clean and hygienic to avoid becoming unwell. Look out for a clean body of water, where you can clean yourself... and make sure you ALWAYS have deodorant on hand!

41. A Fire Starter

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To avoid having to use corn chips to start a fire, think ahead and pack equipment to make one much easier. Fire can be crucial for warmth, cooking, and light, so it is important to pack some matches, or a lighter just in case. Most importantly though, it's the only way to roast marshmallows to the perfect golden brown deliciousness!

42. Bring Block!

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Sunscreen is important in the wild for a number of reasons. First and foremost, exposure to the sun's harmful UV rays can cause sunburn, skin damage, and even skin cancer. When you're out in the wild, you may be more exposed to the sun than you realize, especially if you're at high altitudes or near reflective surfaces like water or snow.

43. Avoid Those Mighty Mosquitos!

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Mosquitos are annoying little insect that can ruin a good night's sleep with their relentless buzzing and biting. If you're planning to camp or sleep outside, a mosquito net is is a must-have item. Plus, you can pretend you're a glamorous movie star in a fancy canopy bed while enjoying a bug-free night's sleep.

44. A Bear Bell

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Bears are one of the most common animals you may encounter, and it's best to avoid them at all cost. That's where the bell comes in handy! This little jingling bell attaches to your backpack or clothing and makes a gentle ring as you walk. It's an effective way to alert animals of your presence, so you can avoid any potentially dangerous encounters

45. Harmonica Comes In Handy!

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A Harmonica is a fun and compact instrument that can add some fuel around your campfire. A little impromptu harmonica jam session can bring people together and create a sense of community. Plus, it's a great conversation starter and a fun way to impress your friends with your musical skills. Just make sure you practice beforehand, so you're not completely tone deaf!

46. Coffee Is Key... ALWAYS

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Let's be real, coffee is essential for many people to start their day off right. however, instant coffee just doesn't cut it when you're out in the wild. A portable coffee maker can help you make the perfect cup of coffee, even in the middle of nowhere. It's a small, compact device that can be easily packed; plus, you can be the envy of all your wilderness friends with your fancy coffee!

47. A Foldable Chair

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Sitting on the ground can get uncomfortable after a while, especially if you're older, or have a bad back! A foldable chair is a convenient and comfortable way to enjoy the outdoors. it's a small and lightweight device that can easily be packed and carried on your trip. Plus, it's a great way to feel like a king or queen, relaxing in your own portable thrown!

48. A Collapsible Water Bottle

Image Source: Tales Of Travel And Tech
Staying hydrated is essential for any outdoor adventure, but carrying a bulky water bottle can be a hassle. A collapsible water bottle is a convenient and space-saving way to carry water with you. It's a small and lightweight device that can be easily packed and carried on your trip!

49. A Portable Stove

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Cooking in the wild can be a challenge, but a portable stove can make it easier and more enjoyable. Whilst being small and compact, it can provide warm, hearty meals to keep your energy levels high and feel slightly at home... it's also a great way to feel like a gourmet chef, and impress the other wilderness explorers!

50. Get It All In The Book

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When you're out in the wild, it's important to be prepared for anything! A book of survival tips can provide you with valuable information and skills to help you stay safe and comfortable on your trip. It can teach you how to start fire with nothing but a stick, build a shelter, and find clean water. You will definitely impress your peers if you read the book!

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