1. He won't see you more than once or twice a week
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This is perhaps the most obvious sign that he isn't interested in you. Keep in mind, though, that connecting doesn't have to include phoning or texting - in fact, some guys who aren't interested in you could text you frequently. After all, it only takes a little work. Rip up his dance card and go tango with someone new if you're not seeing this guy more than once or twice per week (except for a long-distance relationship, obviously).
2. You're always the one making the plans
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Do you always make the first plans for your dates, and he just goes along? If so, he is clearly not interested. While it's normal for two people to share the responsibility of organizing plans, a guy who is interested in you will make an effort to see you as frequently as possible. He may not be all that invested in the connection if he consistently leaves it up to you to initiate conversation and is happy for you to take the initiative.
3. He doesn't ask anything about you or your life
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A person is likely to want to learn more about something if they are interested in it. For instance, if a movie piques your attention, you'll google it to learn more about it, right? The same is true of interpersonal connections. He will seize the opportunity to ask about how you are doing, your day, your past, or your life if he is interested in you at all.
4. He cancels repeatedly
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He will enjoy your company if he is genuinely interested in you. When you discuss a date with a guy, and he keeps coming up with excuses, you should begin to wonder why. If a man is sincere about wanting to go on a date, he will make time; if he can't, he will suggest a different time. But it's a definite sign that the guy has no interest in you if he keeps canceling on you and doesn't try to reschedule.
5. He's always flirting with other women
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A surefire sign that he is not into you is if he flirts with other women while you are or aren't present. It may be a hint that the man doesn't really care about you if he is continually eyeing women around him while not showing any interest in you. And guys can be like that; if he wasn't interested in you beforehand, chances are he won't be after eyeing all of those other women.
6. He doesn't listen when you speak
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If you had the chance to spend time with the person you are interested in, what would you do? You bet I will pay close attention to everything he says and does. I would genuinely fixate on him and only him. I might not even blink since I don't want to miss seeing him for even a second! Do you feel the same way about your guy? When you talk, does he turn to face you? Does he treat you as though there's no tomorrow? Have you ever seen him stare at you? If the response to these questions is "No," he is not into you.
7. No emotional connect
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Your date always seems upset. He doesn't appear to care when you're down, and you can't even count on him to be around to cheer you up. It's because there isn't an emotional bond between you two. Love and feelings come from an emotional connection, but if the situation is as described, there isn't one in this case. How do you even expect to have a strong relationship, then?
8. His responses are short
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Relationships in the current era involve a lot of texting. It's how we communicate, schedule things, and even flirt. If the person you're seeing responds to your texts with just a single word or takes a while to get back to you (unless he's told you he's busy), it's a hint that he isn't interested. It could be a good idea to reassess the relationship if his statements are succinct, uninteresting, and unenthusiastic.
9. His actions and words don't align
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Many men are skilled talkers. Oh, my! Even if he expresses interest in you or promises to take you on a date or even on vacation, if that never happens, there's a good reason. He is skilled at making you like him, but if he doesn't show it by doing things for you, he isn't truly interested, at least not in the way you're probably hoping.
10. You're always the one waiting
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He always replies to your texts several hours or days later. You are the one who consistently asks for confirmed plans and the green light to visit. He has no regard for your time. He believes you have nothing better to do than wait around while he makes a decision. You should be taken into account and given attention, not disregarded, so you better reconsider the whole thing.
11. He's not open with you
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Everyone dislikes showing vulnerability, but men particularly avoid this because it interferes with their capacity to flex. You know what we mean. Openness, however, has strength mostly because it fosters connection. You must see past the glam to the flaws if you want to truly understand someone. And that's the beginning of something beautiful.
12. He doesn't include you in his future plans
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A man will make long-term plans with you if he truly cares about you. He will feel excited to discuss your future together. However, if your guy doesn't, it can be a sign that he doesn't see a future with you. Does he change the subject when you bring up your future with him? Does he urge you to embrace the present and live in it? Does he get tense when you broach the subject of your future together? If yes, then it is obvious that he's not into you.
13. It's only physical for him
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When he only wants to have s*x with you, that's the only time you communicate. He resumes being his indifferent self after the intercourse is through, and it seems like s*x is the only basis of your relationship. Do you feel this applies to your situation and describes it accurately? Consider this a significant relationship red flag, then.
14. Or he avoids that completely
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An important sign that shows a man's interest in you is appropriate physical contact. It's likely that he won't reach out to touch, embrace, or hold your hand if he isn't charmed by you. Even if you happen to catch him staring at you, he instantly dodges your gaze. If you approach him, he could possibly retract a few steps. Does this describe your situation? Overall, he won't make any affectionate gestures if he isn't into you.
15. You haven't met any of his friends
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If you haven't met his peers after some time of dating, he is most likely not interested in you. He hasn't made an attempt to meet any of your closest friends, nor has he bothered to introduce you to anyone who matters to him. He may not be interested in a long-term relationship if he makes an effort to keep you apart from his buddies and doesn't seem eager to meet the people you love.
16. He doesn't try to impress you
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A guy who likes you would tidy up before you arrive. He'll wear perfume or something a little nicer than a pair of basketball shorts and a soiled T-shirt. In short, he will do everything to impress you. But he is not worth your time if he expects you to visit him wearing your makeup, heels, etc., while his home and he are both a mess.
17. He never takes you out in public
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Someone who keeps you hidden is not into you. If you haven't met each other's friends and he seems to keep you away from the people he lives with whenever you visit, he may simply be uninterested in a long-term partnership with you. Even though there's no need to announce your relationship to the world, if you spend the majority of your time together in private, you can be sure that the man you're dating just wants you around only when he needs company.
18. You cannot rely on him
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When you're feeling down, the guy you date is never around. He refrains from contacting you until you're better and doesn't feel the need to cheer you up or try to make you smile. He never shows up when you need him. He doesn't celebrate your accomplishments. He doesn't inspire and motivates you to achieve your goals. Does this look like your man? If so, he isn't really interested in you.
19. His social media activity doesn't include you
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He will tap other women's photos on social media, but if you upload something at the same time, he won't like or comment on it. It appears as though he does not want to be connected to you online. He has excluded you directly on social media but is curious about what other women are doing online. This is one of the most obvious red flags to consider.
20. He avoids any romantic gestures
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If he never attempts to make romantic gestures, you can be more than sure that he isn't that into you. Gestures may be an unexpected date, surprising you with flowers on a special occasion, or simply hugging you when you need it. These modest efforts say, "I really care about you." If he isn't making them, chances are he doesn't share your sentiments. While some people may be more reserved with their love, it's important to distinguish between romantic restraint and a complete lack of interest.
21. He's always on the phone
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If he's always on the phone when you're there, it's best not to waste any more time with him. When you're with him, he practically ignores you while sending texts, scrolling around social media, or speaking to one of his pals... and despite your requests, he refuses to put his phone down or be more attentive. This, dear woman, means that he doesn't give a damn about you.
22. He treats you like a friend
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The way he behaves with you can show whether he is or isn't into you. He isn't interested if he treats you like an everyday friend or acquaintance. This suggests that you are still seen as a pal and that, in order to get out of it, you must "improve." If he continues to treat you like he always was and you haven't seen any changes in his behavior or body language, it can be one of the warning indications that he views you only as a friend.
23. He's told you he isn't interested in a relationship
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When he tells you he isn't ready for a relationship, believe him. He's affected by his previous relationship, he's got his eyes on someone, or he's simply not seeing you as a potential long-term partner. He's saying it like this, though, because he doesn't want to be dating someone like you. Although accepting this is difficult, doing so will make it easier for you to move on.
24. He avoids contact during holidays or major events
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Ask yourself who this guy really is if you don't hear anything from him on holidays like Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, or even your birthday. Want to hear the truth? He doesn't care about you at all; that much is obvious. We're not saying that he should be all over you, but he should at least be around and reachable.
25. He doesn't get jealous
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One of the clearest signs he is not interested in you is the absence of jealousy when he sees you with someone else. When a man sees their romantic interest interacting with or paying attention to a third person, it is only natural to experience an inkling of jealousy; it is what makes us human. Whether he expresses it or not, if he sees you as a potential partner, he will feel jealousy.
26. He tells you to see other people
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If he openly expresses his approval of you dating other men, this raises significant suspicions. No guy would be content if his girl went on a date with a male acquaintance, much less if they grew closer. He obviously isn't into you if this is him, so it might be time for you to find someone else.
27. He's inconsistent
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You'll constantly text one day, then the next, he'll take hours to respond to your messages - if he responds at all. Always keep in mind that a guy who likes you would make an effort to find time for you. And if he's busy during certain hours, he will let you know and get back to you as soon as he's able to.
28. He breadcrumbs you
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Breadcrumbing means when someone seems uninterested in you yet wants to be there for those times when they need company - aka, they want someone on hold. A good graphic of this is the guy who frequently views your Instagram stories or likes your online posts to ensure that you're still thinking about him with the least amount of effort on his part, but he never really contacts you.
29. He doesn't remember things about you
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Anything you say to him will only reach one ear. Or perhaps none. Not only is having to repeat yourself all the time annoying, but it's also a sign that he doesn't value you and your time at all. A man that's into you will remember even the littlest of details about you, while one that isn't will not remember one single thing.
30. You just know
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Sometimes, intuition is all you need. You get a feeling that something is off about this person, and that's enough. You might not even be able to identify what is making you uncomfortable; it might be a problem of security or trust. However, it's generally best to just stay away if you have a gut feeling that something isn't right.