Celebrities Who Sold Their Soul For Fame

By Joy Boyd 1 year ago

1. Katy Perry

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Katy Perry has mentioned this herself saying that she sold her soul. Most people know by now that she is a pastor's kid and before she was the iconic "I Kissed A Girl" singer, she was a Christian artist. Not seeing much success in that route, she went for full on pop star status.

2. Oprah Winfrey

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Oprah is perhaps one of the most famous talk show hosts of all time. As an actress and very spiritual person, she's spoken about channeling various spirits throughout her career. As an outspoken supporter of New Age, many evangelicals have asserted that Oprah has indeed sold her soul.

3. Nicki Minaj

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Nicki Minaj spoke candidly in an interview about Roman (aka Satan), describing him as a "crazy boy" who lives inside of her. She went on to claim that he says the things that she doesn't want to say, and that the deal she made with him was out of anger and rage. What do you think?

4. Kanye West

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He proclaims it a lot in his music, saying he sold his soul to the Devil for fame, and he admits that it was a crappy deal. As we've seen Kanye's rise to fame alongside his mental health issues, one can only speculate if he actually sold his soul and if that is contributing to the confusion and anger he seems to be experiencing now.

5. Rihanna

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Rihanna said in an interview that she's misunderstood a lot, and due to her album cover with her hand over her eye, people thought she was a Devil worshipper. She then went on to joke about it, saying she is one! While she was perhaps joking, people have continued to speculate that she owes her career to selling her soul.

6. Lady Gaga

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Lady Gaga has made a name for herself, but before she was an Oscar-winning actress, she was known for being a bit "out there" when it came to her outfits and her songs. She's claimed that there are sometimes frequency and technical issues when she's performing, to which she says she swears to Lucifer. Safe to say she chose fame over her soul.

7. Miley Cyrus

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Miley Cyrus has been in the spotlight since she was a kid. As she started growing up and making decisions that could be considered scandalous or in bad taste, conversations started to swirl that she sold her soul. Her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus, even spoke about his family being under attack from the Devil.

8. Christian Bale

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It's unclear on if he was saying it in jest, but while winning an award, Christian Bale thanked Satan for showing him how to play the role. He also talked about how lucky he and the other celebrities in the room were to be in the position they're in. Again, it's hard to tell how serious he was being, but there's a little truth in every joke, right?

9. Snoop

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In some very detailed lyrics, Snoop describes what can only be understood as a deal with Satan himself. The musician says that a voice told him to bring his life to him, and he would make it better. What did the voice ask for in exchange? For Snoop to just relax and let him take control. Would you do it?

10. Ariana Grande

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Ariana has had a few lyrics talking about making a deal with the Devil. She even says that she should have fought it. It's hard to say if this should simply be chalked up to her artistry or how she really feels. But it seems possible that she's yet another celebrity who has chosen fame over everything.

11. Ke$ha

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Ke$ha has been pretty controversial from the moment she stepped onto the music scene. She's been known to use imagery such as upside crosses and pentagrams. Like so many others listed here, she talks about a deal she made in her songs. Oh yeah, and she also claims to have had sex with a ghost!

12. Jay-Z

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There have been many stories that have surfaced about Jay-Z's alleged connection to the Illuminati, which is a secret society with unknowable power - supposedly from the Devil himself. The story has only furthered because Jay-Z so often references the Devil in his music and has Illuminati imagery in his album art and merch.

13. Ryan Seacrest

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The man is a jack of all trades. Most known for his gig on American Idol, this TV personality has multiple shows, radio programs, and more running at all times it seems. There is a group of Evangelical Christians who think that not only did Ryan sell his soul, but that he might be the Devil himself!

14. Beyonce

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Guess we can't talk about Jay-z without talking about the queen herself, Beyonce. Of course, as a real life couple, it's often said that Beyonce has also sold her soul for fame. She's been known to use deep Illuminati imagery in her performances, with people breaking down her work frame by frame comparing it to an Illuminati sacrificial ceremony.

15. Kim Kardashian

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Perhaps Kanye talked her into it, but people are convinced that Kim K has sold her soul. In fact, Kanye exposed Kim, saying that this was true, that Kim had in fact made a deal for fame. Spiritual people say that the pair are now forever bonded because of this deal regardless of the fact that their relationship has failed.

16. Bob Dylan

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This one may surprise you! Back in 2004, Dylan did an interview where he referenced a deal he made. He went on to say that he made a bargain with "destiny" and that he has to hold up his end of the deal, which is why he's still around. When asked what the deal was, Dylan said it was a deal for fame that he made with someone who's on this earth and in a realm we can't see. Spooky!

17. Robert Johnson

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The idea of someone selling their soul for fame is not new. Robert Johnson was a famous blues musician in the early 1900s. People at the time believed that he sold his soul in return for his impeccable guitar skills. Apparently one of his songs even alludes to this deal. Robert died young at the age of 27.

18. Niccolo Paganini

Image Source: SyFy
Perhaps one of the earliest soul sellers on record is Niccolo Paganini. Back in the 18th century, Niccolo was one of the most famous violinists and composers in history. The story goes that his mother made a deal when he was a child, and he did not shy away from the rumors. In fact, when he passed away, no church would accept his body, so he was without a final resting place for nearly 36 years.

19. Taylor Swift

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There is an entire conspiracy theory that the reason Taylor Swift is famous is because she's actually a clone of the Satanist, Zeena Schreck. Zeena was a high priestess of the church of Satan. Taylor has been known to represent herself with a serpent, similar to Zeena, and the two do bear a striking resemblance.

20. Adam Sandler

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This one is debatable, because Adam himself has never spoken on the issue. However, a lot of people speculate that he must have sold his soul to achieve the level of success he has. These folks say that this is because he is a mediocre talent and needed to figure out how to be relevant without any special skills. Ouch.

21. Keanu Reeves (maybe?)

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Similar to Taylor Swift, there are rumors floating around that Keanu is actually an immortal and likely hundreds of years old. Of course, it's hard to say if Keanu is a reincarnate, back to claim his place amongst the famous. The actor is known for his generosity and doesn't seem to care about his status. When asked about his soul, he responded saying we're all stardust!

22. Santana

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This one is kinda wild! Santana claims that one time while he was meditating an entity came to him and gave him a list of artists he should work with to have a successful career. He also called himself a "human fax machine" saying that he tunes into an invisible radio and then the lyrics and music just come to him magically.

23. Jack Black

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Jack Black said in an interview that he sold his soul. It seems that he wasn't joking (though, we know he jokes a LOT). He's known to talk about the Devil a lot, and the album he was promoting contained a lot of occult imagery. Of course, it could have all been a stunt to promote his work.

24. U2

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This rock band was considered at one time to be the conscious of rock and roll. But upon closer inspection, this doesn't seem to be the case. Listeners claim that a lot of their lyrics are quite dark and allude to having sold their souls and/or being Devil worshippers. While one could say these are just lyrics, Bono himself said that he only tells the truth in his songs.

25. Ozzy Osbourne

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He's a rock and roll legend with a long history connected to the occult. His nickname is literally Prince of Darkness, if that tells you anything! Unlike other celebrities, Ozzy has been very open about his connection to the Devil. He said there have been times in his life where he is convinced he has been possessed by an "outside spirit."

26. Seth MacFarlane

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The story goes that Seth was supposed to die on 9/11. But instead, the Devil pulled some strings so that he would miss his flight. He was supposed to be on the fated plane, but missed it due to a hangover. It's said that the Family Guy creator would not have seen as much success if it was not for this deal.

27. Tom Cruise

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With his deep ties to Scientology, it's no wonder that people assume Tom has made a deal to achieve fame. Whether that be through the backing of Scientology, which is considered a cult, or through Tom's own doing. Seeing Tom's desire to participate in his own stunts and his infamous freak out on Oprah, many people feel something is not right.

28. Led Zeppelin

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A lot of people connect rock and roll and Satanism, whether justly or unjustly. So it's not surprising that Led Zeppelin has been accused of selling their soul for fame. Back in the 80s, Led Zeppelin was one of the bands accused of hiding Satanic messages in their music. Do you believe it?

29. Nicolas Cage

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There's a theory floating around on Reddit, that beyond just selling his soul, Nicolas Cage actually fought the Devil to get his soul back. Users claim that this makes him the One True God. It's hard to say whether this theory has any actual legs, but it's interesting speculation for a man many people consider to be a little bit out there.

30. Madonna

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Madonna has fought very hard to stay relevant for as long as humanly possible. She's still making music, and she's still as wild as ever on stage. She's another example of a musician who chooses Illuminati inspired imagery and lyrics, claiming to converse with demons. What do you think? Do you think she sold her soul?

31. Celebrities With Ties To The Occult: Lana Del Rey

image source: pagesix.com
Lana Del Rey apparently joined a group of witches with their sights on one other famous person in particular: Donald Trump. They banded together to silence him with a binding spell, and while the spell clearly didn't work, Lana has maintained that she's a "mystic at heart".

32. Azealia Banks

image source: pagesix.com
American rapper Azealia Banks has not only practiced witchcraft, but was open enough to share it with her followers on social media where she shared a video of what looked to be her cleaning up a chicken carcass in her closet. She explained she'd been practising brujeria for three years.

33. Carlton Gebbia

image source: pagesix.com
Former star of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Carlton Gebbia has openly spoken about the Wicca that runs in her family - and that she's a sole practitioner of witchcraft. She apparently identifies as a Celtic pagan witch, as she has Celtic ancestry and her grandmother practised witchcraft - it runs in the family!

34. Daryl Hall

image source: pagesix.com
One half of Hall and Oates, American Singer Daryl Hall admitted that back in the 70s, he dabbled in the Occult, where he explored Celtic and Druid traditions and focusing on the "inner flame". He's said that he's since stopped practicing a lot of it, as it was what he needed at that particular time in his life.

35. Gabrielle Anwar

image source: pagesix.com
Actress and star of Burn Notice, Gabrielle Anwar, has spoken about her life as a busy everyday woman - and a pagan. She has mentioned how she tries to balance the everyday of a working wife, making dinner, earning money, and trying to explore her pagan side at the same time.

36. Sammy Davis Jr

image source: pagesix.com
It was claimed that legendary singer Sammy David Jr was actually a Satanist, after it was claimed he attended meetings hosted by the Church of Satan. It turns out, as revealed in his memoir, this was true - that it was a passing interest, but that he still had friends from the Church.

37. Cybill Shepherd

image source: pagesix.com
Actress Cybill Shepherd has a lot of beliefs, and a lot she identifies with - and there's nothing wrong with that. As well as labelling herself a feminist - naturally - she's also said she's a Christian, a Pagan, a Buddhist, and a worshipper of the 'Goddess', in all her forms.

38. Fiona Horne

image source: pagesix.com
Fiona Horne was lead vocals of the Australian band Def FX, back in the 90s. Since leaving the band, she's spent a lot of her time focusing on witchcraft, which apparently all began when she read 'The Way of the Goddess' and realized that she'd been a witch all along.

39. David Bowie

image source: pagesix.com
David Bowie's link to the occult is more about calling on a witch rather than wanting to become one himself. Apparently he was afraid of magic - and afraid that somebody had cursed him. He hired a white witch to do an exorcism on him because he was so worried about a curse!

40. Lorde

image source: spotify.com
Australian singer Lorde has been linked to witchcraft, through her own words: "I'm basically a witch." But this doesn't precisely say she's actively practising... you're either an active witch or you're not, so not sure what 'basically' means - but she has said that ghosts and things don't freak her out.

41. Adele

image source: themirror.co.uk
Adele has come far over the years, but no her amazing weight loss, her vast success and her even bigger fortune isn't down to selling her soul or anything - in fact, her links to the occult seem to start and end with crystals. She uses healing crystals before shows to calm those nerves!

42. Grimes

image source: rollingstone.com
Grimes is a performer - and the ex of Elon Musk - that many people would label as 'weird', but not in a bad way. She's eccentric, quirky, other-worldly and creative. While it's not known if she actively practices any witchcraft, her aesthetic is known as 'Witch House', while her genre has been labelled occult-themed dark electronic.

43. Sam Smith

image source: bbc.co.uk
Singer Sam Smith is similar to performer Adele in that they have reached out to healing crystals in the hope that the crystals will improve their life. Sam has been open about their crystal collection, posting them on social media with intent that crystals will bring them healing and love!

44. Jennifer Lopez

image source: glamouruk.com
Jennifer Lopez's links to witchcraft and the occult actually stem from her mother, as there's rumors her mom had a hand in her success and destiny. It was claimed J-Lo's mom used the dark power of Santeria - an African religion - to give success to her daughter.

45. Spencer Pratt

image source: people.com
Spencer Pratt is another celebrity who turned to healing crystals, so much so, that he even set up his own crystal shop - called Pratt Daddy Crystals (yep) - which sells expensive crystal jewelry. He's also apparently spent a lot of money on a 'wizard coach'.

46. Stevie Nicks

image source: biography.com
If you're a fan of both Stevie Nicks and American Horror Story, you might remember her appearance on the Coven series of the show! But her links to witchcraft only include her having a high respect for it rather than actually practicing it - but hey, that could change!

47. Elvis Presley

image source: IMDb.com
Elvis's wife Priscilla Presley has revealed a lot about the singer's life, and one thing she also revealed was that apparently the rock 'n' roll king "dabbled" in the occult at one point! Although she did say that it was a 'brief' phase - we suppose when you have that much money, you can dabble in things as briefly as you want!

48. Mary Kate And Ashley

image source: wikipedia.org
Mary Kate and Ashley have spoken about their spiritual methods and their concerns over 'negative' energy. While not known whether they practice witchcraft one a deeper level, Mary Kate has spoken about how she uses sage all the time to get rid of any bad energy.

49. Heather Graham

image source: insider.com
While Heather Graham hasn't herself admitted to being in a coven, or practicing any sort of witchcraft, she has spoken about how her friends are in a coven. And apparently it's a coven of good vibes, because she said they sent positive energy to Barack Obama in the hope he would be president!

50. Fairuza Balk

image source: thelist.com
Hers is the most famous face from the cult occult movie 'The Craft', and it was this that actually inspired the actress to delve into the occult. Fairuza got so much into wicca that she actually ended up buying an occult store which she runs from Los Angeles, which sells books!

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