1. 'My father never hugged me.'

(Image/ Source: popsugar.com)
In ‘The Spare, Harry is quoted to have said:
“Pa didn't hug me. He wasn't great at showing emotions under normal circumstances.” While many internet users were quick to debunk this claim by sourcing the images like the one above, it turns out Harry was referring to the difficult time when his mom Princess Diana passed away.
2. 'My problem has never been with the monarchy, nor the concept of monarchy. It's been with the press.'

(Image/ Source: quora.com)
While Prince Harry claims that he doesn’t have a problem with the monarchy, it seems that this might not be necessarily true. As his family IS the monarchy, and he’s now estranged from them, it suggests that Harry’s feelings might go well beyond just a dislike of the press.
3. Meghan's dad's Air NewZealand tickets were 'first class, booked, and paid for by Meg.'
(Image/ Source: uk.news.yahoo.com)
One inconsistency is ‘The Spare’ is Harry’s claim that Meghan bought her dad, Thomas Markle, a first-class plane ticket from the UK to Mexico via Air New Zealand. But it turns out this isn’t true. Air New Zealand said: “
We've never had flights between Mexico and the UK. And we only have Business Premier.”4. 'At Eton, while studying, I took a call... Your Royal Highness, the Queen Mother has died.'

(Image/ Source: dailymail.co.uk / Tim Graham Photo Library)
When the Queen Mother passed away in March 2002, Harry claims to have been at Eton when he got the call. However, as per reports from the time, Harry, who was then 17, wasn’t in the UK when the Queen Mother passed away. He was actually with Charles and William in Switzerland on a skiing holiday.
5. Camilla is 'in bed with the devil.'

(Image/ Source: thetelegraph.co.uk)
It’s alleged by Harry that Camilla was the person who leaked information to the press about him and Meghan in an effort to boost her own self-image. However, royal sources have disputed that the Queen Consort was responsible; instead, they claim it was one of Camilla’s aides that leaked information. But nobody outside of the Royal Family knows for certain who it was…
6. He was 'gifted with an Xbox'

(Image/ Source: themirror.co.uk)
The royal claims that he was given an Xbox on his 13
th birthday, just weeks after his mom Princess Diana died. He said that his aunt Sarah “appeared out of nowhere” with the present, which he was thrilled with. But it turns out the Xbox wasn’t actually released until 4 years later.
7. Henry VI is his 'ancestor'

(Image/ Source: dailyexpress.co.uk)
Historians have been quick to debunk Harry’s suggestion that he’s related to Henry VI. The Prince said the King was his “great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather”, but Henry’s only child was actually killed in the Wars of the Roses, so this can’t be true.
8. Meghan was wearing wearing 'a black sweatshirt, jeans and heels' on their first date

(Image/ Source: townandcountrymag.com)
Recalling their first meeting after weeks of messaging, the Prince says she was wearing a black sweatshirt, jeans and heels. He loved her “no frills” look at their first meeting, describing her as “heart-attack beautiful”. However, wife Meghan has previously revealed that she wore a blue dress for their first date.
9. He 'knew without question that this marriage [to Camilla] would take Pa away from us.'

(Image/ Source: newsweek.com)
Some of the most shocking revelations from ‘The Spare’ detail Harry’s concern about Camilla. He says he ‘pleaded’ with his father Charles not to marry her, and had “mixed feelings” on the day of their wedding. Internet users have been quick to show Harry beaming throughout the day, but as the royal family are pretty well trained at smiling for the cameras, we’re not sure this disproves anything…
10. TK Maxx's 'once-a-year' sales

(Image/ Source: Xclusive Pix)
One claim that has left readers amused was Prince Harry’s confidence in TK Maxx’s ‘once-a-year’ sales.
“For my everyday casual clothes I’d go to TK Maxx, the discount store,” Harry said.
“I was particularly fond of their once-a-year sale, when they’d be flush with items from Gap or J Crew, items that had just gone out of season or were slightly damaged.” While TK Maxx were delighted that the prince shopped with them, they politely noted that they “don’t actually do sales”.
11. William was 'glum at having so little say in what he wore to get married.'

(Image/ Source: popsugar.com)
In his book, Harry writes about the nuptials of his brother William to his wife Kate. Wills wore the bright red uniform of the Irish Guards at the late Queen's insistence - despite, Harry claims, wanting to wear his Household Cavalry frock coat uniform. However, according to biographer Robert Hardman, he says that he talked to William shortly after his wedding, who said he was definitely not glum about the uniform he had to wear.
12. 'The public had been told that I was to be best man [at William's wedding] but that was a bare-faced lie.'

(Image/ Source: dailyrecord.co.uk)
While we’re on the subject of Will and Kate’s wedding, the appears to be another discrepancy – this time revolving around Harry’s role at the wedding. It was reported by the media that the Prince would be the best man, but according to ‘The Spare’, James Meade and Thomas van Straubenzee—two of William’s friends—were given the roles. The media is still rebuking these claims.
13. And his brother 'didn't want him to give a speech' on the big day

(Image/ Source: hellomagazine.com)
Harry also said that his brother William didn’t want him to give a speech at his wedding to Catherine, but after all that, he DID end up saying a few words on the day. It was revealed that his then-girlfriend Chelsy Davy had proofread it, and removed a reference to Kate’s “killer legs”.
14. Meghan 'asked why she couldn't take a photo in front of the Taj Mahal'

(Image/ Source: people.com)
The Duke of Sussex claims he told his wife not to take a photo in front of the Taj Mahal – and she asked why. Harry says he told her that it was because his mom Diana has an iconic photo taken there, and he didn’t want people to think she was copying the late Princess. However, many of Meghan’s friends claim the Suits star was ‘obsessed’ with Diana when she was younger, so many internet users aren’t buying that Meghan didn’t know about this famous snap of Diana.
15. 'Stories began to appear everywhere' on William's alleged affair - and Charles and Camilla were behind it

(Image/ Source: musicmundial.com)
In his book, Harry blames Charles and Camilla for the leak about his brother’s alleged affair with Rose Hanbury. He said that
“the leaking had obviously been abetted by the new spin doctor Camilla had talked Pa into hiring”, but unsurprisingly, the royal family has denied these claims, and have failed to acknowledge the alleged affair.
16. Meghan was in tears 'on the floor' after run-in with Kate

(Image/ Source: newsweek.com)
While the press reported that it was Meghan who famously made Kate cry, Harry states that things were the other way round. After a lot of drama over Princess Charlotte’s flower girl dress, which saw Kate insist that all the flower girl and bridesmaid dresses should be remade four days before Harry and Meghan’s big day, Harry reports Meghan was super upset. However, the media are claiming that this is untrue.
17. When the press found out about Camilla and William's first meeting, 'none [of the details] had come from Willy.'

(Image/ Source: dailyexpress.co.uk)
The Spare really does go for the Queen Consort. The first-ever meeting between Camilla and William was leaked to the press – and Harry’s pretty set on who leaked it. He wrote:
“None [of the details] had come from Willy, of course. They could only have been leaked by the one other person present”. It’s clear he’s insinuating that Camilla spilled the beans to journalists, but again, the royal family insists it was one of her aides, not her.
18. Queen Victoria was 'shot eight times, on eight separate occasions, by seven different subjects.'

(Image/ Source: thesocialhistorian.com)
While Prince Harry has some pretty wild theories about the assassination attempts carried out on Queen Victoria, it seems they aren’t actually accurate. Queen Victoria was actually shot at a total of three times; on the other four other occasions, weapons were pointed at her, but they were either unloaded or failed to discharge.
19. Charles told Diana she had given him 'an heir and a spare'

(Image/ Source: womanandhome.com)
Harry tells readers what his father ‘allegedly said’ to Princess Diana at his birth in 1984: “Wonderful! Now you’ve given me an heir and a spare — my work is done”. Prince Harry then adds: “
On the other hand, minutes after delivering this bit of high comedy, Pa was said to have gone off to meet his girlfriend”. But according to the late Diana’s book, what Prince Charles actually said was: “Oh, it’s a boy and he’s even got rusty hair” before he went off to play polo.
20. ‘The last thing Mummy saw on this Earth was a flashbulb.’

(Image/ Source: milwaukeeindependent.com)
The horrific death of Princess Diana will still be etched in a lot of people’s minds. After the crash in the Alma tunnel in Paris, there were photographers who were still trying to get snaps of the Princess despite her horrendous injuries. But it seems the last thing Diana saw was the medical staff who were treating her, as she was still actually conscious before she was transferred to hospital.
21. After Diana's funeral, 'it was suggested that we stop. People had been gathering all morning outside the front gates, some had begun leaving things.'

(Image/ Source: themirror.co.uk)
Prince Harry has admitted that he has ‘little memory’ of his mother’s funeral at Balmoral, but he still went on to give some details about the day in his autobiography. While he believed his family’s car stopped to see some items the public left, and he reached out for his father’s hand, this scene actually didn’t take place. After the church service, the royal cars proceeded without stopping at the gates of Balmoral.
22. He wanted 'release a statement, hold a press conference, tell the world' that he didn't cheat on his Art A-level coursework

(Image/ Source: ncnews.com)
A year after he left Eton, Harry was accused by an art teacher of cheating in A-level coursework. While the young Prince claims in ‘The Spare’ that Buckingham Palace wouldn’t let him make a statement, the Palace DID make a statement for him; it strenuously denied the claims the day after the story broke.
23. Newspapers' began pushing a story that I was afraid to go into the Army, that I was bunking off.'

(Image/ Source: people.com)
According to his book, the press started pushing stories that Prince Harry was
‘bunking off’ from the army, and inventing injuries as a way of stalling his deployment. But when the Daily Mail decided to investigate this, the outlet couldn’t find a single newspaper that had reported on this story at the time.
24. 'Granny chose not to attend [my father's wedding].'

(Image/ Source: newsweek.com)
It seems that Harry’s not always the best at remembering things. While the Duke of Sussex claimed the late Queen Elizabeth didn’t attend the wedding of Charles and Camilla, this isn’t exactly true; she didn’t attend the civil ceremony in Windsor Guildhall, but she DID the service and blessing – and even gave a speech at the reception.
25. 'He grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor. I landed on the dog’s bowl, which cracked under my back, the pieces cutting into me.'

(Image/ Source: thesun.co.uk)
One of the biggest revelations in ‘The Spare’ is the alleged fight between Harry and Will at Nottingham Cottage. But eagled-eyed fans discovered the above photo of Harry and Meghan’s kitchen at the cottage, which shows a stainless steel dog bowl. If it’s the same dog bowl in question, it wouldn’t have cracked under the prince’s weight.
26. ‘Before her [Meghan] were rows and rows of magazines and newspapers, and on all of them, under the most shocking and disgusting headlines . . . was her. The other customers noticed as well.'

(Image/ Source: dailymail.co.uk)
When wife Meghan walked from Kensington Palace to the nearby branch of Whole Foods back in November 2016, Harry says she stopped at the checkouts – and saw her own face splashed all over the magazines and newspapers. However, the Daily Mail decided to launch an investigation, and claim that on the day in question, November 10, Meghan didn’t feature on a single front page.
27. The Queen's corgis 'were all said to descend from the corgis that belonged to Queen Victoria.’

(Image/ Source: vogue.com)
Harry claims that he used to know the corgis,
‘living and dead, as if they were my cousins’. But it seems like he doesn’t, as his anecdote about Queen Victoria isn’t right. Victoria is said to have had more than a whopping 100 dogs in her lifetime and 28 different breeds – but never any corgis.
28. The Archbishop of Canterbury carried out an ‘a small ceremony, just the two of us, Guy and Pula [their dogs] the only witnesses. Unofficial, non-binding.'

(Image/ Source: churchtimes.co.uk)
So did Harry and Meg secretly tie the knot before their wedding day? While ‘The Spare’ says so, Lambeth Palace says not. The archbishop was merely conducting a ‘rehearsal’ for the big day, and the couple recited their vows as planned. According to English marriage law, this is perfectly normal.
29. 'The first thing we saw after leaving church... were snipers on the rooftops.'

(Image/ Source: theknot.com)
It’s natural for the royal family to step up their security at big events- especially family weddings. But the Daily Mail claims that what Harry has written in his book is ‘misleading’ because police snipers are on duty at almost every major royal event, from Trooping the Colour to the State Opening of Parliament.
30. When dating Cressida Bonas, the press 'revealed [us] to be a couple.'

(Image/ Source: marieclaire.com)
After dating Cressida Bonas in secret for two years, the prince claims the press started hounding the couple from 2014. However, it seems that he’s got his years wrong; the couple actually started receiving a LOT of press attention from 2012 onwards from multiple outlets. The pair are said to have split amicably.
31. When their son Archie was actually born
image source: hellomagazine.co.uk
There are SO many inconsistence around Archie's birth, including when he was born and what happened during labor. Their first deception about it was when they told the world that Meghan had gone into labor with Archie, only for it to be revealed that she'd already had him...
32. That Meghan "kept pushing"
image source: people.com
In describing Archie's birth - which could have been a genuine and heartfelt moment if he's sharing that with the world - he also disclosed something else that didn't make sense. He explained that Archie's head was 'stuck' and that Meghan kept on pushing. But if the baby was stuck - especially if it had the umbilical cord around its neck - she wouldn't have been told to carry on pushing.
33. And that Meghan was given Mexican food during labor
image source: cosmopolitan.com
Harry then made another claim that Meghan was given Mexican food during her labor. Now you don't need to have had a child to know that you're not going to be chowing down on Mexican food in the middle of trying to push a baby out! You can't eat food before any hospital procedure, including childbirth.
34. The surrogacy rumors
image source: themirror.co.uk
There were already rumors that Archie may have been delivered via a surrogate instead of Meghan giving birth, and what Harry included in the 'Spare' about the birth has only strengthened these rumors because many people think it just sounds like he's making stuff up about what actually happened.
35. William attacked Harry at Nottingham Cottage... while they weren't living there
image source: insider.com
We mentioned Harry's claim that William had attacked him inside their home at Nottingham Cottage, which ended up breaking the dog bowl - allegedly - but the other hole in that story is that Meghan and Harry weren't even living at Nottingham Cottage the year he claimed the fight happened - they were living at Frogmore!
36. Meghan's 'blue dress' story is more plausible
image source: harpersbazaar.com
What makes it worse that Harry incorrectly recalled - ie, lied - about what Meghan was wearing on their very first date, he's also apparently not paying attention to what his wife is wearing on their wedding day, either. Meghan says she had a thread from the first date blue dress added to her veil as 'something blue' for her wedding day. Who sounds like they're telling the truth: Meghan or Harry?
37. Harry was happily running after his father's wedding car
image source: townandcountrymag.com
Harry claimed that he pleaded with his father not to marry Camilla, and that he didn't approve at all of the wedding. But other sources say that Harry was happily running after the wedding car with William to see the bride and groom off, which doesn't sound like he was too disapproving about it...
38. He learned of Queen Elizabeth's death from the BBC website
image source: townandcountrymag.com
Harry claimed that he was on a flight to Balmoral when his phone "lit up" and he ended up checking the BBC website to learn that Queen Elizabeth II had passed away and now his father was king. But is this true? Royal sources say that Harry was told
before the media were alerted, because Charles wanted all members of the family to be told privately first...
39. All the ickiest moments from the Harry documentary: the way he pushed that suitcase

image source: thetimes.com
We're all for royals or celebs acting like they're more 'down to earth' people just like the rest of us, but the way Harry pushed that suitcase just screamed that he usually has someone to do that for him. And why did the camera angle have to be on his pants half falling down? Just weird.
40. H&M
image source: hellomagazine.co.uk
We all know how weird and uncomfortable it is when couples start to use their pet nicknames for each other out in public. Even though their nicknames aren't anything too 'private', they're still weird - mostly just for the amount they said them in the documentary. Take a shot whenever they say 'H' or 'M'!
41. The talk about her long, long curtsey

image source: themirror.co.uk
Okay, so the original moment of her curtseying awkwardly to the Queen was cringey enough at the time - but it was the documentary discussion about it that was even more awkward. Meghan mocked everything about it while Harry sort of half-smiled in the background looking like he'd rather be anywhere else.
42. When she called The Princess Diaries an "old movie"
image source: insider.com
This one's a little too personal for some of us. No matter how old you are, The Princess Diaries with Anne Hathaway remains a classic - so much so that it's definitely not an "old" movie, it's timeless, it's watchable every day of the week. So when Meghan spoke about it dismissively like 'that old movie', it rubbed a lot of viewers up the wrong way.
43. They take SO many selfies
image source: pinterest.co.uk
There's nothing wrong with taking selfies as a couple, but when the documentary filled up time with loads of photos of the pair together, it was quickly obvious they were mostly intimate selfies taken by the two of them. Seriously, SO MANY. And then they went and started talking about how they're always taking selfies...
44. When we find out they wore penguin onesies
image source: depop.com
So can't decide if it's a good or a bad thing we didn't get to see them actually wearing these. Probably a good thing, seeing as just the idea of it is cringey enough. The doc revealed that for their engagement party, everyone was dressed in animal onesies and they chose penguin onesies because 'penguins mate for life'.
45. He was first attracted to her because she was a dog
image source: skynews.com
We all know the rage of that specific doggy Snapchat filter - you open the mouth and the tongue comes out... those adorable floppy ears... well before Harry saw Meghan on Suits, or in real life, it was apparently the first time he saw Meghan with that filter on that got his tail wagging.
46. Meghan claiming she didn't know she was supposed to curtsy in the first place
image source: thetelegraph.co.uk
It was awkward enough Meghan doing that weird, mocking curtsey as she spoke about the situation, but her claims that she didn't even know she was supposed to curtsy in the first place were an ick all on their own. Either she genuinely didn't know - which is just plain weird that Harry didn't bother to tell her - or she did know, and was lying!
47. Meghan's "I'm not like other royal girls" attitude

image source: themirror.co.uk
Meghan also made a lot of remarks in the documentary about how down to earth and laid back she is, in comparison to other members of the royal family. Not to mention Harry saying how she was all 'dressed down' for their first date. She then said she was barefoot in ripped jeans when William and Kate came over for dinner... okay.
48. When he brought up that Nazi uniform
image source: people.com
One standout moment from Prince Harry's life - for all the wrong reasons - was when he wore a Nazi uniform for a party when he was 20 years old. He decided to talk about it in the documentary, and while his apology and regret was valid, it was still awkward to think about.
49. When they went to stay in the house of someone they'd never even met

image source: yahoo.com
After Harry and Meghan had stepped back from their roles and had their security taken away, they were feeling vulnerable in a home where everyone knew where they lived. They revealed in the documentary that actor Tyler Perry - who they didn't know and had never met - offered them his house and they accepted. Bit awkward.
50. When she name-dropped Beyoncé
image source: people.com
And then there was that random moment they were chilling in their office and Meghan just says that Beyoncé randomly texted her - even though she said Beyoncé didn't know who she was but somehow had her number - and then proceeded to read out a very well-worded text..