Dark Secrets Of The Jimmy Fallon Show

By Anna Collins 1 year ago

1. Workers say it's a toxic place to work

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One of the darkest secrets of the Jimmy Fallon show is how toxic the workplace has been deemed. Workers do not want to work there because the environment is so difficult. Some of them claimed that it was their dream job, and they couldn't handle it because it was so toxic.

2. Staff needed 'crying rooms'

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The workers on the show found that their mental health was massively affected. They felt like they couldn't work there anymore. The staff rooms and the makeup/dressing rooms were nicknamed crying rooms by the staff as they would go there to cry due to the terrible environment and stress.

3. Not a single member of staff contacted would support the show

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During an investigation, the crew were contacted on their opinion of Jimmy Fallon and the show. 14 crew helpers on the show said that they struggled working on the show, particularly with Jimmy Fallon. Not a single member of staff on the show would state their support in terms of working conditions.

4. Jimmy had explosive outbursts

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One of the reasons that workers found it so hard was because Jimmy Fallon himself would have such explosive moods that they were too terrified to say no. They stated that Jimmy Fallon had his good days, and his bad days and nobody would know what kind of day it would be - they lived on eggshells.

5. Some workers had suicidal ideation and needed therapy

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It was so severe that multiple members of staff working on the Jimmy Fallon show said that they had whilst working there, experienced suicidal ideation. Many others had claimed that they needed therapy as a result. Some people found themselves suffering from anxiety which they had never experienced before working on the show.

6. He did an impression in blackface

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Nick Cannon shared a video of Jimmy Kimmel and  Jimmy Fallon in blackface sketches from 2000. It showed the pair impersonating Chris Rock, in blackface which is an extremely racist thing to do. Despite issuing a public apology, his racist antics were not forgotten.

7. 'He's a mess' and a party animal

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A bartender who regularly serves Jimmy Fallon at one of his usual haunts, actually stated that Jimmy Fallon was a 'mess' and he also added that 'everything you hear is true', who hints at Jimmy Fallon's drunken antics. Critics have been concerned about Fallon's wild side.

8. He started an argument with Donald Trump

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There was an incident back in 2016 during the election period when Jimmy Fallon was massively criticized for 'humanizing' Donald Trump by ruffling his hair and teasing him. Fallon later apologized for it which then started a feud on X (at the time Twitter) as he told Fallon to 'be a man'.

9. Faced a lawsuit for racial discrimination

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Jimmy Fallon also faced a lawsuit for racial discrimination when some members of staff on the show claimed that they had been fired because of the color of their skin. A lawsuit was then launched against the show, which was eventually solved privately.

10. He caused a major panic

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It was just a month after the terrible events of 2001 and Jimmy Fallon caused a massive panic during a live show when his co-worker threw a boombox across the wall. People were still reeling and shocked and didn't know that it was a stunt on the show and so they were screaming and crying in a panic.

11. He's too apolitical

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Many celebrities are cautious when it comes to politics, and many stay completely apolitical in the public eye. But, for a talk host people are disappointed with Fallon sitting on the fence. During the 2016 elections, he had the opportunity to question politicians, and instead, he used meaningless banter rather than hard-hitting or informative questions.

12. Someone walked in on him doing illegal substances

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A former employee claims to have walked in on Jimmy Fallon taking certain substances, perhaps illegal substances on more than one occasion. He actually said that Fallon's cheery and energetic persona on the show was because he was a regular user of certain substances.

13. Lack of LGTQ+ inclusivity

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Some people have noticed that there isn't a huge amount of LGBTQ+ diversity on the show and find that in 2023 it is unacceptable not to be making a conscious effort to aim for inclusivity. People in general find that Fallon does not have a broad range of people on his show.

14. He was forced to apologize again

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Jimmy Fallon has had to make numerous public apologies over the years, and particularly in recent times. There have been a lot of serious occasions where Fallon has insulted groups of people or even shown prejudice. Now, he has had to publicly apologize for his toxic work manner behind the scenes of the show.

15. There were rumors about Jimmy Fallon's substance abuse

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Rumors have circulated that Fallon has an issue with substance abuse. It is well known that Fallon likes a party and a drink, but people claim that it is much more than this. In fact, his antics when he goes out can sometimes get wild and people have questioned if this is because he has a problem.

16. They were accused of treating women badly

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People have claimed that Jimmy Fallon has on some occasions not shown women with respect, or he has made derogatory remarks towards or about women which is unacceptable for a modern talk show. The show in general has been accused of treating women badly.

17. High-profile celebrities aired the show

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There have been many high-profile celebrities who have agreed to do an interview and have then aired the show. Celebrities have a reputation to uphold, and so people wondered if it was the celebrity taking a stand against the show or the host, rather than simply not turning up.

18. The show has been deemed as insensitive

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The show is watched by millions of people, yet some of the jokes on the show or the way some topics have been discussed in the past on the show have been deemed highly insensitive and not in line with the times. This is one of the reasons the show viewing numbers have started to dip slightly.

19. He earns $16 million for the show

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Another problem people have with the show is the fact that Jimmy Fallon earns $16 million every year for being the host of the show. However, the staff members behind the scenes have a minimum wage in comparison to this, and yet they all face mistreatment from Jimmy Fallon.

20. He once made a 'fat joke'

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In this day and age, it's important for a talk hosts to be sensitive in their choice of humor, rather than using people as the brunt of their jokes especially when it's a family watched by families and millions of people. Which, was exactly what Fallon did when he made a 'fat joke' that understandably insulted people.

21. NBC was 'worried' about his drunken mishaps

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NBC has always had their concerns about Jimmy Fallon, and more recently these concerns have changed into worries about his drunken antics. They have warned Fallon that he must cut down on his party lifestyle as they fear it will get in the way of his professional work, i.e. the show.

21. His fake laugh has been criticized

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Jimmy Fallon's laugh has become kind of iconic, whether that's because you love it and find it hilarious, or because you find it extremely irritating. But it's clear that his laugh isn't always genuine. And, because his laugh is so over the top, some people find it difficult to watch as they feel it is very forced and inauthentic.

22. He delivers 200 hours of TV every year

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200 hours is a LOT of TV to produce every year. And this is how much air time Jimmy Fallon has, so this time doesn't actually include all of the background work that goes into the show. It also gives you an indication of just how long the workers behind the scenes must be working.

23. He has a lot of haters

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It seems the list of haters is growing and growing. A few years back, Jimmy Fallon was super popular, and not many people had a bad word to say about him. But in recent years his list of haters seems to be growing and there are now a lot of people who have boycotted the show as a result.

24. He parodied Charlie Sheen during his meltdown

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In 2011 Charlie Sheen had a very hard and publicized mental breakdown where he struggled massively with mental health problems which then affected the rest of his life including his career. Jimmy Fallon parodied Sheen which came under fire for a total lack of sensitivity.

25. The cancel Jimmy Fallon trend is growing

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Not everybody is a fan of Jimmy Fallon and it seems that more and more controversies are coming out that are calling for fans to cancel Jimmy Fallon. Some call for a new host of The Jimmy Fallon Show and others want him to be canceled altogether as they do not agree with his antics.

26. Some of his pranks have been outed as fake

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Of course, on a set-up talk show, you expect some pranks to be fake. But, it's the way that the show tries to disguise them as real that riles fans. Pretending a staged prank is real has led fans to question the authenticity of both the show and the host.

27. He's been called out for trying to appease everyone

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Jimmy Fallon doesn't like to insult anyone or get on anybody's bad side, he admitted this himself. He is a self-confessed people pleaser and doesn't enjoy negative feedback or comments about himself. It can mean that he tries to appease everybody when that's not always what fans want from the show.

28. He has gotten into a lot of conflicts

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Even though some people criticize Jimmy Fallon for trying to stay on everyone's good side, it doesn't mean he doesn't get himself into conflicts. And not only on the show but also after the show. He has been involved in many fights in bars on nights out which lead people to question The Jimmy Fallon Show.

29. Sometimes his interviews are super awkward

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While he has a reputation for being able to speak with anyone and appease anyone, he doesn't always manage. Not every one of his interviews has been smooth and when he was interviewing Cardi B fans felt awkward as he didn't know what to say. He has also been told by certain guests that he made ridiculous comments.

30. He was caught crawling on the bar, singing on a night out

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As we know, Jimmy Fallon is no stranger to a wild night out partying. There was one night in particular, after his show that he went out and ended up crawling on a bar, singing karaoke in front of a room full of people. He was asking his co-workers and friends to join in with him.

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