1. She was bullied at school

image source: indiatvnews.com
When she was at school, Victoria felt very different from the other students and she was horribly bullied by her classmates. She's said that they even threw things at her - and it was so bad she didn't really have any friends, and her school days were a very lonely time indeed.
2. She was so bad live she would lip sync

image source: cosmopolitan.com
It's no secret that Posh Spice wasn't the biggest standout vocally in the Spice Girls, but it was so bad that apparently her microphone would get turned off a lot of the time during live performances so that she wouldn't be heard and would just lip sync along, with people thinking she was singing...
3. And she soon developed insecurity about her performances

image source: officialcharts.com
The reality of Posh Spice was that she was insecure about her singing and dancing performances, too. She knew that everyone thought she was the least talented, and it showed when she was shunted to the back for music videos or hardly ever getting any solo verses.
4. She was an average student
image source: dailymail.co.uk
Posh has had to work hard for what she's achieved today, as she admits herself she wasn't the most intelligent student at school, and even at theater college she failed to be the most talented there. It's interesting that a woman who didn't stand out as a student, or standout as the most interesting Spice Girl, still found her own fame and success.
5. The movie 'Fame' inspired her to become a dancer
image source: imdb.com
When she was 8 years old, Victoria went to the movie theater with her mom and sister to watch the new big thing: Fame! While she was watching the iconic dance scenes, she had a "light bulb moment" where she realized she wanted to be a dancer, too, just like Coco!
6. She's always seen herself as royalty
image source: glamour.co.uk
Victoria definitely has that rich and luxurious air about her now she's made it, so it's no surprise she always had high ambitions and saw herself as royalty. It makes sense why she's tried so hard in the showbiz world for TV shows, music and dancing to become a celebrity royal like the Kardashians.
7. And she's been known to hang out with them, too...
image source: vanityfair.com
It's no surprise someone as big as Victoria Beckham would end up in royal circles, but in recent years she also seems to have formed a friendship with Meghan Markle. With recent events surrounding Harry and Meghan coming to light, does Posh still stand by her friend?
8. She's actually been engaged before David
image source: oldloves.tumblr.com
There's no Posh without Becks, which is why it's so hard to imagine her being with anyone else! But she was actually engaged before David Beckham, to a man named Mark Wood, but the engagement never went so far as marriage due to Mark being... well, less than the perfect boyfriend!
9. And no one in the Spice Girls liked the guy!
image source: theguardian.com
It seemed that it wasn't only Victoria that disliked Mark in the end. Victoria was engaged to him during her time in the Spice Girls, and none of her bandmates seemed to like the guy. Mark was actually living with Victoria's parents at the time she was rehearsing with the band, and he didn't seem to contribute much.
10. She tried for a solo album
image source: ebay.co.uk
Victoria Beckham isn't the only one from the Spice Girls to give it a try at going solo, but it seems her bandmates had a little more success than she did! Her first solo album was aptly called Victoria Beckham and even though it did reach the top 10, after two weeks it wasn't even in the top 50!
11. And it was a huge failure!
image source: muumuse.com
Virgin Records wasn't wasting any time in cutting their losses! Due to her first album only selling 50,000 copies (and it costing around $7 million to make the album in the first place) the label decided to drop her. They made an official statement saying it was a "natural end" both parties agreed to.
12. She works out every single day

image source: hellomagazine.com
For a woman putting huge focus on her beauty and diet routine, it's also no surprise she finds a lot of time for a workout every day, like most celebrities. She makes sure to get at least one run a day in, as well as enough time spent on the gym machines and with her personal trainer.
13. And gets up at 5.30am!
image source: reddit.com
She makes sure to get up at 5.30am so that she starts off with an hour's workout before the rest of the family wakes up, and then does another hour later on - six or seven days a week! Another example of celebs setting an impossible standard and making us feel bad for a lie in!
14. Her beauty routine costs over $1000 (daily!)
image source: whowhatwear.co.uk
It's no surprise someone like Victoria Beckham spends a lot of money on the way she looks - she's a fashion designer and rich celeb after all - but her daily total is something in the $1,635 region, including products and all her beauty routines. She's also a fan of laser hair removal instead of shaving.
15. She had a reality TV show before that no one knows about

image source: ew.com
Before the latest big Netflix reveal, you might not have known that Posh Spice already tried for her own reality TV show before - and it didn't feature David or her kids. The show was called Victoria Beckham: Coming To America, but there was only one episode that was broadcast, at 4.9 million viewers. Awkward.
16. It was met with negative critical reception

image source: mirror.co.uk
Another reason that her original TV show failed with poor ratings could be down to the critical reception, too - where professional critics said the Spice Girl was too aloof - which, to be honest, is 100% true, as she usually comes across as more cool than energetic.
17. Her first performing role was in a musical called Bertie

image source: spiceverse.sosugary.com
Victoria attended dance school, and after she graduated, she auditioned for a musical called Bertie, which was based on the life of the singer Vesta Tilley. While a lot of her classmates went off to work on cruise ships, Victoria had bigger dreams - and she successfully landed the part.
18. She never does her own hair
image source: hellomagazine.com
We understand preferring to use a stylist if you're heading out for a big event, but not even touching your own hair on a day off with the family might be considered a bit extreme... But apparently Posh always has a stylist do her hair - her own personal LA colorist!
19. She has a very messy bathroom
image source: metro.co.uk
Which must be very difficult with David's OCD! Don't let the pristine public look fool you - apparently Victoria can be very messy at home. This applies specifically to the bathroom set up, and it's so bad that the pair of them have to have separate bathrooms so that David won't be annoyed by Victoria leaving things out!
20. She's struggled with acne her whole life

image source: pinterest.com
Looking at her, you wouldn't think she suffered from a single skin issue - but that's the power of makeup, we suppose! Victoria has actually struggled with acne her whole life, from her school days - which she's admitted was also why she had low self-esteem and withdrew.
21. And it was this that made her turn to makeup
image source: whowhatwear.co.uk
Understandably, the growing teen with acne turned to makeup as a cover up option - and it's something she continued into adulthood. And, as we now know, she's one of the most iconically made up (and best dressed) celebs! She obviously had to hone her makeup craft to get the look she has today - and cover her spots.
22. She's very superstitious
image source: reddit.com
There are many superstitious habits most of us know about - or even do ourselves - and Victoria is the same with the obvious ones, like not walking under ladders or paying your respects to magpies when you see them! She also makes sure to always stay in the same hotel in New York when she travels there.
23. And she uses crystals for rituals
image source: reddit.com
Posh is also very big on the power of healing crystals, and her routine always included a crystal ritual backstage before she went on for a show. She would have a pink quartz to inspire positivity, and a black obsidian skull crystal in her bag to give her strength. Whatever you believe, it works for her!
24. She was actually in another band before the Spice Girls
image source: youtube.com
Victoria actually used to be in a band called Persuasion, before she ever became Posh Spice! But it's no surprise if you've never heard of them, because the band mainly played in local pubs in the UK, and consisted of Victoria along with two other girls and two guys.
25. She eats ridiculously healthy
image source: news.com.au
It's no surprise someone who looks the way she does has a very, very strict diet. It's a plate of steamed vegetables for her! Her diet also includes Apple Cider Vinegar in the morning, and a very specific bowl of cereal and grains. But the reason for her health conscious lifestyle might go back to her youth...
26. She suffered from polycystic ovaries that caused weight gain

image source: tribune.com.pk
When she was a teenager, Victoria put on a lot of weight out of nowhere, and while originally they thought maybe it was just one of those things, they eventually found out the weight gain was caused by polycystic ovaries that Victoria was suffering from. She was encouraged to lose weight after joining the band, and this healthy eating regime has stuck with her to this day!
27. She was once a promo model for a newspaper

image source: pinterest.com
Victoria has always had model good looks, so it's no surprise she had a job as a promo model for a newspaper before her time with the Spice Girls. She posed for the Daily Mirror, and has since said they made her dress like a "bimbo" with tight clothes! Hey, a girl has to earn money.
28. And she worked at a department store on the perfume counter
image source: reddit.com
Posing for a newspaper wasn't the only 'normal' job that Victoria has had, though. She also once worked in a department store, on the perfume counter. So if you've ever ducked and hid from those assistants trying to spray you with fragrances, that was once Victoria Beckham herself.
29. Can you believe she was once called the 'worst-dressed' celebrity?
image source: cnn.com
Not only has Victoria had iconic style throughout her adult years, but as we know she's also built her own fashion label and clothing brand, as well as working with a wealth of designers. So it's pretty shocking to discover she was once labelled as the worst-dressed celebrity on the critic Richard Blackwell's 2007 list!
30. Her kids have very famous godparents
image source: reddit.com
When you're Victoria and David Beckham, you likely have a whole host of other celebs lining up to be godparents. Brooklyn and Romeo actually have actress Elizabeth Hurley and singer Sir Elton John as their godparents, and Harper has actress Eva Longoria for a godmother!